HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-11-15, Page 15Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Volunteers needed to start a community kitchen
ZURICH - The Bluewater
Rest Home resident's fam-
ily Christmas dinner held
at the Bluewater Rest
Home in Zurich was
another big success last
Sunday. The dinner feeds
close to 350 people in two
sittings with both the din-
ing room and auditorium
filled each time.
Along with a delicious
meal, the musical enter-
tainment all afternoon
from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. was
really nice and was
enjoyed by those waiting
their turn to eat. People
come from various places,
even `Elvis" was there!
A big thank you goes out
from the Ladies Auxiliary
who bought tickets on our
draws that day as we
made over $200. The
lucky winner of the Lap
Quilt was won by Bill
Grenier from London.
Jean Geoffrey of Zurich
won the grocery hamper.
The Christmas Santa went
to Helene Pearce of
London. A delicious
chocolate Gingerbread
House made by the resi-
dents and their helper
Stacey was won by
Marilyn Thibideau of
Grand Bend which raised
$57 for hard work.
Congratulations to Cathy
Regier and Derek
MacDonald who were
married on Fri., Nov. 10 in
Seaforth where their din-
ner and reception was
also held. The bride is the
daughter of Mary and Karl
Regier Sr. of Zurich.
Annette Stephan and
two children; Rachael and
Emily of Tokyo, Japan
spent last week in Zurich
and attended her sister's
(Cathy Regier) wedding on
Twelve ladies from vari-
ous places along with their
driver enjoyed spending
their annual weekend
together in Port Huron (all
being relatives of Hilda
Lansbergen - Zurich) The
girl's had fun going shop-
ping, eating and relaxing!
A surprise 45th birthday
party and brunch for Joe
Boyley was held at
Barbara's Naturals in
Grand Bend after Mass on
Sunday which was
arranged by his wife Beth,
with several family mem-
bers and friends attending
from various places.
Later that evening Beth
and Joe left to spend a few
days in Vegas. The joint
party was also held for 18
year old Heidi Klopp as
their birthdays were both
on Nov. 11. All of Heidi's
family were there to help
her celebrate as well.
Little William Jacob
Smith son of Rick and
Michelle was baptized
recently at St. Boniface
Robyn Lily Gingerich,
daughter of Brent and
Heather (nee Westlake)
was baptized at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church.
Congratulations go out
to Jocelyn (Nee Cressman)
and Jeff Steckle - Zurich
on the arrival of their
baby boy, Bryson Keiran
who was born on Nov. 7.
Gordie and Cecilia Smith
spent the weekend in
Windsor with daughter
Nadine and Roy Chong
and son. A birthday party
was held at the Town Hall
last Friday night for Brian
Lewis and Marlene
Gingerich spent last week
in Barrie at the home of
their daughter Dorcas and
Lloyd Tate and family.
The annual meeting for
the Zurich Agriculture
Society will be held on
Thurs., Nov. 23 at the Hay
Township hall at 7:30 p.m.
followed by a potluck
dessert social. All mem-
bers are asked to attend
and give their reports.
The Lions Club will be
T J's Pool League
Men's League - Chris MacDonald 526, John Hayter
519, Bob Jones 505, Gary Dietrich 422, John Burdon
397, Terry Haugh 396, Justin Brouillard 367, Ken
Kadey 347, K. Wark 339, Jim Hayter 325, Bill Crump
314, Derek Tiller 281, Howard Jones 279, Ben
Hoogenboom 277, Garrett Redegeld 250, Stephan
McGee 242, Ken Genttner 237, Matt Huard 186, Tyler
Scott 171, Curtis MacDonald 169, Mark Hunt (Flaps)
103, Gus Gregus 88, Clay Momersteeg 68, Shane
Vanromphey 65, Frank Tiller 62, Nick Boom 37, Eric
(Frenchie) 17
Ladies League: Kathy Wark 407, Shannon Green
334, Audrey Haugh 315, Lisa Hindmarsh 250, Karen
Vincient 113
Youth League: Zach Kadey 300, Ryan Smith 256,
Leyda Marshall 218, Sam Marshall 209, Aaron Ward
200, Jeff McNutt 158, Devin Parent 58
having a Turkey Bingo at
the Complex on Wed.,
Nov. 29 - doors will open
at 6 p.m. with games
starting at 7 p.m.
Be sure and get your Flu
Shot at the free clinic
being held in Zurich at the
Complex on Tues., Nov. 21
from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Please bring your health
Tickets are now ready to
see Peter Pan in Goderich
at the High School staring
Lisa Miller of St. Joseph.
Opening night is Nov. 30
at 8 p.m. - running Dec. 1
and 2 - 7 , 8 and 9 - all at
8 p.m. Then on Sun., Dec.
