HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-05-04, Page 4234 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, May 4, 2005 Classifieds 20 Property for Rent 20 Property for Rent Huron Park RESIDENTIAL HOMES FOR RENT 3 & 4 Bedroom Single & Semi -Detached Homes All have front & backyards and a full basement Rent ranging from $429. per month & up plus utilities INDUSTRIAL/COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE Bldg. 5 11,168 sq. ft. (warehouse) Bldg. 75-2 480 sq. ft. (office) & 75-4 1,988 sq. ft. (office) DEL Management Solutions Inc. TELEPHONE 519-228-6657 20 Property For Rent 1 BEDROOM - Clean. Fridge & Stove. Laundry facilities and parking. Suitable for mature adult. 235-1497. (2tffi) ASHWOOD APTS. AVAIL- ABLE - July 1st - 1 bedroom, $425 plus utilities. Includes fridge and stove. Call Marlene Parsons, ReMax Bluewater 235-1304. (17tfn) DOWNTOWN EXETER - AVAILABLE NOW - ONE BEDROOM apartment $420/month. Heat, appliances included, hydro additional. References, first/last required. Call 235-1354. (43tfn) "EXCELLENT RENT" AVAILABLE 2 BEDROOM APT. - Pay only FIRST rent and move in. Country setting in Clandeboye. Easy payment for the last month. Flexible credit check. Laundry facili- ties. Ample parking. Call 1- 800-262-3047. (18tfn) EXETER - 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with fridge & stove, freshly cleaned and painted, Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (3tfn) EXETER - 1 bedroom upper level, fridge and stove sup- plied. $455 monthly plus utili- ties. References required. No pets. 235-3293. (17tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. - $550/month plus utili- ties. 235-4694. (45tfn) EXETER ONE BEDROOM - Security entrance. Fridge & stove, water included. $425 plus hydro. Call 235-4613 or 236-7744. (l0tfn) MARTHA ST. Carefree living in this immacu- lately kept two bedroom, two bath, open concept freehold townhouse in "The Commons" in Goderich. Soft decor with oak cabinets, main floor laundry, dry basement ready to finish, single garage, central air and rear deck with awning. Worry free brick and aluminum exterior. Serious buyers can view by appointment only. CALL 524-9478 "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor FARMHOUSE FOR RENT - between Woodham and St. Marys. $600 a month plus util- ities. Call 229-6754. (18;19*) LUCAN - 1 bed. Apr. 1 in small clean, quiet bldg. $500 includes utilities. New carpet, tiles and appliances. Call Jim 227-1626. (l0tfn) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APT. - Controlled entry, central air, laundry, parking. $475/month. 227-4766.(13-20*) ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT - MAIN ST., EXETER - Fridge, stove and parking. $420 plus utilities. May 1st. 235-2666 or 238-2270 evenings. (16tfn) Commercial Space for Lease ***PRIME LOCATION*** (63 Main Street Exeter) 2100 sq. ft. Retail/Office, 1200 sq. ft. dry Storage. Attractive pricing, introduction package for new tenants. Possibilities for updates and renovations. Call: 519-235-2900 (Evert) or 519-235-3777 (Dave) 27 Tenders Wanted 27 Tenders Wanted Municipality of Bluewater Landfill Cover Tenders Tenders will be received by the Public Works Manager until 12 noon, Friday, May 27, 2005 Individual tender forms for the Hay Ward Landfill, the Hensall Ward Landfill and the Stanley Ward Landfill are available at the Municipal office at 14 Mill Ave., Zurich. These tenders are for a two year term. For more information phone 519-236-4351 ext. 224 Ross Fisher, CRSS Public Works and Property Manager 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2005 AT 10:00 A.M. for Mr. & Mrs. John Tsantilas R.R. #3 Lucan-Roman Line beside the big church, watch for signs. MACHINERY: Ford 5000 diesel tractor with heavy loader, scraper blade, rotary mower, J.D. 165 riding lawn mower, Toro wheel - horse riding mower, Husky riding mower - 20 H.P. 2 garden trailers, 2 hardy lawn sprayers, Rototiller, pressure washer. ANTIQUES: hand cultivator, flat irons, milk cans, antique well pump, wood stove, wicker plant stands, 3piece wicker set (excellent), 2 ornate armed chairs, porch