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The Times Advocate, 2005-09-21, Page 29
TIMES -ADVOCATE Wednesday, September 21, 2005 Exeter Times -Advocate 29 Classifieds 16 For Sale DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Can be deliv- ered to your door. Call Kirkton 229-8237. (29- 44SA)DOG RUN - Metal frame with galvanized fencing. 20' x 12', 5' high. $100. 236- 7865. (35-42SA) COME TAKE A LOOK! - Full-size Whirlpool dryer and washer set, dryer runs perfect, washer in need of repair there- fore it is free. 93 Olds, new rubber, brakes, as is $500 firm. Exercise bike, $35; large Zenith floor model TV, beauti- ful case, TV needs repair $75 firm; wood coffee table $10; 2 sets of bookcase shelving $10 each; fireplace insert $60; steel house door $25; brand new set of luggage, very large size $75 firm; oak cupboard , 2 door centre opening at front 3' tall 2'6" wide. Call Pat or Garry 519-284-1912. (36-43SA) DOUBLE/FULL MATTRESS SET - almost new. Asking $200. 519-284-3543. (33- 40SA) GLIDER ROCKER - wood with blue cushions $70, blue couch $50 or $100 for both. Both in excellent condition. Call 284-4491. (32-39x) 19 Property for Sale 16 For Sale FRIDGE, DRYER, $100 ALL - 30 gal. fish tank with necessi- ties and fish, $100. Tea pot collection, $35 each. Sectional couch with bed, $200. Coffee table, $50, Anole lizard, aquar- ium and necessities, best offer. 237-3137. (37;38*) GRAVEL, TOPSOIL, STONE, SAND - Lobo Sand & Gravel. 519-666-1742. (14-43) GIANT FALL SALE Crossbow packages from $329.00, Iris Setter gortex boots from $139.00, Advantage button -up shirts $25.00, Mossy Oak insulated jackets $59.99. Free 1/2 dozen carbon arrows with any new compound bow purchase. Pay no tax on all instock fishing gear. Huron Sports Outfitters, Highway 4, Kippen. 519-263- 2141. Open Monday to Saturday. (38) LARGE TRAMPOLINE - paid over $300. Not being used. Yours for $60 cash & carry. 235-3489. (37-44SA) HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS - & Swimming Pool Safety cov- ers - Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours avail- able. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca (36-39x) 19 Property for Sale r\J f fr\-I I J Learn more from those who have the answers! i H 16 For Sale GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $3.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am- 4:30pm. (31tfx) HALL'S GENERAL STORE, DASHWOOD - Furniture and antiques. 2400 square ft. showroom. 15% off many items. (36-39) HOT TUB/SPA - 6 foot, lounger, 6 massage jets, 10 turbo-flo-air jets, 4 person spa, paid $5400, selling $2100 firm. 461-1915. (35-42SA) HOT TUB/SPA - seats 6, 2005 model, lots of jets, dual pumps, waterfall, ozonator, digital con- trols, includes cover, full war- ranty, never used, still in wrap- per. Cost $9,600. Must sell $5,300. Call 859-3220. (37;38*) JOHN DEERE III RIDING LAWNMOWER - great shape, new battery, hydrostatic drive, $650 obo. 235-0805. (37- 44SA) LIQUIDATING SOW BARN - Fans, controls, feed tanks and carts. Sow stalls and crates, etc. Call 234-6798 or visit 70602 Ausable Line on week- ends. (38-40*) "MARQUIS" SPA SALE - Blue Horizon Pools & Spas. Great buys on quality spas, Sept. 22, 23, 24. Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Huron Rd., Hwy. #8, Goderich, 524-9804. (37;38) NEED A HOME PHONE? LOWEST PRICES! - Low activation/Monthly Fees, Transfer for Free. No Deposits, One Stop - Phone Shop 1-866-992-5925. (36- 39x) OAK DINING ROOM TABLE - with 2 extentions, 6 chairs and hutch buffet. Hand crafted by Mennonites in medi- um finish. Great pieces for a country kitchen. Asking $2200. 519-284-0099. (35- 42SA) POOL TABLE - solid wood, cherry, 1" slate, leather pock- ets, upgraded package with all accessories. Brand new, still in box. Cost $5799.00, asking $2,500.00. 