HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-11-08, Page 13Wednesday, November 8, 2006 TIMES—ADVOCATE 13 Christian Education Committee to host silent auction By Rohda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Marilyn Vandenbussche played sev- eral tunes on the organ Sunday morning before the ser- vice commenced. Rev. Judith Ritchie lit the Christ can- dle and gave words of welcome. Everyone passed the Peace by shaking hands. Everyone sang the Introit Rejoice In the Lord Always. Church service Rev. Judith led in the call to worship responsively and the opening prayer in unison The opening hymn Lord Speak to Me was sung. Rev. Judith read the announce- ments. Sharon Lynn gave a minute for the council. Marilyn Pym gave a minute for M.S. entitled `Making a Difference In Many Ways.' Bill Rohde lit the red candle for peace and Rev. Judith read the names from the Honour Rolls and a minute of silence was observed. Rev. Judith read the Epistle Lesson Hebrews 9: 11-14 and told the children a story, and everyone repeated the Lord's Prayer. The hymn I've Got Peace Like a River was sung with people doing actions. Psalm 146 was read responsively. The choir sang In Heavenly Love Abiding accompanied by the pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Beth Cooper read the Gospel Lesson Mark 12:28-34. The title of Rev. Judith's message was "In the Mind's Eye." Everyone sang the hymn Teach Me God to Wonder and read the Affirmation of Faith "A New Creed." John and Ola Batten received the offering as well as being the greeters. Marilyn Pym brought an item forward for the Food Bank. Everyone sang Grant Us, God, The Grace and read the offertory prayer. Rev. Judith gave the Invitation for Communion and everyone sang the pre -communion hymn Come Now, 0 God of Peace and read the Communion prayer. Fred Delbridge read a passage of scripture. Everyone sang the Communion hymn Eat this Bread. Anne Kernick, Melonie Miller and Judith Parker served Communion. Everyone sang the hymn Let There Be Light. Rev. Judith gave the commissioning and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the choral benediction. At the front of the church there were Honour Rolls, a large Canadian Flag, a wreath with poppies on it, large candles, all part of a very fitting Remembrance Day set- ting. Please note: After the service, Rev. Judith will greet folks at the base of the stairs. Rev. Judith's Expected Hours Wed., Nov. 8 - 1 - 6 p.m., Thurs., Nov. 9 - 2 - 6 p.m., Fri./Sat. - sermon and service prep. Most other times Rev. Judith is available at her home number Sunday - usually available before and after church. Sunday School dates: Nov. 26, Dec. 10 and 17. Future Events Nov. 5 - 26 - Christian Education hosting Silent Auction. Please bring in items for auction. Finance Committee to host supper on Nov. 26 at 6 p.m. Silent Auction results following the meal. Sign up sheet for meal on bulletin board at back of church. Nov. 12 - Baptism service, Newsletter items to Joan Morgan no later than this date. Nov. 12 - Centralia - Zion Turkey Supper and auction at South Huron Rec. Centre. Adults $13, children (6-12) $6.50. A limited number of tickets are available at the door which will cost $1 more. For tickets and info please contact Brent Caslick at 519-228-6702 or Larry Skinner at 519-229-6304. Nov. 14 - U.C.W. meeting at 8 p.m. Program: Margaret Stewart, Leona Cottle, Margaret McCarter, Janis Richardson. Roll call: All time favourite movie or play. Special: Bring a gift for the Christmas Bureau. Lunch: Pat Ballantyne, Doris Elford, Ruthane Osgood, Beatrice Dawson. Nov. 15-17 - Rev. Judith will be away at Continuing Education. In case of emergency call Rev. Paul Ross or Wendy Noble at Exeter U.C. at 519-235-0860. Nov. 19 - Outreach M and S Lunch following the ser- vice. Nov. 24 - Bethlehem Walk at Kirkton - Woodham Community Centre at 7:30 p.m. $2 census per family. Dress for the weather. Refreshments following the walk. Dec. 3 - First Sunday of Advent and White Gift Sunday. Bring a gift for the Christmas Bureau. Following the service there will be a hot dog lunch and after, families will be able to make an Advent wreath. Rev. Judith is looking for decorations for the advent wreaths (eg. small christmas balls, tiny gift boxes such as ones used in cor- sages, greenery, etc.) Dec. 24 - Family Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Sunday at 7:30 p.m. All God's children are welcome at this special service. Rev. Judith and numer- ous helpers are planning a communion service with a tableau of the Christmas story instead of a meditation. Although we plan to use real candles with holders at the close of the service, there will be glow sticks for the chil- dren. Beware!! Rev. Judith is on the lookout for shepherds, angels and wisefolks - of all ages and both genders. She is really praying / hoping for volunteers. Extended fami- ly, home for the holidays are welcome to participate. The committee of Local United Churches will be having a joint service on Sun., Dec. 31 at 11 a.m. in the small gym at South Huron High School. There will be a New Year Celebration at noon. Praise Band of Jesus Christ from Acton will be joining the service. Personals Many people called at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home to pay their respects to the late Laverne Heywood on Thursday. Sympathy is extended to his wife Beatrice and family. In remembrance First World War 1914-1918, Elimville United Church Members Who Served: Loftus Hern - killed, Arthur Hart - killed, Harry Smith, John Beer - killed in action Oct. 1, 