HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-08-31, Page 31Wednesday, August 31, 2005 Exeter Times–Advocate 31 Classifieds/Community 27 Tenders Wanted 27 Tenders Wanted Invitation to Tender ABCA Water Line Service Connection ABCA Administration Office 71108 Morrison Line, Exeter, Ontario Tenders are invited for supply of all materials, equipment and labour for the installation of approximately 720 metres of 50mm PVC Series 160 water line service to connect the ABCA Administration Office to the South Huron water supply. Included in the project will be the decommissioning of the existing well on the ABCA property. Plans, specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority at the address below. For further information contact Davin Heinbuck, ABCA Lands & Water Technologist (519) 235-2610. Sealed Tenders, clearly marked as to contents, must be delivered by Friday, September 9, 2005 at 12 noon local time to: Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority 71108 Morrison Line, RR# 3 Exeter, ON NOM 1 S5 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. RUCTION OM FILIEFrITI 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• CLEARING AUCTION SALE of EXCELLENT HOUSEHOLD, ANTIQUES, MISC., ETC. FOR MR. LONSON RANDALL 271 MARGARET ST., 1LDERTON, ONT. SAT. SEPT. 3 - 10:00 A.M. ANTIQUES.: Cabinet with drawers; bottom half of flat -to -wall; fernery; drop -front desk with bookcase; rocker with arms; picture frames; small tables; 2 hope chests; tea wagon; upholstered chairs; coal oil lamp; trunk; set of Bridal Rose dishes; set of Wedgewood Bellefleur; set of Thomas Ivory dishes; silverware; washstand; harvest table, etc. HOUSEHOLD: G.E. automatic dryer (like new); Maytag automatic washer; Moffatt deep-freeze; dining room suite consisting of a large buffet, table, 6 chairs; f.p. chesterfield; corner shelf; upholstered chairs; 3 pc. bedroom suite; single bed; large dresser; glider rocker; Viking ele. sewing machine in cabinet; double bed and dresser; Hi-Fi; good hanging lamp; bar; bar fridge; several artificial plants; desk; card tables and chairs; vacuum; old hockey game; cornflower crystal; Birks silverware and chest; other set of silverware; cups and saucers; cream and sugars; pots and pans; small appliances; kitchenware; variety knick-knacks; blankets; quilts; linen; mirrors; dehumidifier; etc. MISC: chrome table and chairs; Barbecue; microwave; stepladders; bikes; wishing well; bench and vice; grinder; some tools; wheelbarrow; steel shelf; push lawnmower; fertilizer spreader; patio set; etc. TERMS: Cash or Approved Cheque Sale Day. No Buyers Premium. AUCTIONEERS FILSON, ROBSON, FILSON PHONE/FAX 666-0833 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Guest singer visiting Zurich Diners ZURICH — Zurich Diners had their annual picnic indoors with buffet - style meal with regulars and visitors welcomed by Marg Hayter. A reading was given by Cecelia Farwell, "Farmers' Market" dated Feb. 20, 1897 and comics from 1957. Seniors participated in games. The "guess the candy in the jar" was won by John Farwell. A game played using numbers was won by Marie Gelinas; door prize by Elroy Desjardine, Olivea Bedard, Kay Hay and Glena Olcen; kick the shoe men Carl Finkbeiner, women Ursula Regier; cherry spitting Don Farwell and Cecelia Farwell. Harvey Smith and Devon Martene provided some toe -tapping music to complete the day. 28 Auction Sales Flowers brought to Diners by Glena Olcen decorated tables and later went to the homes of Shirley Martene, John Farwell, Theresa Regier, Ken Gingerich, Jossie Denomme and Doris Hamilton. The 50/50s were shared by Marjorie Reichert, Lottie Grenier, Jossie Denomme and Theresa Regier. Several of our diners went to the senior games in Windsor with Gwen McKellar and Lottie Grenier coming home with medals Mary Ducharme was welcomed as a new volunteer. Progessive euchre was played on Aug. 10 with high score Olivea Bedard; second high Doris Hamilton and lone hands to Marie Gelinas. 28 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE * BARN PINE * PLYWOOD * SHINGLES * STEEL BEAMS * * DOORS * WINDOWS * TRIM * CEDAR * * PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER* WOOD SIDING * * VARATHANE * CREOSOTE * DOOR KNOBS * WOOD RAILING * VINYL RAILING * GARAGE DOORS * * SHINGLES * INSULATION * SPRUCE LUMBER * DOOR HARDWARE * TOILETS * SINKS * VANITIES * FAUCETS * * MISCELLANEOUS HARDWARE * PLUS MORE TO COME * to be held @ RONA @oildrng Centre PARKVIEW DRIVE, MOOREFIELD, ONTARIO NOG 2K0 PHONE: (519) 638-3306 FAX: (519) 638-3793 Saturday Sept. 10, 2005 Start time 10:30 am Auctioneer: Gray's Auction Service M* / s_ R16W tM-1 4Mhm Mitchell R MO ark F 6seulepAf HOLIDAY DEADLINE Due to the LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY (MON. SEPT. 5) DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MUST be submitted by FRI. SEPT. 2 AT 10 A.M. T -A OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MON. SEPT. 5 TIMES ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter (51 9) 235-1331 Fax 235-0766 e-mail: ads@southhuron.com Penny sale winners Aug. 17 penny sale winners were Carl Finkbeiner, Gwen McKellar, Marjorie Reichert, Elroy Desjardine, Marie Gelinas, Jossie Denomme, MaryLou Denomme, Ken Gingerich, and Gertie Stade. On Aug. 26 the guest speaker was Kim Paulton from the Canadian Hearing Society in London. Several members had hearing tests and were advised to see a specialist in that field of health care. Wed., Aug. 31 the guest will be singer Marlene Thorton. Several of the regular diners will be off to Hill Island Lodge and will return in September. Perfect weather for Sunday picnic By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD — Regular worship services begin Sept. 4. Please remember your item for the Food Bank. On Wed., Sept. 7 the standing committee meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. followed by a council meeting at 8:15 p.m. Announcements On Tues., Sept. 14 at 8 p.m. the United Church Women will meet. Program: Pat Ballantyne, Marion Cann, Karen Etherington, Ola Batten. Roll call: Bring a houseplant, a perennial or bulbs for exchange. Lunch: Doris Elford, Alma Ballantyne, Muriel Parsons, Margaret McCarter. The finance com- mittee is planning the second annual golf and barbecue fundraiser at the Exeter Gold Course on Sept. 10. The fee of $40 includes green fees and an all -you -can -eat barbecue. Barbecue only is $15. Invite your friends and relatives. Everyone is wel- come. For more information contact Sandra Rowe at 229-6284. Personals Glenn and Dorothy Jeffery visited a few days last week with relatives and friends at Victoria Harbour and New Liskeard. On Sunday afternoon and evening, people on McTaggart Line north of County Road 83 gathered for a barbecue at the Morgan pit and to welcome four new families to the community: Kees and Marian Kemers and family; Matthew and Melonie Den Hollander; Rick and Jennifer Branderhorst and family; Gillian Collins, Chris and Jayne Rowcliffe, Sydney and Mitchell. Mary Rowcliffe was the eldest and Mitchell Rowcliffe was the youngest. Everyone reported a good time and the weather was perfect. THAMES ROAD NEWS Network Classifieds: � » For more information contact Advertise Across Ontarlo or Across the Count I Your local newspaper AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a com- plaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. If you're buy- ing a vehicle privately, don't become a curbsider's victim. Curbsiders are imposters who pose as private individuals, but are actually in the business of selling stolen or damaged vehi- cles. EXCITING MOBILE TOOL FRANCHISE - Now You Have A Choice! Matco Tools offers a complete Business System: Premium Quality Products, Financing programs, Franchisee Support Programs. Matco's ongoing training means you're in business for yourself - not by yourself! Call Now Toll -Free 1-800-368-6651, www.nmtccanada.ca OWN YOUR OWN STORE - Country Depot, TrueValue Hardware, V&S Department Store Dealerships available. New & existing locations. No Franchise Fees - receive Yearly Dividends. Call TruSery Canada TODAY - 1-800-665-5085 www.truserv.ca BUSINESS IS BOOMING! Join the Multi Menu franchise team. Pet food & accessories distribution. PT/FT. Investment starting at $3,000. Start-up campaign plus ongoing support & training, no royalties. 1-877-668-5846 / 416-907-8531. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Eam up to $3,000+ week. Kennedy Transportation is looking for individuals who want to start their own trucking business. Guaranteed work contracts for 1, 3 & 5 ton straight trucks and Highway Tractor. No experience required. G licence OK. Financing available. Phone 905-501-8779 or Toll -Free 1-888-827-6044. TRAVEL AGENT OPPORTUNITY Work from home. Eam extra income. Experience preferred, will train. For further information, contact Lynda at Massey Travelplus 1-800-387-8747 or lynda.westlake@travelplus.ca www.gbc.travelplus.ca BUSINESS OPPS. FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY - Liberty Tax Service seeking entrepreneurs to be part of the fastest growing international tax service EVER! Call Toll -Free 1-877-902-7089, www.libertytaxcanada.com BUSINESS SERVICE WORK FROM HOME ON YOUR COMPUTER. Full or Part Time. No Experience Required. Start today. Visit our website now. www.MyHomePCJob.com. Code: Al CAREER OPPS. FREE 128 page "Career Opportunities' Guide. Earn Morel! Get Promoted!! 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