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The Times Advocate, 2005-08-31, Page 30
30 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, August 31, 2005 Classifieds 14 Appliances, TV. MAYTAG NEPTUNE - stacked washer/dryer combo. 1998 model works excellent. Many new parts in washer. 2'w x 6'h x 30"d. Asking $750. 235-3460. (28-35SA) WHITE WESTINGHOUSE SELF -CLEAN - electric stove, full size, $150. Call 284-8110. (28-35SA) WOODS FREEZER - 7 cu. ft. 3 years old. $250. 236-7865. (35- 42SA) G.E. 18 CU. FT. FREEZER FRIDGE - 30" stove, almond. Excellent condition. Best offer. Under counter dishwasher $50. Call 235-4694. (34;35) 15 Personal TIRED OF ...INTERNET DATES THAT GO NOWHERE? - Disasterous blind dates coutesy of wellmeaning/misguided friends? Time to change your luck. Misty River Introductions has the kind of people you WANT to meet. (519)658-4204. (35*) 16 For Sale 10 CUBIC FOOT DANBY FREEZER - 12 cubit food Woods freezer; Graco battery operated baby swing; Evenflo exersaucer; newborn car seat used 7 months; Little Tykes table and 2 chairs. 868-0883. (31- 38SA) 12.5 KW GENERATOR - 2 cylinder Diesel on trailer, $2200. 461-1878 call between 8-5 week- days. (29-36SA) 2 - HT3813 HONDA RIDING LAWNMOWERS - Twin cyl. liquid cooled. Hondamatic trans- missions. One working, one for parts with Honda shop manual. $1,000 obo. 237-3539 after 5 pm. (35*) 2003 GRAND AM GT SIDE - VIEW MIRRORS - black, never used, still in box. Moving sale. Asking $100 for pair. 235-3460. (28-35SA) 2003 JD L120 LAWN TRAC- TOR - with 42" 2 stage blower. Excellent condition, $3595 obo. 229-6961. (35-42SA) 27" PRIMA FLAT SCREEN TV - comes with manual, remote and stand with glass shelves. Asking $300. 235-3460. (28-355A) 4 RIMS - 15" 6 bolts aluminum rims $400 obo. Call 461-0817. (32-39x) 16 For Sale BED - TOP OF THE LINE TWIN - Simmons Beautysleep Radison 2 piece set with frame, as new paid $800+. Asking $300 obo. 284-3309. (33-40SA) BEETS, LONG OR ROUND - green and yellow beans. Hours by chance or by appointment at Dougall's Berries and Veggies. 3 km. north of Exeter, Hwy. 4. 235-1491. (27th) BLACK ANGUS FREEZER BEEF - sold by 1/4, 1/2 or whole. Cut to your specifications. Phone 519-475-4391. (28-35SA) CANNING TOMATOES - You pick -we pick. Nursery stock & perennials now up to 30% off. Effective Sept. 5, Hours 9-6 Thurs.-Mon. Closed Tues. & Wed. Te -em Farm, 77688 Orchard Line, RR#1 Bayfield. 482-3020. (35) CRAFTSMAN 10" RADIAL ARM SAW - with blades. Excellent condition. Asking $375. 284-8111. (34-41SA) DOG RUN - Metal frame with galvanized fencing. 20' x 12', 5' high. $100. 236-7865. (35- 42SA) DOUBLE/FULL MATTRESS SET - almost new. Asking $200. 519-284-3543. (33-40SA) DRY FIREWOOD, ALL HARDWOOD - $40/cord and up, $60 a pickup load; large orders available. Can be deliv- ered to your door. Call Kirkton 229-8237. (29-36SA) ELECTRIC OIL HEATER - $40; mini electric oil heater $10; Hotpoint 30" white electric stove, self-cleaning oven $135; 8 cu. ft. chest freezer $75; 1.8 cu. ft. white bar fridge $95 hardly used. Excellent working condition. 284-2151. (34-41SA) EXECUTIVE DESK - solid oak, 4 drawer, 35" x 72". $500. Originally $1,700. 461-1074. (34-41 SA) 16 For Sale MONSTER PLANT SALE - Labour Day weekend at WildThings Plant Farm. Sat. 20% off. Sun. 30% off. Mon. 40% off. Plus many plants 50% off all 3 days. Choose from 1000'2 of premium quality plants. Open 10 am-6pm. (519)338-3228. Hwy. 89, 7 km. east of Harriston, North on Baseline Road. See our website for sale info: www.wild-things.ca MOVING A LARGE PT WOOD DECK - A large garden shed, central air unit, fencing, electric treadmill. Refridgerator and freezer. Carpet, many other items. 