HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-09-13, Page 13Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Exeter Times -Advocate 13 Yoga class for seniors begins Mon., Sept. 25 EXETER — Throughout the month of August, key- board musicians were Jean Hodgert, Josie Ryckman, and Ruth Insley. Draw prizes were won this month by: Marshall Dearing, Mike Underhill and Ilene RoRings. 50-50 draw prizes were won by Harvey Hyde and Howard Holtzmann. Caroline Simons from the Epilepsy Society spoke on Aug. 1. On Aug. 9 we held a bingo. Aug. 15 Grant Ellison played his guitar and sang several familiar songs. Marlene Mathers sang and played the keyboard on Aug. 22. Terry Boa and Audrey Slauder, from Sallows Gallery spoke on Aug. 29. Speakers and entertainment for September will be Alma Langford, Corky and Friends and Jim and Elaine Scott. Foot care appointments can be made by contact- ing 519-235-0258. The next appointment dates will be September 5 and 19, again on October 3 and 17. We will be starting our regular fall activities in September and October. We would like to get a seniors yoga class going. Classes start on Sept. 25. If you are interested, call 519-235-0258. Our regular exercise program will start on Sept. 6 at 9 a.m. Hope to see you there. We are always look- ing for new individuals to join the group. Solo will begin on Sept. 13. All are welcome. Carpet bowling starts on Oct. 2. All are welcome. Panther Profile By Craig Skochinski Hey there, Panthers! Welcome back to what looks to be a helluva tight school year, academically speaking of course. Well summer's over; that's right it's official. Well maybe not, I'm not sure, when is the last day of summer? I think it was actually a while ago. But I digress, that's right digress, and that brings us to our word of the day! It's part of my plan to expand your vocabulary. Digress: to deviate or wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing; depart from the principal line of argu- ment, plot, study, etc. All right, back to school, which also means a new crop of `niners'! We'll be kicking off Grade Nine Welcome Week the last week of September, just to confuse you guys, keep you on your toes. So for now, I'll extend a very unofficial welcome to all nin- ers from myself. You guys just keep getting shorter and shorter — pretty soon, you'll be microscopic. This Wednesday also marks the first Wacky Wednesday, so be wacky — wear a tie! I hear rumours of prizes. Hey wait, I just realized this paper doesn't go out until Wednesday ... Oh well, too late now. Mrs. Siren's rule — don't use the backspace key while typing the first draft! Since I'm only doing one draft, I guess I can't backspace at all. So deal with it. This being the first week, I can't really think of much else to say... listen to the announcements! These really cool two guys are reading them so you'd be missing out if you didn't listen to their voices. So ya, for now keep on rockin' and don't forget to go try out for sports and get involved in the high school community (betcha didn't know we had a community!) Until next week keep your head up in the halls and remember: There's no purpose in shedding copious tears over spilled lacteal fluid (I'll have some kind of reward for the first person to decode that and come find me, excluding anyone currently or previously in Mrs. Siren's Writer's Craft class). Your First Step to Employment Attend a FREE Workshop to Learn about your Options Call your local HERC office 519-357-4995 ,..z.-.-r°,L.. Canada Family fun night is planned for Fri., Sept. 22 By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Marilyn Vandenbussche played several tunes on the organ before the church service commenced. Rev. Judith Ritchie lit the Christ Candle and the Inroit "The church is Wherever God's People" was sung. Rev. Judith gave words of wel- come and everyone shook hands. Rev. Judith gave the announce- ments and led in the call to worship responsively along with the opening prayer in unison. Beatrice Dawson gave a minute for mission entitled "With Care and Compassion." The opening hymn "Love Divine all Loves Excelling" was sung. Rev. Judith read 2 Samuel 7:1-14 and we all said the Lord's Prayer. Everyone sang "God of the Sparrow." Psalm 84 was read responsively. Rev. Judith read from Ephesians 2:11-22. The choir sang "The Light From Heaven" accompanied by the organist Marilyn Vandenbussche. The title of Rev. Judith's message was "Putting Out the Welcome Mat." Everyone sang "Through the Ancient Walls", and read Affirmation of