HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-06-08, Page 341 34 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, June 8, 2005 Classifieds 20 Property for Rent LUCAN - 1 bed. Apr. 1 in small clean, quiet bldg. $500 includes utilities. New car- pet, tiles and appliances. Call Jim 227-1626. (I0tfn) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APT. - Controlled entry, cen- tral air, laundry, parking. $475/month. 227-4766. (13- 28*) OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accept- ed on condition that, in the event of a typo- graphical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, wit be re -run in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publica- tion. The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting advertisements that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of this news- paper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the per- mission of the publisher is forbidden. Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All rights to any advertisements pro- duced by the Times -Advocate, using artwork, typography or photographs arranged for by the newspaper shall be the property of the Times -Advocate. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned with- out written consent of the Times -Advocate. STATEMENT OF POLICY: The Times - Advocate is not responsible for errors in advertisements not submitted in legible form, nor for more than a single incorrect insertion of that advertisement. TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter 235-1331 26 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of ANDREW LLOYD LEE, AKA, LLOYD ANDREW LEE Late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, who died on the 14th day of April 2005. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of June, 2005, after which date the estate assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims that have then been received. ROBERT J. DEANE, Q.C. Barrister and Solicitor 417 Main Street South Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Solicitor for the Estate Trustee(s) 20 Property for Rent LUCAN - 241 BUTLER ST 1 bedroom main floor. Laundry. $525 inclusive. 227-1285 or 681-4827. QUEEN MARY APTS. - HENSALL - 2 bedroom upper $540. 2 bedroom ground $550. Water & sewage included. Parking and laundry facilities. Available July lst. 262- 3267. (19tfn) 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. 23 Wanted to Rent YEAR-ROUND STORAGE FOR SMALL SPORTS CAR REQUIRED - in the Grand Bend area. Call 519-238- 2636. (23*) 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 www.bobheywoodauctions.com THIS THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 9 AT 5 P.M. AT THE AILSA CRAIG COMMUNITY CENTRE 155 ANNIE ADA SHIPLEY ST., AILSA CRAIG Dispersing Antiques & Collectibles Household effects, appliances, tools & misc. items for the estate of Mrs.Jean Lee of the village, along with additions. Partial Listing: includes old flat to the wall cupboard; 5 legged oak dining table; 6 oak dining chairs; mission oak buffet; antique dressers and chests; 3 pc. oak antique bed suite; 3 pc. maple bed suite; old blanket boxes; bonnet chest; hi boy oak chest; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf dbl. pedestal dinette table and 4 lyre back chairs; 6 pc. contemp. dining suite; library table; cherry drop leaf table; pressback rocker and chairs; jam cupboard; washstand; a full line of good appliances incl. brand new fridge and apt. size freezer; upholstered furnishings; a large offering of collectible and useful smalls incl. china and glass, old tins, books, primitives, tools, spinning wheel, ox yoke, marbles, old bottles and sealers (1 Beaver), button collection. More complete list of this fine estate sale at www.bobheywoodauctions.com Cleansing your body of toxins By Stephanie Mandziuk TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER - "You clean your house, you clean your car, why not clean your body?" That's the message Marlene Welsh shares with those curious about what she does. Welsh is the founder of Total Energy, a Canadian owned and operated company. Her goal is to teach people to balance and detoxify their bodies while sup- plementing healthy diets with vitamins and min- erals. Welsh says with today's processed acidic foods, air and water pol- lution, and stress, our bodies take a beating. According to Welsh, "Most illnesses are caused by toxic buildup in our bodies. If we get rid of the toxins, our body can heal itself. Infections and diseases are unable to thrive in clean, alkaline bodies." Welsh says, "Detoxification removes cellular level toxins Marlene Welsh (left), of Total Energy, prepares an ionic footbath for Kim Winbow of Exeter. (photo/Stephanie Mandziuk) from the organs respon- sible for elimination: kidneys, colon, skin, liver and the lymphatic system." It's as simple as taking a footbath. While you're feet are soaking in regu- lar tap water with a lit- tle sea salt, a machine (the NRG 7.4 Ionizer), creates an ionic field to detoxify and balance the overall energy in your body. Walsh offers a detailed description of the process on her Website: www. totalenergy100. ca The average treatment is 45 minutes and costs $30 plus GST. Throughout the process the clear water you started with will gradually change, becoming darker as our body releases toxic sub- stances through the 2000 pours found on the sole of each foot . After every treatment a liquid vitamin and mineral supplement should be taken. You should also drink the recommended daily amount of pure water to flush your body. Initially, five to ten treatments are recom- mended to get your body adjusted to the process, followed by a monthly treatment. Welsh says the bene- fits of ion cleansing include: heavy metal removal, faster recovey times, increased oxygen levels, pain relief, improved sleep, reduced fluid retention, headache relief and a positive effect on weight loss. Each one of us can do even more to help detoxify our bodies. Welsh says regular exercise helps oxy- genate the body which aids in detoxification. You can also limit your intake of toxic foods and increase the amount of live alkaline foods in your diet which will aid the cleansing process. If you would prefer to do your own treatment at home, Welsh says the NRG 7.4 Ionizer (which is manufactured locally, in Mitchell), can be chased for $2,499 tax. pur- plus 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 www.bobheywoodauctions.com NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 15 AT 5 P.M. AT THE SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE. EXETER Dispersing an excellent offering of antiques, quality household fur- nishings, china and glass, collectibles, sailboat etc. for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Herbert of London along with complete contents of a lakefront home for Bill and Wyn Pond Partial Listing: quality leather sofa; leather recliner; 5' antique harvest table with drawer; 6 chicken coop chairs; old pine kitchen table; lovely oak fainting couch (very nice); 2 iron beds (antique) with custom-built box and mattresses; Ontario chest; dressers, chests and washstand; nice dining table with chairs; Mennonite hutch and buffet; 5 pc. bedroom suite with washed oak finish; king-size bed with split box spring and access; sev- eral antique rockers; blanket box; wicker table; occasional tables incl. nesting tables; pine lamp tables with drawers; wing - back chair and ottoman; Eastlake parlour table; oak corner TV cabinet; good fridge; 30" range; upright freezer; several good TVs; VCR; bookcases, desk, filing cabinet; good patio furnish- ings; an excellent offering of useful and collectible smallwares incl. china and glass; old tools, bells, lanterns, scales; oil lamps, crystal, crocks; paintings; wicker, quilt; 13' Flying Junior Sailboat; utility trailer; beach trailer; trawling motor; elec. winch; chainsaws, lawn mowers, lawn rollers; hand and garden tools and much more. 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