HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-07-19, Page 29Wednesday, July 19, 2006 Exeter Times -Advocate 29 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED 9 Crops 4 X 5 BALES HAY - No rain, cheap, $10 bale. Call 519-461- 0817. (29-36SA) APPROX. 10 TONNES MIXED GRAIN - also msall squares of wheat straw. Phone 519-461-1758. (25-32SA) HAY FOR SALE - Large square bales. First cut, never rained on. 519-235-4483. (29*) NEW HAY FOR SALE - round bales 4 x 5, 90% alfalfa. Call 519-284-2705. (25-32SA) HAY FOR SALE - Alfalfa/Timothy, 2006 first cut small square bales, no rain. $3.00 per bale. Call 519-284- 2668. (28-35SA) 10 Sports Equip &Vehicles 100 CC RED DIRT BIKE - 2003 Kick-start, 2 stroke. Runs great. Good for kids over 8. Asking $700. 519-461- 0252 ask for Joe. (29-36SA) 16 FT. FIBERGLASS BOAT - with a 50 hp. Mercury motor. 519-237-3305. (23-30SA) 1984 GMC CITATION MOTORHOME - 22 ft. sleeps 6, air, fridge, stove, furnace, bathroom, very clean. $6,000. 519-284-2206. (22-29SA) 1997 POLARIS EXPRESS 400, ATV - 2 wheel drive, mint condition. Comes with tow- bar $2800. Call 519-263-2141 or 519-263-2142. (29) 1999 YAMAHA WR400F - four stroke dirt bike. Asking $3100. Call 519-236-4507. (29*) 2000 POLARIS 325 - Trail Boss Auto, 4-6 ply bear claw tires, very good condition, (Not a racing bike) comes with hel- mut, cover, ACM. ramps, $3000 or best offer. 519-284- 2751. (25-32SA) 2002 HONDA 200 XR DIRT BIKE - $3100; 1982 Honda 200 3 wheeler $675. 519-284- 1524. (24-31 SA) 1976 COACHMAN MOTOR HOME - 60,000 miles. 350 Chev engine, being stored inside. Call 519-229-8203 or 519-235-2107 after 5 pm. (25- 32SA) 11 Cars, Trucks 1991 GMC TOPKICK, 24' BOX, DIESEL CAT - air brakes, 6 spd., solid worker. $6,000. cert. or best offer. (519)643-8954. (24-31SA) 11 Cars, Trucks 1998 HONDA CIVIC - red hatch -back, 5 speed manual transmission. Good condi- tion/well-maintained. Highway mileage $4,900. 519- 284-1218 anytime leave mes- sage. (24-31 SA) 1999 WHITE MERCURY COUGAR - Good condition, V6, auto, power locks, 156,000 highway kms. $6500 obo. 519-284-3815. (29-36SA) 2000 FORD ESCORT ZX2 - Red 2 door coupe, automatic, air, 38,253 km. Certified and e - tested, $6,995. Call 519-709- 9118. (22-29SA) 2000 GRAND CARAVAN - 295,000 km, needs starter and exhaust as is $900. 519-284- 4348. (24-31 SA) 1965 CUTLASS CONVERT- IBLE - Needs to be restored. 519-236-7559. (26-33SA) 12 Pets BEAGLE - 2 year old spayed beagle. 519-227-1974 (Lucan). (28-35SA) BORDER COLLIE PUPS - reg., vet checked, first shots, dewormed. 519-461-1797. (27-34SA) BORDER COLLIE/HOUND/SHEP- HERD PUPPIES - $70 female, $60 male. Ready to go June 24th. Call 519-349-2562. (26- 33SA) GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP- PIES - 3 females, 1 male. Parents on site. Home raised, 1st shots, dewormed. CKC registered. $650. Ready July 8th. Call 519-229-6220. (25- 32SA) JACK RUSSELL PUPS - Gorgeous tan and white with some liver colour. Home raised. Calm with great per- sonalities. Phone Linda 519- 227-4603. (28-35SA) RABBITS - Various breeds. Call 519-229-8538 after 5 pm. (26-33SA) REGISTERED BORDER COLLIES - Pups and young dogs from recently imported parents. Championship blood- lines. Certified I.S.D.S. pedi- grees. Hensall. 519-262-3158. (8-35SA) ROTTWEILER PUPS - CKC registered, top German lines, hip/health guaranteed. Ready to go. Vet checked. 2 females, $1200 each. Denise 519-284- 2355. (29-36SA) Aci ri ert Learn more from those who have the answers! 12 Pets WANTED - PUREBRED MALE SPRINGER SPANIEL FOR STUD SERVICE - Call 519-263-2141 or 519-263- 2142. (29) WOODWYLDE KENNELS RURAL RETREAT - Dog boarding by day or week. Outdoor runs. Exercise as well. The Miller Family at 519-235-1282 Exeter. (27-29*) 13 Musical Instruments PA SYSTEM RENTALS FOR PARTIES OR BANDS - Wireless mics, CD players, speakers, mixers, etc. Lighting available. Exeter Music 519- 235-1263. (30tfn) 14 Appliances, Television DISHWASHER - MAYTAG - Built-in. Good working condi- tion $150 or best offer. 519- 234-6785. (22-29SA) 15 Personal TIRED OF INTERNET GAMES - and misrepresenta- tion? Long-term love really CAN be found. Let Misty River Introductions show you how (519)658-4204. (29*) 16 For Sale 12 FT VOGELS WICK WEEDER - $110. 