951-0554. (37;38*) 16 For Sale QUEEN SIZE BED - dresser, desk, office chair, 2 bedroom night stands, couch, table and 4 chairs, entertainment centre, freezer. Call 235-0222. (37;38*) TOMATOES - PICK YOUR OWN - $10 bushel, Jim Nairn Farm 229-6467. (34tfx TELEVISIONS - Colour and B&W, 11" - 16", one with stand. Priced to sell up to $45.00. Call (519)294-0494. (32-39SA) TROJAN UV MAX.0 - ultra- violet water sterilizer, never used, still in box, great for home or cottage. Regularly $400 asking $250. Call 349- 2482 and ask for Mike. (37- 44SA) SPECTACULAR FALL SALE AT COUNTRY ACCENTS QUILT SHOPPE - 8698 Bog Line Rd., R.R. 4, Thedford. 519-296-4738. 20% off select- ed fabrics, books, patterns & notions. 15% off selected kits, 50% off table. Come in and pick up our list of upcoming workshops. (38;39) SPLIT CEDAR RAILS - 12 ft. $8.00 each. Call 229-6629. (31-38SA) THE FUEL GENIE - decreases in fuel consumption 30-50%. For cars and trucks. Will also install. 519-595-4553. (19tfx) U -PICK APPLES - McIntosh, Spartan & Empire. Open daily 10-5. 20 lbs -$7.00, 40 lbs. - $10.00. Middleton Place Orchards, 35449 Bayfield River Rd., Bayfield. 519-482- 9136. (34tfn) 2003 JD L120 LAWN TRAC- TOR - with 42" 2 stage blower. Excellent condition, $3595 obo. 229-6961. (35-42SA) WINE MAKING EQUIP- MENT - complete set-up for home wine making includes: pails, carboys, large electric fil- ter, corker, dryers, etc. Call 519-393-6177. (33-40SA) ALL DRY HARDWOOD FOR WINTER HEATING - $50.00 per cord delivered to St. Marys area. Call Victor West 349-2381. (38-45SA) LEGEND 4 WHEEL SCOOT- ER - Champagne colour, high back seat, on board charger, front basket, rearview mirror and 2-12V Gel batteries. One year old. Paid $4,000, will sell half price. Also wheeled walk- er with basket and seat $200. Call 777-7433 and leave mes- sage. (38-45SA) REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 16 For Sale DOG RUN - Metal frame with galvanized fencing. 20' x 12', 5' high. $100. 236-7865. (35- 42SA) 17 Wanted To Buy WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (14tfn) 18 Wanted WANTED - OLD BRICK BUILDINGS FOR SALVAGE - used building material and re- claimed bricks for sale. 235- 1662. (38tfn) WANTED TO BUY - coins and bills. Phone Dave, 357- 3613, Wingham (35-42x) 19 Property For Sale 1 1/2 STORY HOME - 163 Richmond St. South Hensall. Many updates. Features veran- da and back wrap around deck. Large lot. Asking $95,000. 519-262-2594 (38*) 19 Property for Sale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Another home by HURON CONTRACTORS 365 Pryde Blvd. New home ready for move -in. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2 car garage, lawn and landscaping. $198,900. Call Dean at 235-4726 • • • • • • • • © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114- KITCHENER 19 Property for Sale VARIETY STORE FOR SALE - Lock, stock and barrel including land. Interested par- ties leave message 451-5478. (36-39) 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 3.25% interest or less Personal Loans and Mortgages if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $13.55 $10,000 $27.08 $50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1(800)387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE - 4 km. south of Grand Bend on Klondyke Road. Reduced to $149,000. Three bedroom bungalow on one acre lot close to soccer fields and proposed golf course. Mls #365735. Call Clifford Knip, Sales Rep., Royal LePage RCR Realty 1- 519-228-6236 or Doug Russell, sales rep Home Life Realty 1- 519-238-8283. (38tfn) GRAVEL PROPERTIES WANTED - to buy or lease. Call (519)828-3500 Ask for Paul or Dianne. (37-44) DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME - Well kept, oak cup- boards, stucco ceilings. Active clubhouse, 55+ community. 235-3284. (37;38*) REDUCED - BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE IN EXETER - 2 bedroom, new furnace, new windows, new cupboards, new kitchen floor and carpet in liv- ing room. 20x24 insulated shed with furnace. Needs some drywall and paint. Commericial or residential. Lot size 78 wide x 136. Asking $85,500. Call Jeff 494- 0537. (38;39*) 20 Property For Rent 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831.