HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-08-30, Page 23Wednesday, August 30, 2006 Exeter Times—Advocate 23 Announcements/Communi 105 Cards of Thanks 106 In Memoriam GARDNER - The family of the late Bev Gardner would like to express their sincere appreciation to family and friends for the many words of kindness, flow- ers, cards, food and donations in honour of Bev. Special thanks also to J.M. McBeath Funeral Home, paramedic's and OPP who were very compassionate and professional. Also Rev. Les Hill and the women of Hensall United Church for the lovely lun- cheon. uncheon. Your thoughtfulness and sympathy will be ever remem- bered. Dan Boniface and the Gardner, Bisback, and Boulton families. (35*) HERN - We barely know where to begin to thank everyone. Thank you to Northlander and the Exeter Times Advocate, not just co-workers but truly good friends. Thank you to everyone that came out to surprise me at Gar's Bar on Saturday. Everyone seemed to know about this party but me. It was great seeing everyone from the Exeter Express, Inn-dians hockey and slo-pitch teams, and the Out To Lunch Bunch, what great times we had with these teams. Thank you Gar, We love you. Lisa, sorry for always showing up this week and you having to keep taking down the signs and putting them back up again just so I wouldn't see them. Thank you to Carol, Deb, Kelly, Julie, Lindsey, and Kristen for taking me out to lunch, Heather I missed you. You girls are really sneaky. Thanks Val for the pic- ture frame that everyone signed, what a great idea. To Carol Coleman and Deb Hunter, what can I say to the both of you for planning this going away party. The picture boards are amazing, what wonderful memories we had made over the years. You both are amazing friends and I love you. We know that no mat- ter where we go, Exeter will always be our HOME and we are proud of this. Love Kim, Kevin, Kelsey and Jake (35x) LAURIN - Unbelievable what amazing friends, neighbours and family I have. Thank you all around for your prayers, support, best wishes during my time at the hospital and at home following my heart attack and bypasses. Now I truly know how precious life is and live each day to the fullest. Thank you again from the bottom of my repaired heart. Yvon (35*) MARSHALL - Win would like to thank her family and neigh- bours, home care, nurses and all those who helped during her recent illness. (35*) 106 In Memoriam BORDEN - In loving memory of our daughter, sister and friend "Amber" who left us two years ago, August 30, 2004. A special smile, a special face And in our hearts, a special place, No words we speak can ever say How much we miss you every day. To hear your voice and see your smile To sit and talk to you awhile. To be together in the same old way Would be our dearest wish today. You are always missed by every- one. Remembered with love always, Mom and Brandon (35*) BORDEN - In loving memory of my dear daughter Amber. We hold you close within our hearts And there you will remain. To walk with us throughout our lives Until we meet again. Always loved and remembered. Your Dad and friends from Zurich (35*) Announcements and classifieds on-line @ www.southhuron.com GALLAGHER - In loving mem- ory of my special Dad, Raymond Joseph, who passed away one year ago August 31, 2005. Little did I know that morning, God was going to call your name, In life I loved you dearly, In death I do the same. It broke my heart to lose you, You did not go alone, For part of me went with you, The day God called you home. For those who still have their Dads, Treat him with special care, You will never know the empti- ness, As when you turn and he's not there. Dad, there are no words that can express how much I miss and love you. Loved and remem- bered always, Lorraine and Barney XXX000 (35*) KOEHLER - In loving memory of our dear mother, Elda Koehler, who passed away August 29, 2004. Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way. Though absent you are always near Still missed, still loved and always dear. Remembered by Gloria and Bob, Anne and their families. (35*) PICKERING - In loving memo- ry of James Pickering (Jim) who passed away August 30, 2002. Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way. Though absent you are always near Still missed, still loved, always dear. Sadly missed but not forgotten by your brother Ken. (35*) WHITNEY, MARK - In loving memory of a great Dad, Grandpa and Great -Grandpa, who passed away August 30, 2004. You left us with fond memories of times we'll always treasure. Memories of you bring smiles, and sometimes the tears flow too. But most of all we try to smile, `cause that's what you'd want us to do! Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by your daughters and their families. (35*) YARD SALE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 - Anne Street, Exeter. EVERY- THING MUST GO ESTATE SALE. 3 pm. Collectibles, furni- ture, books, linens, games. GARAGE SALE - Sat., Sept. 2, 8am-2pm. 36273 Gore Rd., Grand Bend. S. of Hwy. 83 between Corbett Line & Hwy. 21. Good quality household, fur- niture, fixtures, some antiques. GARAGE SALE - 69815 Babylon Line, Sat. Sept. 2. Rain or shine. Dressers, toys, crib, Watkins Products and lots more. HUGE YARD SALE - Corkboards, whiteboards, execu- tive chair, lamps, dryer, soccer shoes, mannequin, books, child's sofa and more. 8am-2pm., Sat. Sept. 2. 9961 Old River Rd., Huron Woods, Grand Bend. YARD SALE - Sat., Sept. 2/06. 7:30am to 12 noon. Exeter United Church, 42 James St. For info call Rebecca 519-235-3434. YARD SALE - Mill Road, Varna. Friday, Sept. 1st, 3pm., Saturday, Sept. 2 and Sunday, Sept. 3. 8am-? Watch for signs. YARD SALE / MOVING SALE - 40319 Mill Rd., 1 mile E. of Brucefield. Fri., Sept. lst, 4-8pm., Sat. & Sun., 8:30am- 8:OOpm. Riding mower with trailer, fridge, stove, small 7 cu. ft. upright freezer, antique roll- top desk, empire dresser, Heintzman baby grand piano, many misc. pieces. Please call for further info 519-522-0220. Bean Sprouts Cooperative Nursery School in Zurich has openings for children 2-5 years of age Educational crafts, songs, play and stories. For more information contact Kim @ 519-236-7549 HU iR Ql li-_PERTH, riving Rnhoo1 5 Day Course Starting September 11 $550.00 Paid in Full or $575.00 installments Sign up and pick-up registration at South Huron District High School Check out our new website coming soon www. hpdrivingschool. com where you can print off a registration form. CaII anytime home office 519-524-1479 Toll Free: 1-888-529-8188 CruiseSellof :fora Ottawa Fall Foliage Spectacular October 2-4,2006 Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation 2 Night Accommodation Holiday Inn Ottawa H.C.W. Steam Train Excursion City Tour of Ottawa & R.C.M.P.Training Centre Hershey Chocolate Plant Some Meals and Services of a Tour Director Call Marion Foster (519) 229-8718 Email: marion@cruiseselloffs.com TICO#50007529 Happy 50ffi Anniversary Named & av►een Dithich Sepl¢mber 1st re your children grandchildren HAPPY 25TH ANNIVERSARY Tom and Elaine September 2006 Love and Best 'Wishes from. your Tamil:es Ha ppy k0 30th Birthday ELIZABETH GROOT AUGUST 30 Happy 65th MARO MILIER Auust 29th Love Barry & Family -Dove yacvc cot% 1 NEW TO HURON COUNTY DRIVE RIGHTDRIvING SCHOOL is offering a BEGINNER DRIVER EDUCATION COURSE at South Huron District High School Starting on: Tues., Sept. 19 at: 3:30 p.m. 'til 6:45 p.m. Cost: Only $575. GST included Registration forms at the school office FOR INFORMATION PLEASE CALL Garth Sheldon at 519-482-8643 EXETER BRIDGE CLUB STARTS A NEW SEASON Wed., Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. Downstairs at Exeter Legion For more info call 519-235-3826 • 518-235-2182 London's Premier Bridal Showcase Everything for Your Wedding ! Exciting Fashion Shows Sat. & Sun. Tt59 3:30 THE LONDON SEPTEMBER Sat. I I - 5, Sun. I2 - 5 Admission $9.00 londonsl7owproductions.com SEPTEMBER 9TH & 10TH LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE ge -:married .com