HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-11-15, Page 13Wednesday, November 15, 2006 TIMES—ADVOCATE 13 Anniversary — On Oct. 28, the Hensall and District Kinettes celebrated their 50th Anniversary in the community at the Hensall Community Centre.The celebration included invitations out to all past and present Kinettes to come and join for an afternoon of fellow- ship and celebration. The Hensall Kinettes had Chuck Mallette come and speak on the Habitat for Humanity Hensall Build. Barb Caldwell announced that through her employer - CIBC - a donation of $1,000 is being made to the Habitat for Humanity organization towards assistance to the mother through the Hensall Kinettes involvement. CIBC recog- nizes its employees and their involvement in local organizations.Front from left, Brittany Caldwell, Kathy Neilands and Miranda Knight. Back Caldwell, Lori Regier, Susan Mann, Mallette, Bonnie Rowcliffe, Vaila Baehnisch, Liz Campbell, Andrea Alexander, president Carolyn Knight, Mary Venner and Carol Coleman. (photo/Pat Bolen) Seniors enjoy entertainment EXETER - Exeter Seniors met at the Legion Nov. 7. Sixty-three mem- bers and guests enjoyed a delicious pot luck supper at 6 p.m. President Shirley Kirk welcomed all and read an article from The London Free Press about Private Williamson as a tribute to Remembrance Day. Olga Davis, Jim Bearss and Harry Mathers have birth- days this month and Elwood and Shirley Truemner celebrate an anniversary. June Hodgson reported on the senior games. Wanda Reynolds is our new Senior game repre- sentative with Murray Taylor helping her. Jim Bearss Senior Advisory rep reported and had a housing survey for mem- bers to answer. We enjoyed his usual jokes. Members are reminded to bring their grocery tapes to the next meet- ing. The January 2007 meeting is being held on Jan. 9 instead of Jan. 2. Program chair- person was Mary Webber. She read "November Woods" Lois Armstrong read "Harvest Theme Let It Frost" and told us some humorous stories. Lee Thomas also entertained with humorous read- ings. Share The Wealth winners were: Howard Holtzmann, Marion Dearing, Mildred Chalmers, Erwin Sillery. Elwood Truemner, Joe Stephens, Jim Bearss and Jeanene Hayter. Mary Webber intro- duced our quests for the evening. Tom and Rose Merrigan entertained us with great music and humorous stories. They were thanked by Bill Thomas and presented with a gift of appreciation. Door prize winners were. Stu McLellan, Jane Dearing and Gord Pengally. A very enjoyable evening closed with "The Seniors Prayer". Our next meeting is Dec. 5 for our annual. Christmas banquet. Tickets ($11) They have to be purchased by Nov. 25. Please contact Olga Davis 519-235-0499 or Shirley Kirk 519-235- 0320 if you are interested in going. Gaiser `1111 Kneale EXETER - 235-2420 GRAND BEND - 238-8484 CLINTON - 482-3401 I. Business Directory J REPAIRS Sewing Machine REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES Free estimates 90 day Warranty Experienced since 1952 Sew and Save Centre Ltd. 149 Downie St., Stratford Phone 271-9660 Crime of the month EXETER — Huron County Crime Stoppers and the Huron County O.P.P. are asking for assistance in solving a theft Oct. 6 between 6 and 6:30 p.m. Thieves stole an ATV and a dirt bike from the Canadian Tire store on Thames Road in Exeter. Two vehicles were observed dri- ving into the parking lot — a white Ford crew cab pickup truck and a black SUV. Four people from the vehicles attended the front service entrance door and removed a Baja ATV and a 2006 Dirt Runner motorcycle. These items were placed in the vehicles, Last seen traveling east- bound on Huron County Road 83. If you have any information about this crime, call Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS. You won't have to give your name and you could be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000. ATTENTION EXETER & AREA RESIDENTS ONLY 7 DAYS LEFT FOR YOU TO TELL THE CRTC WHY A NEW LOCAL RADIO STATION IS IMPORTANT TO YOU! Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation of Owen Sound has applied to the CRTC for approval to build a new FM Radio Station serving Goderich, Bayfield, Grand Bend and communities along Ontario's West Coast. HERE'S WHAT YOUR LOCAL RADIO STATION WILL OFFER YOU. • A Classic Adult Contemporary format, targeting 35-64 year olds, that provides a listening alternative designed for this demographic. • Unique evening programs featuring music from diverse genres not heard on area radio stations — from oldies to light classical and cool jazz. • Live announcers 12 hours daily on weekdays and 6 hours on weekends. • A minimum of 12:32 hours per week of local news, weather, and sports. • Regular news coverage of municipal Council meetings and community events. 1 Your written comments must be received by the CRTC and Bayshore Broadcasting on or before November 23, 2006. Here's how to file your letter of support. By email: Use the electronic interventions/comments form located on the CRTC's web site at www.crtc.gc.ca under "Public Proceedings" then by selecting "interventions/Comments Forms" or, by selecting the link below the description of each application within the Notice of Public hearing also located on the CRTC's web site under "Public Proceedings"; By fax to the Secretary General 819-994-0218 By mail at CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2 In all cases you must send a copy of your letter to Bayshore Broadcasting on or before November 23, 2006. To send a copy to Bayshore Broadcasting you may use email, fax or regular mail. Email to: rkentner@radioowensound.com or rbringnell@radioowensound.com Fax: 1-519-371-4242 Regular mail: Bayshore Broadcasting Corporation 270 9th Street, East, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 5P5 For further information contact; Ross Kentner, General Manager or Rob Brignell Director of Marketing and Development at 519-376-2030. baysh Are br -Aadcasting CORPOHATION 1 vl°1t. tibim PADERNO 41110 SAVE $412! 9 pc Charlottetown set: ----- 1.5 j" 1.5 & 3 L saucepans, 5 L Dutch oven, 3 L steamer, 24 cm frying pan , 4 covers. $612.00. $1 9999 Under $25! 70% OFF! 42 cm Multi -Roaster. $33-300 3 pc Mixing Bowl Set w/Bonus Dr. Oetker Lava Cake. $39-99 SALE LOCATIONS SAVE $90! 45 pc Flatware Set. $1-79-99 rm `J1' 9 - $89.9 50% OFF! 5 pc Prestige Non -Stick Bakeware Set. $59-99 SAVE $82! 1.5 L Saucepan. $1 C 80% OFF! 20 cm Fry Pan. $0`. 75% OFF! 25 cm Catering Fry Pan. $99:99 Leans 110 Main St. N. Exeter, ON 519-235-0800 $1 999 -$2499 Information & Dealer listings: 1-800-A- NEW -POT or www.paderno.com. 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