(12tfn) Ask heE 'er Learn more from those who have the answers! SIGNS 41114‘ ARTECH Signs & Graphics 112 High St. Seaforth A Fru Call 1-519-527-2200 SERVICE SIGN Fax 1-519-527-1411 COMPANY artech•tcc.on.ca WEB DESIGN nexus designs innovative web solutions PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE DESIGN businesses community organizations not for profit groups personal consultations are free www.nexusdesigns.ca info@nexusdesigns.ca Phone:519-234-6341 STEEL Brander Steel Ltd. Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity TRAILERS BPTIB 1=1=aO=11JCTS L_TD Building #4, Canada Ave., Huron Park 228-7771 • 888-294-3336 • Trailers • Tantum 300 Electric Vehicles • Steel & aluminum Welding • Repairs & Fabrication WINDOWS & DOORS 11 11 ■■ Free SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales * Service * Installation 235-3502 NORTH STAR Estimates Toll Free 1-800-790-4668 • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • New Construction Windows • Insulated Glass Replacement • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Sun Rooms • Decks • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Roof Windows • Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors • Siding/Soffit/Fascia Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER BreMar Trailers MANUFACTURING & SALES 69928 Babylon Line, Crediton ALL ALUMINUM • Cargo • Snowmobile • Car Haulers • Utility bremartrailers.com 234-6802 1-866-303-6802 TV AND APPLIANCE McIntyre TV & APPLIANCES INC. 238-8270 FROM SALES TO SERVICE -WE DO IT ALL! SHOWROOM 5 km. south of GRAND BEND an west side of Hwy. 21 (Julie Ave.) www.grandbendappliances.com WELL DRILLING 1 W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: Toll Free: Stratford: Toll Free: 519-522-1737 888-522-1737 519-271-7860 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL P MPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS SALES BSERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 SERVICES FOR EVERY DAY NEEDS FAX SERVICE Sending & Receiving Prices Start at s1°°Ipage Fax# 519-235-07667 TIMES-ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 SUBSCRIPTIONS to Exeter Times Advocate Canada $38 00 + GST 1 yr. s70.°' + GST 2 yr. Call 235-1331 We accept VISA or MC to order by phone. rrutf: r •eg 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 BOOKS •Children's•Adult's •Inspirational •Sports GREAT SELECTION TIMES ADVOCATE 235-1331 LAMINATING Licenses, Tags 81'2x11, 812x14, 11x17 while you wait • Large sizes up to 24" wide also available. 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 PHOTOCOPIES Letter size, legal, 11x17 and double sided. Office hours Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm TIMES -ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES MODEL SUITES A ; AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT i! Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. Sand • SL Located on a new Street Only four blocks from downtown. w IDEAL FOR ADULTS! - �i y- o I' H a - No EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE ^ Huron St NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 r\J f fr\-I I J Learn more from those who have the answers! i H 16 For Sale GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $3.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or watercolour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am- 4:30pm. (31tfx) HALL'S GENERAL STORE, DASHWOOD - Furniture and antiques. 2400 square ft. showroom. 