The Times Advocate, 2005-11-23, Page 2424 Wednesday, November 23, 2005 It ail starts on the Far, culture TIMES ADVOCATE Friends of the South Huron Trail hosted their first Fall Colour Tour for ExeterVilla resi- dents recently. Herman Steffens, a volunteer at ExeterVilla and member of Friends of the South Huron Trail drove the visitors on a tractor hooked up to a trailer courtesy of MacLean's Trailer Sales. Participants are Truus Klaver, Keith Westlake, Harold Hamather,Amy Mayers, Bernice Ford, activity director of ExeterVilla Kim Caruso and Lorne Hunking.The trail tour went through the woods and across the MacNaughton-Morrison section of the South Huron Trail. (photo/submitted) Li High demand forAmerican orders DENFIELD - The market at Denfield Livestock traded at $2 - $3 higher on all classes of fed catle due to the high demand for American orders. Cows traded steady, hol- stein bull calves were higher, stock- ers fully steady. John McLinchey, Parkhill sold 22 steers average weight 1366 average price 98.51 sales to 101.25 pruchased by Norval meats. Morley Hodgins, Parkhill sold 22 steers average weight 1340 average price 99.82 with sales to 104.75 purchased by Norval meats. Joe Dewan sold 27 heifers average weight 1364 average price 101.36 to a high of 103.10 purchased by Norwich Packers. Bob Hodgins, Lucan sold 4 heifers average weight 1239 average price 99.79 to a high of 103.25 Jim Scott, Lucan sold 19 heifers average weight 1261 average price 95.81 sales to 98.50. Glen and David Minielly, Wyoming ter lambs selling sharply higher on Thursday Brussels Livestock Market report for the week ending Nov 18. Total receipts 4185 head of cattle, 492 lambs and goats Summary Tuesday: The fed steers and heifers sold $1 to $2 higher on a strong active trade. Choice steers and heifers sold 96 to 100 sales to 113.25. Second cut steers and heifers sold 92 to 96. The cows sold on a steady market. Thursday: The veal sold actively on a strong demand with prices $2 to $3 lower. The lambs sold on a strong active trade with the lighter lambs selling sharply higher. Friday: All weights and classes of stock- ers sold on a steady trade. Steers There were 655 steers on offer. D.M. McAlpine Farms, Ailsa Craig consigned one red wf steer weighing 1550 lbs which sold for 107.75. Their overall offering of 38 steers averaged 1539 lbs which sold for an aver- age price of 96.46 Mervin Weber, Mount Forest consigned two limo steers aver- aging 1260 which sold to Dominion Meat Packers for 106.50. His overall offering of six steers averaged 1263 lbs selling for an average price of 100.99. Nine steers consigned by Gordon Brooks, Lucknow aver- aged 1226 lbs selling for an average price of 100.64 with his top two limo steers averaging 1273 lbs selling for 105.75. Murray Schiell, Wingham con- signed one char steer weighing 1380 lbs which sold for 103.75. His overall offer- ing of 12 steers averaged 1352 lbs selling for an average price of 99.18. Six steers con- signed by John Wiersma, Blyth averaged 1373 lbs which sold for an average price of 99.08 with his top limo steer weighing 1435 lbs selling for 104.25. Corgercrest Farms, Seaforth consigned one blue steer weighing 1525 lbs which sold for 104.75. Their overall offering of eight steers averaged 1495 lbs selling for an average price of 97.21 Heifers There were 385 heifers on offer. Lewington Farms, Brussels consigned one limo heifer weighing 1325 lbs which sold for 113.25. Their overall offering of seven heifers averaged 1276 lbs selling for an average price of 103.05. Two limo heifers con- signed by Jeff Lewington, Brussels aver- aged 1300 lbs which sold for 109.25. Clarence Dekens, Clinton consigned one gold heifer weighing 1315 lbs which sold to Highland Packers Ltd for 104.25. His overall offering of 12 heifers averaged 1330 lbs which sold for an average price of 101.28. M -R Farms, Exeter con- signed six heifers averag- ing 1228 lbs which sold for an average price of 100.60 with their top char heifer weighing 1235 lbs selling for 107.25. Jerry Zwep, Brussels con- signed