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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Join Thames Road for Worldwide Communion Oct. 1
By Rhoda Rohde
Vandenbussche played several nice tunes
on the organ before the church service
commenced on Sunday morning with
Rev. Judith Ritchie in charge. Rev.
Judith lit the Christ candle and everyone
passed the peace by shaking hands.
The Introit "Rejoice In The Lord
Always" was sung.
Rev. Judith led in the call to worship
responsively and everyone read the
opening prayer in unison.
The opening hymn "Come Children Join
To Sing" was sung.
Rev. Judith gave the announcements
and lit the red candle for peace and gave
a prayer.
Rev. Judith read the Epistle Lesson
James 3:13-4:3, 7-82. The children's
story was entitled "The Treasure Chest"
and everyone repeated the Lord's Prayer.
The hymn "It Only Takes A Spark" was
sung. Psalm 1 was read responsively.
Rev. Judith read the Gospel Lesson Mark
9:30-37. The choir sang "Until Then"
accompanied by the pianist Marilyn
The title of Rev. Judith's message was
"Child Like". The hymn "Hope Is A Star"
was sung. The Affirmation Of Our Faith
"A New Creed" was read in unison.
John and Marilyn Pym received the
offering and Rev. Judith gave the offerto-
ry prayer and everyone sang "Grant Us,
God, The Grace". Rev. Judith gave
prayers for the people. Everyone sang
the closing hymn "Rejoice The Lord Is
Rev. Judith gave the commissioning
and the benediction and everyone sang
Benefit Dance
— A Fundraising
Benefit Dance
held Sept. 23 at
the Dashwood
Centre will help
support the
Lorentz family of
Dashwood after
they lost their
house Aug. 17 to
a fire.The
Dashwood and
area community
quickly pulled
together an
evening that
included the
dance, a silent
auction and
entertainment by the Rural Roots.The Lorentz family say they are overwhelmed by the community support.
From left are volunteers Trisha Pavekje,Amy Taylor, two-year-old Rhett, three-year-old Ethan, Derek, five -month-
old Mara Lorentz, Kelly Glavin Lorentz and volunteers Cathy and Dan Pavekje and Kelly's mother Marlene Glavin.
The amount raised for the family was unknown as the T -A was going to print. (photo/Nina Van Lieshout)
the choral benediction.
The beautiful bouquet of yellow roses
on the table at the front of the church
were placed there by the Rowe family in
memory of their mother the late Belva
Rev. Judith's Expected Hours
Tues, Sept 26- 4:00-10:00 (At
Thurs., Sept. 28 - 12:00 - 6:00
Fri. &/or Sat., - sermon/service prep. -
available at home, by phone. Sunday's
as usual, availability before and after
most services.
M & P Committee: Kathy Bray is the
newest member to this committee joining
Larry Lynn and Janice Richardson.
Don't forget your items for the Food
Bank next Sun., Oct. 1.
Future Events: Oct. 1 - World Wide
Communion Sunday; Oct. 8 -
Thanksgiving Sun., Oct. 4 - Standing
Committees meeting at 7 p.m. followed
by council meeting at 8:15 p.m. Oct. 10 -
UCW meeting at 8 p.m.. Theme:
Thanksgiving; Program: Sharon
Passmore, Melonie Miller, Marion Cann,
Agnes Bray. Roll Call: Helpful household
hint. Lunch: Muriel Parsons, Marilyn
Pym, Sharon Lynn, Shirley Kerslake.
Many people from this area called at
the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home on
Thursday to pay their respect to the late
Belva Rowe and also attended her funer-
al on Friday. Sympathy is extended to her
family, sisters and their families and rela-
Sympathy of the community is also
extended to the family and relatives of
the late Earl Heywood who passed away
Sympathy of the community is also
extended to the family and relatives of
the late Winona Marshall who passed
away recently.
Sympathy of the community is also
extended to Margaret Prout and her fam-
ily and relatives of the late Glenn Prout
who passed away recently.