lights, croquet set, leaded glass windows, brocade 3 seater couch, antique dressers with mirrors, 6 drawer dresser clawfeet, antique bed with 6' headboard, crocks & jugs, mantel clocks, oak buffet, 1800's Dominion Company pump organ, excellent cond,; piano, excellent condition. MISC.: large selection of books, National Geographic sets, 1962 - 1993, desk & hutch, oak desk, white patio set, washer & dryer, chesterfield, chair, insulated chimney, chainsaw, parts bins, oxy - torch set, tool boxes, tools, ceramic tile, panelling, wheelchair, cookbooks, shelving, table saw, gas water pump, wringer washer, plumbing parts, antique bric-a-brac & stair parts, vinyl siding, lumber, decorative tile for walls, treated posts, beehives, reclaimed brick, firewood, barrels, windows & doors, unique, nuts & bolts, SPORTS EQUIPMENT FM320 Ski machine, exercise equipment, trampoline, skis, boots, poles, boxer's punching bag, baseball equipment, golf equipment, bow & arrow, bikes & bikestand, 3 windsurfers, hockey equipment, Seahawk dinghy, canoe paddles, life vests, pool equipment, wetsuits, helmets. Something for everyone - not responsible for accidents. Terms - cash AUCTIONEER TOM SHOEBOTTOM 20 Property for Rent ONE BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR APT. IN EXETER - Heat included. $375/month. 808-8752. (15-18*) QUEEN MARY APTS. - HENSALL - 2 bedroom upper $540. Water & sewage includ- ed. Parking and laundry facili- ties. Available July 1st. 262- 3267. (13tfn) SPACIOUS, WELL -KEPT ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT - above Looking Good Fashions, 375 Main St., Exeter. Front entrance with personal parking at rear. Fridge, stove, air conditioner, window cover- ings and washer and dryer hook-up included. Water and sewage paid by landlord. $425/month plus utilities - first and last - non-smokers. Available May lst. Please speak to Karen or Victoria at 235-4604 (day) or 235-1930 (evenings) for an appointment to view. (18tfn) 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - PAS- TURE LAND - 234-6217. (18;19*) YOUNG MALE STUDENT, LOOKING FOR ROOM TO RENT - or place to room and board in Exeter for summer. Contact 236-4304. (18;19*) POLICE BRIEF Assault causes facial • . • iniuries E TER - A 21 -year- old man from Huron East required several stitches to his face after he was assaulted in front of the South Huron Rec Centre April 23. Police say the victim was standing out- side the building around 2 a.m. when someone came up behind him, striking him in the face. Police have charged a 22 -year- old man from South Huron with assault. 23 Wanted to Rent SHED OR BARN SPACE FOR - straw storage for 2005, 2006. Phone 229-8176. (14tfn) 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 www.bobheywoodauctions.com SAT., MAY 7 AT 9:30 A.M. AT SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE, EXETER We will be dispersing a large quality offering of household fur- nishings, appliances, antiques and collectibles from the estates of Dorothy Thompson and Eleanor Hayter plus additions for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Long. PARTIAL LISTING INCLUDES: 2X8 pc. dining suites (pine and cherry finish), 4 poster QS oak bed with dresser, armoire and night table, reclining leather sofa and chair; loveseats; antique dresser; loveseat and matching sofa; corner iron whatnot; oak enter. centre; excellent 3 section wall unit ($3400 new); oak desk with hutch and 2 drawer file cabinet (from Jensens); glider rocker; hoop back deacons bench; good TVs and stereos; an excellent full line of appliances; 2 air conditioners; nat. gas barbecue; Canon photocopier and fax machine; a large offering of col- lectible smallwares incl. china and glass; dinnerware set; old clocks and parts; old child's sleigh; 2 oak phones; postcards; carnival pressed and depression glass, oil lamps, RB 3' wood lathe; Sears Craftsman 10" radial arm saw; joiner -planer; unique antique woodstove, gas lawnmowers and collectibles too numer- ous to mention. A Good sale for everyone! NOTE EARLY START TIME. LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri Plex