HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-07-12, Page 7Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Exeter Times -Advocate
Zurich's Agricultural Society finalizes plans
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - Congratulations
to Jarrett Jeffrey and Michelle
Finkbeiner who were married
on Sat., July 8 in Mount
Carmel with dinner and
reception in Exeter. The
groom is the son of John and
Lesley Jeffrey of R.R. # 2,
Zurich. The couple will be liv-
ing in Exeter.
A Buck and Doe was held
for Mark Ducharme and Barb
Brannon on Sat., July 8 in
Hensall. Mark is the son of
George and Elaine Ducharme
of R.R. #1, Dashwood. The
couple are being married in
An Engagement Party and
barbecue supper was held at
the home of Don and Sharon
Gingerich, R.R. # 2, Zurich on
July 8 in honour of their son
Ben Gingerich and fiance
Brianna Sickels who are being
married in August.
Pastor Phil Wagler, wife Jen
and family spent last week on
Members of St. Peter's
Lutheran Church are having
an outdoor service at
Blackbush School House on
Sun., July 16 at 10 a.m. Rain
date is set for July 23.
Our Community Vacation
Bible School is Monday to
Friday mornings at the
Mennonite Church this week.
There will be a program on
Fri., July 14 for parents, fami-
ly members and friends to
attend. There will be a sup-
per for all the volunteer
helpers Monday at the
Lutheran Church Fellowship
Hall to say thank you for all
their hard work, time and
It is good news to have two
of the closed businesses open
again; Parkside Drive -In and
the Hotel (Smiley's Pizza).
Emma Schilbe who is 101
years old is a patient in Exeter
It is nice to have Billy
Watson home from hospital
A family get-together was
held at the home of Deb and
Steve Overholt on July 1 to
celebrate daughter Ashley's
20th birthday.
The family of Audrey Smith
recently helped celebrate her
birthday on July 2.
May we offer our sincere
sympathy to the family and
relatives of the late Herb
Turkheim who passed away
last week.
Actually it was in July of
1977, 29 years ago that I
(Carmel) started to write for
the Zurich newspaper with
Herb being my first boss.
The annual Smith Family
reunion was held on Sat., July
8 at the home of Bob and
Trudy Smith, R.R. # 1,
The 54th Annual Merner
Reunion was hosted at the
home of Kathy and Mark
Mcllwain in Exeter Sun., July
9 with 58 relatives attending.
Kathy organized fun games
for the many children. Ron
Merner's famous Dashwood
Sausage, pot luck salads and
dessert was enjoyed. After an
afternoon of fun and socializ-
ing a short meeting was held
with minutes and treasurers
report given by Barb Reschke.
Ruth Aim Merner gave infor-
mation of next year's "55th
Reunion " to be at the former
home of Clare Merner where
the first reunion was held.
This will bring relatives from
California, Ohio, Calgary and
other distant places.
The Zurich Mennonite
Church is hosting an outdoor
worship service at the pavilion
by the park this Sun., July 16
at 10 a.m. followed by a bar-
becue lunch. Bring your lawn
chairs. In case of rain go to
the church.
There is a Blood Donor
Clinic at the Zurich Complex
Fri., July 14 from 5 to 8 p.m.
In June, Carrie Eybergein of
Grand Bend and two daugh-
ters Brittany of London and
Tiffany of Georgia attended
the Merchant Marine
Academy Commencement
exercises in New York for
Tiffany's boyfriend Michael.
They also saw United States
President George Bush at the
Members of the Zurich
Women's Institute attended
the summer picnic in Exeter
July 4 along with other
Congratulations to Sam and
Julie Regier of R.R. #3, Zurich
who celebrated their 25th
Wedding Anniversary on June
The Zurich Agriculture
Society met on July 6 to make
the final plans for the Fair
coming up on July 21, 22 and
23. The president is Hilda
Lansbergen, secretary Marg
Deichert read minutes of the
last meeting and gave the
treasurer's report.
There will be pony rides, a
jumping balloon, plus lots of
games and activities both
Friday and Saturday.
Get your tickets for the
Elimination Draw and Dance
to be held on Fri., July 21.
Tickets are available at
Schilbe's Hardware, Erb's
Country Kitchen and Rader's
Variety Store.
The parade starts at the
Zurich Public School going
straight through town to the
Complex. This year there is
no charge to the Fair.
The Swinging Seniors enter-
tained the residents at Blue
Water Rest Home on Monday
afternoon and Tuesday after
Rural Roots played music and
sang. On Wed., July 12 at 6:30
p.m. Tom and Rose Merrigan
of Hensall are entertaining.
The monthly Birthday Party
will be held on Thurs., July 13
at 2 p.m. by the Kippen United
Church. Fri., July 14 come
out and hear the Grand Bend
Seniors Band at 2:30 p.m.
