The Times Advocate, 2006-01-11, Page 7Wednesday, January 11, 2006 Exeter Times–Advocate 7 Principal's message EXETER — Now that Christmas Break is behind us, it's time to think about the end of first semester and the upcoming exams. The exam period runs from Jan. 27 to Feb. 1, followed by a PA Day Feb. 2, with second semester beginning Feb. 3. The exam timetable has been posted in class- rooms this week and is available on the South Huron website at www.amdsb.ca/SHDHS/current/ Final exams will be held in most first semester academic courses, but there will not be exams or assessments in year-long courses during the exam period. This means students in Grade 9 will have no more than two exams, students in Grade 10 will have no more than three exams, while students in Grades 11 and 12 may have up to four exams. During the exam period students are required to attend only at those times when they have an exam to write. If they have only a morning exam, they are free to go home once the exam is completed. If they have only an afternoon exam, they are not required to be in attendance in the morning. However, the buses will run on the regular schedule throughout the exam period, and students who have an afternoon exam only may come in on the bus in the morning. They must, however, stay out of the areas where exams are being written, which will be the large gym and some classrooms at the east end of the school. The library will be available during the exam period for quiet study only: students will not be permitted to gather there to socialize. The cafeteria will be available as well during the day, but students will JEFF not be permitted to wander the halls while exams are being written. REABURN Lockers in the areas where exams are being written will not be accessible during the exam periods. Students will need to get what PRINCIPAL'S they need before the commencement of the exams each day and MESSAGE they may not return to their lockers until the conclusion of each exam session. Again, this only applies to lockers in the areas where exams are being written. The specific locations will be announced over the next couple of weeks. Students are required to return their textbooks to their classroom teachers before writing each exam. The classroom teacher will instruct the students as to how he/she will collect the texts. Students may not bring coats, book bags, etc. into the exam rooms. The classroom teachers will advise the students of what supplies they are required to bring to the exams (pens, pencils, math sets, calculators). Exams vary in length from an hour and a half to three hours (only a few senior exams are this long), and students are required to stay for a minimum of one hour. Exams are collected by the supervising teachers and students who have not fully completed an exam will be asked to stay and finish it. Any student caught cheating on an exam will be assigned a zero and may face additional disciplinary action. Any medical, dental or other appointments that may conflict with exams should be cancelled or re -scheduled in advance of the exam period Students who fail to show up for exams will be assigned a zero and will not be permitted to write the exam unless a doctor's note is provided. In extenuating or emergency situations, alternate exam arrangements may b made, subject to approval by the principal. Parents should contact me directly in such situations. In the event of a snow day during the exam period, the exams will be moved back by one day. For example, should there be a snow day Jan. 27, that day's exams will be written Jan. 30, with the exams for Jan. 30 moved to the 31st, and so on. Bus cancellations will be announced in the usual manner. Students are advised to begin preparing for exams well in advance. It would be a good idea for them to start reviewing their notes now and seeking extra help in any areas where they may need it. While "cramming"= for exams works for a small number of students, it doesn't work for most. We recommend students prepare by studying small amounts numerous times well in the weeks leading into exams. That means they should be preparing now, prefer- ably doing some studying every night for the next two weeks. Finally, I would like to advise everyone of the next community forum being pre- sented by the School Council, which will take place Jan. 19 in the school library. The topic for this forum is "Balancing Life," and the session will focus on the vari- ous demands teenagers face trying to balance school work, part-time employment, sports, activities and their social lives. This session will be particularly appropriate for parents of teenagers who may be trying to do too much and finding difficulty handling the stress of trying to balance all the things going on in their lives. The focus of the session will be on helping young people set priorities and realistic goals. I will provide more specific information on this session in next week's col- umn INVENTORY LIQUIDATION FOUR SEFSONS JEWELLERY DESIGNS Is Closing Its Doors after 21 YEEIRS IN EXETER ORDER YOUR CUSTOM DESIGNS NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN! 40"OF ALL INSTOCK JEWELLERY NEW MERCHANDISE ARRIVING DAIIY • LARGE SELECTION OF DIAMOND MERCHANDISE FOUR SEASONS JEWELLERY DESIGNS Phone: (519) 235-2666 423 Main St., Exeter, ON SIE EXPFESS = MET Hay Communications Co-operative Limited presented a $1,500 cheque to the Sesquicentennial committee Sunday at Zurich's 150th birthday. From left are Sesquicentennial committee member Marg Deichert accepting the donation from director of Hay Communications board of directors, Paul Klopp.The money will help support the cost of Zurich's newly launched history book,"Zurich, Ontario 150 1856-2006 Sesquicentennial" (photo/Nina Van Lieshout) Exeter and are seniors reminded to vote EXETER -Exeter Senior Citizens held their first 2006 meeting on Jan 3 at the Exeter Legion. Sixty-seven people attended and enjoyed a potluck supper at 6 p.m. President Shirley Kirk opened the meeting in the usual way. Happy Birthday was sung to Lillian Mathers and Jane Dearing. An enjoyable New Year's evening was held at The Masonic Hall with Sandi Maxwell and Earl Gackstetter as co -hosts of the evening. Vera Armstrong thanked the club on behalf of the Legion for the contributions received last month from The Exeter Seniors group. We are reminded of the upcoming euchreama March 31 at the Legion at 10 a.m. Jim Bearss was chairman for the program. He introduced our guest speaker Leonard Hawkins of St Mary's speaking about his six years experi- ence working in China. Door prize winners were Madeline Sweitzer, Chris Phillips, Irvin Armstrong, Lois McFalls, Harry Dougall and Cecil Squires, Share The Wealth winners were; Bill Thomas, Elwood Truemmner, Judy Leybourne, Lillian Mathers, Burdene Morgan, Maureen Wood, Clif Leybourne and Anne Cottel. We were reminded to get out and vote Jan 23 and the meeting closed with the Seniors Prayer. advertisers. . pay bgphone We gladly accept payment for your account by Visa or Mastercard. call 519-235-1331 Sue Rollings today. TIMES ADVOCATE aEr'71g,W ��hammorlI C7 okeup �5c1, ieliL l Services incluae: b Cut Perrifi Vexing Maueup C Style Colour ct',G'eAc ing (1` gsthetics Ganging .Effects hair, Makeup Ej--4 Q4etics is opening January 1661 HOURS: 12:-00 - 6:00 p.m. Lscatecii 175 Main St. in Licari ',all or clrop in to Look Limn, appointment with Jamie! Phone: 227.0100