HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-01-11, Page 27DRILLING 1 Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Exeter Times–Advocate 27 Classifieds/Community Thames Road annual meeting to be held Feb. 5 By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Mr. Dave Williams was in charge of the Baptism of the Lord church service on Sunday morn- ing. Everyone sang a new Introit, Dave gave words of wel- come, lit the Christ Candle and everyone shook hands. Dave gave the announcements and Sharon Lynn gave a Minute For Council. Dave led in the Call To Worship responsively. Everyone read the Gathering Prayer in unison. The Gathering Hymn "Christ, When For Us You Were Baptized" was sung. The Prayer of Confession was read in unison. Dave gave the assurance of God's grace and pardon. The affirmation of Our Faith "A New Creed" was read in unison. The children's hymn "A Little Child, The Saviour Came" was sung. Dave told, the young at heart a story "My Dad And Little Joe". The ladies of the choir sang "Star Light Star Bright accompanied by Jean Hodgert on the piano. Psalm 29 was read responsively, Dave read Mark 1:4- 11 and the title of his meditation was "A New Beginning, Again Hymn of Praise God, We Pray At This Beginning". 20 Property for Rent 20 Property for Rent HURON PARK, CIO NTAR IIO (25 miles North of London) RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 Bedroom Single & Semi -Detached Homes All have front and backyards and a full basement Rent ranging from $394.00 per month and up, plus utilities DEL Management Solutions Inc_ Telephone 519-228-6657 Bruce Delbridge and Gerald Cunnington received the offering and Bruce was the greeter. The closing hymn "We Have This Ministry" was sung. Dave gave the commissioning and pronounced the Benediction. The closing chorus was sung. Announcements Sunday school dates: Jan., 15, Feb., 12. If any young people are interested in attending Confirmation Classes, please see Dave Williams. Typed annual reports are to be given to Sharon Lynn by Jan. 15. The Annual Meeting will be Feb. 5 at 1 p.m. The Finance Committee will host a Poor Boy Luncheon prior to the meeting. Personals Ray and Alice Cann of Landysmith British Columbia attended the Parsons - Hodgert wedding on Saturday at Thames Road Church. Congratulations to Barry and Amy. Dining for seniors EXETER — The new season for dining pro- grams began recently..All newcomers are welcome. Foot care appointments can be made by contact- ing 235-0258. The next appointment dates will be Jan. 3 and 17 and again Feb. 7 and 21. Our exercise program at the Lion's Youth Centre is at 9 a.m. every Wednesday morning. Any new individuals are always welcome. Solo is every Wednesday at the Lion's Youth Centre starting at 1 p.m. Please note the time change starting in the New Year. For more information please phone Sandi Maxwell at 235-0107 or Mary Horn at 235-4350. All newcomers welcome. If you are interested in clogging lessons, please give us a call at 235-0258. We will be starting class- es, Thursday mornings at 10 a.m- as soon as we have ten people and we are almost to that point. If you think you might like the music and activity why not give it a try? Brian Horner, president of South Huron Minor Hockey Association accepts a $500 donation from Corlette Elder,Account Manager with Farm Credit Canada. Farm Credit Canada rewards employees across Canada who give back to their local communi- ties where employees and customers live and work through the EmployeeVolunteer Program. Corlette is the Treasurer for South Huron Minor Hockey and this is the 3rd time she has received a $500 donation in support of this organization from Farm Credit Canada through their EmployeeVolunteer Program. (photo/submitted) Ask TheE ert Learn more from those who have the answers! 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Hay River, NT. BLYTH FESTIVAL INVITES APPLICATIONS for full time fundraising position at our theatre. Details of job at www.blythfestival.com under "about us" Deadline Jan. 20, 2006. CONSULTANTS NEEDED for home based business. New to Canada in September 2005. "Signature Homestyles" Home Decor and Gifts. Ground floor opportunity. Call Lorna 780-871-0444 NORTHERN CANADA RETAIL OPPORTUNITIES - The North West Company, with over 140 stores, is the leading provider of food and everyday products in Northern Canada and needs employees. Currently seeking: Store Managers, Meat, Grocery, Produce, Fast Food Service, EntryLevel and Non -Management. Attractive compensation and benefits package, including subsidized food and fully furnished housing. Opportunities for Career Advancement. Send your resume in confidence to: storesrecruitment@northwest.ca or fax to 204-934-1696. TNWC is an equal opportunity employer. REPRESENT A QUALITY LEADER - Texas oil company urgently needs dependable outside sales/service rep to call on local construction, trucking, manufacturing, farm, busi- ness customers. ISO 9001 quality & service leader, est 1933, worldwide manufacturer of cost-saving greases, oils & fuel additives, repeat business, high commissions paid by the order, full training, flexible hours, office from home, unmatched support & integrity. Contact B.V. Owens, SWEP- CO, 800-866-0135, fax 800-736-5823 or email owens@swepcousa.com SUNWOLD FARMS LTD. is hiring for the positions of Breeding Department Head and Farrowing Department Head in its 2500 -sow production facility near Indian River, Ontario. A minimum of two years swine production and management experience is required. We offer competitive starting salaries, bonus incentives and benefit plans. Forward applications to Brent Lohner, Production Manager, Sunwold Farms Ltd. Telephone: (403) 548-3818, Fax: (403) 546-4179, E-mail: brent.lohner@sunterra.ca