Building for the Estate of Marion Stevens of Clinton, Estate of Anne Boshart of Blyth and the Estate of Cameron Henry of Hensall. THURS. MAY 5 AT 5 P.M. Large offering of Cornflower crystal, 12 -place setting of Plymouth Wedgewood dishes, 8 -place setting of Coal Port My Fair Lady dishes, 8 place setting Minton Symphony dishes, Chintz dish, RS Germany, Water pitcher w/Lions heads plus much more. 9 -piece dining suite, Roxton furni- ture, Flat -to -wall cupboard, Barrister bookcase, bonnet chest, antique umbrella stand w/mirrors, china cabinet w/glass door and sides, blanket boxes, washstands, violin, oil lamps, lots of furniture beds, dining tables, power tools, etc. See www.lobbauction.on.ca. 2 AUCTIONEERS SELLING STARTING AT 5 P.M. - This is a real good auction AUCTIONEERS: Richard & Ben Lobb 1-519-482-7898 Clinton NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS CAMPING! ONTARIO Book your holidays! CMT and Chevy Truck presents Havelock Country Jam- boree Aug. 18-21/05. Featuring Travis Tritt, Tanya Tucker, SheDaisy, Nifty Gritty Dirt Band, Ricky Skaggs, George Canyon, Eddie Eastman, Gene Watson + more. Order tickets 1-800-539-3353 or www.havelockjamboree.com BUSINESS OPPS. PROVEN ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION FOR HARD WATER PROBLEMS. Industrial, commer- cial, residential. No energy required. No chemi- cals. Lasts forever. Installs in seconds. Seeking local distributor. See www.magna-tek.com Call (905) 510-6247 BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Earn up to $3,0000 week. Kennedy Transportation is looking for individuals who want to start their own trucking business. Guaranteed work contracts for 1, 3 & 5 ton straight trucks and Highway Tractor. No experience required. G licence OK. Financing available. Phone 905-501-8779 or Toll -Free 1-888-827-6044. MAKE FAST CASH. Driveway Sealing Systems, Line Painters, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Edgers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll- free 1-800-465-0024 Pro -Tett Asphalt Ltd. Visit: www.protectasphatt.com FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY - Changes for Women 30 minute Inch -Loss Centres has key locations available in your area (over 60 locations now open). Contact us today! 1-866-821-5514 or www.changesforwomen.ca FREE INFO on proven system that achieves results. Join those who have guaranteed financial freedom. Discover how you can save money - working from home. Details: www.ToplOWorkAtHomeJobs.com. YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING AFTER YOUR MONEY. Now let your money look after you. To find out how I make $500 almost everyday using simple plan with Canadian Blue Chip shares go to www.canrich.ca" ENTERTAINMENT MYSTERIOUSLY YOURS...DINNER THEATRE (2026 Yonge St.) presents "CSI:BAKER STREET": an interactive, SHERLOCK HOLMES mystery. Wed. (matinee), Thum., Fri. & Sat. $46 to $69 (416) 486-7469 www.MysteriouslyYours.com EXPERIENCE THE THRILL! Fly CF -18 Hornet combat flight simulators at Air Combat Zone in Mississauga. Visit www.aircombatzone.com or call 905-602-4775 for details. 360 THE RESTAURANT AT THE CN TOWER 5 celebrating a decade of memorable cuisine, events and awards. To make reservations please call 416-362-5411 or visit www.cntower.ca EDUCATIONAL OPPS. VANCOUVER COLLEGE of Counsellor Training. Distance education opportunity. Applied coun- selling skills in Addictions & Family Support Work- er Certificates plus Diploma of Professional Coun- selling. 1-800-667-3272 / www.vcct.ca BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our great home -study course, Call today for your FREE brochure. 1-800-267-1829. www.sheffeldschool.ca Sheffield School of Interior Design, Ottawa, ON EMPLOYMENT OPPS. ATTENTION: Work from home on your PC. Full training provided; www.dreams2embrace.com $$$CHOCOLATES$$$ DELUXE QUALITY CHOCOLATE. Often imitated, never equaled. Since 1982. Sell chocolate bars and new prod- ucts. Make full $$$. Manager Wanted. 