HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-12-21, Page 88
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
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BEAVER - Wishing all my friends, neighbours and relatives a
very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and Prosperous New
Year. Marg (50;51*)
BECKETT - We wish everyone peace, health and happiness
especially over the holiday season. The Beckett Family
BILCKE - May the Joy of this Special Season fill your family
with Best Wishes for a Meny Christmas and a safe and Happy
New Year. Heather, Randy, Matt & Anna (50;51x)
CALLCOTT - We would like to wish all our friends and Great
Customers a Very Merry Christmas and All the Best for 2006.
Mike & Pat (50;51*)
CLARKE - We wish all our family and friends a Safe and
Happy Holiday Season and all the Best in 2006. Ron, Heather,
Jamie, Jackie & Krysta (50;51x)
DIETRICH - Season's greetings to family, friends and resi-
dents of South Huron. Jim & Linda (50;51*)
DRAKE - I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a
Happy, Healthy New Year. Marjorie (50;51*)
DUNCAN - Wishing a Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year to all our relatives, friends and former neighbours. We
also wish to take this opportunity to thank eveyrone for the vis-
its, cards, letters and inquiries since coming to the Mitchell
Nursing Home. Ken & Dorothy (50;51*)
HARDIE - To my family, friends and neighbours wishing you
all the Joys of this Holiday Season and may you have Peace,
Health and Happiness in the New Year. Madeline (50;51x)
HAUGH - May you celebrate this beautiful season with love in
your home, joy in your world and peace in your heart. Ross &
Irene (50;51x)
HAYTER - We wish our customers, neighbours, relatives and
friends a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and
Prosperous New Year. John Hayter Painting, John & Kathy
Hayter & family (50;51*)
HERN - We would like to wish our family and friends a very
Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year. Kevin,
Kim, Kelsey & Jake (50;51x)
HODGERT - We would like to extend special Holiday Wishes
to all our Family, Friends, Neighbours and Ringette Team, this
Christmas Season and may your New Year be filled with joy,
happiness and success. Alan, Michele, Alana, Andrew and
Amanda (50;51x)
JOHNS - Merry Xmas to our Families, Neighbours and Friends
and a Happy Healthy New Year. God Bless. Evelyn &
Gordon (51*)
LORD - Christmas is a time for sharing old memories and cre-
ating new ones. It is the season of love, hope and peace. And
above all, Christmas is the wonderful miracle of love which we
all share. Wishing all our friends, family, neighbours and rela-
tives, happiness and health during this holiday season and
through 2006. Dick, Deb. Brayden and Amber (50;51x)
MCBRIDE - May all that makes your Christmas bright and
fills your heart with cheer, be yours throughout the holidays
and yours throughout the year. Merry Christmas to all. Gerald
and Jeanette (51*)
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OUR CHRISTMAS GREETING - is for you and your family
to enjoy a very Merry Christmas and to have a safe and pros-
perous New Year. May we appreciate the things that we pos-
sess and realize the true meaning of Christmas. To our employ-
ees and the area businesses, a special thanks for your support
this past year. Kim and Barry at SRS (50;51*)
PERRY - Meny Christmas to our friends, neighbours, church
family and co-workers. A healthy, happy 2006. Bill & Donna
PERTSCHY - During this season of hustle and bustle take the
time to appreciate the ones you love. Meny Christmas. Marg,
Christine, Carie, Danielle & Melissa (50;51x)
PERTSCHY - To relatives, friends and neighbours Merry
Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Steve, Erika and fami-
ly (50;51*)
ROHDE - To relatives, neighbours and friends. Christmas
greetings are sent your way, may happiness and love fill your
Holiday, and one more with which is most sincere and true,
may the coming New Year, bring many good things to you.
Merry Christmas, Bill & Rhoda (50;51x)
ROLLINGS - Wishing our family, friends and neighbours
warmest wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and a Prosperous
and Healthy New Year. Glenn, Sue, Jeff and Laura (50;51x)
DATE/TIME: 7:00 p.m. Mon., Jan.16, 2006
LOCATION: Township of Lucan Biddulph Council
Chambers - 33351 Richmond St., Lucan, Ontario
PURPOSE: To consider a proposed Amendment to
the Township of Lucan Biddulph Official Plan
The purpose of the amendment is to amend the policies
of the Township of Lucan Biddulph Official Plan to permit
the creation of residential lots for the purposes of
disposing dwellings considered surplus to the needs of a
The creation of lots for the disposing of surplus farm
dwellings is permitted under the Provincial Policy
Statement (PPS) and is also permitted by the County of
Middlesex Official Plan. A pending amendment to the
County Official Plan, if ultimately adopted and brought into
effect, would result in the adoption of a policy on the
disposal of surplus farm dwellings being no more
restrictive than the PPS. In the interim, a consolidation of
abutting parcels must be taking place to maintain
conformity with the County Plan.
While there is no `cut-off' date of construction specified
in the PPS before a dwelling can qualify as a `surplus
dwelling', the County of Middlesex Official Plan stipulates
that an existing farm residence declared surplus as a result
of farm consolidation with abutting farm parcels must have
been built prior to January 1st 1999. In the aforementioned
amendment to the County Official Plan, it is anticipated
that this date will be maintained.