two red heifers averag- ing 1390 lbs which sold for 99.25. His over- all offering of five heifers aver- aged 1307 lbs selling for an average price of 98.97. One red heifer consigned by Darren Johnston, Bluevale weighed 1220 lbs which sold for 105.25. His overall offering of 20 heifers averaged 1282 lbs selling for an average price of 98.89. Eight heifers consigned by Ian Johnston, Brussels aver- aged 1320 lbs which sold for an average price of 97.73 with his top two char heifers averag- ing 1273 lbs sell- ing for 100.25. Connell Farms, Palmerston con- signed one red heifer weighing 1150 lbs which sold for 101.75. Their overall offering of 25 heifers averaged 1232 lbs selling for an average price of 97.34. Cows There were 290 cows on offer. D1 & D2 30-38 sales to 55 D3 27-30 D4 15-25 Three red wf cows consigned by Bruce Hicks, Centralia averaged 1437 lbs selling for an average price of 38.53 with sales to 51. Bulls There were 24 bulls on offer selling 25 to 47 sales to 74.50. One sim bull consigned by Winston Jibb, Dublin weighed 1780 lbs selling for 47. Veal There were 131 head of veal on offer. Beef 95-110 sales to 122.50 Good Holstein 90-100 with sales to 107 Medium Holstein 75-90 Plain and Heavy Heavy: 75-90 Holstein Plain: 60-70 John Martin, Lucknow consigned one gold veal heifer weighing 715 lbs which sold for 122.50. One limo veal steer consigned by George Ducharme, Dashwood weighed 655 lbs selling for 114. Mike Kikkert, Zurich consigned one red veal steer weighing 710 lbs selling for advertisers. . pay bgphOre We gladly accept payment for your account by Visa or Mastercard. call 519-235-1331 Sue Rollings ■� today. TIMES -ADVOCATE 109. Lambs under 50lbs n/a 50-65 lbs 175-230 65-80 lbs 167.50-204 80-95 lbs 146-167 95-110 lbs 137-145 110 lbs /over 125-134 Sheep 50-79 sales to 86 Goats 20-94 Top Quality Stocker Steers under 400 lbs 109-159 400-500 lbs 107-138 500-600 lbs 113-142 600-700 lbs 94-131 700-800 lbs 101-120.25 800-900 lbs 92-118 900-1000 lbs 103.50-121 over 1000 lbs 99.50-118 Top Quality Stocker Heifers under 300 lbs 116-130 300-400 lbs 83-133 400-500 lbs 110.50-127 500-600 lbs 82-128 600-700 lbs 80-116 sold 6 head average weight 1125 average price 95.52. Ross Nutt, Parkhill sold a limousin bull weighing 2015 at 36.50. Choice steers 10 0 -10 3 sales to 104.75 Good steers 95-100 Choice exotic cross heifers 100- 103.25 Good heifers 95-100 Good fed cows 30-40 D1 and D2 cows 30-35 D3 and D4 cows 22-26 Shells 15-20 Bulls 34-38.50 Holstein bull calves 135-225 Boars 36 G.1.C.'s 420% • 11W,Ga lIIt Broker Knealisere EXETER - 235-2420 GRAND BEND - 238-8484 CLINTON - 482-3401 i Business Directory REPAIRS Sewing Machine REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Free estimates 90 day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 0111111111111 Seed Provider Program saves you money! Save up to $7.20'* per bag on Roundup Ready and up to $ 4.201' per bag on Conventional Fall Savings on Roundup Ready"' Order by Nov 30th, Take possession by Dec 16th and receive the following discounts True bulk Totes Bags $ 4.00 per 50 -Ib unit $ 3.00 per 50 -Ib unit $ 2.00 per 50 -Ib unit PRO 2690R PRO 2795R PRO 279OR PRO 2895R PRO 3090R PRO 3095R PRO 3195R 2650 CHU 2700 CHU 2750 CHU 2850 CHU 2950 CHU 3050 CHU 3150 CHU Spring Savings on Conventionals Order by Dec 24th, Take possession by Mar 24th and receive the following discounts True bulk - $ 3.00 per 50 -Ib unit Totes - $ 2.00 per 50 -Ib unit Bags - $ 1.50 per 50 -Ib unit OAC Champion PRO 275 Jutra OAC Prodigy PRO 30-05 2650 CHU 2750 CHU 2800 CHU 2850 CHU 3150 CHU *savings based on purchasing through the Provider Program, taking advantage of the 8% early pay discount offered (Dec. 24th) and taking advantage of the $0.50 early order discount offered through Monsanto on Roundup Ready product. Rosebank Seed Farms Ltd. 7340 Perth Line 24, RR #2 Staffa 519-345-2697 1-888-289-9934 Seeds PRO Seeds logo is a registered tradernark of PRO seeds of Canada Roundup Ready Is a trademark el Monsanto Technology LL.C. Monsanto Canada Inc. Licensee