Corky and Friends will be
entertaining on Tues., July 18
at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is wel-
The Zurich Library is hold-
ing a free family story time
every Tuesday from July 18 to
August 22 for one half hour
from 7:30 to 8 p.m. To regis-
ter call 519-236-4965. All
children must be accompa-
nied by an adult.
Tickets for the "Pop Star"
Tribute Show to be held at the
Zurich Complex on Sat., Aug.
19 at 2 p.m. are still on sale at
Erb's Country Kitchen. Front
seats sell for $20 a person,
middle rows $15 and back
rows $10.
Flower show July 24 Capsule Comments
By Liz Sangster
Celiac disease is characterized by a sensitivity to
gluten, usually in wheat, barley and rye. It's
classed as a genetic disorder and affects about 1
per cent of the population. The best treatment is
to avoid gluten -containing products.
The average person consumes about 150gm (about 5 oz.) of sugar
per day. Much of this sugar is hidden in processed foods. Read food
labels carefully to check for ingredients ending in "-ose" like fructose,
sucrose, maltose, dextrose and lactose. They all refer to a type of
Want to live longer? Win an Academy Award. A Toronto doctor has
studied the relative life spans of Oscar winners compared to those
who are only nominated. The winners live an average of 4 years
longer than the loser. Oscar -winning directors do even better. They
live an average of 4.5 years longer.
The British Medical Association is recommending that doctors not
wear ties anymore. The medical group suggested that ties can carry
bacteria that can be transferred to their patients. Ties are seldom
cleaned and often the same tie is worn every day. Perhaps this
male fashion fixture is on its way out.
HENSALL - At Carmel
Presbyterian Church Tracy
Whitson-Bahro was the minister
with Joyce Pepper playing the
organ. The offering was received
by Al Hoggarth and Harry Moir.
Congratulations to Helen Turner
as she celebrates her 90th birthday.
Helen is a long-time member of the
Hensall and Community
Horticultural Club.
The Hensall Community
Development Action Committee and
the Hensall Fire Department will be
presenting an "all you can eat" fish
fry on Sun., Aug. 13 from 5 p.m. to
7 p.m. at the Hensall Arena. Adults
$12, children $5. For tickets phone
519-262-2045 or 519-262-2207.
The Hensall and Community
Horticultural Society will hold their
flower show on Mon., July 24 at
Hensall United Church. The guest
speaker will be Susan Finch of Sun
Shade Nursery.
The sympathy of the community is
extended to the family and friends
of the late Bob Baker.
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Tribute Sunday and
special music inVarna
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - Visitors were wel-
comed to worship at Varna
Sunday morning. Gordon Hill
gave an update on the Canadian
Foodgrains Bank Project and
reported that last year's beans
have at long last been sold. The
2005 growing project brought in
$1885.39 and with CIDA match-
ing the final tally was a whop-
ping $9428.35 for
Pastor Van
Bergen preached on the Gospel
message of Mark 6:1-13, where
we hear Jesus was rejected as
he preached in his hometown
synagogue. We too often find
difficulty and resistance to
speaking our faith in our homes
and communities but we are
encouraged to be steadfast and
share our faith experiences with
others. The morning sermon
ended with the congregation
reading the hymn "We are pil-
grims on a journey, fellow trav-
elers on the road: we are here to
help each other, walk the mile
and bear the load."
Next Sunday will be a Tribute
Sunday and there will be special
music for the service in Goshen.
Everyone is always welcome!
This year's Vacation Bible
School theme will be `Welcome
to Treasure Cove' where sand
tickles our toes and balmy
breezes blow! Come on and dis-
cover the riches of God's Grace
in Jesus. Starting Aug. 8 the
kids will go on a four day
Treasure Hunt, digging into
scripture, which reveals the
greatest treasure of all Jesus
Christ. Registration costs $5 per
child and are requested to be in
as soon as possible. Please con-
tact Sue Faber at 233-3252 or
Pastor Elly at 233-3110.
Don't forget the fish fry on
Sun., Aug 6, the final dates for
tickets will be July 25 and no
tickets will be available at the
NEWS Tickets are $13 per
person and are avail-
able at the corner store in Varna
or from any member of the
Stanley Recreation Committee
whom are hosting the event.
Anyone wishing to join the
Varna U.C.W. in their Annual
Dinner Theatre outing to Blyth
Aug. 24 please contact Mona
Stephenson at 263-5351.
Congratulations to 12 year old
Katie Sparling. Katie showed
her calf on Sat., July 8 in
Woodstock in the Junior Gencor
Dairy Competition. Katie was
named Reserved Champion
Show Person out of over 100
competitors. Keep up the good
work Katie!
Mark your calendar for the
annual church picnic to be held
at the Complex in Varna on July
Five Alive presents Father
Mark Curtis, Canada's Singing
Priest in concert on Sat., Oct. 21
in the Brucefield Church. Mark
that date also on your calendars.
Floor al)
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