1-800-383-3589 WSIB/WCB BENEFIT ALERT - Did WSIB stop your Older Worker/147(4), 135(4) Supplement? We can help! NO UP FRONT FEES! Call 1-888- 747-6474. Please Quote #777. PHONE DISCONNECTED? Lowest hook-ups only $33.22. Fantastic monthly rates. Get reconnected with Easy Reconnect. We've been saving cus- tomers money for years. Call 1-877-446-5877. FOR SALE EVERYONE'S APPROVED'! Get a fully loaded MDG Computer with an Intel 2.8Ghz CPU starting from 73 cents/day or $799''! Includes everything you need: FREE Printer/Scanner/Copier, FREE Software, 17" Perfectly Flat Monitor, Windows XP ('Bank Acct Req, *`Plus S/H & Tax) 1-800-236-2504 SAWMILLS from $3,495.00- LumberMate-2000 & LumberLite-24. Norwood Industries also manufac- tures utility ATV Attachments, Log Skidders, Board Edgers and forestry equipment. www.norwoodindustries.com - FREE Information: 1-800-566-6899 Ext. 400 OT DISCONNECTED HOME PHONE? 1st month only $19.95 0 connection Long distance avail- able. Paying too much with your current reseller? Will transfer you for FREE! CALL NOW TOLL- FREE 1-877-551-5511 NEED A HOME PHONE? Activate Your Horne Phone Today Only $28.70. Monthly Service ONLY $46.95! Free Transfer From Other Companies. Call One Stop Phone Shop! 1-866-9-925-925 GREAT COMPUTER BLOWOUT! No money down! $11.66/week, rent to own or credit, instant approval, free delivery, all applications accepted. Ideal for children's education. 1-866-858-0660; www. integ ritytechnology.ca. HELP WANTED TRUCK & TRAILER MECHANIC Required at Bloomfield Truck Stop location, Chatham, Ontario. Full-time permanent. Competitive remuneration package including benefits. Send resume & salary expectations to SM Truck Repairs Inc., P.O. Box 403, Blenheim, Ontario NOP 1A0 or Fax to 519-354-2324 or E-mail: daveg@smfreight.com. WORK FROM HOME ON YOUR COMPUTER. Full or Part Time. No Experience Required. Start today. Visit our website now. www.MyHomePCJob.com. Code: Al YOUTH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR LOCAL FAIRS AND EXHIBITIONS. Have fun, contribute to your community and gain work experience. For information on who to contact at your local fair go to www.ontariofairs.com/fairs or drop by your local fair office. CONSULTANTS NEEDED IN YOUR AREA. Great Earnings! Join Canada's leading home party com- pany. Visit www.homeandgiftcollection.com or call 519-258-7905 for details. PHONE DISCONNECTED? Need service? First month's service only $17.95. We have the lowest monthly rates. Long distance at 4.5¢/minute. 1-866-709-0075. Travel - adventure - $$$. Get paid to cruise the world! Free benefits: meals, room, flight, uniform, world travel. 613-741-5801 / 613-764-6209. www.cooljobsinparadise.com JOBS LOTS OF JOBS!! A legitimate shopping Company requires evaluators in Ontario to audit Businesses. WE PAY YOU - YOU PAY NO FEES!! Apply online and start today at www.secretshopnet.com AZ DRIVERS WANTED TRUCKING'S 'BEST KEPT SECRET' Our top drivers earned over $85,000. Our drivers earn on average $62,000 per year. The best new pay package in the business! Late model equipment, weekly home time, family values, flexibility. Call now to find out more. 1-800-668-9691 ext 214. McArthur Express Inc. Located in Cambridge. OWNER/OPERATORS - Percentage or mileage PLUS fuel surcharge, PLUS .02 per mile safety incentive. Running US West & South. Call Greg at 1-800-571-3724 Ext 226 for more information. OUTSTANDING EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNI- TIES for Experienced AZ drivers at Stevens Transport, Van Division. Competitive pay & bene- fits. Dedicated equipment & runs. Cdn & US expo- sure/border crossing experience, clean abstract required. CALL 1-800-263-7461 & Join the Stevens team! AZ DRIVERS Teams/Singles - Excellent pay, home most weekends, assigned equipment. Clean abstract/criminal search. Experience preferred. CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-263-6968 & join McBur- ney Transport. Terminals in Hagersville/North Bay. MORTGAGES LARGE FUND ---Borrowers Wanted. Start saving hundreds of dollars today! We can easily approve you by phone. 