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The Times Advocate, 2006-08-09, Page 26
26 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, August 9, 2006 CLASSIF CLASSIF 19 Property for Sale4 19 Property for Sale4 20 Property for Rent 20 Property for Rent CHARMING VICTORIAN HOME 127 Gidley St. West, Exeter $189.900 Completely renovated, new kitchen, 2 new bathrooms, new windows, new roof, ceramic tile and pine floors throughout, covered quaint front porch, back deck, 75x300 foot lot. Mature. THIS BEAUTY WON'T LAST LONG! PRIVATE SALE - OPEN HOUSE SUN., AUG. 13 • 1-4 RM. CALL 519-235-3215 TO VIEW ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOMI'. CONTACT FRANK ROW F. 519-238-5851 - GRAND BIND 1-800-361-5114 - KITCHENER 32 GIDLEY ST. W. EXETER - 1 1/2 storey yellow brick. Large fenced corner lot. Enclosed entrance, large eat -in kitchen, attached greenhouse, open concept dining room and living room with gas fireplace, laundry room with 2 pc. bath (could be 3rd bedroom) on main level. 2 large bedrooms with lots of closet space. 4 pc. bath with whirlpool tub on upper level. Basement has fin- ished rec room and unfinished area recently insulated. Large steel garage/workshop, partial- ly insulated. Extras include central air, central vac, water softener, high-eff. gas furnace, enclosed seasonal porch, gaze- bo, stamped patio, fish pond, ADT security installed. Recently decorated, move -in ready. Phone 519-235-1687 or 519-870-5849 to view. (32*) 20 Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, $475/month. Available June lst/06. First & last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Suitable for older individual or couple. Call 519-235-1547 prior to 8 pm. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM - MAIN FLOOR APT. - one block off Main Street. Fridge and stove included; $685/month. Water & hydro extra - heat included. Available August lst. 1st & last & references required. Call after 6:00 pm. 519-235- 0602. (25tfn) ASHWOOD APARTMENTS - Available immediately. 1 bed- room $450 or $525 furnished, plus utilities. Fridge and stove included. Call Marlene Parsons 519-235-1304. (29tfn) AVAILABLE SEPT 1ST - DOWNTOWN EXETER - One bedroom apartment. Heated, water, sewer, stove and fridge supplied. First/last, references required. $455/month. 519-235-1354. (31tfn) CLEAN ONE BEDROOM - new f & s, laundry facilities, parking, eat -in kitchen, suitable for quiet adult. 519-235-1497. EXETER - 189 VICTORIA ST. W. - 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Fridge, stove, water, sewer included. $415-$665 a month. 519-235-0349. (28tfn) L HURON PARK, ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 3 & 4 bedroom semi-detached homes All have front & back yards and a full basement Rent ranging from $438.00 per month and up, plus utilities PARKBRIDGE LIFESTYLE COMMUNITIES Tel: (519) 228-9898 EXETER - ONE BEDROOM UPPER APT. - Stove and fridge supplied. $460 plus util- ities. No pets, references required. 519-235-3293. (24tfn) GRAND BEND - Prime Office/Retail Space, Ground Level, utilities included. Available June 1, 2006. Call 519-235-2420. (18tfn) GRAND BEND - 3 bedroom home nestled in trees of Oakwood Park. Fully fur- nished, newly renovated, pets allowed. Available September - May 2007. $600 p/month plus utilities. Call Trevor 416- 627-5291.(27-35*) SEPT. - MAY 3 BEDROOM FULLY FURNISHED HOUSE - Poplar Beach near Grand Bend. $750 per month plus utilities. 519-238-8770. (32- 37*) ST JOSEPH - LIVE AT THE LAKE - 3 bedroom home on quiet street with view of lake. Available Sept./06. $950 per month plus utilities. References required. Call 519- 236-7839.(32-35*) ZURICH - 2 BEDROOM - 4 appliances. Newly renovated. Main floor. Available August lst. $520 a month plus hydro. Seniors discount. 519-679- 5810. (28-35*) GREAT 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - in Clandeboye. $600 inc. heat. Available now. Call Jerry 519- 227-4677 or 519-318-8709. (19tfn) LARGE ONE BEDROOM APT. IN TRIPLEX - Newly renovated. $550 plus hydro. 519-235-1854. (24tfn) "LOWEST RENT - EXCEL- LENT DEAL" BACHELOR, 2 BEDROOM AND 4 BED- ROOM APTS. - Clandeboye - Lucan area. Pay only FIRST rent and move in. No last month payment required. Laundry facilities. Ample park- ing. Call 1-800-262-3047. (22tfn) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APTS. - Central air, laundry, parking. $515 and $465. Call 519-227-4766.(17-32*) PASTURE FOR 6-8 - cow calf pairs. 519-229-6487. (23- 36SA) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor ZURICH - 2 BEDROOM - 4 appliances. Basement unit. $475 plus hydro. 519-679- 5810. (31-38*) 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - $525 a month includes heat and water, fridge/stove. Call Mark 519- 235-3881. (29tfn) 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT DOUGLAS JOHNS Late of 439 Edward Street, Exeter, Ontario who died on or about the 26th day of July, 2006. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of August, 2006 after which date the estate assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have then been received. RAYMOND & McLEAN Barristers & Solicitors 387 Main St. S. P.O. Box 100 EXETER, Ontario NOM 156 Solicitors for the Estate of Robert Douglas Johns Exeter's Ann DeVries holds one of the fundraisingT-shirts for this September's Terry Fox Run, now available at Sew Fine Fabrics in Exeter. Prices are $10 for children and $15 for adults.This year's Terry Fox Run in Exeter takes place Sept. 17 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Last year's 25th anniver- sary run raised $1 I ,848.18, plus $1 I ,113. I 0 raised by local schools.To help with this year's run, or for more information, contact DeVries at 235-0949 or 235-1298. Organizers thank all who make the run possible. (photo/Scott Nixon) 27 Tenders Wanted 27 Tenders Wanted 4 County of Huron Highways Department Submissions will be accepted until 12:00 Noon local time, Thursday, August 24th, 2006 for the 2006/2007 winter season for the rental of a truck tractor and dump trailer to haul road salt to the four (4) County of Huron patrol yards. Quotation forms are available from the Office of the undersigned. Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted. County Engineer 1 Court House Square Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Tel: (519) 524-8394 ext. 504 Fax: (519) 524-9291 Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper AUCTIONS AUCTION AUGUST 16th © 10:00 a.m. AUTO PARTS MFG (Steel Rings) - Located near Orillia, Ontario. Lathes, Mills, Welders, Presses, Fork trucks, Tooling. More information visit: www.dubeauauctions.com or CALL 705-327-5890. MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800.943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private indi- viduals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. AUTOS FOR SALE GUARANTEED APPROVAL DRIVE AWAY Today! We lend money to everyone. Fast approvals, best interest rates, over 800 vehicles sale priced for immediate delivery. www.autoapprovedcanada.com 1-800-711-4491 BUSINESS OPPS A BIG $$$ MAKER. All cash vending routes with prime loca- tions. Earn up to $5,000.00 per month part-time. 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Jump start your career with CDI College & graduate in months - not years! Business, Technology, Health Care & much more. We have locations throughout Canada & classes are starting all the time! Call today toll-free 1-800-993-4713. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERATION requires a territory manager in your area. Paid weekly, commission based, rapid advancement, equal opportunity. Infoline Toll -Free 1- 866-443-6020 or for interview CALL Mr. Cunningham today at 1-800-667-7933. PHONE DISCONNECTED? Super Special: only $13. for first month plus hook up. Everyone welcome. Guaranteed approval. Free long distance package. Call Easy Reconnect now 1-877-446-5877. NO CREDIT REFUSED. Up to $500.00 loan. Payable weekly. Expert Brokers. 1-877-776-1660 FRANCHISE OPPS. DISCOVERY COMPUTERS is seeking qualified franchises in your area. Proven concept, continual support, turn -key startup. www.discoverycomputers.com 519-273-5777 Area Representative. CASH FOR GUNS - We will pay cash and shipping for your used long guns. Email me atjoe@cfcrifies.com or call me at 519-640-8955. Picture required. FOR SALE A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get your first month free. No Credit, Bad Credit, No Problem! Call Freedom Phone Lines Today Toll -Free 1-866-884-7464 NEW NOTEBOOK or PC! Get the latest MDG PC, Notebook, or TV for only 99 cents per day! Our in-house financing will approve you, Guaranteed! Configure up to 1.8 Ghz Centrino, DVD -RW, 120GB, 15.4" Widescreen and more.Custom Notebook/PC's available. Call 1-800-236- 2504 NO MONEY Down! Credit Builder Program, Dell PC or Laptop ideal for education, business, entertainment, low payments, *all applications accepted, instant delivery Dell direct. 1-866-858-0660 (*simple conditions apply). SAWMILLS from only $3,495.00 - Convert your LOGS TO VALUABLE LUMBER with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. 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Call Toll -Free 1 -866 -323 - RESP (7377), Fax 1 -866 -355 -RESP, Email: H eritage_Plan@ON .AI BN.COM LIVESTOCK BERKSHIRE SWINE FOR SALE. 60 Bred Sows, 2nd & 3rd parities, 20 Guilts, 4 Boars, 150 weanlings. Prefer to sell as one lot. Call 204-567-3710, Miniota, Manitoba. MORTGAGES LARGE FUND ---Borrowers Wanted. Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. lst, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don't rely on credit, age or income. CALL ANYTIME 1-800-814-2578 or 905-361-1153. Apply online at www.capitaldirect.ca MORTGAGES - FREE INFORMATION - INSTANT PRE - APPROVALS BY PHONE FOR ALL PROPERTY TYPES. Bank turndowns OK, Bankruptcies OK, No/Low Income OK. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages, Construction/Renovations, Debt Consolidations, Purchases, Refinancing. Easy Low Monthly Payments. Good/Bad Credit If you have sufficient "Equity" ... YOU'RE APPROVED!! Servicing Ontario for over 20 years. 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Buy now! Pet Live Long selection of natural herbal remedies for healthy, happy, energetic dogs or cats. Visit www.PetLiveLong.com. A CRIMINAL RECORDS REMOVAL. We guarantee. Free assessments. U.S. waivers. Peace of mind, keeping a job, bondability, travel to U.S., custody of children. Apply in 60 seconds. 1-800-298-5520; www.canadianpardons.ca CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECTION. Phone discon- nected? Tembo can help! No refusals and no credit check. Ask about our Super Summer Special! 1-877-468-3626, www.tembo.ca. lkEL BUILDING BUILDING SALE! "MANUFACTURER DIRECT Since 1980!" Extensive range of sizes/models. Example: 40' x 100' x 16' = $4.69/sq.ft. Ends optional. 3 week delivery. 25' x 40' x 12' $4990 (LIMITED QTY). Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Dependable, Pre- engineered, All -Steel Structures. Custom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory -Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 536 for free brochure. 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