HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-06-28, Page 2424
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Vision becomes action
(Note: The following is the
third of 12 columns in 2006
about the Ausable Bayfield
watershed's con-
servation pioneers,
during the 60th
anniversary year
recognizing the
formation of
Ontario's first
Authority — the
former Ausable
River Conservation
Authority, now the
Ausable Bayfield
Authority — and
the creation of the
Conservation Authorities Act
of 1946.)
savanna woodlands in North
This area of land west of
Highway 21 and
between Huron
Woods and Port
Franks was once
owned by the
Canada Company.
In 1953 this jewel
of woodland near-
ly ended up in pri-
vate hands for
residential devel-
opment. The
Authority, with
the encourage-
ment of the London
Chamber of Commerce, pro-
ceeded with a plan for a
park development because
the province was not inter-
ested in developing another
Eventually the province
adopted the Pinery plan in
1957 and the park was
opened in 1959. It is to the
credit of far-seeing citizens
and the Conservation
Authority that the Pinery
Park was saved from pri-
vate development. Now
almost a million people liv-
ing within a 150 -kilometre
radius of the park have
access to a beautiful and
unique recreational area.
The late 1950s saw vision
turned into action. The envi-
ronmental benefits and
recreational enjoyment of
these two major projects are
the living legacy that grew
out of the roots of that vision
by local conservation pio-
David McClure, of RR 2
Grand Bend, is a longtime
conservationist, local volun-
teer and a director of the
Ausable Bayfield
Conservation Foundation.
Before retirement in 1990 he
was head of the Geography
Department at South Huron
District High School.
Resources consulted:
• A. Dixon, 'A Tour
through 25 years of
Conservation,' Ausable River
Conservation Authority, RR
3 Exeter, 1971.
• A. Dixon, 'What Most
People Don't See at Grand
Bend.' A. Talbot Ltd.
London, 1963.
•W. Sherwood Fox, `Tain't
Running No More - 20 Years
After.' Oxford Book Shop
Limited, London ,1958.
EXETER — The 1950s
saw the development of two
large projects in our Ausable
Bayfield watersheds.
Although both ended up
being wise land -use initia-
tives, neither might have
been developed if there had
not been some outside influ-
ences or pressures.
These projects were:
• The building of the
Morrison Dam and;
• The development of
Pinery Provincial Park.
Flood and erosion control
was an early mandate of our
local Conservation Authority
but there was another rea-
son for development of
Morrison Dam. The Exeter
canning factory pumped
wash water from the mill
pond. Water was often in
short supply during the
height of the canning sea-
son. Luther Penhale, from
the cannery, and Andrew
Dixon, an authority mem-
ber, perceived that a dam
could be built at the bridge
crossing of Conc. 2 in
Usborne Township.
This would enable the
development of a 25 -acre
reservoir with a depth of 19
feet and producing 185 acre
feet of water which would
augment water supply for
wash water being pumped
to the cannery.
The dam and reservoir
construction began in 1956
and the new dam and bridge
was constructed and opened
by 1959. The reservoir was
named after John Morrison,
the authority chairman.
The reservoir provided
many side benefits besides a
water supply. The planting
of trees and the develop-
ment of hiking and fitness
trails enabled the area to
have several additional
recreational uses. The reser-
voir's original purpose has
now disappeared as the can-
nery now uses treated water
originating in Lake Huron.
The development of the
hiking trail to Exeter has
greatly enhanced the value
and accessibility of the
Morrison trails. Not to be
forgotten is the annual
stocking of the reservoir
with fish, enabling the enjoy-
ment of another recreation.
Pinery Park
The wonderful provincial
park we know and love as
The Pinery contains 4,200
acres of wooded land with
miles of sand beach, dunes
and the pristine old river
channel. The park contains
the largest area of oak
With Best Wishes
Lots of Love on your
25th Wedding
July 4th
Pam & Chuck
•. •• .�• 7 •• • •
• •
Shelly Deeann Wells
We are very pleased to
announce the gradua-
tion of Shelly Deeann
Wells from the
University of Western
Ontario with a Bachelor
of Social Work
(Honours Program), al
Convocation on June
13, 2006.
Shelly is employed with
the London -Middlesex
Children's Aid Society.
Proud grandmothers
are Tiny Wells of Exeter
and Donelda Lewis of
Shelly, we are so proud
of your accomplish-
ments and who you
have become. You will
make the world a better
place for many.
We love you very much
Mom & Dad.
Melissa Dawn Hayter
daughter of John &
Kathy Hayter graduat-
ed from the University
of Western Ontario
with a Bachelor of
Science in Nursing
Degree. Melissa has
accepted a position at
Children's Hospital,
Pediatric Oncology,
London, Ontario.
Congratulations & all
the best we are all
proud of you Love
Mom, Dad, Miranda,
Ryan, Mathew,
Sharmaine & family,
fiance Jeff Campbell
grandparents Bob &
Gloria Hayter,
Tiny Wells.
David Desjardine
graduated on June 7,
2006 from the
Technician - Tool &
Die Program at
Georgian College in
Barrie. He is presently
employed at Adescor
in Exeter.
Love, Mark,
Angie & Michelle
Congratulations to
Carolyn Van
Sligtenhorst graduat-
ing with Bachelor of
Arts Honours with
Distinction in
European Studies and
a minor in French. She
also received the Rex
Barrel Award in
French. Carolyn will
be attending Carleton
University in the fall
for post graduate
All our Love
Mom & Dad
Ann -Marie Leona
Parsons, daughter of
Bob & Theresa, grad-
uated from the
University of Western
Ontario obtaining her
Bachelor of Education
degree at convocation
June 13, 2006. Ann -
Marie has accepted a
position with Huron -
Perth Separate School
Board and will begin
her teaching career
September 2006 at St.
Columban School,
teaching French.
Congratulations Ann -
Marie and best wishes
for a very happy and
successful future. We
are very proud of you!
Love, Mom, Dad,
Darryl, Kendra
& Sarah.
Pete and Mary -Angela
Rutten are proud to
announce the gradua-
tion of their daughter
Kelly from the
University of Western
Ontario. Kelly's convo-
cation took place on
June 16, 2006. She
received her Bachelor
of Arts, Honours
Degree, with distinc-
tion, in Kinesiology.
Kelly has been
accepted at U.W.O's 2
year program for
Occupational Therapy,
beginning September
Congratulations, Kelly!
Love, Dad, Mom, Keri,
Ryan, Jim, Krista,
John, Katie,
Dayne & Darryl
Jocelyn Stire graduat-
ed June 15, 2006 from
Fanshawe College
with a Social Service
Worker diploma.
Jocelyn is currently
employed at Western
Area Youth Services in
Love Dad,
Steve & Scott
Graduate - Pam Love,
daughter of Gary &
Kim, graduated from
Ryerson University on
June 19 with a
Bachelor of Science
degree in Architecture.
Pam has accepted a
position at Graziani &
Corazza Architects Inc.
in Mississauga.
We are very proud of
you. Congratulations!
Love Mom, Dad,
Lindsay & Katelyn
Horesback Riding at
ul race
Available the weeks of July 17-21 July 24-28
August 7-11 August 14-18
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Activities include: Daily lesson, horse grooming
and saddling, general horse care and behaviour,
games, crafts, bareback riding amd much more!!!
Horse back riding lessons are also
available throughout the summer!!
For more information or to register
call Jeannette Meyer @ 519-233-3165.