HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-12-06, Page 15Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Christmas with candlelight and communion
By Rhoda Rohde
Hodgert organist played several
Christmas tunes on the organ
before the 1st Sunday of Advent
and White Gift Sunday church
service on Sunday morning.
Rev. Judith lit the red candle
for peace, and gave words of
welcome and everyone `Passed
the Peace.' A new Introit
Prepare The Way of The Lord
was sung.
Rev. Judith led in the call to
worship responsively and
Arnold and Marion Cann,, Erin
and Katelyn Parsons, Megan
Parker lit the first candle in the
Advent Wreath. Everyone read
the opening prayer in unison.
The first three verses of the
hymn 0 come, 0 Come
Emmanuel, was sung.
Marilyn Pym gave a minute
for mission "M & S Christmas."
Rev. Judith gave the
announcements and read the
Hebrew reading, Jeremiah
33:14-16. Rev. Judith told the
children a story "Preparing For
the Baby Jesus," and everyone
said the Lord's Prayer.
The hymn Isaiah The Prophet
was sung. Psalm 25 was read
responsively. Grace Pym,
Judith Parker, Beth Cooper,
Marilyn Vadenbussche sang
Star of The East accompanied
by the pianist Jean Hodgert.
The Gospel Lesson Luke
21:25-36, "The Coming of The
Son of Man"was read by Bruce
The title of Rev. Judith's mes-
sage was "Stop, Caution, Go."
Everyone sang verses 4 & 5 of
0 Come, 0 Come, Emmanuel
and read the Affirmation of Our
Faith "A New Creed."
Anne Kernick and Virginia
Warwick received the offering
and everyone sang Grant Us
God the Grace.
Then everyone took their
White Gifts forward and put
them under the prettily deco-
rated Christmas tree and then
the offertory prayer was said in
Rev. Judith had prayers for
the people. Everyone sang
verses 6 & 7 of 0 Come, 0
Rev. Judith gave the commis-
sioning and pronounced the
benediction and said grace.
Everyone sang the choral bene-
diction and then went down-
stairs where we made
Christmas Wreaths coached by
Rev. Judith. Everyone enjoyed
hot dogs all the trimmings and
ice cream sundaes hosted by
the Christian Education
Committee with the money
going to the M & S fund.
Rev. Judith's Expected
Hours: Wed., Dec. 6 2 p.m.
until after council; Thurs., Dec
7 2 p.m until after choir. (N.B.
To follow flexibility, Rev. Judith
will maintain the first two
hours after arriving on
Thursdays as "office hours.")
Fri./Sat. - sermon/service prep.
Sundays: arrives early to com-
plete relevant details and is
available to folks as needed.
Most other times can be
reached through home phone
Sunday School Dates: Dec. 10
and 17.
Dec. 6 Standing committees
meeting at 7 p.m. followed by
council meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Dec. 12 UCW meeting at 8
p.m. Theme: Christmas pro-
gram: Diane Jeffery, Nancy
Smith, Anne Bray, Ola Batten.
Roll Call: Your favourite
Christmas food or treats. Gift
exchange: Secret pal gift
(approx $5) or exchange a gift
in the amount of a loonie.
Lunch: Marjorie Johns, Grace
Pym, Helen Weston, Shirley
Dec. 17 - Practice for
Christmas Eve. Rev. Judith
would like to hold a `rehearsal'
for the service on
Dec. 17 after
church. She will try to keep it
to an hour. Those with particu-
lar roles will be contacted.
Refreshments will follow .
Dec. 24 Family Christmas
Eve Candlelight Communion
Sunday at 7:30 p.m. All God's
children are welcome at this
special service. Rev. Judith and
numerous helpers are planning
a Communion service with a
tableau of the Christmas
Story instead of a medita-
tion. Although we plan to
use real candles with
holders at the close of the
service, there will be
glow sticks for the chil-
Bus Trip
Bill and Rhoda Rohde
were among those who
went on a bus trip on
Saturday with Harry and
Jean Hardy of Lucan with
Alec of Stratford as dri-
The trip started at the
Exeter legion at 10:40
a.m. and proceeded to
Tim Horton's in
Wingham where we had
our lunch, then to Town
Hall Heritage Theatre
where "Christmas with
the Beckett Family" was
J's Poo League
Men's League - John Hayter 817, Chris MacDonald 792, Bob Jones 741 John Burdon 620,
Gary Dietrich 616, Terry Haugh 602, Justin Brouillard 564 K.Wark 532, Bill Crump 502 Ken
Kadey 476, Derek Tiller 468, Ben Hoogenboom 454, Ken Genttner 406, Stephan McGee 405,
Jim Hayter 399, Howard Jones 394, Curtis MacDonald 383, Garrett Redegeld 369, Tyler Scott
342, Matt Iluard 302, Clay Momersteeg 246, Mark Ilunt (Flaps) 214, Nick Boom 122, Shane
Vanromphey 94, Gus Gregus 88, Frank Tiller 62, Eric (Frenchie) 49
Ladies League - Kathy Wark 621, Audrey Haugh 486 Shannon Green 409, Lisa Hindmarsh
250, Karen Vincient 161
Youth League - Zach Kadey 433, Ryan Smith 373, Aaron Ward 350, Leyda Marshall 312,
Sam Marshall 256, Jeff McNutt 194
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presented. It was a marvelous
Then we went to Gorrie
United Church for a delicious
turkey supper and all the trim-
mings and sumptuous desserts
and beverages. Then through
Molesworth, Listowel,
Milverton, Stratford, St. Marys
to see the lights which were
very picturesque and then back
home. On our way home Santa
(Harry Hardy) gave each per-
son a piece of Christmas cake
which was very delicious.
Our thanks go to Harry and
Jean for a well planned and
enjoyable day and trip.
Doug Rohde of Exeter, Bill
and Rhoda Rohde called at the
A. Millard George Funeral
Home London on Friday
evening to pay respect to their
cousin and nephew the late
Barry Keller of London who
passed away Thursday.
Sympathy is extended to his
wife Joanne, his mother Anna
Keller, his brother Lorne and
Jean Keller and their family, his
sister Norma Grosart and her
Jim and Helen Weston were
Saturday evening supper guests
with their cousins Art and Lois
Harris of Stratford.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde attend-
ed the 3rd birthday party for
their great grandson Evan
Geiger at the home of his par-
ents Ben and Karne Geiger and
sister Kaylee near Zurich on
Sunday. Happy Birthday Evan
on Dec. 4.
Word was received that the
late Earl Coultis passed away
Nov. 25 in Campbellford.
Sympathy is extended to his
family and sisters Shirley
Kerslake and family, and
Doreen Finkbeiner and family.
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