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Exeter Times—Advocate
Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Forecast for the new year
The Exeter Times -Advocate surveyed prominent members in our commu-
nity asking for their forecast of 2006. Will it be a year of development,
change and challenges or will it be a year of cutbacks, hard decisions and
hard work?
ORGANIZATION: Carol Mitchell, Huron -Bruce MPP
2006 WILL BE A YEAR OF: opportunities and challenges.
WHY? The challenges remain the same as in 2005: reducing the Ontario budget
deficit and at the same time meeting the needs of its citizens.
Health care, education and building a strong economy will remain
the government's top priorities.
AND HOW TO MEET THEM?: To maintain the province's growing
economy will be the key challenge. We are faced with a Canadian
dollar which is appreciating. This makes our products less com-
petitive in the world market. Energy prices continue to act as a
brake on the economy. There is continued uncertainty about the
U.S. economy which remains our major trading partner. The agri-
culture community is suffering from low commodity prices.
Ontario is well positioned to meet the challenges. Our four-year
plan to eliminate the deficit is working.
The baseline has been established for wait times for hip and knee, cancer,
cataract, cardiac and MRIs. The wait time strategy will be implemented. We
have started to see a turn around in recruitment of doctors through family health
On the education front, peace and stability has been restored. Also, there is
new funding for rural schools and enhancement of co-op programs and appren-
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The industrial area in Huron Park is moving to full
devolution from the province. This will allow the business community to invest in
their properties. This will be the first step in Huron Park reaching its full poten-
tial. This should become a key asset in South Huron's economy.
Huron/Bruce economy is growing. Wind ever-
` - gy moves forward. Huron/Bruce has received
- 435 megawatts of power; and restart of 1 and
I ` 2 at Bruce Power.
Inc uc_e your
Happy new year in Granton
By Muriel Lewis
Granton -Wesley
United church on
Sun., Jan. 1, lay pas-
tor Paul Vollick led
the service and the
message was enti-
tled "To the
Extreme." The
were from
Isaiah 61, Matthew
2, Galatians 4 and
Ephesians 3.
Eric McRobert lit
the Christ Candle.
The ministry of
music was a medley
of Christmas carols
sung by Amie
Pop tabs are
requested to provide
a wheelchair for
Trace Walker.
At St. Paul's
Anglican Church in
Kirkton on Sun.,
Jan. 1, Rev. Dalice
Sim celebrated the
Holy Eucharist. The
message was about
Jesus being reunited
with God. Brent
Blackler read the
Anyone wishing to
submit a news item,
please call 225-
Happy New Year.
Dec. 28 news
The Granton com-
munity welcomes
Cynthia and Ryan
Harris who moved to
their new home on
King Street during
the weekend.
A Christmas Eve
Communion service
was held at 7 p.m. at
Granton Wesley
United Church. The
Christ Candle was lit
and the children
continued the story
of the Jesse Tree. A
nativity scene out-
side in front of the
church with a real
live donkey was very
The Christmas Day
service at 10 a.m. at
the Granton -Wesley
U.C. took the form
of a carol sing.
A New Year's Day
service is scheduled
for 10 a.m. at
Granton -Wesley U.
May the joy of
Christmas continue
into a Happy New
At St. Paul's
Anglican Church in
Kirkton on
Christmas Eve, Rev.
Dalice Sim celebrat-
Engagcmcnt anci.,r Wedding Photo
in the
2006 Dridal Ec
Grooms Name
1 Groom's Parents Names Brides Parents Names
Engagement Date Wedding Date
1 Attendants Names
Your photo and write up will
4.99 p
a oear in a ecial bridal
$26.74 imue Wednesday Feb. 8/06
Deadline for submitting photos and information is Friday, January 27, 2006
Don't miss out - simply drop off your photo and information to the
Monday to Friday
8:30am to 4:30pm
or call
Use the following form and submit to the TIME&ADVOCATE
Bride's Name
ed the Holy
Eucharist. The mes-
sage was about the
joy of God's gift of
love through the
birth of the Christ
Kathy Blackler
read the lessons.
The Advent and
Christ Candles were
lit by Brendan and
Joshua Blackler and
Garth Blackler.
The anthem by the
choir was entitled
'What Child is this?'
with a solo part by
Sarah Blackler.
Following commu-
nion, `Silent Night'
was sung by candle-
The community of
Kirkton and sur-
rounding area
mourns the sudden
death of Burns
Blackler, age 78 at
Stratford General
Hospital on Thurs.,
Dec. 22. Visitation at
Andrew L. Hodges
Funeral Home in St.
Mary's on Tues.,
Dec. 27 afternoon
and evening.
Funeral at St. Paul's
Anglican Church in
Kirkton on Wed.,
Dec. 28 at 2 p.m.
Wedding Deception Location Honeymoon Location
Couples Residence Location