HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-10-18, Page 13Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Road trips through Ontario capture and enjoy theAutumn beauty
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Thanksgiving Oct. 8 - The organist
Jean Hodgert played several tunes on the organ before
the church service commenced on Sunday morning led
by Rev. Judith Ritchie. Rev. Judith led in the Call to
Worship responsively. The announcements were read.
Rev. Judith lit the red candle for Peace and read the
Hebrew Lesson Joel 2:21-27. Rev. Judith talked with
the children about things in the trunk.
Sharon Lynn gave a Minute for Council and read the
Gospel Lesson Matthew 6:24-34 entitled "God and His
The title of Rev. Judith's message was "Cloud and
Silver Linings." Helen Kadey and Sharon Passmore
received the offering and everyone sang Grant us God
The Grace and everyone read the offertory prayer.
Rev. Judith read a letter of thanks from the Exeter
Food Bank for the items of food our church has given
every month.
Rev. Judith gave the commissioning and pronounced
the benediction and everyone sang the choral benedic-
The beautiful flower arrangement at the front of the
church was placed there by Don and Janis Richardson
in memory of his mother the late Clara Richardson who
passed away recently. Sympathy is extended to Don,
Janis and family.
Sun., Oct. 15 church service - Jean Hodgert the organ-
ist played several pieces on the organ before the church
service commenced with Rev. Judith
Ritchie leading. Rev. Judith lit the
Christ candle and said words of wel-
come. Everyone passed the Peace by shaking hands.
The Introit Rejoice in the Lord Always was sung.
Rev. Judith led in the call to worship responsively and
the opening prayer in unison. The opening hymn All
Things Bright and Beautiful was sung. Rev. Judith gave
the announcements and lit the red candle for Peace.
Rev. Judith read the Epistle Lesson Hebrews 4:12-16
and then she spent time with Justin Pym and he drew a
picture of what he thought God looked like.
Everyone sang the hymn We are Marching. Part 2 of
Psalm 22 was read responsively. The choir sang Where
the Healing Waters Flow accompanied by the organist
Jean Hodgert. The Gospel Lesson Mark 10:17-31 enti-
tled "The Rich Man" was read by Robert Bray. The title
of Rev. Judith's message was "Honest to God."
Everyone sang To show by Touch and Word and said
Affirmation of our Faith - "A New Creed." Helen Kadey
and Virginia Warwick received the offering and every-
one sang Grant Us, God, The Grace and said the offerto-
ry prayer in unison. Everyone sang the hymn Lead On,
O Cloud of Presence. Rev. Judith gave the commission-
ing and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the
choral benediction.
Rev. Judith's expected hours: Wed., Oct. 18 - in town
but off site doing a service 4-6 Thurs., Oct. 19 - 1-3 p.m.
- (office hours), 7 p.m. - CLUC meeting at church, 7:30
p.m. - Choir /Fridays and/or Saturdays - sermon prep.
(available at home phone: 519-432-5252; Sundays Rev.
Judith is available before or after most services.
Sunday School Dates: Oct. 29, Nov. 26, Dec. 10 and
Upcoming Joint Service
The Committee of Local United Churches will be hav-
ing a joint service on Sun., Dec. 31. They are looking for
youth interested in participating in a singing group led
by Michael Brine.
There will be a Halloween party held in the church
basement on Fri., Oct. 27 at 6:30 p.m. Potluck lunch of
finger foods. Anyone wishing to help in decorating
please phone Jayne Rowcliffe 519-235-3393. This
would be a good way for students to gain their volunteer
Nov. 1 - Standing committees meeting at 7 p.m. fol-
lowed by Council meeting at 8:15 p.m., Nov. 5 -
Remembrance Service, Nov. 12 - There will be a bap-
tismal service. Nov. 14 - U.C.W. meeting at 8 p.m. and
Nov. 19 - Outreach M&S lunch to follow the service.
Several people from this area attended the visitation
and memorial service on Tuesday for the late Jean
(Stephens) Johns who passed away recently. The ser-
vice was held at St. Marys United Church, St. Marys.
Sympathy is extended to her family Dorothy James,
John and Margaret Johns and Matt, Steve and Joanne
and families.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde attended the Kirkton
Horticulture meeting on Tuesday evening at K.W.
Community Centre. The meeting was called "Autumn
Splendor." Rick Mann of St. Marys was the guest speak-
er on "Wonderful World of Gourds." There was a very
successful plant auction.
Bill and Rhoda Rohde accompanied
Gordon and Myrtle Pengelly on
Wednesday to Belgrave Arena for their annual Turkey
Supper. They seat 1000 people at one sitting. They
have been having these dinners for 58 years.
Norman Shier of Toronto visited with his cousins Bill
and Rhoda Rohde on Thursday afternoon.
