The Times Advocate, 2006-11-22, Page 44 Times—Advocate Wednesday, November 22, 2006 zkocna =CNA Editorial Opinion TIMES ADVOCATE PUBLICATIONS MAIL REGISTRATION NUMBER 07511 We acknowledge the Financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward our mailing casts. Canada Jim Beckett — Publisher Deb Lord — Production Manager Scott Nixon — Editor 4 Published by Metroland Printing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd. Metroland 424 Main Street South, P.O. Box 850 Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 • 519-235-1331 Peter Winkler -General Manager, Southwestern Ontario Division EDITORIAL New ideas or several local municipal politicians, Monday night's meetings were the last meetings they will take part in as a mem- ber of council. They take with them their expe- rience and knowledge gained over many years in politics. Now it's time for the "newbies" to pick up the ball and run with it. Of the municipal councils in the Times -Advocate's coverage area, South Huron lost the most experience, with Mayor Rob Morley, Deputy Mayor Dave Urlin and Coun. Harvey Ratz calling it a day. While council, and the ratepayers, lose their experience, they also gain new leadership, new ideas and fresh concepts the new councillors will provide, and that's something to be excited about. Mayor -elect Ken Oke has loads of experience, but leading a council will be a new experience for him. Newly -elected councillors Cathy Seip and David Frayne have never sat on council before and will no doubt go through a learning process, but the new ideas they bring to the table will be welcome. In Bluewater, Kay Wise replaces council veteran Rod Parker in the Hensall ward. It will be interesting to see Wise, a person who in the past has lobbied for Hensall's separation from the rest of Bluewater, now sitting on Bluewater council. How will that dynamic work? In addition to losing Parker, Bluewater loses the experience of Paul Klopp as deputy mayor. Lambton Shores will also see new faces on council, as popular longtime Mayor Cam Ivey bowed out of the election, while council veteran Shirley Andraza opted not to run. Lucan Biddulph loses Doug Anderson of Granton. The Christmas spirit A thumbs up goes to outgoing Deputy Mayor Dave Urlin and the rest of South Huron council for showing some compassion and giving a Crediton man another chance to pay his taxes and keep his property. After three years in tax arrears, the property formerly owned by Danny Thomas fell into the municipality's hands. In such cases, the municipality can declare the property surplus and prepare it for a public auction, which it was about to do, before Urlin interjected and suggested council give Thomas until Dec. 11 to pay the nearly $6,000 he owes so he can keep his home. A nice way for Urlin to wrap up a political career. The gift of giving It's that time once again — the leaves are falling, the weather's getting colder, Christmas decorations are going up around town and now more than ever as the holiday season approaches, those people less fortunate need a helping hand. Every year I make it my goal to do my part, whether volunteering or donating a couple of dollars here and there. Last week I volunteered at Belongers, accepting donations as part of the Operation Christmas Child—Shoebox Gift Campaign with my moth- er. We volunteered just two days but by the end of the second day we wanted to do more. My mom and I took a couple of shoeboxes to fill with clothing, toys, school supplies and more. And honestly I didn't realize how much joy would actually come from buying presents for others, children I didn't even know. But knowing that our shoeboxes filled with gifts would travel across the world to a child that couldn't even afford the everyday necessi- ties made me excited and gave me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. While collecting donations for our shoeboxes I was impressed by the amount of people I ran into gather- ing donations for their shoeboxes at various stores around town. I was so pleased by the interest shown in the com- munity. Operation Christmas Child wrapped up last Saturday at Belongers where 700 boxes and count- ing were donated by the Exeter and area communi- Of those 700 boxes, 280 were from South Huron District High School students, something they partic- ipate in every year. I also noticed many boxes came from several churches and elementary schools in the community. And not only did Operation Christmas Child finish up this weekend, but the Exeter Food Drive was also Saturday. The Exeter Food Drive is another annual event sponsored by the Exeter Scouting and Guiding Groups and the Exeter Fire Department. All the food donations were taken to the Exeter Food Bank, staying in the Exeter and area community Between Operation Christmas Child and the Exeter Food Drive, many of the volun- teers donating their time or giving gifts were either teenagers or children, a great way of getting the younger generation motivated, especially around this time of year And not to mention helping them realize what this holiday season is all about, the gift of giving. I know Operation Christmas Child and the Exeter Food Drive are just two of the many annual events which assist less fortunate people in the Exeter and area community. But these have definitely touched my heart. With the Huron County Christmas Bureau collect- ing food and gift donations, the drop-off location is at the Exeter United Church. I encourage the community to get involved, experi- encing the gift of giving. NINA VAN LIESHOUT KICK THIS AROUND ty• About the Times -Advocate Address & Office Hours Times -Advocate, 424 Main Street South, P.O. Box 850, Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6. Our office is open Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Closed on Holidays. Contact Us By Phone or Fax Classified ad & subscription sales (519) 235-1331 24-hour automated attendant (519) 235-1336 Fax number for all departments (519) 235-0766 Subscription Rates One year rate for addresses in Canada: $40+GST Two year rate for addresses in Canada: $72+GST One year rate for addresses outside Canada: $140 Call (519) 235-1331 to order a subscription. Classified Rates Word ads: $11 for 20 words, 20(t for each additional word+ GST. Notices (births, deaths, announcements, coming events, memoriams, cards of thanks): $15 + GST for up to 50 words, All ads must be pre -paid. 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