HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-06-21, Page 1212 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, June 21, 2006 Sumner event for U.C.W. to be heldAug. 15 in Blyth By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - The June meeting of the UCW was held on Tuesday evening in the church basement with he Christian Development Committee in charge. The meeting table was covered with the autographed table- cloth, wreaths, miniature tractors, and in front on a lit- tle table was a high boot filled with a beautiful bou- quet of irises and a cross, on another table, it was covered with caps, felt hats etc. Kathy Bray welcomed everyone and gave the theme "Christ's Body in the Church" and "Father's Day." Bray quoted from Matthew. The ladies sang "The Churches One Foundation" accompanied by the pianist Jean Hodgert. Helen Weston read from Matthew 28:19-20 and also led in prayer. Ruth Anne Osgood read "The Church is Teaching, Preaching" and also led in prayer. Helen Weston introduced Rev. Judith Ritchie. Rev. Judith lit a candle, each lady took a pebble from a basket and a sheet of paper. They were to write a word on the paper and take it and the pebble in front of the cross. Rev. Judith spoke on "Christian Education" and also quoted scripture from Amos, Isaiah, Matthew and Psalms followed by Prayer and the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. It was a very interesting talk. She was thanked by Beatrice Dawson and pre- sented with a gift. Ruth Anne Osgood and Kathy Bray received the offering with prayer by Beatrice Dawson. The ladies sang "We are the Church", Ruth Anne gave a reading "About Fathers." Beatrice read "New and Improved." Kathy read "Top Ten things That Dad Say." Our president Carolyn Johns welcomed everyone and everyone repeated the UCW purpose. The roll call was answering the following question "In what church were you con- firmed, who was the minister and in what year? Anne Kernick the secretary read the minutes from the April and May meetings. Anne also read the corre- spondence. Joan Skinner gave the treasurer's report. Grace Pym gave the Mission and Outreach report. Other reports were given. The visiting committee for June, July and August will be Group U, Margaret Stewart, Group C, Alma Ballantyne Group W, June Stewart. Marjorie Johns gave a report from the campsite she attended at Bimini. Summer events will be held on July 22 at Siloam Church. The church service will be held at MacNaughton Park on June 25. The summer event of the UCW is going to Blyth on Aug. 15. The ladies of the UCW.will be housecleaning the church. Group U - the sanctuary, Group C - the basement, Group W - the kitchen. There was a plant exchange. The meeting closed with the UCW prayer. Lunch pre- pared by Agnes Bray, Margaret McCarter, June Stewart and Diane Jeffery was partaken of. Delicious sandwiches, relish trays and beverages were much enjoyed which brought an interesting evening to a close. Church Service Rev. Judith Ritchie was in charge of the Father's Day church service on Sunday morning. Alexander Gallant lit the Christ candle. Rev. Judith led in the call to wor- ship responsively. Everyone sang the Introit. Words of welcome were spo- ken and everyone shook hands and Rev. Judith gave the announcements. The gathering hymn "Let Us With a Gladsome Mind" was sung. Everyone read the Gathering prayer in unison. The Affirmation of our Faith "A New Creed" was read in uni- son. The children's hymn "The Church Is Wherever God's People" was sung. The Lord's Prayer was said in unison. The ladies of the choir sang "The Finger Prints of God" accompanied by the pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Psalm 139 was read responsively. Rev. Judith read 1 Samuel 3:1-18 and 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 and the title of her meditation was "What's It All About?" Hymn of Praise "Come Let Us Sing Of a Wonderful Love" was sung. Shirley Kerslake and Robert Bray received the offering. Everyone read the offertory prayer. The closing hymn "In Christ There Is no East or West" was sung. Rev. Judith gave the Commissioning and the Benediction Everyone sang the closing chorus. Announcements Rev. Judith's Expected Hours: Wed., June 21, 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Thurs., June 22, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Church number 519-235- 2803, her home number 519-432-5252 Judith will be "out and about" Wed. and Thurs. mornings but expects to be around in the after- noons. She welcomes visits, on the phone or in person. However, she hopes to visit folks sometimes after she has left the office. Volunteers are still needed to run the new sound system. We now have four hearing assisted units for the sound system. Contact Robert Bray or Judith Parker if you are interested in using one of the units. Anyone interested in the "PAR" program please con- tact Sharon Passmore at 235-2708 by June 26. June 25 Worship in the MacNaughton Park at 10:30 a.m. Bring your lawn chair and there will be a pot -luck lunch following the service. (Bring your own cutlery, plates and cups). Personals Congratulations to Michael Bowerman and Laura Skinner who were married in Thames Rd Elimville United Church on Saturday. The officiating minister was Rev. Judith Ritchie. Many people attended the wedding and also the meal and reception at SHRC, Exeter. Beta Alpha attends South Pacific EXETER — On May 15 Ontario Beta Alpha Master Chapter members attended the musi- cal `South Pacific', at the Avon Theatre followed by dinner in Stratford. Members met on May 30 at the home of president Bev Delbridge for a wind-up party. Installation of officers was held: president - Pat Patterson; vice-president - Ada Dinney; secretary - Lynda Deelstra; treasurer - Marian Rider. Arrangements were made to the play `Westside Story' in London on Sept. 20. Delicious refreshments were served. The Ways and Means committee held a draw. A social time followed the meeting and gifts were exchanged and our secret pal's names were revealed for the past year. Zurich Quilters Silent Auction Results ZURICH - Results of Quilt Silent Auction held by the Zurich Quilters Guild at Hay Township Hall June 17 and 18: Two quilts went to Patricia Hamilton of Goderich. One quilt to Michele Haberer, one to Jack Baker, two to Margaret C. Deichert, all of Zurich. One quilt to RuthAnne Flaxbard of London. Two-thirds of their final bid to be forwarded to local charities such as the Bluewater Rest home beds and Bluewater Foundation (Arena Fund) "Is Yer Fone Number Not Kurently Listed or Listed Inkurectlyl" Due to overwhelming response... once again this year we will be publishing the Exeter and Area Phone Book. It is our intention to publish a Telephone Listing as correct and current as possible. So, if your business or home phone number is not listed or is incorrect, we will be happy to add or correct your number. Just... COMPLETE THE HANDY COUPON BELOW AND MAKE SURE IT IS AT OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN FRI., JULY 7. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU HAVE ANY OMISSIONS, DELETIONS OR ADDITIONS FROM THE 2006 BELL DIRECTORY PLEASE CONTACT US FOR CHANGES. Clip and Bring to Times -Advocate by July 7 New Listing Please Change Name Address Phone • If listed previously please clip old incorrect listing AND ATTACH HERE WE WILL DELETE IT. ATTENTION BUSINESSES If you have not been contacted for advertising space in our book please call Deborah Schillemore or Jim Beckett YOUR AD WILL WORK YEAR-ROUND FOR YOU IN OVER 9,000 LOCAL HOMES! TIMES -ADVOCATE 519-235-13 WATCH FOR IT.. Your personal copy coming soon!