HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-07-19, Page 1414 Exeter Times—Advocate Wednesday, July 19, 2006 Adult Day Services volunteer appreciation Midwestern Adult Day Services hosted a volunteer appreciation day recently in Exeter.Above from left are Christine Maclntyre and Anne Rollings leading a 'fish philosophy' workshop for volunteers from the five area Adult Day Centres. (photo/submitted) By Nina Van Lieshout TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER — The Midwestern Adult Day Services annual volunteer appreciation was held recently at the Christian Reformed Church in Speed fines doubled in construction areas HURON — With the official start of summer comes road construc- tion. As a result road crews will be working in and around differ- ent areas in Huron County. To improve the safety of both workers and motorists several areas have been designated con- struction zones until Oct. 7. When workers are present, low- ering the speed limit in construc- tion zones reduces the risk of col- lision. Under the new legislation Bill 169, municipalities have the option of reducing speed limits in construction zones without pass- ing bylaws. Increasing fines is an effective way to discourage motorists from speeding. The legislation doubles the nor- mal HTA fines for motorists exceeding the speed limit in a des- ignated construction zone when there are workers at the site and the prescribed signs are used. The previous HTA fine for exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h was $4.50 per km/h over the speed limit and three demerit points. With the Bill 169 amendment, the fine for exceeding the posted speed limit in a construction zone where workers are present is doubled to $9 per km/h; demerit points remain at three. Also under Bit 169, the HTA fines for traveling 30 to 34 km/h over the speed limit have increased from the previous $4.50 per km/h to $7 per km/h and four demerit points. When this new amount is doubled it increases to $14 per km/h over the limit; demerit points remain at four. Exeter. Over 100 people attended the event which included a couple of `fish philosophy' workshops focusing on life and work revolving around a culture of light heartedness, stress- ing the importance of having a posi- tive attitude and having fun. Lunch and the annual general meeting were also part of the appre- ciation. The brief meeting highlighted events from the past year like fundraisers held. Financial information was also shared. The biggest source of revenue is from the Ministry of Health operat- ing grant which brings in 83.2 per cent, client fees were second with 11.4 per cent and donations, fundraising and expenditure recov- ery were third with 4.4 per cent. The biggest expense is wages and benefits at 65.7 per cent, activity costs were second with 18 per cent and occupancy costs were third with 11.3 per cent. Senior director of planning Kelly Gillis and board member Anne Lake from the Southwest Local Health Integration Network were highlight- ed guest speakers. Several volunteers from through- out the five Adult Day Centre loca- tions in Exeter, Grand Bend, Clinton, Goderich and Wingham were awarded certificates for their years of service. Some of the longest serving mem- bers are Ann Klungel of Exeter (10 years), Henny Uyl of Wingham (26 years) and Ethal Adams and Doris Walker, both of Wingham (22 years). 2 35-3307 Hander,' 9. pp.:.:. TucadoY 4OO eaW.0,19.93 9 09 rrdar9.00- Big Brothers Big Sisters South Huron recently welcomed case worker Amy Schwartzentruber (right) who will be taking over forAmy Elston who has been with BBBSSH for two years. Schwartzentruber invites anyone with ques- tions on BBBSSH to call 235-3307 or drop in to the office at 125 John Street west in Exeter. (photo/Pat Bolen) Capsule Comments by Ernie Miatello Hydrocortisone cream is the only "cortisone" cream available without a prescription. It is useful for minor rashes, itchy skin, and other minor skin conditions. It works by reducing swelling and inflammation of the tissues. However it shouldn't be used for cuts or broken skin, acne, cold sores or for fungal infections. It could make matters worse. Meningitis is a leading cause of mortality in children. Awareness of the warning signs of this condition can save lives. They include: cold hands and feet, abnormal skin colour, leg pain as well as rash, headache, stiff neck and light sensitivity. This sounds like a good idea. Boots, the English pharmacy chain, has introduced talking labels to help blind people take their medications correctly. The pharmacist records the directions onto a credit card -sized device, which is clipped to the medication box. The user simply presses a button to hear the directions. Prolonged hiccups sometimes respond to simple breath holding. If that doesn't work, try gargling with some water. It seems that if you cause yourself to sneeze a few times, the hiccups usually disappear quite easily. Give these ideas a try. Huron Apothecary Ltd. Phone 235-1982, 440 Main St. Exeter PHARM ASSIST "YOUR HEALTH CARE PHARMACY" Quirky sculptures in Blyth BLYTH — The Blyth Festival Art Gallery is present- ing its second show in a series of