Sympathy of the community is extended
to the family and relatives of the late
Betty (Allison) Hodgins who passed away
recently, Betty grew up in this neigh-
Belated sympathy is extended to Verna
(Wein) (Stone) Pfaff and her husband Art
Pfaff of Exeter in the passing of her
brother the late Ron Wein recently.
Thirty adults and children attended
"Fun Night" at the church on Friday, a
good time was had by all.
A number of people from this area
attended the chicken BBQ at Kirkton
Woodham Community Centre on Sunday
Worship Celebration of the Covenanting
with Huron -Perth Presbytery. The United
Church of Canada Thames Road,
Elimville United church and the
Reverend Judith Ann Baird Ritchie.
Huron -Perth Presbytery: Chair Person,
Rev. Alex McGilvery and Robert Bray,
Chair Person, Thames Road - Elimville
Church Council were the presiders.
Marilyn Vandenbussche played several
pieces of music on the piano.
Rev. Judith lit the Christ Candle. The
Introit: "Rejoice In The Lord Always"
was sung. Rev. Alex gave greetings and
the announcements. The hymn "Come
Let Us Sing Of A Wonderful Love" was
sung. The call to worship was given by
wood dance suppor
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Rev. Alex, Beatrice Dawson, Grace Pym,
Judith Parker, Beth Cooper, Sharon Lynn
and Kay Cunnington. The opening
prayer was read in unison. People greet-
ed one another in Christ's name passing
the peace.
Rev. Alex McGilvery and Robert Bray
presented Rev. Judith Ritchie to the con-
gregation with words of welcome.
Readers: Brett Warwick read "Reaching
for Rainbows" by Ann Weems Virginia
Warwick read: "Balloons Belong In
Church" by Anne Weems. The hymn
"We Are Pilgrims" was sung between
each reading.
Beth Baird (Rev. Judith's mother) read
the Gospel Reading John 15:1-17.
Everyone stood and read the Affirmation
of Our Faith - "A New Creed." Promises
of the New Ordered Minister and the
Promises of the Pastoral Charge as well
as members of the presbytery took place.
Rebecca Heessels and Joyce Fulton
received the offering. The choir sang
"Come Holy Spirit" accompanied by the
pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. The
invitation to take communion was given
by Rev. Alex and Rev. Judith. The
Communion hymn "0 Jesus, Joy Of
Loving Hearts" was sung.
Those assisting with Communion were
Judith Parker, Melonie Miller, Anne
Kernick, Virginia Warwick. The Hymn
"How Firm A Foundation" was sung.
Rev. Judith pronounced the commission-
ing and the benediction.
Everyone sang the choral benediction
and everyone went downstairs where a
lunch of homemade bread, jams, jellies
and beverages were partaken which
brought a wonderful evening to a close.
Mike Neuts
Tues., Oct. 3
7 p.m. N SHDHS gym
The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Lucan
Biddulph has determined that a portion of Breen Drive road
allowance lying west of Concessions 4 and 5 known as
"Saintsbury Line", legally described as Part of the Road
Allowance between Lots 20 and 21, Concession 4, in the
Township of Lucan Biddulph, now designated as PARTS 1, 2, 3
and 4 on Reference Plan 33R-16594 is a redundant highway
and it would be proper to close the said highway pursuant to
the authority of Section 34 of The Municipal Act.
Council intends to pass a By-law closing Breen Drive at its
meeting on Thursday, September 28, 2006 after providing
notice of the intended road closing for a period of four
consecutive weeks in the local newspaper. Persons wishing to
make representations, presentations or written or verbal
comments may do so by attending the public meeting
immediately prior to the matter being determined by Council at
the Council Chambers to be held at 33351 Richmond Street,
Lucan, Ontario at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 28, 2006.
Those wishing to make written comments are asked to deliver
same to the Clerk -Administrator of the Township at 33351
Richmond Street, Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0. Any questions may
also be addressed to the Clerk -Administrator at the above
noted address.
Ronald Reymer
Administrator -Clerk