HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-12-28, Page 26Wednesday, December 28, 2005 s '� The Glassifieds e ClassifiedC 1 The Classifiedsa ss � f � Qd �The Classifieds The Classifieds The Classifieds Exeter Times -Advocate 25 PLACE AN AD In Person: 424 Main Street South, Exeter, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. By Phone: (519) 235-1331 By Fax: (519) 235-0766 By E-mail: ads@southhuron.com CLASSIFIED/ ANNOUNCEMENT WORD AD DEADLINE MON. 10 A.M. SUPER ADS Get results with our $15 Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no charge. • For Sale items only • One item per ad • Private non-commercial ads only • All ads must be prepaid Call 235-1331 for bordered or monthly ad rates CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Lost, Found 2 To Give Away 3 Work Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Crops 10 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 30 Free Recyclables VISA WORD ADS I insertion $11.00 2 insertions $19.00 3 insertions $27.00 20 word maximum 20¢ for each additional word Plus GST NOTICES Births, Announcements, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events - 50 words 1 insertion $15.00 2 insertions $30.00 3rd insertion free 20¢ for each additional word In Memoriam - $15.00, plus 25 per line of verse Plus GST PAYMENT METHODS • Cash • Cheque • Debit Card • VISA • MasterCard Please check your ad on the first day it appears to ensure that it is correct. All classified ads must be prepaid. 3 Work Wanted MOTHER OF 2 TO BABYSIT IN MY HOME - Flexible hours. Monday to Friday. On Hwy. 21 between St. Josephs and Bayfield. Call Angela 236-4663. (49-52*) WANTED: FIREARMS STU- DENTS - Our next "One Stop" Firearms Course is in Dashwood on Jan. 21, 22 & 28. Advance registration only. Call Terry Romphf at 237-3248 and leave message. (51-2) CARPENTER FOR HIRE - Over 20 years experience. Custom kitchen, baths, doors, windows, custom trim, drywall, paint, tile. Call Larry 238-5720. (51-1*) 4 Help Wanted DRIVERS - PAY INCREASE - Deliver new trucks throughout the U.S. & return with new trucks from U.S. plants. 47/48 cpm. Motel provided nightly. No cost family medical. Frequent flyer miles. Must have AZ license w/OTR T/T exp. 800-689-8525.(49-52*) FULL TIME OFFICE POSI- TION - available. Various office jobs which will include Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable. Computer experi- ence necessary and Agriculture background an asset. Please send or fax resume with refer- ences to Brussels Livestock, Box 59, Brussels, Ont. NOG 1H0 or fax 519-887-9449. (51;52) JOIN OUR HOME BUSINESS - that's been setting growth records for 14 years. For more info call 519-229-6232. (28tfx4) 4 Help Wanted MYSTERY SHOPPERS NEEDED IN EXETER - to shop businesses. Apply online at www.secretshopnet.com (50-1*) A JOB AT HOME - $493.97 weekly. Mail work or computer work. Go to: www.ANewHomeJob.com or write for Free details at 3-11 Bellerose Dr., Suite #122, St. Albert, AB. T8N 5C9. (50-52x) BRANICK FURNITURE REFINISHING - Repairs, stain- ing and finishing. Mike Hodgins 294-6953. (46-1*) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS - Laverne McCarter 235- 1062. (l2tfn) 5 Business Opp. Promote your business opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in South Central Ontario. Book your advertisement in 67 Metroland community newspapers with one phone call. Call today for information on weekly word ad packages (intemet listings included) 416-493-1300 ext. 288 www.metroland.com KENPAL FARM PRODUCTS 1Nc' Kenpal Farm Products Inc. is a vitamin mineral manufacturing company based in Centralia, Ontario, specializing in nutritional and management programs delivered directly to