228-7133. (35;36*) OAK DINING ROOM TABLE - with 2 extentions, 6 chairs and hutch buffet. Hand crafted by Mennonites in medium finish. Great pieces for a country kitchen. Asking $2200. 519- 284-0099. (35-42SA) RASPBERRIES - U -PICK - or orders taken, 5 miles east of Exeter. Please call 229-6361 for availability. (35;36*) REGENCY CLASSIC GAS STOVE - pedestal style, Model C33. Existing stove flu. $1200. 238-1610. (29-36SA) SPLIT CEDAR RAILS - 12 ft. $8.00 each. Call 229-6629. SYLVANIA BRAND MICROWAVE - Black, excel- lent condition, moving sale, ask- ing $50. 235-3460. (28-35SA) THE FUEL GENIE - decreases in fuel consumption 30-50%. For cars and trucks. Will also install. 519-595-4553. (19th) TOMATOES - PICK YOUR OWN - $10 bushel, Jim Nairn Farm 229-6467. (34tfx) FIREWOOD - seasoned hard- wood beech, ash and maple, delivered or picked up. Call Dignan na Landscaping at 236-4457 (4 GLIDER ROCKER - wood with blue cushions $70, blue couch $50 or $100 for both. Both in excellent condition. Call 284- 4491. (32-39x) GRAVEL, TOPSOIL, STONE, SAND - Lobo Sand & Gravel. 519-666-1742. (14-43) 42" GLASS AND PEWTER KITCHEN TABLE - Excellent condition. Includes 4 matching stool -like chairs. Moving sale. Asking $200. 235-3460. (28- 35SA) 6 PIECE PATIO SET - with cushions and covers. If interest- ed call 519-238-1340. (34-41 SA) ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - fac- tory direct, many sizes 20'x30' $4500. Since 1980. Call Pioneer NOW! 1-800-504-7749. www.pioneerbuildings.ca (35- 43x) ANTIQUE DINING ROOM TABLE WITH EXTENSION - 5 chairs and one armchair and a matching buffet. Excellent con- dition. $1500. 284-3337. (30- 37SA) ANTIQUE STAINED GLASS WINDOWS - mirrored old win- dows and trunks. All refinished and ready to use. Great for wed- ding gifts. Call Peter 284-1725. (29-36SA) APPLES: - $2.00 for 4 quarts (5 lbs.), potatoes $3.00/101b., sweet corn. Still a great time to plant perennials: $30.00 for 10 one - gallon black pots, tax included. Papple's Garden Centre and Produce Stand, 118 Main Street, Seaforth. (519)522-0874. www.papple.ca (35*) AUDIO SOUND SYSTEM - 6 channel Traynor P.A. Head, 2-4 ft. columns and 2 base bins. Good for any venue. Priced to sell. 519-236-7713 or 586-263- 1528. (33-40SA) GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $3.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or water- colour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm. (31tfx) H.D. FULL SIZE INGLIS DRYER V.G.C. - $140; full size Toshiba microwave $40, 12'x30" fun pool with all accessories $100. 284-2903. (30-375A) HOT TUB/SPA - 6 foot, lounger, 6 massage jets, 10 turbo-flo-air jets, 4 person spa, paid $5400, selling $2100 firm. 461-1915. (35-42SA) INGERSOL-RAND LAWN- MOWER - 14 hp, 42" cut, all - wheel steer, very reliable, excel- lent shape, stored inside, special mid-season price of $600. Also trailer hitch for Safari van. Call 349-2879 evenings only. (28- 35SA) METAL CABINET - 36wx60hx180, bike - men's 18 speed like new, large wood cup- board/wardrobe, white, 48wx72hx21d. Call 238-6155. (35*) TELEVISIONS - Colour and B&W, 11" - 16", one with stand. Priced to sell up to $45.00. Call (519)294-0494. (32-39SA) U -PICK APPLES - Early apples, plums and pears. Open daily 10- 5. 20 lbs -$7.00, 40 lbs. -$10.00. Middleton Place Orchards, 35449 Bayfield River Rd., Bayfield. 519-482-9136. (34tfn) USED BUILDING MATERIAL - 1.5" Roofmate insulation. $3.00 per sheet, 1,000 available. 3" Roofmate insulation, $5.00 per sheet, 350 available. 