1918, Edward Kellett - died of wounds Oct. 26, 1917, Earl Johns - killed Sept. 12, 1917, Jackson Woods - wounded, William Veal - wounded Sept. 2, 1918, William Smith - wounded, John K. Cornish, R Hardwick Cornish, Fred Wright, Wellington Batton (Batten), J. Gordon Morley, Stanley Meyers, Edward Wygold - killed in action. Honour Roll - Thames Road Presbyterian Church: Gordon Madge, William J. Gardiner, Leslie F. Harper, Alfred Zirk, Reginald Knight, Annie E. Gardiner - nursing sister, John Cornish, Earl E. Gardiner - killed in action, George R. Boulter, Reginald D. Turnbull - killed in action, Edwin M. Williams, Bruce M. Matthews - killed in action, James Williams, William E. Jeffrey, Robert L. Gardiner, Frederick J. Simmons, Nelson Kirk, Edwin L Gardiner - killed in action, John A. Turnbull, Charles B. Allison, Joseph F. Kernick, Archie Morgan. Bethany Methodist Church: Leonard E. Wilson, Edward John Wygold - killed in action, Robert R. Rae, Robert Passmore - killed in action, Garnet Samuel Passmore, Thomas L. Wilkinson, Edwin Rowe. Second World War 1939-1945 Elimville and Area Community Church Members Who Served Their King and Country: Bessie Bell, Graham Bell, Lloyd Bell, Clifton Brock, Earl Coultis, Cyril Cornish, Ewart Cornish, Ralph Cornish, John Coward, Wilbert Coward, Harold Clarke, William Dickey, Reginald Delbridge, Lorne Elford, Ronald Elford, Clarence Ford, Clayton Herdman, Hubert Heywood, Roy Hunter, Glenn Hunter, John Johns, William J. Johns, William A. Johns, John Miners, Harry Murch, Clarence Prance, Gordon Prance, John Ridley, Elgin Skinner, Harvey Sparling, Charles Stephen. Thames Road United Church: Gordon Harry Anderson - killed in action, Lester L. Allen, William M. Ballantyne, Wesley Ballantyne, Gilbert Borland, Robert J. Duncan, Ronald F. Gollings, John F. Gollings, Stuart W. Mair, Russell Passmore, Edwin Miller, Glen Ballantyne, Arthur Rohde, Allison Morgan, John Critz, Bruce Mair, Robert Jefferey, Charles Harris, Robert McCurdy, Allen Coward, Richard Etherington, Lee Webber. Korean War: Edward Pollen FOR DEPUTY MAYOR SOUTH HURON - ELECT WALLY FYDENCHUK For information go to www.fydenchuk.ca 519-234-6487 For information CALL: 519-640-9288 or 519-234-6044 Want to be Someone Special? Join The 2923 Army Cadet Corps. FREE! LEARN • First Aid • Map Use • Field Craft • Bush Craft • Firearm Handling • Instructional Technique • Drill • Physical Fitness Pipes & Drum Band & more DEVELOP • Leadership • Teamwork • Citizenship • Confidence • Self Worth • Sensible Living FIELD TRIPS • Camping Trips • Adventure Training • Summer/Winter Field Exercises • Rappelling • Competitions • Special Events SUMMER CAMP You could attend a Summer Camp at CFB Borden or take part in exchanges to Germany, France, England, Wales, Scotland or Australia and BE PAID TO PARTICIPATE UNIFORMS You will be issued a COMPLETE CADET UNIFORM AT NO COST AGE Open to young people 12-19 years of age Join BEFORE JANUARY 1st to be eligible for Summer Camp! Every Monday EVENING starting Sept 11/05, from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. at Branch 167 Exeter Legion, Exeter AOWO GARDEN CENTRE OPEN HOUSE Aturday - November 11 9am - 5pm liwy 21 at St. Joseph 519-236-4479 Came and See Our • Upside Down Christmas Tree Filled Winter Urns • Lit Trees - Live Trees i ■ Unique Decorating Items ■ Berry Wreaths Fi Garlands • Western Cedar & Pine Boughs Ai.II 71. ron county health TOE Protect yourself and those around you. GET YOUR FREE FLU SHOT! Ashfield/Wawanosh Brookside Public School, 36937 Belgrave Rd, R.R. #7 Lucknow Tuesday November 28 from 3:30 to 7:00 PM Clinton Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 140, 95 Kirk Street, Clinton Thursday November 16 from 12:00 to 7:00 PM Friday December 8 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM Ethel Grey Central Public School, 84925 Ethel Line, Ethel Thursday November 30 from 3:30 to 7:00 PM Exeter Royal Canadian Legion, 316 William Street South, Exeter Tuesday November 21 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM Goderich Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 109, 56 Kingston Street, Goderich Friday November 17 from 12:00 to 7:00 PM Wednesday December 6 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM Maitland Valley Medical Centre, 180 Cambria Road North, Goderich Tuesday November 21 from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, 2:00 to 6:00 PM Wednesday November 22 from 10:00 Am to 8:00 PM Monday November 27 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Tuesday November 28 form 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM Wednesday November 29 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Nowick Howick Central Public School, 45010 Harriston Rd, R.R. #1 Gorrie Wednesday November 22 from 3:30 to 7:00 PM Stephen Stephen Central Public School, 70042 Goshen Line, Stephen TWP Saturday December 2 from 9:00 to 11:00 AM Seaforth Seaforth and District Community Centre, 122 Duke Street, Seaforth Wednesday November 15 from 12:00 to 7:00 PM Thursday December 7 from 4:00 to 7:00 PM Wingham and Area Wingham & District Hospital, 270 Carling Terrace, Wingham Tuesday November 28 from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM Wednesday November 29 from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM Thursday November 30 from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM For more information about the flu, the flu shot, and the community clinics, please contact the Huron County Health Unit: Telephone: 482-3416 Toll free: 1-877-837-6143 Website: www.huroncounty.ca/healthunit