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Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Re ady.. . set. . . go attracts local business
Duncan and Linda Jewell (left and right) presented the 2005 Blyth Festival Tourism
Development Award to Linda Davis of H.O. Jerry Ltd. (Photo/Mike Johnston)
By Mike Johnston the 16th Annual Brochure sible to tourists.
Swap in the South Huron "All of us are looking for-
ward to a great year with
warm weather, clear skies
and many visitors," said
HTA President Duncan
The HTA is a volunteer
organization with 209
Most of the budget
comes from membership
fees, and 90 per cent of
EXETER — The Huron
Tourism Association's
(HTA) purpose is to ensure
the area has a healthy
tourism industry.
As part of this action, the
HTA, backed with the help
of the South Huron
Chamber of Commerce,
held "Ready...Set...Go!" —
Recreation Centre April 6.
A total of 81 businesses,
most from Huron County
but some from as far as
Port Elgin, showed up to
trade bundles of
brochures. The idea was
to get businesses knowl-
edgeable about other busi-
nesses in the area so they
could be as helpful as pos-
that goes towards adver-
tising. The other 10 per
cent is spent on adminis-
The event started early
morning with a bus tour
hosted by South Huron
Chamber of Commerce
member Linda Finkbeiner.
The tour went through
Lucan, Centralia,
Dashwood, Zurich and
Hensall and passed land-
marks including the
Donnelly home. The
group also stopped at the
Lucan Area Heritage &
Donnelly Museum in
Lucan and Hayter's
Turkey Products in
When the group got
back, HTA members
enjoyed a hot buffet lunch,
after which numerous
door prizes donated by
some of the businesses
were handed out by the
event's emcee Joyce
Wilson and formal greet-
ings were said. The greet-
ings featured an appear-
ance from white squirrel
mascot The White
During the opening
speeches, Linda and
Duncan Jewell presented
the 2005 Blyth Festival
Tourism Development
Award to Rosemary Davis
from H.O. Jerry Ltd.
"I'm very pleased and
honoured to receive this
award," said Davis.
H.O. Jerry is a paper and
sanitations wholesaler
based in Goderich, an odd
choice since they don't
deal directly with tourists,
but instead "supply us
with the necessities of the
tourism business," said
Duncan Jewell. The
Jewells' business,
Viewpoint Bed &
Breakfast, won the award
last year and therefore got
to select the winner this
year, which they chose
Guest speakers Laurel
Armstrong from
Armstrong Tourism
Marketing and Colleen
Sharen from Buzz
Marketing made a presen-
tation titled "Running the
Market Place," which
stressed innovation and
making a great first
Sharen told of the
importance of having a
Web site since 82 per cent
of Internet users prefer to
make travel arrangements
over the net.
Doreen Myers, a training
and development special-
ist from Myers Hamilton &
Associates gave a speech
titled "What Makes You
Stand Out?"
The swap was opened
up to the public later in
the afternoon.
Finkbeiner saw the swap
as a huge success. "A
gentleman who attended
all 16 of them told me that
this one was the best," she
said, adding that a num-
ber of people on the tour
told her that they would
come back to the area.
"They want to see white
squirrels and the down-
town area as well as visit
some of the locations I
pointed out on the tour."
Bridal showers planned byVarna community
By Joan Beierling
VARNA -The Stan Lee
Club met at the Complex
on April 5 with 18 mem-
bers present.
President Charles Reid
opened the meeting.
Bernice Reid gave a
reading which gave them
instructions on how to
handle telemarketers
that call on the tele-
Anna Keys read the
minutes and Bill Taylor
gave the treasurers
Plans were finalized for
the upcoming Zone 8
Rally to be held on April
21 in the Complex at
Varna. Registration to
begin at 11am. Please
wear your name tag
from home.
Marlene Deichert
reported on the Senior
Games to be held in May
and June.
High Euchre winners
were Anna Keys and
Bruce Keys. Consolation
winners were Margaret
Hayter and Gordon
Johnston. The next
meeting will be in the
Complex on Wed. May
4th at 8pm.
The 20th Annual
Canoe Rally
was held on
Sunday on a beautiful
day with many families
taking advantage of the
nice weather.
There were 68 canoes
and approximately 145
The winners of the
canoe were Greg Taylor
and Chad Patterson.
The Best Poker hand
was won by Jake
Rooseboom of Exeter,
2nd best was Kevin
Coolman of Hensall and
3rd best was won by Bill
Gridzak of Brucefield.
The committee would
like to thank everyone
that helped in any way to
help make this another
successful canoe rally
Last Thursday evening
the Varna U.C.W. were
taken on a Mystery
Outing by Elly Van
Bergen. They were sur-
prised to visit Rev. Jan
and Gerry
Fradette in
Gerry and Jan showed
there lovely quilts used
as wall hangings and
also on the beds. Gerry
showed how he pieces
his many designs and
how he quilts them on
his machine. The Five
Alive made arrange-
ments for Guess Who Is
Coming to Dinner last
Saturday. Some were
hosts and some were
guests. There were 65
taking part in all.
Following dinner the
hosts and guests and
others gathered in the
Varna Church which was
full for dessert and
entertainment by the
Varna locals.
Another great evening
put on by the Five Alive
There are two commu-
nity Bridal Showers com-
ing up. The shower of
Mary Ellen Webster,
daughter of Janet and
Mac, will be held on May
12 at the Varna Complex
with cake and refresh-
ments to start at 7:30
pm. The shower of
Heather Laurie daughter
of Joe and Willi will be
held on May 24 at the
Varna Complex.
The Christ Candle was
lit by Annie McBride at
Varna Church on
Sunday. Pastor Elly Van
Bergen welcomed every-
one and gave the
announcements.. Sunday
School Teacher Laurie
Merner took the Children
out doors for Sunday
St. Patrick's extends sympathy
By Hazel Davis
SAINTSBURY — Hugh Davis visited with cousin
Gladys Davis at Queensway Retirement
Home in Hensall last week. Cousin Joyce
Sovereign called on Hugh and Hazel Davis
on Tuesday.
Our sincere sympathy goes out to the family of
John Dickey who passed away at St. Joseph's Health
Centre in London and was buried from Dinney
Funeral Home in Exeter on Friday. He leaves behind
his wife and family and also his mother Inez Dickey
who lives in Lucan, a brother and chosen sister.
The Dickey families lived on the second of
Biddulph, now the Coursey Line, for many years and
the young people attended SS#9 Biddulph school and
Biddulph Central. Suzanne Davis and Heather
MacGillivray from St. Patrick's attended the visita-
tion and funeral, along with a number from the com-
Our sympathy also goes out to Viola Atkinson and
family in the death of her brother James Eagleson
who passed away at South Huron Hospital Thursday
and was buried from M. Box and Son Funeral Home
in Parkhill on Monday. Suzanne Davis visited the
Funeral Home on Sunday.
Stevie MacGillivray is visiting a number of family
members including her two sisters
in Winnipeg, Manitoba for a few
week's vacation.
Hugh and Hazel Davis along with sister and broth-
er-in-law Joyce and Ralph Simpson enjoyed a three-
day holiday at Niagara Falls this past week.
St. Patrick's celebrated Evening Prayer third
Sunday of Easter with Corbin MacGillivray leading
the service. Prayers and Scripture readings were led
by the congregation. Focus and message: "Bread
Broken, Eyes Opened" was given by Hazel Davis.
Starr Davis presented the offering. Service closed
with recessional hymn and prayers.
Suzanne Davis attended the surprise birthday cele-
bration honouring Diane Andrews on Sunday at
Centralia Community Centre.
Ron and Margaret Carroll visited with their family
Brenda, Terry, Matthew, Mitchell and Michelle
Iredale on Sunday.
School. John Robinson
shared his gift of music
during the offering.
Sunday April 17 and 24
Worship will be in
Goshen Church. Sunday
May 1st Bruce Whitmore
will be leading the
Worship Service in
Varna. May 8th Joyce
Dowson and company
will be leading the
Christian Family Sunday.
April 20th there will be
a Canadian Food Grains
Bank Meeting at the
Varna Church at 7:30
with an Open Discussion
to follow at 8:30.
Genelle Reid,Jayme
Dowson, Miranda Postill
and Kelly Consitt are all
taking part in the 30hr.
famine and any pledges
would be appreciated.
Looking ahead Five
Alive Presents Faith
Story on Conference
Sunday May 29th in the
Brucefield United
Church at 10:45 a.m. so
mark your calendars.
Margaret Hayter, trea-
surer of the Varna
U.C.W. just recently sent
13 and a half pounds of
used stamps to the
Canadian Bible Society.
One pound of stamps
equals one bible and one
pound of stamps sells for
$4.50. Do not remove the
stamp from backing
paper, just clip half inch
around the entire stamp.
Drop your used stamps
off in the box at your
Church on Sundays.
Keep clipping those used
RF/A4k whirr
property maintenance
Love yoar property !
Relax this spring.
Let us care for the
"to do" list.
YOUR spring"to do" list:
• plant, edge & mulch the flower beds
• weed' n feed the lawn
• wash & seal the deck & fence
• wash and seal the driveway
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- APR. 15/05
Don Thompson
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