HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-11-15, Page 8Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Items needed for silent auction Nov 5 -Nov 26
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Church Service:
Marilyn Vandenbussche played sev-
eral tunes on the organ before the
service commenced. Rev. Judith
Ritchie lit the Christ candle and wel-
comed everyone. People shook
hands and passed the peace. Rev.
Judith led in the call to worship
responsively and the opening prayer
in unison. The opening hymn Jesus,
Friend of Little Children was sung.
The announcements were
received. Rick Parker lit the red
candle for Peace. Rev. Judith talked
to the children about the Baptismal
Celebration of Baptism
The Celebration of Baptism -
statement of purpose with Rev.
Judith leading responsively. Robert
Bray chairman of council called the
presentation of the candidates to be
baptized; Katelyn Elizabeth Parsons
daughter of Brian and Erin Parsons,
and Cole Ross Heessels son of
Richard and Rebecca Heessels. Rev.
Judith conducted the profession of
faith and promises (by the parents
and also Megan Parker godmother
of Katelyn Parsons and also the
Congregation commitment, and the
Affirmation of Faith "A New Creed"
was read in unison. Rev. Judith
Baptized both babies. The baptism
hymn This Child of Ours was sung.
Rev. Judith read the Epistle reading
Hebrews 9: 24-28 and Psalm 127
was read responsively. The choir
sang We Are One accompanied by
the organist Marilyn
Vandenbussche. The Gospel Lesson
Luke 18:15-17 the People of God
was read by Barry Miller. The title
of Rev. Judith's message was "Roots
and Wings."
The hymn God of The Sparrow
was sung. Gerald Cunnington and
Bruce Delbridge received the offer-
ing and everyone sang Grant Us,
God, The Grace and Rev. Judith
read a prayer.
Everyone read the Prayers of the
People in unison, and repeated the
Lord's Prayer in unison.
The closing hymn One More Step
Along The World I Go was sung.
Rev. Judith gave the commissioning
and pronounced the benediction.
Everyone sang the choral benedic-
This morning we welcomed to our
church family through the sacra-
ment of baptism, Katelyn Elizabeth,
daughter of Brian and Erin Parsons
and Cole Ross, son of Richard and
Rebecca Heessels.
Rev. Judith's Expected Hours
Rev. Judith will be taking some
continuing education time this
week. Rev. Paul Ross and staff
associate Wendy Noble, both of
Exeter United will be available for
emergencies at 519-235-0860. Rev.
Judith returning Friday evening,
Nov. 17 and will be at church on
Sunday School Dates
Nov. 26, Dec. 10 and 17
Future Events
Nov. 5 - 26 - Christian Education is
hosting a Silent Auction. Please
bring in items for auction. Finance
Committee to host supper Nov. 26 at
6 p.m. Silent Auction results follow-
ing the meal. Sign up sheet for meal
on bulletin board at back of church.
Nov. 19 - Outreach M and S Lunch
following the service.
Nov. 24 - Bethlehem Walk at
Kirkton - Woodham Community
Centre at 7:30 p.m. $2 census per
family. Dress for the weather.
Refreshments following the walk.
Dec. 3 - First Sunday of Advent
and White Gift Sunday. Bring a gift
for the christmas Bureau. Following
the service there will be a free will
hot dog lunch hosted by the
Sparks enrolment
Enrolment night — Enrolment was held for the Exeter Sparks recent-
ly. Pictured in front from left are Madison Westlake, Christina Ford and
Nicolle Ford; in back from left are Heather East, Dominique Baker,Alyssa
Parent, Hailey Meikle and Brooke Northover. (photo/submitted)
Christian Education Committee with
the money being donated to the M
and S Fund and after, families will
be able to make an Advent wreath.
Rev. Judith is looking for decora-
tions for the advent wreaths (eg.
Small Christmas balls, tiny gift
boxes such as the ones used in cor-
sages greenery etc.)
Sympathy is extended to McNichol
and family in the passing of her hus-
band Alvin last week.
Sympathy of the community is
extended to Edward Skinner and
Frank and Frances Kints in the
passing of their aunt the late Hazel
Margison who passed away last
Guests who attended the church
and baptismal service on Sunday
and were dinner guests with Rick
and Judith Parker were Arnold and
Marion Cann, Beth Cooper and
Shannon Dawn, Brad and Jane
Cann, Nathan, Justin and Hyden,
Tim Parker and friend, Ryan
Parker, Megan Parker, Brian and
Erin Parsons and Katelyn, Barry
and Amy Parsons, Murray and Barb
Parsons, Wendy Parsons, Heather
Parsons, and Berni Loerzel, Alice
Parsons, Annie Jean Johns, Julie
and Eric Hundey, Wayne and Elaine
Corbett, Jason Corbett, Dawn
Corbett and Jeff Abel.
At the
December 18, 2006 Council Meeting at 8:30 p.m.
in the Olde Town Hall Council Chambers,
322 Main St. S, Exeter
Municipality of South Huron Council
will consider a By-law
to amend certain building permit fees.
A copy of the revised fees may be obtained at the
Olde Town Hall or viewed on our web site at
www. town. southhuron. on. ca
Written Comments must be submitted to the Building
Department or the Clerk no later than
Friday, December 1, 2006.
Sandra Strang, Clerk
Corporation of The Municipality of South Huron,
322 Main. St. S., Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6
Phone: 235-0310 Fax: 235-3304
CALL 235-1331
Huron:Perth Catholic District School Hoard
Welcome to Kindergarten
The Huron -Perth Catholic District School Board, its Catholic elementary schools and its community
partners are pleased to offer a quality learning opportunity for our young children entering school for
the first time. Junior and Senior Kindergarten offer a place where your child can grow and learn in a
positive Christ -centered environment.
Kindergarten Registration 2007 - 2008
Thursday, November 2, 2006 — Thursday, November 30, 2006
at Catholic elementary schools throughout Huron and Perth Counties
For Senior Kindergarten
Students must be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2007.
For Junior Kindergarten
Students must be 4 years of age on or before December 31, 2007.
Registration will take place for each school on the following dates:
Huron County Schools
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (237-3337) -November 17, 2006
St. Mary's, Goderich (524-9901) - November 23, 2006
St. Joseph's, Clinton (482-7035) - November 28, 2006
St. James, Seaforth (527-0321) -November 21, 2006
St. Patrick's, Dublin [Huron & Perth students] (345-2033) - November 21, 2006
Call your local school for details of registration.
For further information visit our website at:
Lay Langan
birector o Education
519-345-2440 1-800-265-8508
Vincent McInnes
Chair o Board
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ealth and Wellness Magazine
ADVERTISING DEADLINE: November 17, 2006 • DISTRIBUTION: December, 2006
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