livestock producers and feedmills in the Southwestern Ontario area. Due to our continued growth, we are currently looking for a Purchasing Assistant. The ideal candidate must be familiar with current word processing applications and spreadsheet software and possess excellent communication and organizational skills. Experience working in a highly detailed professional environment would be very beneficial. A competitive compensation and benefit package is offered. Please submit your resume in confidence either by mail, e-mail or fax by Wednesday, January 11, 2006 to: Heath Palen c/o Kenpal Farm Products Inc. R.R. #1 69819 London Road Centralia, Ontario NOM 1K0 Fax: (519) 228-6485 e-mail: hpalen@kenpal.on.ca We thank all applicants that apply, however only the candidates chosen for an interview will be contacted. 6 Services 6 Services N.C. JONES & SONS Ltd. *Excavating *Trucking *Sand *Gravel *Topsoil • Site preparation • Land Clearing • Embankment const. • Basements • Driveways • Parking lots • Ponds • Open drainage • Demolition Call anytime for a free no -obligation estimate (519) 870-5546, (519) 878-3834, (519) 235-2489 TODD BOB SHOP MURRAY'S WOODWORKS - Custom cabinets & furniture. Small home repairs. 519-234- 6127. (38-11*) TELEPHONE INSTALLA- TIONS, WIRING REPAIRS - Call Peter McFalls - 235-0368. (8tfn2) "HONEY DO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Grass Cutting & Trimming, Home Repairs, Odd Jobs, Glenn Pfaff 237-3835. (26tfn) 9 Crops GOOD QUALITY - 1st, 2nd and 3rd cut baled hay, $3.00/bale. Call 461-1829. (50-5SA) HAY FOR SALE - Small squares, 1st and 2nd cut. $3.50/bale delivered in St. Marys area. 229-6868. (45-52SA) 10 Sports Equip &Vehicles 1995 SKI -D00 470 MX - yel- low, rebuilt engine, new clutch. In good condition. $1700 obo. 262-3448.(52-1*) 2001 YAMAHA SXR 600 TRIPLE - Hand and thumb warmers, 2 windshields, 5255 kms. $4,600 obo. (519)234- 6785. (49-4SA) 10 Sports Equip, Veh 1996 SKI-DOO FORMULA SLS - 500 cc. liquid cooled. As is $2,000. 236-4474. (51;52*) 11 Cars, Trucks 2003 MONTE CARLO, BLACK - like new, V6, auto, only 51,000 km, loaded, sunroof, priced to sell at $15,500. Call 284-2358 St. Marys. (38 -ISA) 1994 CHRYSLER LEBARON LLA - new tires and brakes, cer- tified. Asking $2,900, 220,000 km. Call 238-1302. (46 -ISA) 1995 CADILLAC DEVILLE - off white colour exterior. Mint condition. 188,000 kms. $5995 or best offer. 228-6428. (49- 4SA) 1999 CHEV SILVERADO LS - loaded. Approximately 123,000 km. $15,000 or best offer. 284- 8076. (46 -ISA) 1994 BUICK LESABRE - loaded, 164,000 km. certified and e -tested, $2900 obo. 349-2061. (47-2SA) 12 Pets 6 MONTH OLD PONY FOALS - Very quiet. Only 4 left. Will keep until Christmas. Also new pony saddles. 519-475-4531. (47-2SA) Community Living - South Huron Invites applications for PART-TIME SUPPORT WORKERS These positions involve supporting people to become involved in their communities, and in all aspects of daily living. Successful applicants will: - have a strong commitment to supporting individuals with a developmental disability - demonstrate good interpersonal skills, be self - motivated and a team player -possess current CPR and First Aid Certificate - have access to vehicle - great opportunity for students studying in the social services field to pick up weekend and evening hours. - very competitive wages Please send resume to: Community Living -South Huron 146 Main Street, P.O. Box 29, Dashwood, Ontario NOM 1N0 Fax: (519) 237-3190 E-mail: clsh@hay.net 12 Pets CHESAPEAKE BAY RETRIEVER PUPS - ready to go December 15th, $400. 1st shots included. 519-225-2294. (49-4SA) COCKAPOO - 9 months old, female, spayed, all shots, well trained, $500. 