1st, 2nd or 3rd mortgage money is available right now. Rates start at Prime. Equity counts. We don't rely on credit, age or income. CALL ANYTIME 1-800-814-2578 or 905-361-1153. Apply online at www. capitald i rect. ca MORTGAGES - FREE INFORMATION - INSTANT PRE -APPROVALS BY PHONE FOR ALL PROPERTY TYPES. Bank turndowns OK, Bankruptcies OK, No/Low Income OK. 1st, 2nd, 3rd Mortgages, Construction/Renovations, Debt Consolidations, Purchases, Refinancing. Easy Low Monthly Payments. Good/Bad Credit. If you have sufficient "Equity" ... YOU'RE APPROVED!! Servicing Ontario for over 20 years. CALL Toll - Free: 1-866-996-8226 - Seven Days a Week "Any- time." New Haven Mortgage Corporation. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES EXPERT PSYCHICS... Try us First! Your Future Revealed by Your Personal Psychic. Accurate & Genuine Readings. Call 24 hrs 1-900-561-2100. $2.95/min. 180 PERSONALS Are drugs and alcohol affecting your life? Informa- tion about treatment services is available. Call the DRUG AND ALCOHOL TREATMENT INFORMA- TION LINE (DART) toll-free 1-800-565-8603. www.dart.on.ca Gambling too much? If you or someone you know has a problem with gambling, call the ONTARIO PROBLEM GAMBLING HELPLINE (OPGH) toll- free 1-888-230-3505. www.opgh.on.ca CRIMINAL RECORD? Seal it with a PARDON! Need to enter the U.S.? Geta 5 year WAIVER! Call for a free brochure. Toll-free 1 -888 -9 -PARDON or 905-459-9669. CRIMINAL RECORD? Get yours cleared. For travel to U.S.A., career advancement and YOUR peace of mind. FREE Assessments. Call Jennifer at the National Pardon Centre: 514-842-2411, www.nationalpardon.org. STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDING SALE! "Rock Bottom Prices!" Beat next price increase. Go direct/save. 25030. 30040. 30044. 40080. 50090. 700200. Many oth- ers. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. Since 1980. FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS Durable, Depend- able, Pre-engineered, All -Steel Structures. Cus- tom-made to suit your needs and requirements. Factory -Direct affordable prices. Call 1-800-668-8653 ext. 536 for free brochure. VACATION/TRAVEL TIMESHARE RESALES - Ril® Stroman - Since 1979. Buy -Sell -Rent -Exchange. World Wide Selection. CALL NOW! 1-800-201-0864. ALL INCLUSIVE HOLIDAYS...Cheapest Airfares and Package Prices in Canada. Discounted Cruis- es, Hotels, Cars. Book online now and Save www.canadatravels.com or Call TOLL-FREE 1-800-563-5722. RIVERBOAT CRUISING - St. Lawrence River. The hassle free way to travel. Unpack once, relax & enjoy. Included: Shore excursions, great meals & nightly entertainment. 3, 5 & 6 nights. Private Staterooms. From $941. DIAL -A -BROCHURE 1 (800) 267-7868. www.stlawrencecruiselines.com TIMESHARE RESALES -- 60-80% off Retail! Best Resorts and Seasons! Call for FREE catalogue! 1-800-496-5964. Browse online for over 400 worldwide properties www.holidaygroup.corn/ocn • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $79 • Eastern Ontario $140 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136 • All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details ***PRIME LOCATION*** (63 Main Street Exeter) 2100 sq. ft. Retail/Office, 1200 sq. ft. dry Storage. Attractive pricing, introduction package for new tenants. Possibilities for updates and renovations. Call: 519-235-2900 (Evert) or 519-235-3777 (Dave) 27 Tenders Wanted 27 Tenders Wanted Municipality of Bluewater Landfill Cover Tenders Tenders will be received by the Public Works Manager until 12 noon, Friday, May 27, 2005 Individual tender forms for the Hay Ward Landfill, the Hensall Ward Landfill and the Stanley Ward Landfill are available at the Municipal office at 14 Mill Ave., Zurich. These tenders are for a two year term. For more information phone 519-236-4351 ext. 224 Ross Fisher, CRSS Public Works and Property Manager 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales FARM SOLD CLEARING AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 14, 2005 AT 10:00 A.M. for Mr. & Mrs. John Tsantilas R.R. #3 Lucan-Roman Line beside the big church, watch for signs. MACHINERY: Ford 5000 diesel tractor with heavy loader, scraper blade, rotary mower, J.D. 165 riding lawn mower, Toro wheel - horse riding mower, Husky riding mower - 20 H.P. 2 garden