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Times—Advocate Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Hi! We've been
good this year! I
would like some
craft supplies to do
my work for school
and my brother,
-4 ,
Ryan would like a hockey helmet so I can teach him
how to skate. I hope you have a safe trip on
Christmas Eve and I will leave you some milk &
cookies plus carrots for your reindeer. Merry
Amber & Ryan Laws, Exeter
Ages: 4 & 2
Parents: Brenda & Grant
I have been a very good boy this
year although others may tell you
different! My brother Justin has
been the greatest big brother I could
ever ask for. He puts up with a lot
from me. For Christmas I would like
a helmet which would be good for
snowmobiling and all my stunt
tricks that I often do. Say Hi to the
Elves for me, we will leave you some treats.
Lots of Love Dylan
Age: 1112 yrs
Parents: Dave & Paula Eagleson
I hope you, Mrs. Claus and your
elves are doing well this year.
This year I was hoping that your
elves could make me a sleigh. I
enjoy going for walks in my stroller
but living here in Exeter, I need a
sleigh for the winter months.
Have a safe trip on Christmas Eve.
I will be sure to leave you treats under the tree for
you and your reindeer.
Nicholas Fancey, Exeter
Age: 19 mos.
Parents: Eric & Cynthia
How are you? You must be really
busy! How is everything at the North
Pole? Could I please get Pixel Chick
Mall, Littlest Pet Shop Playhouse
and Polly Pocket Cruise Ship. Lots of
love Maddie.
Madison Westlake, Dashwood
Age: 5 yrs.
Parents: Jennifer Westlake
My name is Dayman Merner and
this is my 1st Christmas, I'm almost
as excited about it as my Mom & ' _'
Dad are. I don't need much for 1,
Christmas this year, cause I've been
spoiled already by my grandparents.
I'm pretty excited about the New
Year, especially because I'm going to have a new
baby cousin to play with. Please make sure he or she
arrives safe & sound Santa.
Love Dayman Merner, Mensal!
Age: 8 mos.
Parents: Justin & Tina Merner
Proud Grandparents:
Tony & Alma Dayman & Larry & Louise Merner
210 Prince Alfred St. Centralia, Ont. rlOM 11(0
Tel 51 .-Z2a-6837 Fatx 51
Dear Santa
Josh Patrick, Grade 2/3
Lucan Public School
Dear Santa,
This is what I do for
Christmas. I open two
presents on Christmas eve.
Is Mrs. Claus doing well
with her good sewing? I
hope she is. Has Rudolph
been helpful? This is what
I want please. A Bratz
Baby hair flair doll and it's
Jade. A video game called
Thrillvill and I have
playstation 2 and most of
all I want you to deliver to
everybody too. I'm good
sometimes but my brother
and sister bug me. Don't
forget to hook on Rudolph
or else you're in big trou-
ble. Don't worry because
I'll leave you cookies and
milk. Love, Josh
Dear Santa
Dylan Grade 4/5
Biddulph Central School
How are you and Mrs.
Clause doing? Have you
been eating lots of cook-
ies? Has Mrs. Clause been
baking this year?
I play hockey and my
brother does as well. I
have two rabbits, their
names are Maddy and
Samie. My brother's name
is Collin. My mom's name
is Peggy and my dad's
name is Peter.
This year I would like a fly
Pentop with the paper that
goes with it. I would like it
in case my brother and I
get stuck in math and it
will help us to figure out
the answer.
Sarah GM, Grade 6
Stephen Central
On Christmas morning I
wake up to the amazing
smell of hot chocolate. I
walk into the living room
and see the tree all lit up
with sparkling lights and
presents under the tree.
Before we open the pre-
sents we sit down by the
fire and drink hot choco-
late and eat sugar cookies.
I love sugar cookies they
are so sweet and taste
great with hot chocolate.
After we have something
to eat we open our pre-
sents. I love opening pre-
sents and finding out
what's inside them after
waiting so long. That's
what Christmas is to me!
Dear Santa
Emma Dietrich, Gr. J/K
Mt. Carmel School
Dear Santa,
Merry Christmas! I like
your costume. Can I ride
in your sleigh? Is there a
fake candy cane on top of
the North Pole? I have
two sisters. And I like
Barbies. Can I have a
Barbie chair, a Barbie
mermaid and a candy
cane? Thank you Santa!
Love Emma
Reindeer Treats
Brayton Ward, Grade 2
Huron Centennial
First you put oatmeal in a
bowl. Then you cook the
oatmeal with hot water.
Next you put sprinkles in
the oatmeal. Next you lay
the reindeer food out on
the grass. Then the rein-
deer eats the food!
Alana Case, Grade 5
Exeter Public School
Angelica ate an angel
Nancy needed needles for
Gooey green gingerbread
is good
Everyone enjoys ever-
green especially Edwin
Lulu left a lollipop for
Santa steals skinny spark-
ly snowmen
Donke's Story
Rachael Regier, Gr.
St. Boniface School
I was now getting used to
my new home. I was now
living with a couple, Mary
and Joseph. It was small
because I was in the house
with them. The house I
think is in Nazareth. An
angel appeared glowing
and handsome. He spoke
to Mary, I never saw a
man like him. Soon
Joseph came to Mary told
her something then they
left the sleepingmats.
In the morning, they sad-
dled me up. Joseph
helped Mary onto my
back, then with Joseph
leading my way we went
to Bethlehem. It was
overflowing with people.
Mary and Joseph found an
empty manger and when
they settled down she gave
a babe. Three rich men
bowed their heads and so
did I. After gifts of murr, I
knew this was an impor-
tant child. The Christmas
How was your summer? This year
I would like a baby furby, a baby,
clothes for my build -a -bear and
some new pyjamas. My big brother
really wants a robo reptile. He has
been good this year and he helps me
with my homework. Say hi to Mrs.
Stephanie Simpson, Kirkton
Age: 5 yrs.
Parents: Scott & Becky
I want everything my sister has
and when she has it. But I really
have been a good boy this year and
would like some Tonka trucks, trac-
tors, farm animals and a hockey
Love Cory Richardson
Age: I yr.
Parents: Brian & Carisa
How are you? How is everyone at
the North Pole? Are all the presents
ready? Thank -you for the presents
you brought me last year. I have
been a very good boy this year and
am very excited for Christmas.
Matthew Smith, Zurich
Age: 212 yrs.
Parents: Rick & Michelle
Here's hoping the season delivers
everything on your "most wanted"
list...and more!
Merry Christmas
Thank you for your patronage
N.C. Jones &
Sons Ltd.
Millie, Bob, Jim, Todd & Leonard
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Glatml Reach with a Local Touch
Celebrate the wonders
of the season!
We appreciate your patronage and Cook,
forward to serving you in 2007.
Wishing you a Happy Holiday and aft
the best for the New year
Quadro Communications
1845 Road 164, P.O. Box 101
Kirkton, Ontario NOK 1K0