HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-08-03, Page 6Wednesday, August 3, 2005 Exeter Times—Advocate 5 Opinion Forum News ROSS HAUGH BACK IN TIME I OYEARS AGO August 2, 1995 - The Bluewater Rest Home has pur- chased a new $55,000 mobility bus to replace their 12 year-old touring van. The Ministry of Transportation would not allow the van to carry wheelchair resi- dents any longer. 25 YEARS AGO August 7, 1980 - Debbie Taylor of Exeter was named Miss Friedsburg Days Queen in Dashwood Friday night. Runners-up were Michelle Veri and Donna Prout. Cable TV subsrcribers on the Ex-Cen system will be paying $7 a month for basic service, an increase of $1. Three former star baseball players in the Hensall area were in uniform for a short time Tuesday in the first pitch ceremonies prior to an exhibition game bewtween the Milverton Suns ladies team and the Zurich Buckeyes won by Zurich 2-1. Carter Kerslake threw out the first pitch, Bert Horton was the catcher and Ed Corbett was at the bat. 40YEARS AGO July 31, 1965 - In a sobering moment at the meeting of Exeter Town Council last week, mem- bers duly moved, seconded and passed a motion that smoking will no longer be allowed at the ses- sion held in the rather stuffy council chambers. Don Taylor, formerly of Exeter and now working out of Hamilton has been transferred to Nigeria. Mr. Taylor has been with the IBM company for the past three years and will now take over new duties with that company in Nigeria. 45 YEARS AGO August 2, 1960 - No interest has been shown here yet in construction of basement fallout shelters advocated by the Diefenbaker government. Jane Horton of Hensall topped her graduating class from SHDHS with an average of 86 percent. It is reliably reported that the Ontario Liquor Control Board is purchasing the old cider mill, for- merly owned by Sylvanus Cann, for its store here. Three patrols of Exeter Boys Scouts are enjoing a campout on Gerogian Bay. In charge is S.M. Douglas Harrison assisted by Hal Hooke and Jim Sweitzer. Patrol leaders are John MaNaughton, Fred Learn and Ted Wilson. 50YEARS AGO August 2, 1955 - Joseph Senior, who served as clerk of Exeter for over 30 years and who pho- tographed hundreds of families in this district died in California this week. He was 90. 55YEARS AGO July 31, 1950 - A five -ton truck loaded with loose grain overturned in a ditch and adjoining field. The wheat owned by Sam Hendrick of the Bluewater Highway was being trucked to Hensall for process- ing. 60YEARS AGO August 4, 1945 - A large crowd gathered at the Elimville church basement Monday night to honour four from the area who served overseas. They were Lt. Bessie Bell, Cpl. Jim Cornish, Cpl. W.H. Dickey and Pte. Willard Coward. 70YEARS AGO August 2, 1935 - Exeter had its first and only cir- cus in a number of years when local troopers staged a one -ring performance Friday afternoon last in the barn of Rod Ellis. Posters invited the public to see the animals- cats, dogs, squirrels and turtles. Lemonade and candy were on sale. True admission was one cent, minus the government tax. When the proceeds were totalled at the end of the afternoon, the treasury was found to contain the magnificient sum of 51 cents. Boys, she was some circus. Choice honey is for sale at Ewart Pym's on Simcoe street for eight cents a pound in customer containers. 80YEARS AGO July 30, 1925 - A business place on Main street was raided on Thursday last and several empty cases and a part bottle of booze were found on the premises. 120YEARS AGO July 30, 1885 - According to the Exeter Voter's List just issued, there are 34 females entitled to vote at the next muicipal election. Raspberries are being brought to market now and the price paid for them is very fair, being 16 quarts for 90 cents. Seniors' Perspective By Jim Bearss ADULT ACTIVITIES CO-ORDINATOR By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. -Socrates Computer, taught at home: If you need assistance in learning basic information or advanced knowledge on your computer at home, give Gloria Kyle a call at (519) 235-6221. Gloria is very knowledgeable about most aspects of a computer and has taught at the Adult Learning Centre, Exeter and since has taken more computer courses. She is to me, a very qualified person to instruct you. Exeter Library: Exeter library has a growing magazine collec- tion. The newest addition to the library is "Canadian Business". Also on Saturdays, the lat- est Globe and Mail can be read. Exeter Library also has four computers for public use. Check your email, write a resume or surf the net, all free at your local branch of the Huron County Library. Antique 1924 John Goodison Steam Engine Threshing Sat. Aug. 06, 2005 1 pm to 4.30 Wheat cut with an antique grain binder, hear the sounds & smell of the old times. See an 1880 stone crusher, black smiths, antique autos, and tractors, music and Lucan Heritage food counter, souvenir shirts & books, free admission except for food & souvenirs and two tents for your comfort. This is the 60th anniversary for the War Veterans of Canada to honour them we (will) have old army vehicles on hand. Come reminisce of old times, or learn how things were done in the past. Events on Sunday Aug 07 will be the same except for the Veterans participation. From Elginfield go five miles west on number 7 Hwy. to the curve, then take Neil Road north or right 3/4 mile. If you want to bring something of interest, do so. For more information call 519 293 3025 or 227 4887 Exeter Rodeo Weekend: Will be held August 5,6, and 7th. Sponsored by the South Huron Recreation Department. Decoration Day: South Huron Council issues an invitation to attend Decoration Day at the Exeter Public Cemetery on August 14th, 2005 at 2:00 p.m. The service will be held adjacent to the mausoleum. Guest speaker is Rev. Susan Moore. Everyone welcome. In case of rain, service will be held at Caven Presbyterian Church, 68 Main Street South, Exeter. 