HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-03-23, Page 1616
Exeter Times—Advocate
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Model railroaders ride the rails indoors
By Pat Bolen
EXETER — The popu-
larity of model trains
continues to increase,
as evidenced with two
groups of local model
railroad enthusiasts.
Exeter residents Doug
Westlake, Tom Burke
and Doug Southon have
several locomotives and
around 100 cars in
their room size collec-
While most collectors
like to build from a cer-
tain era, their set is not
modeled after any spe-
cific time period.
They say their collec-
tion is a mix of old and
new trains and the
hobby is only limited by
With new trains
becoming increasingly
sophisticated, some
older trains can't be
run with newer power
One of the biggest
sets they have seen was
at a train show, with a
100 foot long display
done by an entire club.
Burke described it as
authentic, with water,
mountains and vil-
For Greg Denomme of
St. Joseph, the interest
in trains goes back
almost 40 years.
Denomme's favourite
period is the late '40s
because he likes the old
time steam setup, as
well as some late model
After moving from
Kitchener, Denomme
reassembled his collec-
Model railroading continues to gain in popularity, with sets put together by Exeter residents DougWestlake,Tom Burke and Doug
Southon and (below) Greg Denomme of St. Joseph. (photos/Pat Bolen)
tion a few years ago.
With parts of it still in
storage, it is one of the
bigger collections
One of the main inter-
ests for Denomme is
constructing tracks and
buildings from scratch
with a building taking
up to 60 to 80 hours of
work to complete.
After having some of
his locomotives for 25
years, he has grown
attached to them.
"It's a great hobby,"
he says.
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