235- 3643. (34;35) WINE MAKING EQUIPMENT - complete set-up for home wine making includes: pails, carboys, large electric filter, corker, dry- ers, etc. Call 519-393-6177. (33- 40SA) 17 Wanted To Buy WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234- 6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (14tfn) 18 Wanted WANTED TO BUY - coins and bills. Phone Dave, 357-3613, Wingham. (35-42x) 19 Property For Sale BEST VALUE IN EXETER - 3 large bdrm. house, huge ensuite bathroom, oak kitchen, dry unfin- ished basement, 2 car garage, 7 yr. warranty coverage. 235- 4726. (25tfn) ZURICH HOME FOR SALE - NEW PRICE - 20 John St. S.. Immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath, brick. Spacious lot, many upgrades including finished base- ment, gas furnace, roof, soffit, fascia, ceramic tile and hardwood floors. More info call 236-4353. (26-41*) © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS Lm. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114- KITCHENER 19 Property For Sale 19 Property For Sale HOME ON 1 -ACRE LOT Approx. 2100 sq. ft. sidesplit 3 bedroom, 2 bath, sunroom, separate office, 2 car garage with basement entrance. Gas heat, air conditioning, water softener, municipal water plus much more. Located at edge of Exeter. 40226 Thames Rd. (Hwy. #83) East Please call for viewing. Ask for Jeff or Angela 235-4551 82 SANDERS ST. E. Nice two storey family home just two blocks from centre of town and schools. Original trim throughout and pocket doors, 3+1 bedroom with 3 pc. bathroom, central air, sunporch overlooking perennial gardens with fenced -in backyard. Asking $174,000 235-2171 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 3.25% interest or less Personal Loans and Mortgages if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $13.55 $10,000 $27.08 $50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1(800)387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. 20 Property For Rent 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 20 Property for Rent LUXURY GRAND BEND CONDO FOR RENT - Fully fur- nished, 2 bedrooms overlooking the river. $800 per month includ- ing utilities. 519-862-3013. 3 COTTAGES FOR RENT IN GRAND BEND - 2-2 bdrms plus loft/1 - lbdrm plus loft. Fully furnished. Walking distance to everything. $450 - $475 per month plus utilities. Avbl September to May. Please call 905-399-1324. (35;36*) 3 MILES N OF GRAND BEND - 1 bedroom refinished winter- ized trailer -cottage. $500 plus. 236-4581. (35*) ZURICH - Large 2 bedroom apt. 4 appliances. $500 plus hydro. Available immediately. 679- 5810. (32-39*) 4 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME - south of Zurich. Recently renovated. Natural gas, forced air furnace, central air. No lawn maintenance. No pets. $750/month plus utilities. 236- 4608 evenings. (35-37*) ASHWOOD APTS.1 BED- ROOM - $450 and 1 bedroom furnished, $525. Rent includes water, fridge, stove and parking. Call Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (23tfn) BAYFIELD - Beautiful 2+2 bed- room home for rent, 2 bath $500 plus utilities - available Sept. lst. 263-5325. (34;35*) BROOKSIDE APTS. EXETER - Large luxury 2 bedroom apt. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, con- trolled entry, laundry hook-up. Suitable for mature adults. Available now. 235-2961. (32tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apt., upper, $500 first, last, lease, plus utilities. 235-1418 call after 8 pm. (32-35*) EXETER - 1 & 2 bedroom apart- ments with fridge & stove, fresh- ly cleaned and painted, Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (31 -fn) 20 Property for Rent CLINTON - Spacious 2nd floor 2 bedroom, redecorated, profes- sionally cleaned. Lot's of park- ing, controlled entry, extra stor- age, close to all amenities. 519- 866-5442.(33-40*) CLINTON - New bachelor apt. Quiet unit in prestigious con- trolled entry building, all inclu- sive. Main floor location. Very private. 