HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-08-31, Page 7Wednesday,August 31, 2005
Exeter Times -Advocate
Rain doesn't dampen Bean Festival dinners
By Carmel Sweeney
Congratulations to Mike
and Victoria (Tori)
McBride (nee Rodges) who
were married Sat., Aug.
27 in Auburn. A dinner
was held at the Zurich
Mennonite Church Hall.
The groom is the son of
Larry and Ann McBride of
RR 1, Zurich.
Bob and
Hutchinson and three
daughters have returned
to their home in Saudi
Arabia after spending the
summer months at their
cottage in Southcott Pines
and visiting with relatives
in the area. Vickie is the
daughter of Vesta and
Hubert Miller of
Bean Festival
I guess you can plan
everything but not the
weather. As our 40th
annual Bean Festival got
off to a good start Friday
evening with the car
Saturday was fine until
the afternoon when it
rained off and on most of
the time. So, people began
leaving the village early.
But the bean dinners kept
going on under cover at
various places and even at
the arena. Draws were
made as scheduled with
lots of winners.
The Blue Water Rest
Home women's auxiliary
quilts were won by
Jennifer Earle of London
(who is a granddaughter
of Herb and Donna
Klopp). A tied quilt was
won by Flo Janower of
Kitchener. St. Joseph St.
Peter's Catholic Women's
League quilt was won by
Dianne Miller of RR 2,
Zurich. Zurich St.
Boniface Catholic
Women's League quilt
was won by Rose -Marie
Knights of
draw win-
ners from
St. Boniface Parish were
Martha Risi of Zurich,
patio set; Libby Soudant,
RR 1 Zurich, weed eater;
George Suplat of Zurich,
grape vine tree.
A family get-together
was held at the home of
Peter and Carolyn
Mathonia on Sun., Aug. 28
with family members on
Peter's side from various
Have you ever been out
for a nice long quiet walk
(or jog) along the Pioneer
Trail at the Klopp
Commemorative Woods?
It is sponsored by J. M.
McBeath Funeral Home
and the Lions Club of
London. There benches to
sit and relax at the end of
the trail as well as a lovely
flower garden.
Wally Kurth from
Newfoundland is presently
visiting with his niece,
Claudia and Dwayne
Martin and two boys. He
helped at the Bean
Festival kitchen all last
A surprise 70th birthday
party was held at the
home of Dwayne and
Claudia Martin for Irvin
John and Mary Earle
and three children recent-
ly returned home after
travelling to various places
for the past five weeks.
They visited with his
mother and relatives in
Labrador. He also did
some veterinarian work
while he was there.
The Earle's spent some
time in Newfoundland and
Nova Scotia and visited
Mary's brother and family
in Prince Edward Island
and attended the July
wedding of her niece.
Congratulations to Janet
and Damien Willert on the
arrival of their baby girl
Olivia Marie born Aug. 25.
Grandparents are Greg
and Agnes Willert of
Grand Bend and Mary and
Hub Thiel, RR 3, Zurich.
School starts
School starts again for
the children on Tues.,
Sept. 6 and I am sure they
are all anxious to get back
Once again, the volun-
teer appreciation potluck
supper at the Zurich
Complex last Thursday
was a delicious meal for
those who helped at the
Zurich Fair in July.
Audrey Smith and her
two sisters, Wanda of
Kitchener and Margaret
Dodge of Sudbury trav-
elled to Prince Albert,
Saskatchewan recently to
visit their brother,
Father Gary Ducharme
from St. Alphonse Parish
Tractor and pickup collide on Airport Line
Aug. 20 a tractor and
pickup collided on Airport
Line in South Huron. A
2001 blue Ford tractor
was going northbound
when the driver decided
to turn into a residence
just off Airport line. The
driver didn't notice a vehi-
cle passing him.
A 17 -year-old man from
Parkhill, also driving
northbound on Airport
Line decided to pass the
slower moving tractor. As
a result of the collision the
pickup truck left the road -
Capsule Comments
by Ernie Miatello
All carbonated soda drinks (pop) are acidic in
nature and can have an adverse effect on the
enamel of our teeth. Other teeth enemies are
hard candies, jelly beans and other sweet sticky
confections. It's always good to rinse your mouth
after eating or drinking any of these. And floss well at least once
Do you wash all your fruit before eating? It's a good idea. This
includes cantaloupe, bananas, watermelon etc. Even though we
don't eat the rind or peel, these still can carry bacteria that can be
harmful to us. Much of the fruit travels long distances and is
touched by many people. Wash then eat. Good advice.
