HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-11-29, Page 2424 TIMES—ADVOCATE Wednesday, November 29, 2006 Announcements/Community Visiting the critters A friendly visit — Members of the 1st Exeter Sparks recently visited The Critter Barn in Exeter, getting a chance to visit with the animals. Pictured above in the front row from left are Hailey Meikle and Nicolle and Christina Ford, while in back Dominique Baker, Heather East,Alyssa Parent and Brooke Northover get some help from owner Dianne Saunders. (photo/submitted) Good ging etiquette that's easy on the environment Since high drain, bat- tery-operated gifts such as MP3 players, digital cameras, or electronic toys and gadgets contin- ue to be popular choices on holiday wish lists; one might argue that giving an electronic pre- sent without batteries could be considered a breach of gifting eti- quette. In an age of instant gratification, nothing squashes a seasonal smile like receiving a gift that can't be used right away. According to a recent survey, 61 per cent of Canadians are familiar with this annoying inconvenience, having received battery- operated gifts without the batteries. Frustration hits when you're ready to play with a new gift, snap the per- fect holiday photo, or lis- ten to your favourite holiday song, only to find your batteries are dead, or you don't have any on -hand. This year, consider stocking up on rechargeable ones an ideal choice since they last longer than dispos- ables, provide a more environmentally friendly power solution and can save you money over time. It's the most wasteful time of the year Like the song goes, "it's the most wonderful time of the year"; how- ever, the vast majority of Canadians (86 per cent) agree that the festive season is also the most wasteful. Everything from food to wrapping paper and even batteries can add up to a lot of holiday excess, which takes its toll on the environment. Stocking up on rechargeable batteries before the season, or giving them as a gift, is just a small way to be a little green, this holiday. For instance, just one package of four AA rechargeable batteries offer the same amount of power as 4,000 ordi- nary alkaline batteries. R2 Technology batteries can be charged up to 1000 times, making them an environmental- ly friendly power solu- tion. The season's price tag Canadians are expect- ed to spend upwards of $55 billion dollars this holiday season*. Looking for a wallet -friendly solution in the midst of spending madness? R2 Technology recharge- able batteries are also easy on the pocketbook: at an average cost of $5 per pack, it would cost approximately $5,000 in disposable alkaline bat- teries to deliver the same amount of power available from one rechargeable battery kit. So let the kids snap away on the digital cam- era, and power up all the holiday toys after all, this magical season only happens once a year! *According to the Ernst & Young 2006 Holiday Sales Forecast Exeter Girl Guides — The 1st Exeter Girl Guides held its annual enrolment Nov. 15. Front from left are Kasie DaSilva, KassidyWarren and Katie Hartman; middle row are Jaimee Clarke, Darian Tomlinson and Alana Case; back row are Exeter Girl Guides leaders Charlene Chappel and Roberta Mortley. (photo/submit- ted) MUNICIPALITY OFAT ER 20'01 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AFFECTING THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER, BAYFIELD WARD TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater will hold a public meeting on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14th, 2006 AT 7:00 P.M. in the Municipality of Bluewater Council Chambers, Stanley Complex, 38594B Mill Road, west of Varna on County Road 3, to consider a proposed zoning by-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to introduce zoning provisions for residential dwellings containing three or more units to the zoning by-law for the Bayfield ward, Municipality of Bluewater. The planting strip provisions are amended to clarify that R3 (Residential Bed & Breakfast) zone is subject to the planting strip requirements. A new R4 (Residential Medium Density - Four Unit Maximum) zone is established to permit dwellings from one to four units. The provisions ` for one and two unit dwellings are the same as the existing provisions for these types of dwellings and new provisions are added for townhouses (multiple attached dwellings) containing up to four units. There are no specific lands proposed to be zoned R4 as part of this by-law. A new R5 (Residential High Density) zone is established with provisions for multiple attached dwellings containing up to eight units and provisions for apartment buildings containing up to twenty units. There are no specific lands proposed to be zoned R5 as part of this by-law. The area subject to rezoning is all of the Ward of Bayfield. 1 This by-law amends zoning by-law 508-1991 of the former Village of Bayfield now a Ward of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation, either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available for inspection between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Bluewater Municipal office in Zurich or by calling Nellie Evans, Planning Assistant, at 519-236-4351 ext. 229. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER THIS 22nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. Janisse Zimmerman Clerk -Administrator, Municipality of Bluewater 14 Mill Street, Box 250, Zurich, ON NOM 2TO MUNICIPALITY NICIPALITY OF B� BLUEWATER BAYFIEW - HAY - HENSALL - STANLEY20011 - ZIiFUCH NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT AFFECTING ALL THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater will hold a public meeting on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 2006 AT 7:00 P.M. in the Municipality of Bluewater Council Chambers, Stanley Complex, 38594B Mill Road, west of Varna on County Road 3, to consider a proposed zoning by-law under Section 34 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended. The purpose of the proposed zoning by-law amendment is to introduce regulations governing the location of wind energy facilities (wind turbines) within the municipality. The types of facilities are defined and setbacks and other location restrictions are set. Setbacks for other buildings and structures from these facilities are also set. Commercial scale wind energy facilities (capacity greater than 500 kW) are prohibited west of Bluewater Highway and in the wards of Bayfield, Zurich, and Hensall. Commercial scale wind energy facilities (capacity greater than 500 kW) are permitted in the agricultural zones subject to location restrictions. Small scale wind energy facilities, (capacity of 500 kW or less) are permitted in the agricultural zones as an accessory use subject to location restrictions. Small scale wind energy facilities (capacity of 50 kW or less) are permitted in defined urban zones as an accessory use subject to location restrictions. The area subject to rezoning is all lands in the Municipality of Bluewater. This by-law amends the following five zoning by-laws: 1. by-law 508-1991 of the former Village of Bayfield, 2. by-law 10-1987 of the former Township of Hay, 3. by-law 001-1987 of the former Village of Hensall, 4. by-law 22-1985 of the former Township of Stanley, and 5. by-law 14-1988 of the former Village of Zurich. All of these former municipalities are now Wards of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bluewater. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make written or verbal representation, either in support of or in opposition to the proposed zoning by-law amendment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed zoning by-law is available for inspection between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Bluewater Municipal office in Zurich or by calling Nellie Evans, Planning Assistant, at 519-236-4351 ext. 229. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER THIS 22nd DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2006. Janisse Zimmerman Clerk -Administrator, Municipality of Bluewater 14 Mill Street, Box 250, Zurich, ON NOM 2T0