The proposed amendment potentially affects all lands
designated `Agricultural' and, as such, a key map is not
A public meeting to consider the proposed
Amendment was previously held on 7th December
2005. Due to an inadvertent error in circulating the
notice to public agencies, adjacent municipalities and
the approval authority (i.e. County of Middlesex), it is
now not considered the statutory public meeting as
required by the Planning Act. The public meeting to
be held on January 16th, 2006 will constitute the
statutory meeting and will provide those wishing to
address the matter an additional opportunity to do so
by making oral and/or written submissions to Council.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or
make a written or verbal representation either in support
of, or in opposition to, the proposed amendment. IF A
PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a
decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Lucan Biddulph in respect of the proposed official plan
amendment does not make oral submissions at a public
meeting or make written submissions to the Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Lucan Biddulph before the
proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the Ontario
Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. If
you wish to be notified of the adoption of the proposed
official plan amendment, you must make a written request
to the Township of Lucan Biddulph. ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment is
available between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Municipal
Office or from the Municipal Planner, Mr. Ted Halwa, at
(519) 963-1028 (London, Ontario).
Telephone: (519) 227-4491
Fax: (519) 227-4998
E-mail rreymer@lucanbiddulph.on.ca
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RYAN - I wish all relatives, friends and neighbours a Merry
Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Ed (51*)
SCHILLEMORE - May the warmth of friendship and the won-
ders of the Season add special joy to your holidays. Deborah &
Bernie (50;51x)
SCOTT - We would like to wish our family and friends a
happy Holiday Season and all the best in the New Year. Paul,
Christina, Alicia and Amy (50;51x)
SLAGHT - Wishing all our friends, relatives and neighbours a
very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy 2006. Jeff, Ruth,
Jessica, Hailey and Jordan. (50;51x)
TRIEBNER - I wish all my family a friends a Merry Christmas
and a prosperous New Year. Eva (50;51*)
WAL 1'ERS - I would like to wish all my friends and relatives a
Very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2006. Marion
WELLS - Wishing all our relatives and friends a very Merry
Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Helen Wells & family (50;51*)
General Amendment (2005)
DATE/TIME: 7:15 p.m. Monday, January 16th, 2006
LOCATION: Lucan Biddulph Council Chambers -
33351 Richmond Street, Lucan, Ontario
PURPOSE: To consider a proposed Amendment to the
Township of Lucan Biddulph Zoning By-law
The proposed amendment would address matters of a
general or `house -keeping' nature. Since adoption of the
Zoning By-law in October 2003, several matters have been
identified in the course of the day-to-day administration of
the By-law which require attention. The changes being
proposed would correct these deficiencies and provide
greater clarification, namely:
Section 2.8: Basement: - the current definition reads as
BASEMENT, shall mean that portion of a building between
two floor levels which is partly underground but which has
at least one-half of its height from finished floor to finished
ceiling below grade level.
The last line should be revised to read ...
above grade level.
Section 4.21: Sight Visibility Triangles - in the case of
a corner lot where one of the abutting roads is a county
road, it is required that a triangular area measured 15 m
back from the point of intersection be maintained free and
clear of any visual obstructions. This standard has proven
difficult to satisfy in built up areas as witnessed in the case
of residential building lots recently created in Granton.
Consideration is being given to reducing the standard from
15 m to 6.0 m for corner lots abutting County roads
situated in Lucan, Granton & Clandeboye consistent with
the standard in the former Village of Lucan Zoning By-law.
Section 8.1: Residential Second Density (R2) Zone -
the standards for minimum lot area (Section 8.1.2) and
minimum lot frontage (Section 8.1.3) for semi-detached
dwellings need to be revised to read 200 m2 per dwelling
unit and 6.0 m per dwelling unit.
With respect to a temporary use by-law recently passed
for Al & Liz Scott (By-law 33-2005), the By-law
inadvertently makes reference to Section 5.1.8 of By-law
No. 100-97, when the correct reference should be to
Section 5.1.11 of By-law No. 100-2003. This matter is
capable of being rectified as part of the general
The proposed general amendment is considered to be in
conformity with the Township of Lucan Biddulph Official
Plan and the Official Plan of the County of Middlesex. As
the proposed amendment would apply to all lands in the
Township, a key map is not attached.
ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or
make a written or verbal representation either in support
of, or in opposition to, the proposed amendment. IF A
PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY that files an appeal of a
decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Township
of Lucan Biddulph in respect of the proposed zoning by-
law does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or
make written submissions to the Council of the
Corporation of the Township of Lucan-Biddulph before the
proposed zoning by-law is adopted, the Ontario Municipal
Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. ADDITIONAL
INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment is
available from Ron Reymer at the Municipal Office or from
the Township Planner, Mr. Ted Halwa, at (519) 963-1028
(London, Ontario).
DATED AT LUCAN, ONTARIO this 21st day of Dec. 2005.
Ron Reymer 33351 Richmond Street
Administrator -Clerk Fax: (519) 227-4998
Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0
Telephone: (519) 227-4491
Email: rreymer@lucanbiddulph.on.ca