519-866-5442. (33-40*) COUNTRY 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - in the hamlet of Woodham (Hwy.23) between Exeter and St.Mary's. $775 plus utilities. Sunroom off kitchen. Basement walk -out to large back- yard. Garage. New furnace and roof. Fridge & stove provided. Hook-ups for washer, dryer and satellite dish. 229-6600 or 663- 9400.(26-41*) EXETER - 1 bedroom upper level, fridge and stove supplied. $455 monthly plus utilities. References required. No pets. 235-3293. (17th) EXETER - 3 Bedroom town- house. $750 plus utilities. 235- 4694. (33tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN ADULT BUILDING - Available Oct. lst. $550 plus utilities. First/last. References required. Call 235- 3293. (35tfii) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utilities. 235- 4694. (45tfn) GRAND BEND - Gorgeous two bedroom, great location, year round, available immediately, first and last, utilities included. Won't last long! 243-2282 (35*) HENSALL - QUEEN MARY APTS. - 2 bedroom, freshly cleaned and painted, new ceram- ic kitchen floors, starting at $510, water included. 262-3186. (34tfn) LAKEFRONT HOME - south of Bayfield, winterized, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, furnished. $700 monthly plus. Available Sept. to June. 1- 613-384-7441 or 236-4823. (29- 36*) LAKEFRONT HOUSE - 3 plus loft bedroom, fireplace, hard- wood plus stunning views. $1200 a month. Contact Tulin Tuckey, Sutton Group Select Realty. 433-4331. (34;35*) LUCAN - 1 bed. in small clean, quiet bldg. $500 includes utili- ties. New carpet, tiles and appli- ances. Call Jim 227-1626. (10tfn) LUCAN - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $573 plus personal hydro. Available immediately. 227- 0096 or 243-3570. (32tfn) LUCAN - OFFICE/SHOP ON MAIN STREET - $375 monthly plus utilities. 227-4923 or 227- 6724. (35-38*) LUCAN - ONE BEDROOM APT TO RENT - Available September 1st, $325 monthly plus utilities. 227-4923 or 227- 6724. (33-36*) MAPLE ARMS APART- MENTS - Large luxury 1800 square foot apartment. 3 bed- room. Ensuite, laundry, central air, controlled entry. Available Oct. 1st. 235-2961. (33tfn) MCGILLIVRAY DRIVE - 4 BEDROOM COUNTRY FARMHOUSE - Paved road. References. $700/month. Phone 293-3234. (35;36*) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES MODEL SUITES AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING 11,01,4141,, iv EN Is l♦ - - BY APPOINTMENT a lif _ I i. - . +! si PF Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. Sand e St. Located on a new Street Only four blocks from downtown. w IDEAL FOR ADULTS! rc'g s - No EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE - Huron SI' NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 82 SANDERS ST. E. Nice two storey family home just two blocks from centre of town and schools. Original trim throughout and pocket doors, 3+1 bedroom with 3 pc. bathroom, central air, sunporch overlooking perennial gardens with fenced -in backyard. Asking $174,000 235-2171 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 3.25% interest or less Personal Loans and Mortgages if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $13.55 $10,000 $27.08 $50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1(800)387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. 20 Property For Rent 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 20 Property for Rent LUXURY GRAND BEND CONDO FOR RENT - Fully fur- nished, 2 bedrooms overlooking the river. $800 per month includ- ing utilities. 519-862-3013. 3 COTTAGES FOR RENT IN GRAND BEND - 2-2 bdrms plus loft/1 - lbdrm plus loft. Fully furnished. Walking distance to everything. $450 - $475 per month plus utilities. Avbl September to May. Please call 905-399-1324. (35;36*) 3 MILES N OF GRAND BEND - 1 bedroom refinished winter- ized trailer -cottage. $500 plus. 236-4581. (35*) ZURICH - Large 2 bedroom apt. 4 appliances. $500 plus hydro. Available immediately. 