our Faith "A New Creed." Joan Morgan and Joan Skinner received the offering and Beatrice Dawson brought an item for the Food Bank forward. Everyone sang "Grant Us God the Grace" as the offering prayer. Everyone sang the closing hymn "May The Grace of Christ." Rev. Judith gave the commission- ing and pronounced the benediction. Everyone sang the choral benedic- POLICE BRIEF Credit card stolen and used LAMBTON SHORES — Lambton OPP are investigating a break, enter and theft where a wallet containing cash, documents and a credit card were stolen. On Sept. 4, sometime during the day, while the property owner was away, thieves gained entry to a River Road residence by forcing an exterior door. Once inside, they stole the property owner's wallet. Follow-up showed the wallet had already been used by the culprits in Grand Bend to buy items. There are no suspects and the investigation is continuing. tion. Announcements Rev. Judith's expected hours the week of Sept. 11-17 inclusive: When hours are indicated it means Rev. Judith is usually around the office for the first while, out and about and returning for planned meetings. If in doubt - give her a call. Wed.: 1-9 ish, Thurs.: 1-9ish, Fri./Sat.: Sermon/service prep. - available at home, by phone. Sundays: avail- able before and after most Sunday services. Please feel free to engage Rev. Judith in conversation. The loose collection from the Sept. 3 Joint Sunday service was $120 and it was forwarded to M&S on behalf of all three pastoral charges. Future Events: at the 10 a.m. ser- vice we will dedicate the new sound system and the desk purchased from the Memorial Fund donations. Following the service there will be an Alzheimer coffee hour fundrais- er. Sept. 22 from 7-9 p.m. Fun Night for the whole Family of God! Our Christian Education committee is planning a family event for "chil- dren" of all ages and stages. Please come and enjoy a campfire with hot dogs, marshmallow and beverages. There will also be an opportunity for everyone to give input about hopes and dreams for Christian Education at Thames Road - Elimville U.C. In the case of inclement weather, we will move activities inside. Sept. 24 Newsletter items are due. Please give to Joan Morgan. Come and celebrate with our faith community, Presbytery and sur- rounding churches. We will share the happiness of the union of Thames Road - Elimville UC and Rev. Judith Ritchie as a new family! The worship committee is helping to plan the service that will include Communion. In addition, we are planning a time for refreshments and conversation following the ser- vice. Oct. 1 Worldwide Communion Service Oct. 8 Thanksgiving Sunday Personals Ken and Judy Stokes of Koroit of Victoria, Australia spent a month with her sister and brother in law Jane and Brad Cann. They visited many places of interest. Golf Tournament Forty-four people attended the annual golf tournament and bingo on Sat., Sept. 9 at the Exeter Golf Course. Winning Team: Tim Parker, Beth Cooper, Rick and Judith Parker; Closest to the pin: Marty Overholt; Shortest drive: John Batten; Winner of 50/50 draw: Bob Waddell. Other golfers were (2) Murray and Bea Dawson, Margaret Stewart; (3) Marty and Laura Overholt, Bob and Carol Waddell; (4) John Batten, Helen Webber, Doug Webber, Lorraine Alexander; (5) Larry and Joyce Fulton, Gerry and Joan Morgan; (6) Dave and Sharon Passmore, Jim Snow and Mary Ann Smith. A delicious supper was then enjoyed by everyone, prepared by the Exeter Golf Club. Judith Parker announced the winners. Dennis and Sandra Rowe who had planned the afternoon were unable to attend. Marilyn Pym was the bingo caller. Everyone received a door prize which brought an enjoyable after- noon to a close. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to Judith Parker who celebrates Sept. 9. garybean SECURITIES LI L' MakeYour Investments Count Stocks, Bonds, Income Trusts, Mutual Funds & RRSP Products Gary Bean Securities Ltd. 588 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM I S I 519-235-4099 1-800-710-5216 Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund and Investment Dealers Association of Canada CELEBRATE THE (rowan/AND CELEBRATE THE crag . 5''. l 1 1 o 1 , I -. . III' 4 4 SAVE 20% from now until Oct. 16, 2006 on Silhouette, Nantucket, Duette, Applause, Vignette, Luminette & Alouette Luminette® Privacy Sheers soften light to set the perfect mood. Contact us today for special limited -time savings! DISCOVER EVENING STAR® FOR ENHANCED PRIVACY! 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