236-4474. (51;52*) JACK RUSSELL PUPPIES - ready for Christmas, 1st shot, $300. 284-4139 (50-5SA) THREE MALE DOBERMAN PUPPIES - Black and tan to lov- ing homes only. Declaws and tails done. $700. Call 263-2676 or leave message. (51;52*) BORDER COLLIE REG. MALE PUPS - 1st shots, vet - checked, excellent blood lines, ready Jan. 2. Also Reg. Border Collie for stud. Thorndale 519- 461-1797. (51-6SA) 13 Musical Instruments PA SYSTEM RENTALS FOR PARTIES OR BANDS - Wireless mics, CD players, speakers, mixers, etc. Lighting available. Exeter Music 235- 1263. (30tfn) PIANO - Lowery Hampton, very good condition, brown, tuned in May/05, $1050, call 238-1302 after 6:00 pm. (46-1 SA) GUITAR - IBANEZ - Acoustic with Pre -Amp. Purchased 09/2004. LIKE NEW with padded carrying case and pock- ets. Pre -amp with treble, base and volume. Low battery indica- tor. Great Xmas gift! $350. 519-284-4985 daytime only. (49- 4SA) 14 Appliances, Tel. INGLIS FROST FREE FRIDGE - glass shelves, perfect condition, almond colour, $150. Call 284- 4907 after 7 pm. (45-525A) 16 For Sale 2 LINDA LUNDSTROM COATS - 1 coral, 1 pewter, $350 each, immaculate new condition. Satin white wed- ding dress, size 8, strapless, must see $350. Navy Blue peg Perego classic model with large wheels, immacu- late new condition, $275. 519-461-1824. (47-2SA) 2 SECTIONS HEAVY- DUTY SHELVING - c/w 3 shelves, 7 ft x 3 ft x 6 ft high, $250; 1 new Class III Max - Frame receiver $75; trailer hitch for Ford F series up to 1996, 1-175 watt Mercury yard light $75, 1 250 watt Mercury yard light $75. Rebuilt motors of different sizes, 2 hp, 5 hp, 7 1/2 hp, 230V/1725 RPM TEFC, 2-5 hp Farmatic mill motors. 229-6811. (47-2SA) 20 HP TROY BUILT ESTATE TRACTOR - w/48" 2 stage HD snow blower & mower, low hrs, loaded w/extras $5995. 235-4360. (46-1 SA) 16 For Sale 4 GOOD 195/60/15 TIRES - on alum. 3 -point rims (Probe GT); fits most 5 -bolt Japanese. $250/set. Also, 225/75/16 Hankook truck/SUV tire on alum. 6 -bolt rim, like new, $50. 284-1134. (51-6SA) 4 SNOW TIRES AND RIMS FOR JETTA - Used only 2 sea- sons. $200. 235-0028 ask for Shawn. (48-3SA) 4 WINTER TIRES ON CHEVY RIMS - 85% rubber, P185-75 R14. $250 firm. 461-0613. (46- 1 SA) 52" TV PACKAGE - including DVD/VCR surround sound. Whole package $1300. 228- 6441 or 933-9572. (50-5SA) APPLES, SPIES AND OTHER VARIETIES - Fresh cider made Saturdays. Black River/Wellesley Juices, Greaves Jams/Jellies. Apple Butter/Honey. Open Saturdays. Hwy. 4 & Crediton Sideroad. Sawyer's Orchard. 235-0446. (42tfn) APPLES, SPIES AND OTHER VARIETIES - SAWYERS ORCHARD - Holiday Hours. Open every Saturday as usual, except for January 7, 2006. 235-0446. (52-1) BIRD SEED! - Lowest prices in midwest Ontario...Guaranteed. Black oil, Nyger, No more squirrel, more only at Riverline Nature, The Square, Goderich. (50-1x) BISSEL CANISTER CAR- PET CLEANER PLUS - $150; Nutone stovehead/exhaust fan with light $75; rowing machine $100; portable step machine $40; items never used. Easy glider $40; 6 office chrome/vinyl chairs $120 as new. 519-461-0068. (46- 1SA) CHAMPAGNE FULL LENGTH FOX FUR COAT - $2500 obo. Call 284-1366. (45-52SA) DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Can be delivered to your door. Call Kirkton 229-8237. (29-52SA) ELMIRA AIRTIGHT WOODBURNING STOVE - 6 years old, ash pan, glass door, fan, like new, $500; 1997 Mercury Mystique, 2.5 litre, 6 cyl., 4 door, pw, pl, 270 kms. as is, $1000 obo. Call 229-8196. (51-6SA) FIREWOOD - seasoned hard- wood beech, ash and maple, delivered or picked up. Call Dignan Landscaping at 236- 4457 (47tfn) FIREWOOD FOR SALE - Delivery available.238-8491 (51-2*) FIVE PIECE WHITE WICK- ER SET - with cushions. $150 or best offer. Excellent condition. Please call 235- 4006. (51-6SA)