HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-10-12, Page 17Wednesday,October 12, 2005 Exeter Times -Advocate What protection do we have? Scotiabank helps VON EXETER — The unthinkable horror of American citizens helplessly standing on roofs in New Orleans and the images of cadavers floating in toxic flood waters along the Gulf Coast cannot be erased from the minds of thinking people or the hearts of caring people. The devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina, followed closely behind by Hurricane Rita, has brought into focus the awesome power of nature. Staff at conservation authorities in Ontario work with floodplain management, planning and stewardship issues every day but the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina (in and around Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and Georgia) and the more recent tragedy of Hurricane Rita along the Texas -Louisiana coast remind us of the human cost of disasters in a way that no regulations in a binder, or no dusty legal wording, ever could. It's understandable people are frightened after seeing the images from the United States over the past two months. It's also understandable that they would ask, "What measures are in place to protect me from flooding?" This column, the first in a three-part series, is in response to that question. When it comes to floodplain regulation in Ontario one could say Hurricane Hazel in 1954 was our wake-up call. As a result of the devastation and massive loss of life in the Humber River Watershed, Ontario embarked on a program to keep new development away from natural hazards such as flooding. We at the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority are vividly aware of the impor- tance of floodplain regulation. The former Ausable River Conservation Authority was the first such agency formed under the Conservation Authorities Act of 1946 and our origin almost 60 years ago grew out of the need for protection against floods. There is no single way to protect property and human life from flooding. That's why today, in Ontario, we have a multi -faceted water management program of flood fore- casting, flood warning, information, educa- tion, flood control works and preventative environmental land -use planning. The new Ontario Regulation 97/04: Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation will maintain the protection already in place under the exist- ing regulation (Fill, Construction and Alteration to Waterways) but also ensure the regulation is consistent across the province and is applied to development which could affect (or be affected by) wet- lands, shorelines and watercourses and — in the case of the ABCA — sinkholes. A conservation authority's mandate is to prevent the loss of life and property due to flooding and erosion and to conserve and enhance natural resources. Protection from flooding is accomplished in two main ways: I) New development Regulations govern new development in flood -prone areas and effective storm water management is aimed at ensuring that new development doesn't create extra ALEC SCOTT ABCA WATER AND PLANNING MANAGER potential for flooding. The ABCA works closely with municipalities and consult- ing engineers on local storm water management projects. 2) Existing development Programs are in place to protect areas where devel- opment already exists. This may include maintenance of historic remedial flood and erosion control projects and monitor- ing watershed conditions. One of the ways we reduce risk to life and property, reduce potential social disruption and protect the environment from natural- ly occurring flooding and erosion is through floodplain management. That includes the maintenance of existing flood and erosion control infrastructure, moni- toring of watershed conditions for flood forecasting purposes, providing emergency planning advice, warning watershed municipalities of impending flooding condi- tions, and providing technical advice in relation to lakeshore erosion and agricul- tural land. We operate a network of water level and climate stations throughout the watershed to respond to precipitation and snow melt events and forecast stream flows and water levels which may affect watershed residents. Conservation authorities have historically undertaken remedial flood and erosion control projects to deal with riverine flood- ing and riverine or valley erosion. The ABCA, in partnership with watershed municipalities and the province, inspects flood and erosion control structures to ensure these structures can continue to do their job of protecting existing develop- ment from the hazards of flooding and ero- sion. These are just some of the activities con- servation authorities undertake to protect you. There are no guarantees Ontario resi- dents can be protected from all natural dis- asters in all cases. We can, however, do our best to preserve wetlands, be mindful stewards of the land, use progressive envi- ronmental planning practices and have proactive regulations and prevention to protect property – and human life. We can't predict the impact of a flooding disaster like the ones we have seen in the past two months but conservation authori- ties are working closely with the province to apply preventative planning to mitigate the potential impact of any natural disaster here. Next week: How can we plan to avoid disaster in Ontario? For more information on flooding and erosion issues contact the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority at 235-2610 or 1- 888-286-2610. We're abuzz.. . FRESH HONEY ON TAR. FERGUSON APIARIES 519-236-4979 1. 414.4. #0 • • • 11! i HWY #84 between Hensall & Zurich Open Thursday - Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bill & Rosemary Ferguson r 17 Exeter Scotiabank manager John Hayhow, second from left, presents a $3,000 cheque toVON Palliative CareVolunteer Program chairman Alun Thomas, Ieft.The money comes from proceeds from the annual Scotiabank golf tournament in Mitchell.Also pictured are Scotiabank senior personal banking officer Marion Snow and outgoing VON chair- man Jim Tomlinson of Exeter, who represented the VON at the tourna- ment.The VON Palliative CareVolunteer Program offers visits from trained volunteers, bereavement support and had a resource library of current videos, pamphlets and texts on end of life issues. (photo/submit- ted) Hires new supervisor By Stew Slater SPECIAL TO THE TIMES -ADVOCATE SEAFORTH — Former Goderich District Collegiate Institute (GDCI) principal Ted Doherty has joined the top administrative leadership of the Avon Maitland District School Board as a supervisory officer in charge of sev- eral depart- ments, as well as 19 schools in Huron County. Doherty, who had been working out of the board's Seaforth offices HAY'S AUTOMOBILE RECONDITIONING OPEN MON. THRU SAT. 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Doherty will take on those duties, along with retaining the Student Success portfo- lio. "There's half a million dol- lars for the board from (Student Success)," the newly appoint- ed supervisory officer said after the board's first regular meet- ing of the school calen- dar Sept. 13. Student Success uses specific Education Ministry fund- ing to target secondary stu- dents at risk of dropping out of school. Before the introduction of Student Success, Doherty was GDCI principal for five years. In his new position, he'll act as superin- tendent over 19 schools, including GDCI, the sec- ondary schools in Wingham and Exeter, and the ele- mentary schools which feed into those three facilities. • 040 Financial Problems? Worried? Embarrassed? We Understand. 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