exhibitions for the 2006 season, "Dialogues in Clay" beginning Friday and wrapping up Aug. 9, featuring ceramic sculptures and vessels by Toronto artist Zsuzsa Monostory. A native of Hungary, she came to Toronto as a bio- logical research scientist, but soon discovered a pas- sion for clay. Her pieces reflect a technical perfection in forming, glazing and firing her work. As an award-winning ceramic sculptor, Monostory's work is not that of just another pottery `crafter', but that of a dedicated artist, making items like statues and bowls. The free exhibition will be presented in the Bainton Gallery beside the Blyth Festival box office. The Opening Reception for "Dialogues in Clay" starts at 6 p.m. The last exhibition in the 2006 series will be by Elora native Tim Murton, whose paintings of land- scapes and forest scenes are brightly coloured, highly realistic and large in scale. It opens Aug. 11 and runs until Sept. 8. The box office is open to the public from Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. MORTGAGES we make mortgages...make sense FREE MORTGAGE ADVICE - YOU DON'T PAY US THE LENDERS DO! 5 yr 5.45% 10 yr 5.75% Variable 4.49% *ON APPROVED CREDIT We shop to get the best deal for you. Call April Smith 519-235-0020 388 Main St., Exeter I�LririCsILi.elJ alrai id:740 i,7_19] C nil -1:I Z071•7.1 /e[:I[e7Pi[�]:� Head Office: 346 Wonderland Rd., London, ON • 519-432-0026 DECLARATIONS DE CANDIDATURE LE CONSEIL SCOLAIRE DE DISTRICT DES ECOLFS CATHOLIQUES DU SUD- OUEST (FRENCH LANGUAGE SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD) Un (1) a elire - representant les regions combines a l'interieur des Comtes de Lambton, Huron, et Bruce. LE CONSEIL SCOLAIRE DE DISTRICT DU CENTRE SUD-OUEST (FRENCH LANGUAGE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD) Un (1) a elire - representant les regions combinees de toutes les municipalites des Comtes de Waterloo, Wellington, Midlesex, Perth and Huron Les formulaires appropries sont disponibles au bureau du Greffier. Chaque nomination doit etre dument signee par le candidat et classee par le candidat ou un agent entre la periode de l'annee debutant le mardi 2 janvier et finissant le vendredi 29 septembre 2006 (Journee des nominations) entre 9h et 17h. Un honoraire prescrit au montant de cent dollars ($100.00) doit accompagner le formulaire. Les reglements provinciaux requiert que l'honoraire soit en argent comptant, cheque certifie ou un mandat. Les cheques personnels ne peuvent etre acceptes. Le formulaire du candidat doit etre approuve par le Greffier afin que la personne nominee devienne un candidat certifie pour le poste qu'il a ete nomme. Veuillez noter que les nominations pour le Conseil Scolaire de Lanque francaise doivent etre classees comme suit: Le Conseil Scolaire De District Des Ecoles Catholiques Du Sud -Quest (French Language Separate School Board) Les nominations peuvent etre classees entre 9h et 17h, le jour des nominations le vendredi 29 septembre 2006 ou avant le jour des nominations pendant les heures normales de bureau. Les nominations peuvent etre classees au bureau du Greffier de Sarnia au C.P. 3018, 255 Rue North Christina, Sarnia, Ontario, N7T 7N2 ou a votre demande, au bureau municipal de votre municipalite si la distance entre votre residence et le bureau municipal de Sarnia est au dela de cent (100) kilometres. Le Conseil Scolaire De District Du Centre Sud-Ouest (French language Public School Board) Les nominations peuvent etre classees entre 9h et 17h, le jour des nominations le vendredi 29 septembre 2006 ou avant le jour des nominations pendant les heures normales de bureau. Les nominations peuvent etre classees au bureau du Greffier de London au C.P. 5035, 300 Dufferin Avenue, London, Ontario, N6A 4L9 ou a votre demande, au bureau municipal de votre municipalite si la distance entre votre residence et le bureau municipal de London est au dela de cent (100) kilometres. Au cas oil fl y aurait un nombre insuffisant de candidats certifies pour remplir les postes disponibles, les nominations pour les postes libres seront reouvertes seulement le mercredi 4 octobre 2006 entre 9h et 17h, heures de bureau, et toutes nominations additionnelles, si requis, peuvent etre classees au bureau du Greffier design. L'electorat est (lament notifie au cas ou fl y aurait un nombre excedent de candidats certifies pour les postes disponibles les bureaux de vote seront ouverts aux dates precisees, dans le but de permettre les notes avances. Si vous avez I'intentionde poser votre candidature aux elections municipales pour quelque poste que ce soft, vous devez premierement completer et classer un formulaire approprie indiquant votre candidature au bureau du Greffier assigne avant de depenser aucun frais monitaire ou d'entreprendre des prelevements de fonds monitaire a votre campagne electoral. Mark Becker, Greffier Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Kriss Snell, Greffier North Huron Larry McCabe, Greffier Goderich Ronna Lee Johnson, Greffiere Howick Jack McLachlan, Greffier Huron East Janisse Zimmerman, Greffiere Bluewater Nancy Michie, Greffiere Morris-Turnberry Richard Harding, Greffier Central Huron Sandra Strang, Greffiere South