HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-03-23, Page 31Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Exeter Times -Advocate 31 Announcements/Community Exeter wood carver heads to world's By Stephanie Mandziuk TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER — He has a steady hand, keen eye and unwavering patience ... characteristics neces- sary to be an exceptional woodcarver. Fred Negrijn fits the bill. The retired teacher has been carving for more than 12 years and contin- ues to win awards for his outstanding work. Negrijn is heading to Ocean City, Maryland at the end of April for an international wood carv- ing competition. He's hoping for a repeat of last year's first place win. His 2005 entry is the Boreal Owl, native to northern Canada. To me it looks like the real thing with eyes that follow you wherever you go. Negrijn carries his bird watching passion into his wood carving hobby. Different types of birds, some sitting on tree branches, can be found throughout his home. He carves everything, the bird, the branches and even the leaves! As a nature -lover, Negrijn is an avid sup- porter of the Ausable Bayfield Conservation Authority and its founda- tion. He says, "I believe in what they stand for. I like to support them so they can continue to do the things they do, like the new trail." Once again Negrijn has donated another carving to this year's dinner/auc- tion April 14. Those attending will have a chance to bid on the Cedar Waxwing, a carv- ing that took 100 hours to complete. Negrijn says basswood is primarily used for carv- ing because it is soft and tightly grained. He usually works six hours a day, two hours at a time. Carving, he says, is hard on the eyes so he has to break up his day. Negrijn likes to help others achieve their potential as well. He offers 10 -week wood carving classes with the next one beginning in the fall. The cost is $135 and you have to provide your own tools. As for fmally fmishing a project Negrijn says, "You have a sense of satisfac- tion knowing you have done the best job you can and when you do well in competition it makes you feel good." Exeter's Fred Negrijn is hoping to place first at "The World's" wood carving com- petition in Ocean City, Maryland at the end of April. (photos/Stephanie Mandziuk) Lenten Bible study on Tuesdays By Liz Sangster HENSALL CORRESPONDENT HENSALL — At Hensall United Church the service began with an organ pre- lude followed by welcome and announcements and the Passing of the Peace. The Christ candle was lit by Kay Mock. Mock also was the reader. Carol Carter was the organist for this special service. Mock welcomed every- one to the morning ser- vice. Pastor Fred Darke's message was 'The Leader Servant'. Pastor Darke also had a special chil- dren's story and prayer. John and Veronica Thomson looked after the ushering duties. Flowers in the sanctuary were in memory of Bruce Glenn given by Glenn and Lois Hayter and Margaret Hayter. Doug and Kathy Mann remembered their friend Tove Bell with flow- ers as well. The annual beef supper will be held on Wed. April 13 from 5 to 7 p.m., adults $12, youths 6 to 12 years $6, children under 6 years free. Take- out orders are $12.50. For tickets phone Janice at 263-2535, or Joan at 262- 3437, or Lucielle at 262- 2180, or the office at 262- 2939. If you would like to place flowers or plants in the sanctuary in memory of someone throughout the year, please notify the office so your memorial can be acknowledged in the bulletin. At Carmel Presbyterian Church, Palm Sunday ser- vice was conducted by Tracy Whitson-Bahro. Joyce Pepper was the organist with Frank Varley and Harry Smith receiving the offering. Everyone received a palm frond during this special service. Whitson-Bahro's message was `Praise God, Sunday's Coming' Greg Craft Show Qualified Exhibitors joi Wanted Toronto International Centre Oshawa Civic Auditorium Apr. 8-10, 2005 & Nov. 11-13, 2005 Oct. 14 -16, 2005 Richmond Hill Sports Centre Brooklin Vipond Arena Mat. 5-6, 2005 & Oct. 22-23, 2005 Jul. 16-17, 2005 For more information call 905-426-4676 ext.222 or visit www.theheartofcountry.com Bahro assisted with the service. Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. Lenten Bible study will be held at the church, everyone welcome. On Thurs., March 31 there will be a soup and sandwich luncheon. It took Fred Negrijn 300 hours to carve and paint this Boreal Owl, his entry into an upcom- ing interna- tional competi- tion. The Boreal Owl is native to north- ern Canada. • COMING EVENTS • COMING EVENTS 9TH ANNUAL MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL - Saturday, March 26th, 2005, 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Sponsored by Hibbert United Church & Spring Valley Products, Staffa. Pancakes & Sausages (All you can eat). Adults - $6.00/5 to 10yrs. - $3.50/Preschoolers - free. Free wagon rides to bush. Maple Syrup/Homemade baking for sale. Located: County Rd. #180, South of Dublin, Hibbert Ward Shed. (12*) BEREAVEMENT/LOSS EDUCATION PROGRAM - offered to multi disciplinary groups (nurses, PSW's, RPN's, clergy, volunteers or any interested persons). This program will sup- port and educate on bereavement/loss issues both personally and on the job. April 6, 13, 20, 27th. 6:30 - 9:30 pm. $20 Registration Fee. Grand Bend Community Health Centre. To register or for more information call VON Palliative Care Volunteer Program, Kim Winbow 235-2510. (12;13) BINGO & SILENT AUCTION - Sponsored by the St. Boniface School Advisory Council. Tuesday, April 5, 2005. Doors open 6:00 pm., first game begins 7:00 pm. Free Admission. Door Prizes. Early Bird Draw! Municipality of Bluewater Zurich Complex. Silent auction bids accepted until end of intermission (approx. 8:OOpm.) Everyone Welcome! (11-13*) BLYTH FESTIVAL SINGERS - RHYTHM AND RHAP- SODY - Sunday, April 3rd, 2:30 pm. Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton featuring the University of Western Ontario Percussion Ensemble. Tickets at Campbells' Photography, Goderich; Blyth Festival 523-9300; Dutch Store, Clinton; Village Bookshop, Bayfield; Tasty Nu Bakery, Zurich or at the door. Tickets $12.00 for adults, children $6.00 (12 and under). (11-13) DAFFODIL DAY - All proceeds for Cancer Society. April 1. Sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. $6.00 per bunch. Edward Jones', 436 Main St. Exeter. (12;13) EASTER IN THE PARK - Saturday, March 26th at 11:OOam children aged 12 & under are invited to take part in the 6th annual Easter Egg Hunt at Morrison Dam Conservation Area. Everyone will get a treat! Prizes include chocolate eggs, toys and coupons. Pre -register by March 23rd at the ABCA admin- istration office 235-2610 or at Stedman's V&S, Exeter. Cost $2/child. (11;12) GOSPEL MUSIC CONCERT - Sunday, April 3 at 7:00 pm. at Exeter Bible Chapel, 187 Huron St. W., Exeter. Featuring Heartsong: Mens Trio from London. Free admission. A free will offering will be taken to aid the work of Key Bible Clubs in Huron County. For info contact Bob Heywood 235-0874. (12) IT'S EXCITING, SOOTHING, REWARDING AND FUN - PAPERTOLE CLASSES starting April 11, Monday nights 7-9. Deadline April 1. Call Carol, Port Franks. 243-3800. (11;12*) "LOSS IS A PAINFUL EXPERIENCE" - Although we each feel our loss in our own way, sharing with others can help. Join the VON Bereavement Support Group, Thurs. March 24 at 1:30 PM at Grand Bend Community Health Centre. For info call Kim 235-2510. (11;12) LUCAN UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL HOT BEEF SUPPER - Thursday, April 14. Lucan Community Centre 5:00-7:OOpm. Adults $12(ADVANCE ONLY until April 10)children $4.00, preschool free. Homemade desserts. Take-out available, deliv- ery for shut-ins. Tickets at Lankins Shell, Clarke's Food Mart or call 227-4879, 227-4062. (12-14*) SPRING LUNCHEON - Hensall Presbyterian Church. Thursday, March 31, 2005. 11:30 am -1 pm. Soup, Sandwich, Dessert, Tea & Coffee. Tickets not required. (11-13*) THE KING'S DAUGHTERS - WALK, TALK & WORSHIP - Welcome all ladies!!! Every Thursday beginning March 24, 2005 at 1:30 pm. Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle, 670 Main St. S., Exeter. 235-2991. Indoor walking to Christian music, Fellowship, Worship, Bible Study, Prayer. (12-15*) WATER - FUTURE SUPPLY? - Supper and Presentation speakers at Hensall United Church, Wednesday, April 6, 2005, 6:30 pm. Speakers Catherine Brown, A.B.C.A., Robert Cooper, former manager of water supply for City of London. For fur- ther info contact 262-2935, 263-5988 or 482-5840. Free will donation. (12-14*) 13TH ANNUAL PANCAKE BRUNCH - Fort Rose Maple Company. www.fortrose.ca Every Saturday and Sunday start- ing Feb. 26 til April 3 from 9:00a.m.-3:OOp.m. Adults $8.00, 12 and under $5.00, Preschool - Free. 2 miles west of Nairn off County Rd. 17 (Nairn Rd.) 232-9041. (7-12)