trailers, 2 hardy lawn sprayers, Rototiller, pressure washer. ANTIQUES: hand cultivator, flat irons, milk cans, antique well pump, wood stove, wicker plant stands, 3piece wicker set (excellent), 2 ornate armed chairs, porch lights, croquet set, leaded glass windows, brocade 3 seater couch, antique dressers with mirrors, 6 drawer dresser clawfeet, antique bed with 6' headboard, crocks & jugs, mantel clocks, oak buffet, 1800's Dominion Company pump organ, excellent cond,; piano, excellent condition. MISC.: large selection of books, National Geographic sets, 1962 - 1993, desk & hutch, oak desk, white patio set, washer & dryer, chesterfield, chair, insulated chimney, chainsaw, parts bins, oxy - torch set, tool boxes, tools, ceramic tile, panelling, wheelchair, cookbooks, shelving, table saw, gas water pump, wringer washer, plumbing parts, antique bric-a-brac & stair parts, vinyl siding, lumber, decorative tile for walls, treated posts, beehives, reclaimed brick, firewood, barrels, windows & doors, unique, nuts & bolts, SPORTS EQUIPMENT FM320 Ski machine, exercise equipment, trampoline, skis, boots, poles, boxer's punching bag, baseball equipment, golf equipment, bow & arrow, bikes & bikestand, 3 windsurfers, hockey equipment, Seahawk dinghy, canoe paddles, life vests, pool equipment, wetsuits, helmets. Something for everyone - not responsible for accidents. Terms - cash AUCTIONEER TOM SHOEBOTTOM 20 Property for Rent ONE BEDROOM GROUND FLOOR APT. IN EXETER - Heat included. $375/month. 808-8752. (15-18*) QUEEN MARY APTS. - HENSALL - 2 bedroom upper $540. Water & sewage includ- ed. Parking and laundry facili- ties. Available July 1st. 262- 3267. (13tfn) SPACIOUS, WELL -KEPT ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT - above Looking Good Fashions, 375 Main St., Exeter. Front entrance with personal parking at rear. Fridge, stove, air conditioner, window cover- ings and washer and dryer hook-up included. Water and sewage paid by landlord. $425/month plus utilities - first and last - non-smokers. Available May lst. Please speak to Karen or Victoria at 235-4604 (day) or 235-1930 (evenings) for an appointment to view. (18tfn) 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - Fridge & stove included. References, first and last. 235-1950 or 659-9831. (12tfn) 23 Wanted to Rent WANTED TO RENT - PAS- TURE LAND - 234-6217. (18;19*) YOUNG MALE STUDENT, LOOKING FOR ROOM TO RENT - or place to room and board in Exeter for summer. Contact 236-4304. (18;19*) POLICE BRIEF Assault causes facial • . • iniuries E TER - A 21 -year- old man from Huron East required several stitches to his face after he was assaulted in front of the South Huron Rec Centre April 23. Police say the victim was standing out- side the building around 2 a.m. when someone came up behind him, striking him in the face. Police have charged a 22 -year- old man from South Huron with assault. 23 Wanted to Rent SHED OR BARN SPACE FOR - straw storage for 2005, 2006. Phone 229-8176. (14tfn) 28 Auction Sales 28 Auction Sales Auctioneer Bob Heywood 235-0874 www.bobheywoodauctions.com SAT., MAY 7 AT 9:30 A.M. AT SOUTH HURON REC CENTRE, EXETER We will be dispersing a large quality offering of household fur- nishings, appliances, antiques and collectibles from the estates of Dorothy Thompson and Eleanor Hayter plus additions for Mr. and Mrs. Earl Long. PARTIAL LISTING INCLUDES: 2X8 pc. dining suites (pine and cherry finish), 4 poster QS oak bed with dresser, armoire and night table, reclining leather sofa and chair; loveseats; antique dresser; loveseat and matching sofa; corner iron whatnot; oak enter. centre; excellent 3 section wall unit ($3400 new); oak desk with hutch and 2 drawer file cabinet (from Jensens); glider rocker; hoop back deacons bench; good TVs and stereos; an excellent full line of appliances; 2 air conditioners; nat. gas barbecue; Canon photocopier and fax machine; a large offering of col- lectible smallwares incl. china and glass; dinnerware set; old clocks and parts; old child's sleigh; 2 oak phones; postcards; carnival pressed and depression glass, oil lamps, RB 3' wood lathe; Sears Craftsman 10" radial arm saw; joiner -planer; unique antique woodstove, gas lawnmowers and collectibles too numer- ous to mention. A Good sale for everyone! NOTE EARLY START TIME. LARGE AUCTION SALE to be held at Seaforth Fairgrounds Agri Plex Building for the Estate of Marion Stevens of Clinton, Estate of Anne Boshart of Blyth and the Estate of Cameron Henry of Hensall. THURS. MAY 5 AT 5 P.M. Large offering of Cornflower crystal, 12 -place setting of Plymouth Wedgewood dishes, 8 -place setting of Coal Port My Fair Lady dishes, 8 place setting Minton Symphony dishes, Chintz dish, RS Germany, Water pitcher w/Lions heads plus much more. 9 -piece dining suite, Roxton furni- ture, Flat -to -wall cupboard, Barrister bookcase, bonnet chest, antique umbrella stand w/mirrors, china cabinet w/glass door and sides, blanket boxes, washstands, violin, oil lamps, lots of furniture beds, dining tables, power tools, etc. See www.lobbauction.on.ca. 2 AUCTIONEERS SELLING STARTING AT 5 P.M. - This is a real good auction AUCTIONEERS: Richard & Ben Lobb 1-519-482-7898 Clinton NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" COMING EVENTS CAMPING! ONTARIO Book your holidays! CMT and Chevy Truck presents Havelock Country Jam- boree Aug. 18-21/05. Featuring Travis Tritt, Tanya Tucker, SheDaisy, Nifty Gritty Dirt Band, Ricky Skaggs, George Canyon, Eddie Eastman, Gene Watson + more. Order tickets 1-800-539-3353 or www.havelockjamboree.com BUSINESS OPPS. PROVEN ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTION FOR HARD WATER PROBLEMS. Industrial, commer- cial, residential. No energy required. No chemi- cals. Lasts forever. Installs in seconds. Seeking local distributor. See www.magna-tek.com Call (905) 510-6247 BE YOUR OWN BOSS. Earn up to $3,0000 week. Kennedy Transportation is looking for individuals who want to start their own trucking business. Guaranteed work contracts for 1, 3 & 5 ton straight trucks and Highway Tractor. No experience required. G licence OK. Financing available. Phone 905-501-8779 or Toll -Free 1-888-827-6044. MAKE FAST CASH. Driveway Sealing Systems, Line Painters, Hot Pour Crack Machines, Blowers, Edgers, Asphalt Preservative Products. Call Toll- free 1-800-465-0024 Pro -Tett Asphalt Ltd. Visit: www.protectasphatt.com FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY - Changes for Women 30 minute Inch -Loss Centres has key locations available in your area (over 60 locations now open). Contact us today! 1-866-821-5514 or www.changesforwomen.ca FREE INFO on proven system that achieves results. Join those who have guaranteed financial freedom. Discover how you can save money - working from home. Details: www.ToplOWorkAtHomeJobs.com. YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING AFTER YOUR MONEY. Now let your money look after you. To find out how I make $500 almost everyday using simple plan with Canadian Blue Chip shares go to www.canrich.ca" ENTERTAINMENT MYSTERIOUSLY YOURS...DINNER THEATRE (2026 Yonge St.) presents "CSI:BAKER STREET": an interactive, SHERLOCK HOLMES mystery. Wed. (matinee), Thum., Fri. & Sat. $46 to $69 (416) 486-7469 www.MysteriouslyYours.com EXPERIENCE THE THRILL! Fly CF -18 Hornet combat flight simulators at Air Combat Zone in Mississauga. Visit www.aircombatzone.com or call 905-602-4775 for details. 360 THE RESTAURANT AT THE CN TOWER 5 celebrating a decade of memorable cuisine, events and awards. To make reservations please call 416-362-5411 or visit www.cntower.ca EDUCATIONAL OPPS. VANCOUVER COLLEGE of Counsellor Training. Distance education opportunity. Applied coun- selling skills in Addictions & Family Support Work- er Certificates plus Diploma of Professional Coun- selling. 1-800-667-3272 / www.vcct.ca BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our great home -study course, Call today for your FREE brochure. 1-800-267-1829. www.sheffeldschool.ca Sheffield School of Interior Design, Ottawa, ON EMPLOYMENT OPPS. ATTENTION: Work from home on your PC. Full training provided; www.dreams2embrace.com $$$CHOCOLATES$$$ DELUXE QUALITY CHOCOLATE. 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