The Times Advocate, 2005-11-16, Page 23Wednesday, November 16, 2005 23 Itallstartsonthe a culture TIMES ADVOCATE Market prices higher on fed steers and heifers Brussels Livestock Market report for the week ending Nov 11 Total receipts 4,306 head of cattle, 486 lambs and goats Summary Tuesday: The fed steers and heifers sold on a strong market with prices 2 to 3 higher. Choice steers and heifers sold 95 to 98 sales to 106.25, Second cut steers and heifers sold 90 to 95. The cows sold on a steady market. Thursday: The veal traded on a strong active trade with prices 2 to 5 lower than last week Friday: All weights and classes of stockers sold on a strong market. Steers There were 567 steers on offer. Aaron F. Martin, Newton consigned two limo steers averag- ing 1268 lbs which sold to Green's Meat Market for 106.25. His overall offering of 13 steers averaged 1368 lbs selling for an average price of 97.51. Six steers consigned by Ross Baird, Wingham averaged 1438 lbs which sold for an average price of 97.75 with his top white steer weighing 1400 lbs selling for 105.75. Merkley Farms, Wroxeter consigned nine limo steers averag- ing 1233 lbs which sold for 100.75 Twelve steers consigned by Lawrence Martin, Harriston averaged 1419 lbs which sold for an average price of 100.45 with his top four limo steers averaging 1451 lbs selling for 101.75. One limo steer consigned by Ivan Weber, Paisley weighed 1485 lbs which sold for 103. His overall offering of 10 steers averaged 1402 lbs selling for an average price of 98.47. Don Shiell, Wingham consigned one limo steer weighing 1420 lbs which sold for 101.75. His overall offering of nine steers averaged 1482 lbs selling for an average price of 97.33. Walter Riddell, Granton consigned five limo steers averaging 1296 lbs which sold for 102.75. His overall offering of 18 steers averaged 1424 lbs selling for an average price of 96.42. Twenty-one steers consigned by Merlyn Farms, Holstein averaged 1365 lbs which sold for an average price of 95.38 with their top sim steer weighing 1190 lbs selling to Highland Packers Ltd. for 100.25. Joel Martin, Paisley consigned one limo steer weighing 1435 lbs which sold for 99.75. His overall offering of 18 steers averaged 1497 lbs selling for an average price of 92.67. Heifers There were 248 heifers on offer. Lewington Farms, Brussels consigned nine limo heifers aver- aging 1274 lbs which sold for an average price of 103.04 with sales up to 104.75. Ten heifers consigned by David Bowles, Brussels averaged 1359 lbs which sold for an average price of 98.32 with his top two limo heifers averaging 1333 lbs selling to Highland Packers Ltd. for 103.75. Jeff Lewington, Brussels consigned four limo heifers averag- ing 1284 lbs which sold for an average price of 101.46 with sales up to 102.25. Melvin Bearinger, Mt Forest consigned two gold heifers aver- aging 1180 lbs which sold for 102. His overall offering of nine hefers averaged 1269 lbs selling for an average price of 100.08. Ten heifers consigned by Andy VanederVeen, Blyth averaged 1260 lbs which sold for an average price of 99.27 with his top five char heifers averaging 1212 lbs selling for 100. George Horst, Paisley consigned eight heifers averaging 1272 lbs which sold for an average price of 97.88 with his top four gold heifers averaging 1225 lbs selling for 98.75. Twenty-four heifers consigned by Martin Metske, Lucknow averaged 1285 lbs whichsold for an average price of 97.24 with his top eight char heifers averaging 1281 lbs selling for 98.25. Four heifers consigned by John Wiersma, Blyth averaged 1249 lbs selling for an average price of 94.46 with his top char heifer weighing 1255 lbs selling for 99.75. Cows There were 273 cows on offer. D1 & D2 30-38 sales to 50 D3 27-30 D4 15-25 Murray Knappk Chelsey consigned one limo cow weighing 1080 lbs which sold for 50. One limo cow consigned by Edward Franken, Durham weighed 1115 lbs selling for 45. HuronTractorTrade Barn Open House By Nina Van Lieshout TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER — About 350 people came out for an open house last week at Huron Tractor in Exeter. Huron Tractor introduced The Trade Barn. The event included an official rib- bon cutting ceremony. Deputy Mayor of Bluewater Paul Klopp, general manager of Huron Tractor Peter Hakvoort, South Huron Mayor Rob Morley, retired used sales equipment manager at Huron Tractor Clarence Woods, used equipment manager Bill Baker and Canadian branch man- ager of John Deere Richard Brennan participated in the cere- mony. Woods cut the ribbon. Guest speakers, a lunch and social, and an auction were also a part of the day's activities. Brennan was a guest speaker and explained to the crowd how Huron Tractor was a top performing deal- er. Speeches were also made about used equipment marketing, annual services and inspections provided by Huron Tractor, parts and ser- vice programs at Huron Tractor and the commitment of The Trade Barn. The auction consisted of 24 differ- ent items. Meeting important for Canada CANADA — The Canadian Cattlemen's Association (CCA) will be present at next month's World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong. A new global agreement on agricultural trade will be forged. WTO agreements are nego- tiated once every 15 years. This is a critical negotiation for Canada's beef industry. Canada must achieve more market access and fair mar- ket access for beef exports to fully recover and continue to grow. For Canadian agriculture to excel, Canada must see support programs in other countries lowered, new mar- kets established and fairer trade market access. Negotiations next month will involve 148 countries. The meeting is Dec. 13 to 18. Holstein bull calves sharply higher DENFIELD — The market at Denfield Livestock Sales traded on a very strong demand at prices $3 - $5 higher on all classes of cattle. American type r' V and weight cattle sold very strong. A good offering of cows traded $2 - $3 higher, stockers strong, holstein bull calves sharply higher, sows and boars steady. Morley Hodgins, Parkhill sold 12 steers average weight 1370 average price $99.62 with sales to $103 purchased by Norval Meats. Gord Hardy, Lucan sold 10 steers aver- age weight 1413 average price $97.55. John McLinchey, Parkhill sold 37 steers average weight 1392 average price $97.25. Bob Hodgins, Lucan sold five steers aver- age weight 1402 average price $97.19 sales to $100.50 Jacob Feenstra, Petrolia sold four head average weight 1259 average price $96. John Walls, Denfield sold 15 head aver- age weight 1209 average price $95.80. Choice steers $95-100 sales to $103 Good steers $88-94 Good American type steers $94-99 Plain Steers $70-80 Choice exotic cross heifers $95-100 Good heifers Good American type heifers Plain heifers Good fed cows D1 and D2 cows D3 and D4 cows Shells Good beef bulls Good holstein bulls Good holstein bull calves Good sows Boars $86-92 $93-97 $60-70 $40-55 $27-34 $20-25 $10-20 $35-50 $25-35 $150-240 $41-43 $25 An online auction is continuing for about another week so it is unknown which items will be sold. Huron Tractor has a full acre of equipment in two modern build- ings. In addition, Huron Tractor also has over 11 acres of pre- owned equipment. From left, Deputy Mayor of Bluewater Paul Klopp, general manager of Huron Tractor Peter Hakvoort, South Huron Mayor Rob Morley, retired used sales equipment manager at Huron Tractor Clarence Woods, used equipment manager Bill Baker and Canadian branch manager of John Deere Richard Brennan during the official ribbon cutting ceremony introducing The Trade Barn at Huron Tractor on Nov. I0.About 350 people came out for the open house. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout) 11 Provider Program saves you money! 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