55th Annual Canadian Open OldTime Fiddle Championship at Shelburne, Ontario: August 4 - 8, 4 days of family fun including fiddle workshops, concerts, the Canadian Open Fiddle Championship, parade, Farmers' Market, midway, arts and crafts. Presented by Shelburne Rotary Club. Phone: (519) 925-3551 Town & Country GolfTournament: Will be held Saturday, August 6th, 2005 at Woodlands Links Golf Club, Clinton. Your day will include: 18 holes of golf, steak dinner, cash prizes, putting contest, hole in one. Prizes for everyone, best ball/scramble, experienced and novice golfers welcome Register early. For more information contact Town & Country Support Services in Exeter at (519) 235-0258 or (519) 357-3222. South Huron Chamber of Commerce Hole in One GolfTournament: South Huron Chamber of Commerce Hole in One Golf Tournament takes place Thursday August 18th at Exeter Golf Club, 9 holes, steak BBQ, hole in one whiner drives home in a Cadillac CTS from HMP. For more information call the Chamber of Commerce office for more details 235-4520. Quilt Show: The Grand Bend Woman's Institute is hosting a Bus trip on September 17, 2005. At this show, you can view up to 600+ quilts, quilts for sale, demonstrations and workshops. This show is being held at the International Centre Hall 1, Mississauga Ontario. Sponsored by the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. For more information, ticket prices, bus times, and reservation information, please contact Cass Lovie 238-2727 or Brenda Love 238-2749. "South Huron Hospital Association I st Annual Fundraising GolfTournament" This event will be held on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 at the Ironwood Gold Club. Many letters have been sent out to local businesses and suppliers for sponsorship as well as prizes/gift certificates and items for our "good- ie bags". The response has been great! ! If you wish to sponsor a hole or donate a prize, please contact Elaine Keller - (519) 235-2700 ext. 253. The entry fee for golf is $125.00 (portion of this amount is tax deductible). This will include golf and 1/2 of a golf cart, reception, dinner, competitions and many door prizes. We are planning on holding a silent and live auction as well as "hole events" in which you will have the opportunity to participate. Cost for the dinner/banquet only is set at $40.00 - limit- ed supply of spaces! If anyone is interested in forming a team, please con- tact Sherri Harrison at 235-2700 for a Registration Form. Please register early for the event so you won't be disappointed. The deadline for registration (along with payment) is August 01, 2005. For further information, feel free to contact the hospital or clinic. Sherri Harrison 235-3343 or 235-2700 Legion News: Annual Yard and Bake Sale to be held in the Legion Saturday August 27, 2005, many items are needed and please contact Harvey Hillman at (519) 236-1167 or the Legion at (519) 235-2962. Casino Trip to Point Edward: Mark your calendar for August 29th at the Legion on William Street, Exeter. You will be picked up by bus at 10:00 a.m. and should be home by 6:30 p.m. Cost for the day is $10 per person. For more information con- tact Esther at 235-1167. Glad Days for Epilepsy Huron, Perth and Bruce: Will be held on Friday, August 12th. This very impor- tant event is sponsored by the Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary Branch 167 "Glads" are available for you to purchase at Hansen Independent and Holtzman IGA. What's HappeningAugust 2005 Aug. 12th "Greater Grand Bend Community Association Board Meeting" 4:30 p.m. Grand Bend Municipal Office/Council Chambers. Aug. 16th " Port Franks Garden Club" Stepping Stone Workshop, 6:30 PM. For more info, contact Marg at 243-1121. Aug. 24th "Huron Country Playhouse Guild" 12:30 p.m. The Little Inn Bayfield. Guests are welcome, guest speaker Sharon LaPier, Border Crossing Official. Call Mary Cardiff 238-5640. Aug. 27th "Friends of the Pinery Golf Tournament" Widder Station 12-2 p.m. Tee off. 4 per- sons scramble, 3 course dinner. Golf package $85.00, Dinner only $25.00. Charitable receipt given for $65.00 Call 243-1521 for details. Aug. 29th "Grand Bend Horticulture Society Meeting" Picnic at Port Blake Park, Trillium Awards pre- sented 5:30 p.m. Cost $7.00 per person. It's Summer! Which means many groups are taking a vacation from meeting till fall. The Alzheimer Caregiver Support Group, Living with Cancer Support Group, Diabetes Support Group, and Lioness Club will meet again in September. Walk This Way is a free fun publication that encour- ages exercise. For your free copy and magnetic board for your fridge contact Health Promoter Cindy Maxfield at 238-1556 ext. 6. Subject:Another Goody ForThe 50's Gang My Mom used to cut chicken, chop eggs and spread mayo on the same cutting board with the same knife and no bleach, but we didn't seem to get food poisoning. My Mom used to defrost hamburger on the counter AND I used to eat it raw sometimes, too. Our school sandwiches were wrapped in wax paper in a brown paper bag, not in icepack coolers, but I can't remember getting e -coli. Almost all of us would have rather gone swimming in the lake instead of a pristine pool (talk about boring), no beach closures then. The term cell phone would have conjured up a phone in a jail cell, and a pager was the school PA system. We all took gym, not PE... and risked permanent injury with a pair of high top Ked's (only worn in gym) instead of having cross -training athletic shoes with air cushion soles and built in light reflectors'. I can't recall any injuries but they must have hap- pened because they tell us how much safer we are now. Flunking gym was not an option... even for stupid kids! I guess PE must be much harder than gym. Speaking of school, we all said prayers and sang the national anthem, and staying in detention after school caught all sorts of negative attention. We must have had horribly damaged psyches. What an archaic health system we had then. Remember school nurses? Ours wore a hat and everything. I thought that I was supposed to accomplish something See PERSPECTIVE page 6 ggti Jim Be arss