679- 5810. (32-39*) 4 BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME - south of Zurich. Recently renovated. Natural gas, forced air furnace, central air. No lawn maintenance. No pets. $750/month plus utilities. 236- 4608 evenings. (35-37*) ASHWOOD APTS.1 BED- ROOM - $450 and 1 bedroom furnished, $525. Rent includes water, fridge, stove and parking. Call Marlene Parsons 235-1304. (23tfn) BAYFIELD - Beautiful 2+2 bed- room home for rent, 2 bath $500 plus utilities - available Sept. lst. 263-5325. (34;35*) BROOKSIDE APTS. EXETER - Large luxury 2 bedroom apt. Fridge, stove, dishwasher, con- trolled entry, laundry hook-up. Suitable for mature adults. Available now. 235-2961. (32tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom apt., upper, $500 first, last, lease, plus utilities. 235-1418 call after 8 pm. (32-35*) EXETER - 1 & 2 bedroom apart- ments with fridge & stove, fresh- ly cleaned and painted, Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (31 -fn) 20 Property for Rent CLINTON - Spacious 2nd floor 2 bedroom, redecorated, profes- sionally cleaned. Lot's of park- ing, controlled entry, extra stor- age, close to all amenities. 519- 866-5442.(33-40*) CLINTON - New bachelor apt. Quiet unit in prestigious con- trolled entry building, all inclu- sive. Main floor location. Very private. 519-866-5442. (33-40*) COUNTRY 3 BEDROOM HOUSE - in the hamlet of Woodham (Hwy.23) between Exeter and St.Mary's. $775 plus utilities. Sunroom off kitchen. Basement walk -out to large back- yard. Garage. New furnace and roof. Fridge & stove provided. Hook-ups for washer, dryer and satellite dish. 229-6600 or 663- 9400.(26-41*) EXETER - 1 bedroom upper level, fridge and stove supplied. $455 monthly plus utilities. References required. No pets. 235-3293. (17th) EXETER - 3 Bedroom town- house. $750 plus utilities. 235- 4694. (33tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT IN ADULT BUILDING - Available Oct. lst. $550 plus utilities. First/last. References required. Call 235- 3293. (35tfii) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utilities. 235- 4694. (45tfn) GRAND BEND - Gorgeous two bedroom, great location, year round, available immediately, first and last, utilities included. Won't last long! 243-2282 (35*) HENSALL - QUEEN MARY APTS. - 2 bedroom, freshly cleaned and painted, new ceram- ic kitchen floors, starting at $510, water included. 262-3186. (34tfn) LAKEFRONT HOME - south of Bayfield, winterized, 3 bedroom, 2 baths, furnished. $700 monthly plus. Available Sept. to June. 1- 613-384-7441 or 236-4823. (29- 36*) LAKEFRONT HOUSE - 3 plus loft bedroom, fireplace, hard- wood plus stunning views. $1200 a month. Contact Tulin Tuckey, Sutton Group Select Realty. 433-4331. (34;35*) LUCAN - 1 bed. in small clean, quiet bldg. $500 includes utili- ties. New carpet, tiles and appli- ances. Call Jim 227-1626. (10tfn) LUCAN - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $573 plus personal hydro. Available immediately. 227- 0096 or 243-3570. (32tfn) LUCAN - OFFICE/SHOP ON MAIN STREET - $375 monthly plus utilities. 227-4923 or 227- 6724. (35-38*) LUCAN - ONE BEDROOM APT TO RENT - Available September 1st, $325 monthly plus utilities. 227-4923 or 227- 6724. (33-36*) MAPLE ARMS APART- MENTS - Large luxury 1800 square foot apartment. 3 bed- room. Ensuite, laundry, central air, controlled entry. Available Oct. 1st. 235-2961. (33tfn) MCGILLIVRAY DRIVE - 4 BEDROOM COUNTRY FARMHOUSE - Paved road. References. $700/month. Phone 293-3234. (35;36*) "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor