HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-06-28, Page 3030 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, June 28, 2006 CLASSIFIET' CLASSIFIES CLASSIFIEn 19 Property for Sale 19 Property for Sale Need Mortgage Money? Farm & Residential 1st & 2nd Mortgage $ 3.25% Interest or Less • No upfront fees • Personal loans/mtges. • Consolidate your debts • Problem mtge. specialist ASTRAL FUNDING INC. (519) 364-0450 or 1-800-387-1932 If you qualify, payments: Amt. Approx. Mo. Payment $ 5,000 $13.55 $ 10,000 $27.08 $ 50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 NEW SOMERSE i GARDEN HOMES ii... ilii pia p U trUU � - NI■■ MI IIInoes RI II !!r MODEL SUITES _ AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT x t.4 0 - e Al Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. - sande , St. Located on a new Street d Only four blocks from downtown. w IDEAL FOR ADULTS! N ww i t o - No EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE - Huron SL NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 NEW HOME FOR SALE 4 Snider Cres., Exeter ii... ilii pia p U trUU � - NI■■ MI IIInoes RI II !!r All brick landscaped available August 1st. Call 519-670-9493 Durand Construction Inc. BUY DIRECT AND SAVE $8,000 TO $10,000 - in real estate fees! Homes for sale - existing and build to suit. Also, building lots for sale starting at $50,000. Call 519-235-4726. (43tfn) 20 Property For Rent 2 BEDROOM, 1200 SQ. FT. APARTMENT - Stove, fridge, $600 per month. Immediate occupancy. Call 519-235-1286 after 6 pm. (26tfn) 19 Property for Sale 19 Property for Sale q»N*h14 REAL ESTATE BROKERAG>� 7963 Egremont Rd. Watford NOM ZSO For all your real estate needs 519 849-6684 519-319-6012 MANDY CASE McCANN, Sales Representative Shanahan Realty Inc., Real Estate Brokerage is proud to introduce the newest addition to their team. Mandy is a young and ambitious new salesperson who was raised in the beautiful town of Grand Bend. She and her husband own a house in town and have a great deal of pride in their community. Mandy also holds a Law Clerk Diploma and values her added knowledge of Real Estate Law. She is eager to begin her new career and would love to assist you in finding your dream home, cottage retreat or country property. Contact her today at 519-238-1494 or e-mail mirandacase@hotmail.com "Building and Development In South Huron" A Comedy By Dean Ducharme A light hearted look at building in the Municipality. Complete with actual correspondence with officials and hilarious stories from actual builders and homeowners. Book your copy today Call 519-235-4726 © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114- KITCHENER 20 Property for Rent EXETER - 3 BEDROOM HOME FOR RENT - Avail. immediately. Call 519-235- 4726. (24tfn) 20 Property for Rent 2 BEDROOM APT. - EXETER - ground floor, $475/month. Available June lst/06. First & last month's rent. No laundry facilities. Suitable for older indi- vidual or couple. Call 519-235- 1547 prior to 8 pm. (12tfn) 2 BEDROOM - MAIN FLOOR APT. - one block off Main Street. $685/month. Water & hydro extra - heat - minimum flat rate only. Available August 1st. 1st & last & references required. Call after 6:00 pm. 519-235- 0602. (25tfn) HENSALL - 2 bedroom apt. Ground floor. $490/month includes heat. 519-235-4694. HURON PARK, ONTARIO RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 2, 3 & 4 bedroom single & semi-detached homes All have front & back yards and a full basement Rent ranging from $394.00 per month and up, plus utilities PARKBRIDGE LIFESTYLE COMMUNITIES Tel: (519) 228-9898 20 Property for Rent AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY - DOWNTOWN EXETER - One bedroom apartment. Heated, water, sewer, stove and fridge supplied. First/last, refer- ences required. $425/month. 519-235-1354. (19tfn) CLEAN ONE BEDROOM - new f & s, laundry facilities, parking, eat -in kitchen, suitable for quiet adult. 519-235-1497. EXETER - 2 bedroom apartment with fridge and stove. 519-235- 0349. (45tfn) EXETER - 1 bedroom apt, first floor, $450/month. Call Ed (days) 1-877-224-7043 or (nights) 1-519-641-0653 EXETER - 1 BEDROOM APT. IN NEWER BUILDING - just renovated, new appliances.$485 all included. First & last. 519- 237-3549.(23-30*) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550 plus utilities. 519-235- 4694. (22tfn) EXETER - 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE - $750 plus utili- ties. 519-235-4694. (22tfn) EXETER ONE BEDROOM - Security entrance. Fridge & stove, water included. $395 plus hydro. Call 519-235-4613 or 519-236-7744. (24tfn) EXETER - ONE BEDROOM UPPER APT. - Stove and fridge supplied. $460 plus utilities. No pets, references required. 