Several people from this area attended the wedding on
Saturday of Dale Passmore and Pauline Johns, and
many more attended the reception and dance at the
S.H.R.C. Exeter. Congratulations Dale and Pauline!
Karel Hodgert of Toronto spent the weekend with her
cousins Arnold and Marion Cann.
Bus Trips
Travelling the highways and byways, a number of peo-
ple took a bus trip north to the Huntsville area sur-
rounded with the vibrant colours of Autumn through
Muskoka and picturesque Algonquin Park to the city of
Ottawa, our Nation's capital.
While in Ottawa they went on a two hour tour to
explore the Parliament Buildings with a step on guide.
The people boarded a steam train in Gatineau Station
in Hull, Quebec travelling to Wakefield to admire the
splendor of the Gatineau hills ablaze with the colours of
the Fall season.
Also visited were the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Musical Rides and Hershey's Company plant at Smith
Falls bringing a most enjoyable tour to a close with our
host Marion Foster of Kirkton.
On Thurs., Oct. 12, Bill and Rhoda Rohde went on a
bus trip with the Cherry Bus Lines. The driver was Ron
MacPherson. The trip was planned by Reta Facey and
Marilyn Robinson of Kirkton Horticulture Society.
Craft and bake sale Sat., Nov. 18
HENSALL - Queensway Residents
with their guests enjoyed a delicious
Turkey Dinner with all the trim-
mings Sun., Oct. 15. A big thank
you to Auxiliary volunteers Edna
Deitz, Betty Simmons, Mariette
Bilcke and Lillian Beer who assisted
at the special event.
Hensall United Church women
provided assistance and prizes for
the Monday afternoon bingo game
and they will be doing so each
Monday in October.
Tuesday's Church service was led
by Pastor Elly Van Bergen of the
Varna and Goshen United Churches
with Belva Fuss as volunteer
Volunteer Donna Smale was in
Wednesday to organize the euchre
games and provided guidance for
those who are a bit rusty with their
euchre playing skills. It's amazing
how quickly the game comes back
with just a little help.
Dr. Kate Partridge led an informa-
tive session entitled "Surfing the
Stress Wave" on Thursday evening
in the retirement residence
Activation Room. She discussed the
benefits of decreasing stress; lead-
ing those in attendance through
breathing exercises and helping
them identify their particular stres-
sors. At the close of her session she
donated one of her relaxation cds to
the retirement home.
Friday evening there was an
excellent turnout for the popcorn
and comedy night with Red Skelton.
The past week was a busy one at
Queensway with residents benefit-
ing from massage with Lori Burt
R.M.T., music therapy with Lisa
Stewart, breakfast group, exercises,
manicures and crafts.
Coming Events
Thurs., Oct. 26 at 6 p.m.- Senior
Diners; Birthday Party with "Gladys
and The Merrymakers" at 7 p.m.
Oct. 31 at 10 a.m. - Pumpkin
Carving party.
Sat., Nov. 18 from 2 p.m- 4 p.m
plan to attend our Craft & Bake
Sale. There will be a variety of ven-
dors offering a wide selection of
goods for those on your Christmas
list. Relax and visit your friends in
our Tea Room.
Backroads to were travelled to Teviotdale, Mount
Forest, Durham, Priceville, Ceylon, Flesherton,
Euphemia, Eugenia Falls, Beaver Valley (snow),
Kimberley, Heathcote, Clarksburg, Thornbury, Ormsby,
Grandma Lambe's for apples, Griersville, Walter's Falls
Inn (where we had our lunch), Bognor, Rockford, Inglis
Falls, Lincoln Park, toured Garden Gallery (coming
home), Kilsyth, Tara, Chesley, Elmwood, Hanover,
Neustadt (snow on roof tops), Clifford (snowing),
Gowanstown, Listowel and home.
Special Education
Advisory Committee
Nominations for Appointees
The Avon Maitland District School Board invites local
associations or organizations that operate to further the
interests and well-being of exceptional children or adults, to
apply to nominate a representative and an alternate to serve
as a volunteer on its Special Education Advisory Committee
The Special Education Advisory Committee is a statutory
standing committee of the Avon Maitland District School
Board. It will meet approximately 10 times during the school
year on the first Wednesday of every month from 6:00 p.m.
until approximately 8:00 p.m.
A person is qualified to be a member of the SEAC who:
• is at least 18 years of age;
• is a Canadian citizen;
• is a resident within the jurisdiction of the School Board;
• is not an employee of the School Board
Applications are to be sent to Pat Taylor, Executive
Assistant, no later than November 30, 2006.
Avon Maitland District School Board
62 Chalk Street, North
Seaforth, ON NOK 1 WO
Telephone: (519) 527-0111 or 1-800-592-5437
Fax: (519) 527-0222
Director of Education
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To the Electors of Ward I
"Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood, Grand Cove, Huron Park & Stephen"