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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
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Acting on a warrant, OPP search a residence on Kirkton Road in Elimville May 6. Left: An officer sprays Leuco Crystal Violet on the side of a house, looking for traces
of blood. Centre: Officers dig through a burn pile in the backyard. Right: A red 1995 Ford Mustang convertible, with a black top, is part of the police investigation.
(photos/Stephanie Mandziuk; Ford Mustang photo/submitted)
OPP execute search warrant in murder probe
By Stephanie Mandziuk
ELIMVILLE — It looks like a scene from the popular
television show CSI -Crime Scene Investigation.
Huron OPP, assisted by London OPP Forensic
Identification Services, converge on a home in Usborne
Township May 6 armed with a search warrant.
The location is one of several being looked at by
police in their murder probe of a London man.
According to next door neighbour Linda Hinz, the
home is occupied by Betty Aim Kirk. She's the mother
of 25 -year-old Ronald Douglas Kirk, one of two men
charged with first degree murder in connection with
the death of 42 -year-old Ronald Roy Sullivan.
Donald Wayne Earhart, 30, of no fixed address, faces
the same charge. Police say both men are in custody
in other jurisdictions on unrelated matters.
Sullivan's remains were uncovered April 26 in a bush
lot on Park Road between Elimville and McTaggart
Lines about four kilometres south of the Kirk home.
Police say a weapon was used to kill Sullivan. They
won't say if he was murdered in the bush lot where his
remains were found.
Hinz has lived beside Betty Ann Kirk for the last four
years. She describes her neighbour as "a good person,
always willing to help."
Hinz says the last time she saw Ron Kirk was about
two months ago and "he was always pleasant."
As for the neighbourhood, Hinz says, "it's usually
quiet around here."
OPP spent eight hours searching the Kirk property
Community Living avoids strike
By Scott Nixon
DASHWOOD — A one-year deal
between Community Living South
Huron and the Canadian Union of
Public Employees (CUPE) has
averted a strike.
While the deal was reached in
principal late Monday afternoon, it
needs to be ratified by Community
Living and CUPE. Community
Living South Huron executive
director Bruce Shaw told the
Times -Advocate the board will rat-
ify the deal Thursday, with CUPE
ratifying it May 16-17.
"We're all very happy a work
stoppage was avoided," Shaw said.
The deal sees Community
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Living's 91 employees receiving 20
cent/hour raises retroactive to
April 1, followed by another 10
cent/hour raise in six months.
Full-time salaries will increase
from the current $16.81/hour to
$17.11/hour, while part-time
employees will see their salaries
rise from $15.91/hour to
The raises amount to about a 1.8
per cent increase, slightly less than
the two per cent CUPE was seeking
for employees.
Employees will also receive pay
equity increases of one per cent.
Employees would have gone on
strike had a deal not been reached
by midnight Wednesday.
CUPE national representative
Jennifer Kaufmann said the union
is recommending its employees
ratify the deal. She described the
agreement as "a compromise" and
said there are many issues that
need to be dealt with for next
year's contract. Kaufmann would-
n't elaborate on what those issues
are, but said they weren't
addressed in the agreement.
"It was a difficult round of bar-
gaining," she said, but added she's
happy a strike was averted.
"We're very pleased that we
were able to reach an agreement
today. Certainly no one was look-
ing forward to having a strike."
Shaw described the deal as a
"win-win situation. They're happy
See STRIKE page 2
last Friday. Detective Inspector Ian Maule, who heads
the investigation, says other locations have also been
searched but he won't elaborate.
Maule says some new information is being released
with respect to the Sullivan investigation. Police want
to talk to an individual living in a rural farm house or
residence, who may have been approached by two
men looking for gasoline in the pre -dawn hours of Oct.
15, 2004. The men needed the gasoline for a red 1995
Ford Mustang convertible with a black top. Police say
the men acquired the gasoline in either the South
Huron or North Middlesex areas.
If you were the person approached by these two men,
or you know who the person is, contact Huron OPP at
1-519-524-8314 or 1-888-310-1122. You can also
call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).
Quarantine at hospital
By Scott Nixon
EXETER — There is a
quarantine at South Huron
South Huron Hospital
Association board chair
Glenn Bartlett said there is
an infection in the hospital
believed to have come from
a patient admitted into the
hospital with a gastroin-
testinal infection.
The patient is OK, Bartlett
said, but the hospital wants
to ensure the infection
doesn't spread any further.
The quarantine means
there are no new admis-
sions or discharges from
the hospital. The quaran-
tine is contained to the
Bartlett said he doesn't
think the quarantine will
last long.
"We've gone through the
routine of thoroughly clean-
ing the hospital and disin-
fecting things," he said.
The emergency depart-
ment remains open.
"Public health has been
notified and we're working
with them. Once the situa-
tion is stabilized we'll be
able to resume our admis-
sions to the hospital,"
Bartlett said.
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