10 at 2 p.m. Adults $20 -
Seniors $18 - Students
$15 and children $10 For
info call the Livery at 519-
524-6262 in Goderich.
There's going to be a
Home Interiors Christmas
Open House at St.
Boniface Parish hall in
Zurich on Sat., Nov. 18
from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call
Susan Wildfong at 519-
236-4508 for more info.
Mom's and Tots free
skating is available again
now every Tuesday morn-
ing from 10 - 11:30 a.m.
and again on Thursday
afternoons from 1 - 2:30
p.m. P.S. Dad's and kids
are also welcome!
Community kitchen
Volunteer help is needed
to start up a community
kitchen in Zurich that
would provide a service to
teach others how to cook
healthy meals and be a
place for fellowship as
well. If interested in this
project please call Mary
Walker Thiel at 519-236-
4557 as soon as possible
to plan something.
The Z. P. S. held a
Remembrance Day
Service in the gym last
Friday morning. Their
annual Poinsettia
Fundraiser runs until Nov.
17 with pick up date on
Dec. 7.
Ladies Auxiliary
The Ladies Auxiliary
meeting was held at the
Rest Home on Nov. 7 with
a good turn out. A musi-
cal program by Glen
Deichert and Jim Love
and group was enjoyed.
Following refreshments
Carmel and Hilda ran the
business portion of the
Patti Groot showed us
the nice Friendship Quilt
the residents are working
on. Membership dues
were collected at $5 for
the year. They may still
be paid at any time. Della
Gascho reported on the
tuck shop cart and anyone
wanting to help out twice
a month on Tuesday
mornings from 9:30 a.m.
to 11:00 a.m. can call her
at 519-236-4173.
The monthly program
f, • Hardwoods • Laminates • Ceramics • Carpets • Vinyls
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oll Free: 1-866-285-5516 Fax: 519-235-2543
calendar's are available in
the auditorium and can be
picked up anytime.
Our draw on a lovely cup
and saucer was won by
Marlene Deichert. Hilda
will see about something
for a draw at our next
meeting in three months
(Tues., Feb. 6) and be in
charge of the program.
A motion was made to
donate $100 to the "Rest
Well Campaign" towards
purchasing new beds at
the Rest Home. Another
motion was made to buy
another quilt from the
Zurich Quilter's Guild for
our next year's Bean
Festival Draw.
It was nice to see Jean
Armstrong out again and
feeling better after being
away due to hip surgery.
Live Nativity
Come celebrate the
heart of Christmas at the
Live Nativity in Zurich -
Sun., Dec. 10 from 7 - 8
p.m. There will be live
actors, animals, songs and
more to warm you and
your heart. Gather at the
shelter behind the ball
diamond in Zurich's Fair
Grounds. Hosted by the
churches of Zurich.
Inge --
Protect yourself and
those around you.
Brookside Public School, 36937 Belgrave Rd, R.R. #7 Lucknow
Tuesday November 28 from 3:30 to 7:00 PM
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 140, 95 Kirk Street, Clinton
Thursday November 16 from 12:00 to 7:00 PM
Friday December 8 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Grey Central Public School, 84925 Ethel Line, Ethel
Thursday November 30 from 3:30 to 7:00 PM
Royal Canadian Legion, 316 William Street South, Exeter
Tuesday November 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 109, 56 Kingston Street, Goderich
Friday November 17 from 12:00 to 7:00 PM
Wednesday December 6 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Maitland Valley Medical Centre, 180 Cambria Road North, Goderich
Tuesday November 21 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 2:00 to 6:00 PM
Wednesday November 22 from 10:00 Am to 8:00 PM
Monday November 27 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Tuesday November 28 form 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Wednesday November 29 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Howick Central Public School, 45010 Harriston Rd, R.R. #1 Gorrie
Wednesday November 22 from 3:30 to 7:00 PM
Stephen Central Public School, 70042 Goshen Line, Stephen TWP
Saturday December 2 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Seaforth and District Community Centre, 122 Duke Street, Seaforth
Wednesday November 15 from 12:00 to 7:00 PM
Thursday December 7 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM
Wingham and Area
Wingham & District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wingham
Tuesday November 28 from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Wednesday November 29 from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Thursday November 30 from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
For more information about the flu, the flu shot, and
the community clinics, please contact the Huron
County Health Unit:
Telephone: 482-3416 Toll free: 1-877-837-6143
Website: www.huroncounty.ca/healthunit
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Two Year - $72.00 + 4.76 GST = $76.32
424 MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. NOM 1S6�!�/'�
(519) 235-1331 • FAX (519) 235-0766
email: srollings@southhuron.com