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The Times Advocate, 2005-12-21, Page 50
50 Exeter Times—Advocate Wednesday, December 21, 2005 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa My name is Madison Volland. I am 2-1/2 years old. For Christmas I would like my own Barbie doll and some books. Merry Christmas Santa! Love, Madison Madison Volland Age: 2-1/2 years Parents: Carrie & Rob LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa How are you and Mrs. Claus doing? I am well. I thought I would remind you that I have moved to my new "BIG" house since last Christmas. I have been trying to be a good girl so far this year but it is hard when you are 3! For Christmas this year I would like Dancing Dora, My Little Pony Butterfly Island and maybe a few Barbies- I have seen all of these items at Wal-Mart (just in case you run out!). From now until Christmas I will try extra hard to be good. As always I will leave some spe- cial treats out for you Santa. Love, Santa's Little Princess, Ashley Ashley Keller Age: 3 years Parents: Jason & Sarah Keller LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa I'm so excited to be going to visit my family for the holi- days and wanted to make sure you will visit me at my grandparents on Christmas Eve. I'll be sure to help Grandma bake some treats to leave out for you! Love Erica Erica Maloney Age: 7 mos Parents: Pat & Michelle Maloney LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa I would like to thank you for the twinkleberry dolls last year. I would like to ask for a Macdonald's drive thru and some horses and crafts. How are you? Love Laura Laura Winters Age: 6 years Parents: Henry & Brenda We hope you have a joyful and festive holiday, and a very happy and healthy year ahead F® (WIRE Your local 'Purina dealer 131 Thames Rd. W. (Hwy. 83) Exeter, ON Bus: (519) 235-1919 Fax (519) 235-2562 A Christmas celebration Danielle Daters Grade 8 Zurich Public School Our family doesn't have as much money as others. We may not get as much for Christmas, but that's not what matters to me the most. I have the best Christmas in the world, and I am going to tell you my favourite Christmas tale. Last Christmas, my family decided not to buy for each other, we decided that other peo- ple needed our help. I don't like to see home- less people very often at Christmas, because I feel bad that I am at home opening presents that I don't really need and they are stuck on the street in a card- board box. So this year I decided that my thir- teen siblings and I would give them a Merry Christmas. When my parents, aunts, uncles, and cousins found out they decided to help. We planned and planned for this Christmas celebration. We decided to make a big turkey dinner for the homeless and the hungry. I couldn't wait to see all the smiling faces on Christmas. I had waited and wait- ed for this day to come. It was finally Christmas. My siblings and I were making the turkey, my cousins were setting up games for after the meal, and the parents were set- ting the tables. It was finally time to let all the hungry families in. "1-2-3," my mom said in excitement, and we opened the doors. Hundreds of people ran to get a seat. We said our prayer and started to eat. I have never seen so many people so thank- ful, and happy to be there that night. This made me feel good about myself, because I made a difference in all of those peoples' lives. From that Christmas on our family held the annual Christmas Celebration. That Christmas was the best experience of my life and I will never forget it. WELCOME TO THE NOLIDAYS o'r 1rN ch Inhci ©hrI lic m Inhd A v) Smith•Peat Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd. 152 THAMES RD. W. EXETER. ONT. NOM 153 TELEPHONE (519) 235-2802 FAX. N0. (519) 2351532 LETTERS TO SANTA Dear Santa I have been extremely good this year. I would like an extra remote for my x -box game, a dirt bike racing game for my box would be cool too. I would like the Toronto Maple Leaf mini sticks too please. Love, Cole Cole Hope Age: 7 years Parents: Collen & Eric Reymer Christmas Jordan Pache Grade 5 Exeter Public School The presents round the Christmas tree. Are full of joy and jolly to me. While Santa Claus says Ho Ho Ho! I'm in bed dreaming for a yo yo. When I wake up I head downstairs. To check my stocking full of healthy pears. My family awakes and gets out of bed. While they think of their presents in their heads. We sit on the floor and open our gifts. After breakfast we play in the drifts. Christmas Amber Taylor Grade 2 Hensall Public School I like Christmas Because I like to put the Christmas tree up Because I like to get presents Because you get to be with your family and friends. Because you get to do lot s of fun things Because, because, because That's why I like Christmas Glad Tidings at limas We look forward to a wonderful holiday, and we hope that all of our loyal friends and patrons will enjoy the season as well. We give you our thanks, and wish everyone much happiness. HURON APOTHECARY 440 Main St. Exeter PHARM l D•A• 235-1982 •Prescriptions 'Delivery Service Ernest Miatello B. Sc. Phm. 'Your Health Care Pharmacy' jIappyjIoliday s All of us at Exeter Toyota would like to thank our customers for their patronage and extend our warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. s ETER TOYOTA MAIN ST. EXETER 235-2353 or 1-800-361-0677