1 rear rim for W.C. Allis Chalmers tractor 3500. Call 519-461-1417. (28- 35SA) 16 HP ROPER LAWNMOW- ER - 44" cut, hydrostat, Briggs & Stratton I/C engine, excel- lent. $850 obo. Call 519-229- 8196. (28-35SA) 18 HP. COHLER HYDRO CUB CADET - lawnmower, 2000 series. Good condition. 519-236-7559. (26-33SA) 1983 FREUHUF TRAILER, 32' - dry goods, $1500 cert. or best offer. (519)643-8954. (24-31 SA) 1989 HONDA CR125 - Good shape. $1500. Call Troy 519- 229-6720. (28;29*) 1990 S15 PARTS TRUCK - car dolly, storage boxes, stack- able, 2 truck toppers. No rea- sonable offer refused. 519- 283-9754. (23-30SA) 4 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE - kingsize, asking $700. 519- 284-0206. (24-31SA) MANY LP'S FROM 1960 ON - Also piano sheet music and books. Best offer. Call 519- 284-2736. (28-35SA) 16 For Sale ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - Factory direct, 20'x30' $5500. 25'x40' $8700. 30'x40' $10,500. 32'x50' $14,000. 40'x60' $20,000. Many oth- ers. 1-800-504-7749. www.pioneerbuildings.ca (26- 30x) ANTIQUE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS - from England. Mirrored old wooden windows. Refinished old steamer trunks. All great for wedding gifts. Call Peter at 519-284-1725. (26-33SA) ARROWWOOD FARM - PYO Raspberries & Blueberries: go 4 roads south of Melbourne to 6460 Riverside Dr. M-Thurs. 8-8, Fri. & Sat. 8-4, closed Sun. 519-289-2403 more info at www.harvesttablecatering.com (28tfn) BABY CRIB, - stroller, jumper, car seat, genie, moniter, bathtub, toys and more. Name brand girls clothes size 0-3x, boys size 0-2. Maternity clothes size L -XL. All in excellent condition. Call 519-236-4160 (29*) BED, QUEEN, ORTHOPE- DIC PILLOW -TOP MAT- TRESS & BOX - 30 year war- ranty. Never used, still in plas- tic. Cost $1150, sell $395. 519-951-0554.(28-30*) BLACK ANGUS BEEF - cut and wrapped, selling by 1/4, 1/2 or whole. No Sunday calls 519-475-4391. (24-31SA) BLACK CURRANTS AT DOUGALL'S - 3 km. north of Exeter, Hwy. 4. $3.50 u -pick, $7.00 custom picked. Open by chance or appointment. Phone 519-235-1491. (27tfn) BLACK METAL AMISCO TWINBED - with mattress - $300. 3 twin comforter/sheet sets, like new, navy/tan - $50 set. 2 contemporary black metal/board computer/work tables, 4' & 5' - $100 each. Black contemporary cup- boards, suitable for TV/stereo - $150. Green dresser - $50. 4 black chairs, metal & leather - $45 each. Antique cupboard, 4'x4', 2 doors/9 storage cubi- cles - $350. Ping pong table - $40. Black 6x2 ft. shelving unit - $30. Wood/black metal end table - $40. Call Jo -Anne Dinney, Exeter, 519-235-1030. (28-30) LAWNMOWER - YARD - WORKS - 6 hp. mulching, side discharge gas lawnmower. Like new condition. $150. Call 519-237-3895. (28;29*) REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 16 For Sale BLACK SWEET AND RED TART CHERRIES - pick your own or ready picked. MARSH FRUIT FARMS, 8644 Townsend Line, Arkona. 519- 828-3695,1-877-222-0775. www.marshfruitfarms.net (28;29*) BLOCK LIMESTONE - $100 ton, smaller stone $50 ton, no delivery, good for flower beds, landscaping, retaining walls. 519-229-8132. (19-32SA) DOUBLE D COMPANY - Billiard Specialist & Games Room. New & Used Snooker & Pool tables. Moving, recov- ery & setups welcome. Cues, cases and all accessories, shuf- fleboards, pub and poker tables, reconditioned slot machines from casinos for home use. Showroom, 4 McGivern St. W., Walkerton. Duffy 519-881-2113, fax 881 1340. (7tfx) DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Can be deliv- ered to your door. Call Kirkton 519-229-8237. (10- 33SA) EARTH TONE GREEN SOFA - and matching love seat. 519- 284-3614. (23-30SA) FIREWOOD - seasoned hard- wood beech, ash and maple, delivered or picked up. Call Dignan Landscaping at 519- 236-4457 (47tfn) FREEZER BEEF - order your 1/2 beef now! Direct from farmer, government inspected. Limited quantity. Chose your own cuts of steaks, roasts, hamburg, etc. only $2.30 lb. + processing. Free delivery. Phone 519-225-2345 or 519- 225-2591. (8-35SA) GRAVEL - TOPSOIL - STONE - SAND - Lobo Sand & Gravel. 