HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-05-11, Page 9Wednesday,May 11, 2005
Exeter Times—Advocate
Arc Angels officially opens
A picture perfect day for the grand opening of Arc Angels in Dashwood a thrift
store supporting clients of Community Living South Huron. From far left: Roger
Rammalloo, John Becker (Councillor, Bluewater), Paul Steckle, (MP), Donna Greb
(Arc Angel Aux.), Bill Dowson (Mayor, Bluewater), Rob Morley (Mayor, South
Huron), Paul Klopp (Deputy Mayor, Bluewater), Pastor Harry Frielink (Christian
Reform Church, Exeter) and Paul Consitt. (photo/Stephanie Mandziuk)
Society holds spring meeting
— Neither hail, nor snow,
nor rain could keep
Kirkton Horticultural
Society members from
attending the first meet-
ing of the spring, held at
the Kirkton/Woodham
Community Centre on
May 3 at 7 p.m.
President Elaine
Stephen warmly wel-
comed everyone and was
especially hopeful that no
further winter -like
weather would continue.
The audience gave
enthusiastic applause to
retiring District 10 Jim
Mabee. Anna Petersen is
the newly -elected District
10 director, while Mabee
will proceed to serve at
the provincial level.
Directors Pat Harlton
and Lynda Hodgins were
pleased to present
Horticultural Service
Certificates to retiring
directors, Marjorie Atthill
and Mary Tufts. It was
noted that both of these
women willingly served
in all aspects of society
work helping to create
the efficient well-run
club one sees today.
Director Bob Traut then
introduced feature
speaker Brenda
Gallagher. Gallagher is
employed by the Upper
Thames River
Conservation Authority
and is highly regarded in
the forestry and vegeta-
tive specialist fields.
Using a slide presenta-
tion complimented with
well -researched informa-
tion, Gallagher had the
audience taking copious
notes on the planting,
uses and preserving of
herbs. Participants
learned that herbs are
used in medicines, cook-
ing, vinegars, soaps, and
Growing and using a
number of herbs herself,
Gallagher capably
answered all questions
asked by the audience.
Devon Martene plays a rousing rendition of "Buck
Fever Rag" on violin as part of the Stephen Central
Public School's annual talent show that happened on
May 5. The show also included students on piano,
dance numbers, vocal duets among other entertain-
ing routines. (photo/Mike Johnston)
Conversations amongst
attendees indicated more
herbs would be grown in
gardens this summer.
A highlight of the
evening was the flower
show. Judge Phyllis
O'Neil praised the 65
entries submitted by 12
exhibitors, reviewing the
placements and com-
menting on the excellent
quality of the show. The
awards are as follows:
most points in show:
Sandra Kemp; most
points in design class:
Louise Young; best
design: Louise Young;
most points horticultural
class: (tie) Diane
Herniman and Sandra
A delicious lunch was
served, and society mem-
bers picked up their
plant premiums, pur-
chased plants, viewed the
flower show entries, and
enjoyed further conver-
sation with speaker
President Stephen
adjourned the evening,
reminding members of
the summer meeting to
be held on Aug. 9 at the
Community Centre.
Restaurant and Beach Club
Served 7 Days a Week
10 am - 2 pm (Free Coffee with Breakfast)
and Every
Wed. Nite
Main St., Grand Bend 238-2235
"We'll work for your Business"
HRCC-S open for business
EXETER — The Exeter
Human Resource Centre
of Canada for Students
(HRCC-S) officially opened
to the public April 26.
The office is ready to
assist businesses and
young workers with their
summer employment
needs. Last year, the
Exeter and Goderich
offices together filled over
350 jobs with secondary
and post -secondary stu-
For over 35 years,
HRCC-Ss have been help-
ing students and employ-
ers with their summer
employment needs by
linking youths and
Young people are pro-
vided with job opportuni-
ties, interview advice,
resume building, job
search strategies and
offer job -posting services
to employers. All services
are free.
