HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-01-11, Page 9Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Exeter Times—Advocate 9 Ladies Auxiliary meeting on Feb. 7 at the rest home By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH CORRESPONDENT ZURICH - The next free bus ride to the Bank of Montreal in Hensall will be on Fri., Jan. 13 leaving from the Maple Woods Apartments at 9:15 a.m. and by 9:30 a.m. from the Zurich, Main St. corner at blinking light. The Ladies Auxiliary meeting at the Blue Water Rest Home is Tues., Feb. 7 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditori- um. Everyone is wel- come to attend. Tomorrow, Thurs., Jan 12 is the Zurich Agricultural Society meeting at the Township Hall at 7:30 p.m. All members are encouraged to attend. The Golden Agers held their meeting at the Hay Township Hall on Mon., Jan. 9 at noon. The Quilter's Guild will meet on Mon. morning, Jan. 16 at the Hay Township Hall (downstairs). A progressive euchre card party will be held on Mon., Jan. 23, 7:30 p.m. at the Hay Township Hall. Anyone wanting to play "Pepper" is wel- come at the township hall on Fridays at 1 p.m. There is another Blood Donor Clinic at the Zurich Complex on Sat., Jan. 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call 1- 888-2 DONATE. Doris and Berne McKinley of Truro, Nova Scotia enjoyed spending time in Zurich over the Christmas season vis- iting with several friends in the area, one being Ron and Sharon Schroeder. They enjoyed going to the Levee on New Year's Day at the com- plex. St. Peter's Lutheran Church is having a Family Games Night on Fri., Jan. 27 begin- ning with a barbecue supper at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall (freewill offering). Members of the com- munity are invited to attend by calling ahead at 236-4697. Louis and Catherine Masse held their fami- ly dinner and get together at their home on New Year's Day. Congratulations to Mike Vandenberk and Rebecca Goehring of Grand Bend who were married on Dec. 31 at the home of Sandra and Chris Regier in Zurich. In the evening everyone had fun attending the New Year's Eve Dance at the Blue Water Complex in Zurich. Carmel Sweeney spent a few days last week in Windsor, visit- ing her mother (Jeanne Bedard) in Hotel Dieu Hospital and also visited with her sisters and other relatives. Jim and Deanna Fawcett of Bayview Subdivision celebrated their Christmas with family members in London. On Boxing Day they flew to Comox, British Columbia to spend New Year's Eve with friends and returned home on Jan. 2. St. Boniface Knights of Columbus is having a Wine and Cheese "Ladies Night" on Mon., Jan. 16 at 8 p.m. in their parish hall. Happy Birthday wishes to Meagan Sweeney on Jan. 7. Also to twins Justine and Jacqueline Gelinas on Jan. 7; Marie Gelinas of Map 1 e w o o d s Apartment and Father Francis on Jan. 11; Paul Klopp and twin sister Linda Earle of London on Jan. 14; and Jerome Sweeney on Jan. 18. Entertainment for residents of Blue Water Rest Home in Zurich on Wed., Jan. 11 will be provided by Grace, Irvin and Dwayne Martin begin- ning at 6:30 p.m. On Fri., Jan. 13, 2:30 p.m. the Grand Bend Seniors Band will entertain the resi- dents. A Square Dance group will entertain at the Home on Mon., Jan. 16 at 2:30 p.m. Bingo games will be played on Tues., Jan. 17, 2:00 p.m. Those from Community Living will be helping out. At 7 p.m. the same evening is the Nursing Home Singers entertaining. Harvey and Friends entertain on Wed., Jan 18 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to come out to these programs and listen to the music, visit the residence and maybe help Patty serve the lunch for the resi- dents. Pop cans are still being collected for St. Include your Boniface Building Fund. Drop them off at the home of Doug Debus of Zurich or John Jacobs on Main Street Hensall If you have a dog his 2006 tag is due now. Contact the Blue Water Office in Zurich at 236-4351, ext. 232 for more information. A late fee of $10 will be applied after the Feb. 28 deadline. The next event com- ing up for the 150th anniversary in Zurich will be on Feb. 18 and 19 put on by the Scouts and Brownies. This is "Thinking Day" and Brownies and Scouts will have a walking tour of the vil- lage. A tea room at the township hall will be set up to display old pictures, uniforms, and display some of the things they do. On Sunday they will have a church service. If anyone has articles pertaining to Brownies or Scouts please call Hubert Thiel at 236- 4577 or Marianne Keller 236-7418 as soon as possible. Members of the Exeter Synchronized Skating teams trav- elled to the Milverton Competition on Sun., Jan 8. Some members of the Bluewater - Zurich Skating Club are going to Windsor from Jan. 13 to 15 to compete in the Great Lakes Winter Skating Fest. Good luck to them. St. Peter's Church Ladies (ELW) held their monthly meeting on Tues., Jan. 10 in their parish hall with a good turn out. ♦ ♦ N N...,.1.,..,...,1, N....,., +,..,.,,... At Famme & Co. LLP, we are committed to setting a standard for excellence in professional services The history of our success is attributed to the caliber of our people and their ability to work togehter to build firm financial solutions for our clients. Katherine Morrissey, B.A., C.A. Brad Groeneweg, H.B.Com, C.G.A. The partners and staff of Famme & Co. LLP Chartered Accountants would like to congratulate Katey and Brad on the successful completion of their Chartered Accountant and Certified General Accountant final examinations. 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