HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-12-21, Page 5252 Exeter Times—Advocate Wednesday, December 21, 2005 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Mr. & Mrs. Claus I have been learning about the true meaning of Christmas.. . So to all the families out there have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Caleb Wilkinson Age: 5 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa I have been a very good boy this year. I love John Deere tractors. When I grow up I think my Grandpa Hern will let me drive one of his. For now I will settle for toy tractors. Could you also send me some clothes since I am getting so big. Thanks Santa! P. S. -Don't forget to bring Mommy and Daddy something too. Love, Bryson Bryson Hern Age: I year Parents: Nathan Hern & Teresa Haugh We wish everyone all the Blessings of the Christmas Season The Residents and Staff of the Exeter Villa Nursing & Retirement Home 235-1581 Season's Greetings C.E. Reid & Sons (Hensall) Ltd. •Sand 'Gravel • Excavating and Trucking Hensall 263-2321 Exeter 235-2262 Love Santa. Kelli McGregor Grade 7/8 Usborne School I awoke to the faint sound of a Christmas hymn. The blinking, bright green digits on my radio clock read 7:00 a.m. As I pulled back the layers of quilts and hopped out of bed, the sweet aroma of turkey stuffing wafted up to my room. My bare feet welcomed the warmth of the soft carpet that lay beneath my bed. Grasping my fuzzy brown teddy bear by his tiny, worn paw, I tip -toed across the room. I peeked around the corner of the doorway, anticipating a quick wink from the legendary jolly man in the red suit, just as he dis- appeared into thin air. However, I found a very differ- ent surprise in old St. Nick's place. Leaving my teddy bear to fend for himself, I bounded down the endless stairs. I gasped in shock as my toes felt the coolness of the hardwood floor. The chandelier lights shook in a Christmas morning greeting as I raced down the hallway. There before me, as though it had been awaiting my arrival, was a brand new bike. What few early morning sun rays there were, shone upon it as though it were an angel from the heaven above. Now even at the age of nine, I knew that my new bike was not an angel, but is was the next best thing. Red and silver paint covered the bike from fender to fend- er. Smooth, black handlebars gave it a sleek look. However, the most important feature was hanging down from the red ribbon tied neatly around the cush- ioned seat. Written on a small piece of plain white parchment in small fancy lettering, was a very special note. Dear Kelli, Dreams do come true. P.S. Thanks for the milk and cookies! Love Santa. The creaking sound of the oven door closing broke my dreamy moment of silence. Fresh baked short- bread cookie smells tickled my nose. As I ran towards the warm kitchen and the appealing fra- grances erupting from it, I bumped into my sleepy broth- er. His eyes were drooping towards the floor, as he slowly dragged his feet one step after the other. Thin, blonde wisps of hair stuck out every which way so that it looked as though he had just rolled out of bed or been struck by lightning. A wide grin spread across his face from ear to ear, exposing his pearly white teeth. In the kitchen there was a lot more bustling about. A wave of rich, delicious smells filled my nose as soon as I stepped onto the linoleum floor of the kitchen. Silver pots and pans were scattered on the stove, the counter tops and even the floor. Things were bubbling and boiling, baking and roasting. Glass jars filled with every colour of the rainbow sat lined up beside the fridge. Spoons, forks and knives were piled up in the sink and the amount of dirty dishes was unexplainable. My mom was scurrying from one pot to the next, stir- ring this and mashing that. The one pan that made my eyes sparkle was a large thin gray one. Little mounds of brownish yellow cookie dough had been plumped all around the tray. Beside the tray was a see-through plastic container. It held the most wonderful golden brown shortbread cookies. Being careful not to disrupt my mom's well planned cooking system, I darted across the room to the cookie box. I lifted the lid and snatched one. After breaking off a fair size chunk, I placed the shortbread in my mouth. The cookie exploded into rippling waves of flavour in my mouth. My taste buds tingled in delight. Allowing the cookie time to melt in my mouth, I forgot about the ever watchful mother, who now stared at me, hands on hips. Now being told to go get dressed on Christmas morning is a disappointment, but not being allowed to finish your cookie is harsh. As I walked toward the stairs, I paused for one last look at the tree. Twinkling lights wound around it from top to bottom. The golden bulbs shone as they glistened in the sun. Ornaments hung from just about every branch. I smiled as I looked at the glowing angel, twirling atop her tree. 4 Tiayyy TCo lido s! Thank you for 1yourpatronage. We cook forwarc(to serving you in 2005. BRANDY POINT SERVICE CENTRE LTD. Rd. 164 (Hwy. 23) IN KIRKTON • 229-8952 MITCHELL • 348-8175 • LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa My name is Jake and I just turned one. My mommy and Daddy both agree I have been a good boy this year. Hey, it's been fun just being a dude and bugging my sister Ashley by swiping her toys and grabbing her hair. As for toys this Christmas, I'm very easy to please. Whatever you bring I'm sure I'll love it. Although a new toy car or ball would be nice. Thank you. P.S. I will leave you some milk and cookies for your snack but you might have to fight my Daddy for them. Jake Jefferies Age: 1 year Parents: Gary & Michelle Jefferies LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa My name is Hayley Hoffman. How is it going in the North Pole? How are all the reindeer? I have been good this year. I want for Christmas silly putty, hair beads, tattoo maker, a tye dye set. Thank you for listening. Hayley Hoffman TI-ERES A SPECIAL FEELING Of CIiEER IN TILE AIR WIiiCIi CAN ONLY MEAN ONE TILING: CIiRISTMAS IS ALMOST IIEREI IN TILE SPIRIT Of TI -IE SEASON, WE EXTENd OUR HEARTFELT TIIANkS FOR INVITING US INTO YOUR HOME. WITH BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY, [IEALTIiy SEASON. GORDON DANN PUMP SALES & SERVICE LTD. RR#2 Denfield 225-2234 1-800-328-0392 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Merry Christmas & Happy New Year May the Holidays find you surrounded by a loving circle of family and friends. Thank you for your patronage. Tilarnawril v i We'll get you home Haugh Tire 265 Thames Road East Exeter, Ontario NOM 1 S3 Phone: (519) 235-3752 Fax: (519) 235-3168 24 hr. service 1-888-627-2303