The HRCC-S is at 281
Main St. S., in Exeter, and
is open Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 8:30 a.m.
to 4 p.m.
Employers interested hi
using the services and
students looking for sum-
mer employment can con-
tact the Exeter HRCC-S at
(519) 235-1711.
For service on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays,
contact the Goderich
HRCC-S at (519) 524-
8342, ext. 232, or 1-800-
265-5185, also ext. 232.
The Human Resource
Centres of Canada for
Students are part of the
Government of Canada's
Youth Employment
Propcin CyIindr
and 'TOP IT UPS for
OMLY $10.95
Big Brothers Big Sisters
South Huron Member Agency
United Way
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Huron would like to thank the sponsors, bowlers and
donators involved with our 25th annual Bowl for Kids fundraising event. Without your
support we could not provide mentoring programs to children in need. In particular, we
appreciate the support of the following, who generously donated prizes and
American Eagle Outfitters
Bio -Connections
Country Flowers
Ellison Travel
In Lee of the Pines
Oakwood Inn
Royal Bank — Exeter
Bakelaar's Jewellers
Blyth Festival
Country Health Foods
Donuts Now
Four Seasons
JMR Electric
Park Theatre
Stratford Festival
Benmiller Inn
Canadian Tire -Exeter
Dairy Queen -Exeter
Drayton Entertainment
Grand Bend Motorplex
Lucan Lanes
New Orleans Pizza -Exeter
Subway —Exeter & Grand Bend
Town & Country Bowling Lanes The Mane Event Wuerth's Shoes
The Ridge Tim Hortons-Exeter, Lucan & Grand Bend
Times Advocate Tuckers Urbshott and Galloway Ins.
We would also like to thank all supporters and guests who made our annual Taste of Huron
fundraiser a BIG Success! Special thanks to: our amazing Event Chair & Board Member -
Barbara Bloch -Gower, to this year's volunteer Chefs: Barbara Bloch -Gower, Ben Sandwith, Greg
Murray, Ian Wark, and to our gracious hosts - Cass and Adrian Bayley at Peckerwood Farm.
A & B Party Rentals Accentual Salon & Spa Adrian & Cass Bayley
Alfreda Smith Barbara & Eryrn's Kitchen Bedlls
Birchbark Trailer Park Bluewater Motel Bob Case Plumbing & Electric
Brentwood on the Beach C. Souper Change for a Quarter
Colio Estates Wines Cooks -Centralia Dave Moore Fuels
Drysdale Major Appliances Ellison Travel &Tours Erb's Country Kitchen
Eric Campbell Ford Lincoln Exeter Decor Centre Fairview Dairy
Forest City Distributors Forest Excelsior Band Fred DeMartine Farm
Gaiser Kneale Insurance Gary Bean Securities Ltd. General Coach
Grand Bend Decorating Grand Bend Motoplex Grand Bend Produce
Grand Bend Sanitation H & L Forming Hensall Major Appliance
Hopper Hockey Funeral Home Huron Country Playhouse Huron Motor Products
Huron Ridge Acres
Johnson Sanitation
Kraft Canada
Lilly & Henry Jamrozinski
McBeath Funeral Home
Pam Bedour
Shoppers Drugmart-Exeter Smith -Peat Roofing
Sunrise Greenhouses Tasty -Nu Bakery
The Butcher Shoppe The Garlic Box
The Red Pump Track 21 Graphix
Wayne & Sandy Forbes Zielman Family Farm
James Eddington Joe Pogue Imports
KC Cooke Flowers Klondyke Trailer Park
Lakeview Cafe Kitchen & Lakeview Cafe
M. Box & Son Funeral Home MacLachlan Insurance Brokers Inc.
McCann Ready Mix Oakwood Inn Kitchen
Parker & Parker Drainage P.O.G. Inc.
Stedman's V&S
Teresa Marie, River Road Gallery
The Herb Man
United Plastics