HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2006-06-21, Page 5Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Exeter Times -Advocate
Opinion Forum News
June 12, 1996 - After teaching
at area schools for 33 years, the
last 16 at St. Patrick's at Lucan,
Jack Gardiner is retiring.
Gardiner plans to retire in
London township where he was
born, raised and lives with his
wife Arnette. Three of his five
children also teach.
Jerry Rader's Homestyle
Catering service is this weekend
opening a "New Unique Market" on Highway 84
at the east end of Zurich.
The top athletes at SHDHS were honoured
recently. They are Adam Jean, Bryan McAllister,
Marty Debruyn, Dave Farquhar, Cara Gardner,
Lori Richardson and Lisa Campbell.
The building boom is again taking off in Exeter.
During the past month, building inspector Brian
Johnston issued permits valued at $349,400, com-
pared to $197,805 for the same period in 1985.
This year's total is now $671,794.
June 12, 1986 - A choir from SHDHS is in
Vancouver this week entertaining at Expo '86.
Jean Waring is the director.
Mary Angus, a Kirkton-Woodham Girl Guide
leader for 10 years will be representing the Maple
Way on a three weeks Girl Guides tour to the UK
beginning July 4.
Leigh Soldan was named 1986 Queen of the
Hensall Spring Fair, Friday night.
Four employees of South Huron Hospital have
been recognized for long term service. They are
maintenance director Alex Meikle, 30 years; nurs-
ing supervisor Jean Glasgow, 25 years; director of
nursing Audrey Pooley, 20 years and housekeep-
ing aide Doreen Lightfoot, 20 years.
June 17, 1971 - The new manse of the Kirkton-
Woodham charge of the United Church of Canada
was officially opened Sunday afternoon.
June 13, 1961 - If the current trend continues
the provincial park at the Pinery will have another
record busting season. Three hundred campers
invaded the park over the weekend, along with a
large group of picnickers.
Over 300 persons called at Ersman's Bakery on
Wednesday to honour their 10th anniversary.
Ground was broken Monday for construction of
a two -room addition to Our Lady of Mount Carmel
separate school.
June 17, 1956 - Crowds jammed J.H. Jones
Groceries for five days this past week as the firm
celebrated its golden anniversary. Owner J.
Hubert Jones said the highlight was reminiscing
with patrons who have dealt with the firm during
its long history in Exeter.
Clarence Fahner of Crediton suffered two bro-
ken bones in a leg Tuesday while trying to jump
clear of a scuffler when the team of horses he was
driving went out of control.
June 10, 1946 - Graduates of Sarnia General
Hospital's Training School for nurses numbering
180 returned to celebrate the golden jubilee of the
school. Among those coming back were Mrs.
Lloyd Taylor, Exeter; Mrs. Kenneth Johns,
Elimville and Mrs. Mason, formerly Beulah
Skinner of Belgrave.
Rev. D. McTavish, who for the past nine years
has been minister of Calvary United Church in
London preached his farewell sermon Sunday
prior to going to St. Catherines.
June 14, 1921 - Mr. W.S. Cole is attending the
Druggists' convention in Toronto this week.
Ontario goes dry on July 18, and after that the
importation of intoxicating liquor into the
province will be banned.
The cornerstone of the new Methodist Church
in Brinsley was laid on Tuesday. Assisting at the
service were W.G. Medd of Exeter and S.C.
Chowan of Lucan.
June 16, 1896 - The high school students who
propose writing for the Junior Leaving
Examinations are not overly well pleased at the
increase in the fee from $5 to $7 which has been
imposed by the Education Department.
Seniors' Perspective
By Jim Bearss
When asked if my cup is half full or half empty, my
only repose is that I'm thankful I have a cup
Sam Leflowitz
4th Annual Adult Trade Fair & Information
Held June 7 at the Exeter Rec. Centre was a real suc-
cess. I personally want to thank each of you who helped
make it all worthwhile; the vendors, door prize donators,
guest speakers including Jay Campbell A Channel,
London, the bands who kept you entertained, Audrey
Haugh, Ed Giles and Family, Wayne Otterbein, Lois
Hodgins and Harvey Smith and their groups, the many
volunteers and the great response from you the public
that attended.
Some of the door prize winners were: Ron Kenney, Ed
Roberts, Fred Delbridge, Mona Hamilton, Janet Evans,
Mabel Hern, Dorothy Moffatt, Marian Dougall, Gerry
Smith, Bill Parsons, Sam Skinner, and Irv. Armstrong,
Jerry Mathers, Marion Skinner, Dorothy Webber, Pat
Gower, Andy Dougall, Bill Muller, Shirley Adams, Bill
Gilfillan, Earl Horner, Marjorie Dayman, and Pearl Kirk.
A few of the vendors had their own draws. An apology;
there was a share the wealth draw, not a 50/50 draw.
Fish Fry:
The Exeter Chapter Order of The Eastern Star is spon-
soring a Fish Fry at 248 McConnell Street North (behind
the OPP) on Sun., June 25. This fantastic meal is being
served from 4 — 7 p.m. For tickets or ticket information,
please contact Larry at 519-229-6947 or Elaine, 519-
Harbour Park Band Concert held at the Lions Harbour
Park, West Street Goderich. Bring your lawn chair and
enjoy a variety of music in a park setting, rain or shine,
every Sunday evening throughout the summer. Times; 7
p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Collection will be taken to defray costs.
Contact: Jim Peters 519-524-9002
Exeter Canada Day Celebrations
July I
At South Huron Recreation Centre, Victoria St. East.
Family oriented day of events. Breakfast- 8 a.m.