We see some new sports drinks contain extra amounts of
caffeine... as much as 125 mg per can. There are even some beers
with added caffeine now. It's not a good idea to depend on
stimulants, like caffeine, for energy. The best energy comes from a
well-balanced diet not from a can of pop or beer.
If you are taking a fibre supplement, like Metamucil, for your
bowels, it will work better if you take it with meals.
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way striking two hydro
poles. The tractor flipped
over throwing the driver.
Three people were
involved in the crash, two
were taken to South
Huron Hospital with seri-
ous injuries.
L -
in Windsor spent a few
days last week with his
parents Gerard and Mary
Ducharme of Zurich.
Little Madeleine Danielle
Anselmo was baptized at
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Church in Grand Bend
Aug. 21 by Father Francis.
Godparents are Jake and
Chantel Day of Grand
Bend, the baby's uncle
and aunt.
The Catholic Women's
League meeting for St.
Peter's Parish, St. Joseph,
will be on Tues., Sept. 13
at 7 p.m. in the church
Melissa Gingerich and
daughter Emily spent the
past two weeks visiting
her parents, Pete and Liz
Periversoff in Cambridge.
Her parents were here for
the Bean Festival.
Sister Ann Regier from
the convent in Pembroke
spent last week at the
home of Lucille Masse and
visited with relatives and
friends in the area.
Happy birthday wished
to Tanya Erb on Aug. 27
and to Mike Ryckman at
Erb's Country Kitchen on
Aug. 31.
Sparks, Brownies,
Registration and infor-
mation night will be held
in Zurich for Sparks,
Brownies and Guides on
Wed., Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at
St. Peter's Lutheran
Church. If you can't attend
that night and have chil-
dren wanting to sign up,
call Sharia Ciupak at 236-
Also, anyone having past
Scouting or Girl Guide
photos or memorabilia
items can call Sharla or
Hub Thiel at 236-4557.
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School Year Calendar 2005 - 2006
School Holidays
Thanksgiving - October 10, 2005
Christmas Break
December 26, 2005 - January 6, 2006
March Break - March 10 - 17, 2006
Good Friday - April 14, 2006
Easter Monday - April 17, 2006
Victoria Day - May 22, 2006
Elementary & Secondary
Professional Activity Days
September 30, 2005
December 9, 2005
February 2, 2006
June 30, 2006
Early Dismissal Days
Monday, October 24, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
Monday, February 20, 2006
Monday, May 8, 2006
Students are dismissed one hour early as
leachers participate in curriculum training.
Elementary Report Cards
Term I - Monday, December 5, 2005
Term 11 - Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Term III - Monday, June 26, 2006
Meg Westley
Geoff Williams
Director of Education
What You Should Know!
Supervision of children at
all elementary schools is
provided 15 minutes prior
to the beginning of classes
and 15 minutes at the end
of each school day.
Parents or students who
require information on
admissions criteria or
schools to attend, can call
our Enrolment/Planning
Department at 1-800-592-
5437 ext 112.
If you have questions
regarding school bus
transportation, please
call our Transportation
Department at 1-800-592-
5437 ext 220 or 244.
Unlocking rhe Potentia! Within al! of Our Learners
Secondary Report Cards & Semesters
Semester 1 Sep 6, 2005 - Feb 2, 2006
Semester 2 Feb 3, 2005 - June 30, 2006
First Term Interim Report - October 11 - 14, 2005
Semester 1 First Report Card - Nov 7 - 11, 2005
First Report for Yearlong Courses - Dec 5 - 8, 2005
Semester 1 Final Report Card - Feb 13 - 17, 2006
Second Report for Yearlong Courses - Mar 6 - 9, 2006
Second Semester Interim Report - Mar 20 - 24, 2006
Semester 2 First Report Card - April 18 - 21, 2006
Final Report Card for Semester 2
and Yearlong Courses - June 30, 2006
Secondary Exams
Semester 1 - January 27 - February 1, 2006
Semester 2 - June 22 - 29, 2006
Last Day of Classes
June 29, 2006 Elementary Schools
June 21, 2006 Secondary Schools
Children must be at least 4 years of age by
December 31. To register please contact your 1
local public school or call the number below.
Registration for the 2006 - 2007 school year will be held 1
November 1 - 18, 2005.
For more information please contact us at:
Tel: 1-800-592-5437
e-mail: info@fc.amdsb.ca web: www.yourschools.ca 1