519- 235-3293. (24tfn) GRAND BEND - Prime Office/Retail Space, Ground Level, utilities included. Available June 1, 2006. Call 519-235-2420. (18tfn) GRAND BEND CONDO - Luxury 2 bdrm condo on the river, quiet area, dock available, fust & last, $850+utilities, 1 yr. lease, 519-862-3013. (25-28*) GREAT 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT - in Clandeboye. $600 inc. heat. Available now. Call Jerry 519-227-4677 or 519- 318-8709. (19tfn) ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT - GROUND LEVEL - References required. Air condi- tioner, fridge, stove, laundry included, $430/month plus utili- ties. William Street, Exeter. Available July 2006. 519-235- 2099. (19-26*) PASTURE FOR 6-8 - cow calf pairs. 519-229-6487. (23-30SA) ZURICH - XLARGE 2 BED- ROOM APARTMENT - 4 appliances and balcony. Available Aug. lst. $550 plus hydro. Call 519-679-5810. 20 Property for Rent "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor "LOWEST RENT - EXCEL- LENT DEAL" BACHELOR, 2 BEDROOM AND 4 BED- ROOM APTS. - Clandeboye - Lucan area. Pay only FIRST rent and move in. No last month pay- ment required. Laundry facilities. Ample parking. Call 1-800-262- 3047. (22tfn) LUCAN - 1 bedroom apt., avail- able July 1st. $340 monthly plus utilities. 519-227-4923 or 519- 227-6724.(23-26*) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APTS. - Central air, laundry, parking. $515 and $465. Call 519-227- 4766.(17-32*) PERFECT FOR ONE - 1 bed- room apartment. Available now. Stove, fridge, $450 per month. Call 519-235-1286 after 6 pm. LARGE ONE BEDROOM APT. IN TRIPLEX - Newly ren- ovated. $550 plus hydro. 519- 235-1854. (24tfn) LUCAN - 2+1 BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT - Full base- ment, non-smoker, hardwood, c/a, garage, yard, close to all amenities. $795/month plus util- ities. 519-666-1038. (26;27*) OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accept- ed on condition that, in the event of a typo- graphical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re -run in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publica- tion. The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting advertisements that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of this news- paper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the per- mission of the publisher is forbidden. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All rights to any advertisements pro- duced by the Times -Advocate, using artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times -Advocate. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned with- out written consent of the Times -Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for errors in advertisements not submitted in legible form, nor for more than a single incorrect insertion of that advertisement. TIMES ADVOCATE Exeter 235-1331 Network Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! COMING EVENTS CAMPING ONTARIO - Book your Holidays! CMT & CHEVY Trucks presents 17th Annual Havelock Country Jamboree - August 17-20/06. Featuring LONESTAR, Charley Pride, Creedence Clear Water Revisited, The Oak Ridge Boys, John Anderson, Ian Tyson, CRYSTAL Gayle, Carolyn Dawn Johnson & more. Order tickets 1-800-539-3353 or www.havelockjamboree.com WWW.ONTARIOBERRIES.COM - Ontario Berries Are Here! Buy Local, Buy Fresh, Buy Ontario. Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries & more. For Berry Farms in your community, recipes and more, visit: www.ontarioberries.com MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buying a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private indi- viduals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehicles. MIL BUILDING MATERIALS CANADIAN SOLID pre -finished hardwood flooring. Buy direct from mill. Over 1 million sq.ft. in stock, starting at $.89/sq.ft.1-905-822-0384. 2370 South Sheridan Way, Mississauga FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY - Liberty Tax Service seeking entrepreneurs to be part of the fastest growing international tax service EVER! Call Toll -Free 1-877-902-7089, www. libertytaxcanada.com PET LOVERS join Multi Menu franchisee team. Free home delivery of pet food & 6000 accessories. PT/FT. Investment starting at $3,000. Start-up campaign plus ongoing support & training, no royalties, exclusive territories 1-877-462-0056 / 613-258-1639, www.multimenu.ca YOUR LIFE STARTS HERE! Jump start your career with CD College & graduate in months - not years! Business, Technology, Health Care & much more. We have locations throughout Canada & classes are starting all the time! Call today toll-free 1-800-993-4713. EI Citriff ONALOPP - BE A PUBLISHED WRITER with our home -study course. Develop professional skills and get your work published. Success guaranteed. Call 1-800-559-7832 for your FREE BROCHURE. www.qualityofcourse.com EDUCATIONAL OPPS. FREE INFORMATION PACKAGE! Online Medical Transcription course. Over 95% of our graduates are employed! At-home and on-site employment opportuni- ties. Contact CanScribe today. 1-800-466-1535, www. canscribe.com, info@canscribe.com. MARITIME DRILLING SCHOOLS entry-level training for land and offshore oilrigs. Excellent wages, benefits and opportunities to travel the world. June 19 - July 8, 2006, July 17 - August 5, 2006. Information contact: 1-866-807-3960, www.mdslimited.ca. 2ND YEAR, 3RD YEAR, Joumeyman Welders required for major oilfield fabrication shop, Nisku, Alberta. Journeyman shop rate $27./hour + bonus. Fax 780-955-2780. Phone 780-955-7433, Email: mastco@mastco.ab.ca $$$ ATTENTION!! CHOCOLATE!! $$$ Here's a great opportunity to make extra income by selling chocolate bars and new products. Managers Wanted. Fundraising services available. Call now: 1-800-383-3589 CANADIAN TAXPAYERS FEDERATION requires a territory manager in your area. Paid weekly, commission based, rapid advancement, equal opportunity. Infoline Toll -Free 1-866-443-6020 or for interview CALL Mr. Cunningham today at 1-800-667-7933. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT! Spring Special! Reduced! Monthly service only $39.95 and low connection fee! Our rates are very cheap! Call Phone Factory Reconnect 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca EXPERIENCED POWER LINE Workers for work through- out Alberta. Foremen, Journeyman and Apprentice Linemen; Radial Boom Digger Truck Operators. Certified Journeyman Lineman rate $31./hour, overtime at time and one half and double time. Additional benefits include living out allowance, pension, dental, insurance plan. McGregor Construction was awarded 3 year contracts in the Ft. McMurray and Bonnyville areas. 5% higher rates paid in Ft. McMurray. Fax resume to: McGregor Construction 2000 Ltd., 780-435-1493 or e-mail: jobs@mcgregor2000.com. GAIN WORK EXPERIENCE, learn, connect with people, see Canada and make a difference at no cost for youth 17- 21. Check out the Katimavik program at www.katimavik.org or call 1 888 525-1503. PHONE DISCONNECTED? Super Special: only $13. for first month plus hook up. Everyone welcome. Guaranteed approval. Free long distance package. Call Easy Reconnect now 1-877-446-5877. DEBT STRESS? Consolidate & lower payments by 30-40%. End those phone calls & the worry. Avoid bankruptcy. Contact us for a No -Cost Consultation. Online: www.mydebtsolution.com or Toll -Free 1-877-556-3500 FLEA MARKET FREE advertising for Yard Sales, Auctions, Estate Sales, Craft Shows, Fundraisers. Submit your listing or look for Yard Sales, Auctions, or Estate Sales. www.MyCanadianYardsale.com. A FREE TELEPHONE SERVICE - Get your first month free. No Credit, Bad Credit, No Problem! 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For more information contact Your local newspaper A -Z DRIVERS WANTED A -Z COMPANY DRIVERS & OWNER OPERATORS NEEDED for Flatbed & Van short & long haul. Top rates. $1,000 sign on bonus plus 1,000 litres of fuel on first pay. Call 1-800-565-3634 Ext. 234 or Ext. 225 or Fax: 905-563- 8418 OUTSTANDING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES for Experienced AZ drivers at Stevens Transport, Van Division. Competitive pay & benefits. Dedicated equipment & runs. Cdn & US exposure/border crossing experience, clean abstract required. CALL 1-800-263-7461 & Join the Stevens team! TGA A BELOW BANK RATE, 1st and 2nd Mortgages, 95% to 100% Financing, Debt Consolidation, No Income Verification Plans, Residential, Commercial, Industrial. CALL TODAY 1-800-225-1777, www. homeguardfunding.com LARGE FUND --Borrowers Wanted. Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. 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DIAL -A -BROCHURE 1 (800) 267-7868. www.stlawrencecruiselines.com TIMESHARE RESALES -- 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts and Seasons! Call for FREE Customized Magazine! 1-800- 496-5964. Browse online for over 400 worldwide properties -- www.holidaygroup.com/ocn TIMESHARE RESALES - Sell -Buy -Rent -Exchange. World's largest timeshare resale broker. Stroman Realty - since 1979. World-wide selection of resort properties. Call today toll-free 1-800-201-0864. VACATION IN WASAGA BEACH - Luxury 2 and 3 bedroom chalets for rent or purchase. Visit: www.lakesofwasaga.com or call Toll-free 1-866-378-0833 VISITING TORONTO? VISIT www.toronto-hotel- packages.ca First! VISITING MISSISSAUGA? VISIT www.mississauga-hotel-packages.ca First! • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $82 • Eastem Ontario $143 • Westem Ontario $133 • Central Ontario $139 • All Ontario $424 • National Packages Available!