519-666-1742. (14- 43) GREAT FOR STUDENT APARTMENT - Round wood- en table with 4 chairs, coffee table, dresser and mirror, book shelves and entertainment unit. Also Frigidaire stacking wash- er and dryer, $250. 519-284- 1868. (27-34SA) HOT TUB/SPA 2006 LUXU- RY MODEL - 53 chrome jets, 7 hp. pump, ozonator, water fall, aromatherapy, light, digi- tal control, forever cabinet, includes cover and full warran- ty. Cost $10,800, sell $5995. 519-878-3466.(28-30*) 16 For Sale GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $5.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am- 4:30pm. (31tfx) HABITAT HOUSE IN HEN- SALL - being built this fall for families that don't qualify for a regular mortgage. For applica- tions 519-262-5222.HFHHC Huron Cty, Box 68, Hensall, ON. NOM 1XO. www.habi- tathuroncounty.ca Look for brochures. Deadline July 31st, 2006.(23-30*) HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866- 585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca (26-30x) HOUSE TRAILER - Newer windows and door. Well insu- lated with Urethane foam. Good roof. 12 ft. by 49 ft. Must be moved. Located north of St. Marys. $3,800. 519- 828-3204. (29;30*) KILN DRIED LUMBER - ash, hard maple $2.50, cherry $2- $r, quarter sawn red oak $2-$5, poplar $1.25. Air dried lumber $1 BF. 519-229-8135. (23- 30SA) KILN FREE 22 X 26 GREAT FOR RAKU - Kiln Duncan 26 x 22 $100. Wood stove pio- neer pipe, air tight 24 x 24, all new pipes $225. Dress makers form, large, adjustable, never used, $100. 519-243-2576. (29*) MOVING MUST SELL - Maytag washer and Maytag gas dryer, excellent condition - $250 pair. 3 yr. old Kenmore self cleaning convection smooth top electric stove, like new - $500. 519-235-4452. (29;30*) MOVING SALE - Fridge, stove, dishwasher, dryer/wash- er, all white, like new. Antique dining table, 5 leafs, golden maple finish, utility shed, gar- dening tools, assortment/wheelbarrow, lawn mower, 2 single mattresses, box spring, single captain's bed, dresser, night table, 6 pc. patio set, gas BBQ. 519-235- 4266. Call after 6 pm. (29- 31*) Ask TheEX ert Learn more from those who have the answers! PAINTING & DECORATING Mc KAY PAINTING & DECORATING • Interior & Exterior Painting • Wallpapering • stain & varnish • IDrywall Taping • Plaster Repairs Jeff McKay 236-7453 or 229-8090 WELDING Maltaadoring Agricultural Installation & Repairs Custom Welding (519) 229-6400 Partners Paint & Paper Residential - Commercial Industrial Maintenance Coatings Need a painter? We give out names of area professionals who use our Premium Quality products Partners Paint & Paper 210 Main St. N., Exeter 235-0181 or 888-203-5782 Open 7 days a week WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS SALESS SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 STEEL Brander Steel Ltd. Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity STAFIX R.G. FENCE SOLUTIONS Farm Fence Products & Services STAFIX • ELECTRIC FENCING • WOVEN WIRE FENCING & GATES • PEL PRODUCTS Call Roger. 519-284-2478 TIRE & AUTO EXETER DECN-NET TIRE & AUTO°,es5aa CENTRE 600 MAIN ST. S. EXETER 235-2597 Drive With Confidence REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS WINDOWS & DOORS 11 11 SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales • Service • Installation • Vinyl Replacement Windows • New Construction Windows • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Aluminum Storm Doors • Garage Doors • Insulated Glass Replacement • Sun Rooms • Decks • Roof Windows • Shutters • Siding/Soffit/Fascia NORTH STAR VINYI WINDOWS AND DOORS 519-235-3502 1-800-790-4668 Free Estimates Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER TV AND APPLIANCES McIntyre TV & APPLIANCES INC. 238-8270 FROM SALES TO SERVICE -WE DO IT ALL! SHOWROOM 5 km. south of GRAND BEND on west side of Hwy. 21 (Julie Ave.) www.grand benda ppl iances.com AT YOUR SERVICE PHOTOCOPIES Letter size, legal, 11x17 and double sided. Office hours Mon - Fri 8:30 am -4:30 pm TIMES -ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 SUBSCRIPTIONS Exeter Times Advocate Canada %0.05+ GST 1 yr. s72.°' + GST 2 yr. CaII 235-1331 We accept VISA or MC to order by phone. TIMES -ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331