15% off many items. (36-39) HOT TUB/SPA - 6 foot, lounger, 6 massage jets, 10 turbo-flo-air jets, 4 person spa, paid $5400, selling $2100 firm. 461-1915. (35-42SA) HOT TUB/SPA - seats 6, 2005 model, lots of jets, dual pumps, waterfall, ozonator, digital con- trols, includes cover, full war- ranty, never used, still in wrap- per. Cost $9,600. Must sell $5,300. Call 859-3220. (37;38*) JOHN DEERE III RIDING LAWNMOWER - great shape, new battery, hydrostatic drive, $650 obo. 235-0805. (37- 44SA) LIQUIDATING SOW BARN - Fans, controls, feed tanks and carts. Sow stalls and crates, etc. Call 234-6798 or visit 70602 Ausable Line on week- ends. (38-40*) "MARQUIS" SPA SALE - Blue Horizon Pools & Spas. Great buys on quality spas, Sept. 22, 23, 24. Open 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Huron Rd., Hwy. #8, Goderich, 524-9804. (37;38) NEED A HOME PHONE? LOWEST PRICES! - Low activation/Monthly Fees, Transfer for Free. No Deposits, One Stop - Phone Shop 1-866-992-5925. (36- 39x) OAK DINING ROOM TABLE - with 2 extentions, 6 chairs and hutch buffet. Hand crafted by Mennonites in medi- um finish. Great pieces for a country kitchen. Asking $2200. 519-284-0099. (35- 42SA) POOL TABLE - solid wood, cherry, 1" slate, leather pock- ets, upgraded package with all accessories. Brand new, still in box. Cost $5799.00, asking $2,500.00. 951-0554. (37;38*) 16 For Sale QUEEN SIZE BED - dresser, desk, office chair, 2 bedroom night stands, couch, table and 4 chairs, entertainment centre, freezer. Call 235-0222. (37;38*) TOMATOES - PICK YOUR OWN - $10 bushel, Jim Nairn Farm 229-6467. (34tfx TELEVISIONS - Colour and B&W, 11" - 16", one with stand. Priced to sell up to $45.00. Call (519)294-0494. (32-39SA) TROJAN UV MAX.0 - ultra- violet water sterilizer, never used, still in box, great for home or cottage. Regularly $400 asking $250. Call 349- 2482 and ask for Mike. (37- 44SA) SPECTACULAR FALL SALE AT COUNTRY ACCENTS QUILT SHOPPE - 8698 Bog Line Rd., R.R. 4, Thedford. 519-296-4738. 20% off select- ed fabrics, books, patterns & notions. 15% off selected kits, 50% off table. Come in and pick up our list of upcoming workshops. (38;39) SPLIT CEDAR RAILS - 12 ft. $8.00 each. Call 229-6629. (31-38SA) THE FUEL GENIE - decreases in fuel consumption 30-50%. For cars and trucks. Will also install. 519-595-4553. (19tfx) U -PICK APPLES - McIntosh, Spartan & Empire. Open daily 10-5. 20 lbs -$7.00, 40 lbs. - $10.00. Middleton Place Orchards, 35449 Bayfield River Rd., Bayfield. 519-482- 9136. (34tfn) 2003 JD L120 LAWN TRAC- TOR - with 42" 2 stage blower. Excellent condition, $3595 obo. 229-6961. (35-42SA) WINE MAKING EQUIP- MENT - complete set-up for home wine making includes: pails, carboys, large electric fil- ter, corker, dryers, etc. Call 519-393-6177. (33-40SA) ALL DRY HARDWOOD FOR WINTER HEATING - $50.00 per cord delivered to St. Marys area. Call Victor West 349-2381. (38-45SA) LEGEND 4 WHEEL SCOOT- ER - Champagne colour, high back seat, on board charger, front basket, rearview mirror and 2-12V Gel batteries. One year old. Paid $4,000, will sell half price. Also wheeled walk- er with basket and seat $200. Call 777-7433 and leave mes- sage. (38-45SA) REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 16 For Sale DOG RUN - Metal frame with galvanized fencing. 20' x 12', 5' high. $100. 236-7865. (35- 42SA) 17 Wanted To Buy WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (14tfn) 18 Wanted WANTED - OLD BRICK BUILDINGS FOR SALVAGE - used building material and re- claimed bricks for sale. 235- 1662. (38tfn) WANTED TO BUY - coins and bills. Phone Dave, 357- 3613, Wingham (35-42x) 19 Property For Sale 1 1/2 STORY HOME - 163 Richmond St. South Hensall. Many updates. Features veran- da and back wrap around deck. Large lot. Asking $95,000. 519-262-2594 (38*) 19 Property for Sale • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Another home by HURON CONTRACTORS 365 Pryde Blvd. New home ready for move -in. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2 car garage, lawn and landscaping. $198,900. Call Dean at 235-4726 • • • • • • • • © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114- KITCHENER 19 Property for Sale VARIETY STORE FOR SALE - Lock, stock and barrel including land. Interested par- ties leave message 451-5478. (36-39) 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 3.25% interest or less Personal Loans and Mortgages if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $13.55 $10,000 $27.08 $50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1(800)387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE - 4 km. south of Grand Bend on Klondyke Road. Reduced to $149,000. Three bedroom bungalow on one acre lot close to soccer fields and proposed golf course. Mls #365735. Call Clifford Knip, Sales Rep., Royal LePage RCR Realty 1- 519-228-6236 or Doug Russell, sales rep Home Life Realty 1- 519-238-8283. (38tfn) GRAVEL PROPERTIES WANTED - to buy or lease. Call (519)828-3500 Ask for Paul or Dianne. (37-44) DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME - Well kept, oak cup- boards, stucco ceilings. Active clubhouse, 55+ community. 235-3284. (37;38*) REDUCED - BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE IN EXETER - 2 bedroom, new furnace, new windows, new cupboards, new kitchen floor and carpet in liv- ing room. 20x24 insulated shed with furnace. Needs some drywall and paint. Commericial or residential. Lot size 78 wide x 136. Asking $85,500. Call Jeff 494- 0537. (38;39*) 20 Property For Rent 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831.(12tfn) Ask heE 'er Learn more from those who have the answers! SIGNS 41114‘ ARTECH Signs & Graphics 112 High St. Seaforth A Fru Call 1-519-527-2200 SERVICE SIGN Fax 1-519-527-1411 COMPANY artech•tcc.on.ca WEB DESIGN nexus designs innovative web solutions PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE DESIGN businesses community organizations not for profit groups personal consultations are free www.nexusdesigns.ca info@nexusdesigns.ca Phone:519-234-6341 STEEL Brander Steel Ltd. Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity TRAILERS BPTIB 1=1=aO=11JCTS L_TD Building #4, Canada Ave., Huron Park 228-7771 • 888-294-3336 • Trailers • Tantum 300 Electric Vehicles • Steel & aluminum Welding • Repairs & Fabrication WINDOWS & DOORS 11 11 ■■ Free SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales * Service * Installation 235-3502 NORTH STAR Estimates Toll Free 1-800-790-4668 • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • New Construction Windows • Insulated Glass Replacement • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Sun Rooms • Decks • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Roof Windows • Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors • Siding/Soffit/Fascia Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER BreMar Trailers MANUFACTURING & SALES 69928 Babylon Line, Crediton ALL ALUMINUM • Cargo • Snowmobile • Car Haulers • Utility bremartrailers.com 234-6802 1-866-303-6802 TV AND APPLIANCE McIntyre TV & APPLIANCES INC. 238-8270 FROM SALES TO SERVICE -WE DO IT ALL! SHOWROOM 5 km. south of GRAND BEND an west side of Hwy. 21 (Julie Ave.) www.grandbendappliances.com WELL DRILLING 1 W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: Toll Free: Stratford: Toll Free: 519-522-1737 888-522-1737 519-271-7860 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL P MPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS SALES BSERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 SERVICES FOR EVERY DAY NEEDS FAX SERVICE Sending & Receiving Prices Start at s1°°Ipage Fax# 519-235-07667 TIMES-ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 SUBSCRIPTIONS to Exeter Times Advocate Canada $38 00 + GST 1 yr. s70.°' + GST 2 yr. Call 235-1331 We accept VISA or MC to order by phone. rrutf: r •eg 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 BOOKS •Children's•Adult's •Inspirational •Sports GREAT SELECTION TIMES ADVOCATE 235-1331 LAMINATING Licenses, Tags 81'2x11, 812x14, 11x17 while you wait • Large sizes up to 24" wide also available. 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 PHOTOCOPIES Letter size, legal, 11x17 and double sided. Office hours Mon - Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm TIMES -ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331