Children's Entertainment, Antique Car show, BBQ, fire-
works and more Donations for fireworks Contact: Nancy
Radar 519-237-3412
Sat., July 15 through to Fri., July 21. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
daily. Hensall United Church - 76 King Street. Art show
and sale. Major display of art, including paintings, sculp-
ture and quilts; NEW category - youths (under 19 years
of age), ice sculpture showcase (times to be announced)
A fabulous summer event - 3rd year. Contact: Ann
Bayley 519-262-3500, ann@iceculture.com
Alzheimer Support Groups:
Hensall Alzheimer Support Group:
Information is shared on 2nd Monday of every month
at Queensway Nursing & Retirement Home, Hensall,
evening 7 — 9 p.m. Facilitator is Shirley Philips.
Grand Bend Alzheimer Support Group:
Mark your calendar for the 1st Monday of every month
at Grand Bend Community Health Centre, Grand Bend,
evening 7 — 9 p.m. Facilitator is also Shirley Philips.
Call 519-482-1482 or 1-800-561-5012 if you would
like to attend a support group or if you prefer individual
support, please call the Society to arrange an
"Life After Death:"
Widow / Widower Support Group, Last Monday of
the Month 7 — 9 p.m. at the Exeter United Church.
Please enter on Andrew Street. No need to regis-
ter just come and enjoy some conversation. Contact
Kim V 0 N Palliative Care @ 519-235-2510 for
more information.
Library News: Jim
The Exeter library carries a variety of things for
your use. Videos, DVDs and books on CD that are among
the selection. Also available for a three week loan are
walking kits with pedometers. Count your steps to fitness
with a kit from the library. The book club will meet next
on September 8 at 12:30 pm.
Help Us Meet Our Goal:
Town & Country Support Services urgently needs five
new "Volunteer Drivers". The drivers are needed for the
Exeter, Hensall and South Huron areas. By driving, you
will be involved with:
• Good activity for couples
• Paid mileage
• Flexible time — you choose
• Meet new people
• Training provided
• Local and distance drives
Be a Volunteer to... the Elderly, Disabled, Families,
Children and the Disadvantaged
Be a "Winner" and help your neighbour by contacting
Town & Country Support Services 519-235-0258
Jessy Dixon Coming to Zurich:
In April 2005, the first Hymntyme was held in the St
Peters Lutheran Church, Zurich Ontario. Since then the
4th Sunday of each month the well known hymns of the
church have been sung by 10 different denominations in
South Huron.
On June 25 the final Hynmtyme until September will
be held at the Bluewater Community Centre in Zurich at
6 p.m.
Gospel Music's International Ambassador, Jessy Dixon
will be the Special Guest. Jessy is an accomplished singer
and musician featured on Bill Gaither's Homecoming
Friends. This promises to be an uplifting enjoyable
evening of music. Also featured will be 4 year old twins
Larissa and Victoria Pickel.
Tickets are free and can be obtained at Selah Book
Store, Exeter or Blessings Community Store, Zurich. So
come early to get the best seats. If you do not have a tick-
et, come out anyway at 5:45 p.m. and non ticket holders
will be admitted. For more information, please contact
Audrey at 519-235-0571 or Norm at 519-235-0850.
What is Long -Term Care?
When you or someone you care about needs nursing,
personal care or supervision 24 hours a day, and is no
longer safe living at home, a long-term care home may
be the answer.
Long-term care homes provide accommodation (usual-
ly in single or double rooms), food, 24 hour supervision,
personal care and support, physical and occupational
therapy, emergency medical care, social and recreation-
al programs, and nursing care.
Long-term care homes, whether privately owned or
operated by a charity or municipality, are subsidized by
the government, so the cost is reasonable.
Long-term care homes are regulated by the govern-
ment and must meet high standards. They offer a com-
fortable and safe community for those no longer able to
live independently.
For more information about long-term care, contact
the Community Care Access Centres of Huron & Perth
Counties. Contact in Huron County, Box 580, 32
Centennial Drive, Seaforth ON NOK 1WO or call 519-527-
0000 or 1-800-267-0535 or visit:
DON'T BE SHY!! Info South Huron Chamber
of Commerce:
The more postings to view mean the more visitors to
our site, thus increasing the exposure and attendance to
your event.
As a business website, consider posting promotions,
open house, any special business related activities being
held by you or your organization, entertainment func-
tions where business can network, etc.
Should you require further assistance or have ques-
tions, contact the South Huron Chamber of Commerce
office at 519-234-4520 or by email at office@shcc.on.ca,
Sherrie Broderick SHCC Assistant
Spotlight on Local Community Events!
Email your community events to community@hay.net
and spread the word through your local voice at hay.net!
Make us your homepage and don't miss out on local hap-
URL for events website
Email to submit events - community@hay.net
Biography of Rudolph Christian Karl
Diesel Inventor of the "Diesel Engine"
Rudolph Diesel was born on March 18, 1858
in Paris. On September 4, 1870 Rudolph's fam-
ily moved to England. In late November they
decided it would be better for Rudolph to con-
tinue his schooling in Germany so he moved
there on his own and stayed with a young pro-
fessor. The problems Rudolph was trying to
solve were the noise, size and unreliability of the steam-
engine he wanted to create something that superheated
ammonia gas could take the place of steam in a steam
engine. He wanted to enable much higher compression
pressures to be used than was able with conventional
steam engines. In this way he could make greater use of
heat energy. Rudolph was 32 when he fmally accom-
plished his goal of creating the first ever Diesel Engine.
To create the diesel engine which made Rudolph
famous he had to take the original steam engine and give
it exhaust valves water cooling for the cylinder head and
barrel and a compressed air fuel -injection system to
ensure that the liquid fuel was forced into the combus-
tion space with sufficient pressure to overcome the air in