HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-03-16, Page 23TIMES -ADVOCATE Wednesday, March 16, 2005 Exeter Times–Advocate 23 Classifieds / News Tea party planned for Blue Water Rest Home residents By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH CORRESPONDENT ZURICH — Be sure to come out and see the Blue Water Zurich Skating Carnival at the Complex on Sun., March 20 at 2 p.m. This year the theme is "Home Ice" and is sure to be a great show. Tickets will be available at the door. Adults: $5, children ages 6-12: $1, Under five are free. Guest skaters are Lauren Wilson and Exeter Masters Synchronized team. For more informa- tion call President Mary Becker at 237-3628. A buck and doe was held for Raymond Regier and Louissa Herbert on March 4 at the Exeter Recreation Centre. Raymond is the son of Cecil and Wanda Regier of RR 3, Zurich. The couple are being mar- ried in April. A buck and doe was held for Shawn Willert and Natalie Kerslake on Sat., March 12 at the Exeter Recreation Centre. Shawn is the son of Richard and Susan Willert of RR 2, Hensall. The couple are being married in April. Lions news On Wed., March 9 the Zurich Lions Club inducted two new members, Lion Rick Smith and Lion Kevin Campbell. The Zurich Lions Club will be holding their Children's Easter Party on Sat., March 26, in the Old Township Hall from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. There are two ages from 0-6 and 7- 12 years old for basket making (the child is to make their own Easter basket). Also, the fish fry tickets are ready— you can phone Lion Denise Hallam-Heighington at 236-7211. The Grade 8 class of St. Boniface School are selling tickets on a "Country Comforter" to be raffled off May 20. Proceeds are to help with the cost of their year-end trip to Quebec. Tickets are avail- able at some local busi- nesses. Congratulations to Father John on the occa- sion of his 22nd Ordination Anniversary in the Priesthood. There will be public skating at the Zurich Complex during the March break. Monday to Friday each day from 1 to 3 p.m. A special speaker will be at the St. Boniface Catholic Women's League meeting Wed., March 16 at 8 p.m. Groups in charge are Pattie Hunt and Martha Overholt. No news next week NOTE: There will not be any news from me (Carmel) next week as I will be away for the March Break visiting relatives in Leamington and Windsor. A reminder to those invited to the volunteer appreciation evening of the Blue Water Rest Home on April 20: Let Patty Groot (236-4373) know if you are planning to attend. A surprise 65th birthday party was held for Sharon Sims in London on Saturday with several rel- atives from the Zurich area attending. Her birth- day was March 15. The Zurich Minor Athletic Association is hav- ing an Elimination Draw and Video Dance Party by BX93 at the Complex Sat., April 16 starting at 9 p.m. The last ticket to be drawn will win $2,000. All pro- ceeds go to benefit the minor hockey teams. Tickets can be purchased for $20 from Zurich Minor Athletic members or at various stores around Zurich. Our community is sad- dened to hear of the sud- den death last week of Brian Desjardine (son of Lee and Sandra) of Zurich. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this difficult time. BWRH news The residents of the Blue Water Rest Home will be treated to a tea party on St. Patrick's Day with Marion at 2:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Kate Fletcher will be speaking to resi- dents on her Mission in South Africa on Fri., March 18. The Lakeview Conservative Mennonite Choir will sing for resi- dents Tues., March 22 at 6:30 p.m. Geri Fashions will be having a fashion show at the home March 23 at 2 p.m. Shannon Keller will be giving massage therapy to some residents on March 24 at 6:30 p.m. Shannon comes to the home twice a month and is paid by the Ladies Auxiliary. Mary -Lou Erb and friends spent a few weeks in Clearwater, Florida vacationing. Welcome home to Bob and June Fisher who spent the past three months in Arizona. Congratulations to Greg and Honey Masse of RR 2, Zurich on the arrival of their baby girl Sydney Danielle born March 6. The Zurich Brownies have been busy at various projects. On Feb. 28 they visited the South Huron Veterinary Clinic which helped them complete their Pet Smart Badge. They will soon be coming around selling Girl Guide Cookies. If anyone would like to pre -order cookies, call Brown Owl Sharia at 236-7004. The students of St. Boniface School had fun on Friday at their winter carnival with lots of out- door activities in the snow. They also enjoyed having hot chocolate and treat bags. On March 23 the French Club will be selling Easter grab bags for $1. Plans are underway for the bingo and silent auc- tion Tues., April 5 at the Zurich Complex. Doors open at 6 p.m. to view the articles. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. Free admission. Anyone wanting to volun- teer their help can call Monique Hartman at 236- 7817. The next fair board meeting will be held Thurs., March 24, 7:30 p.m. at the Hay Township Hall. Women's Institute On March 7, members of the Women's Institute met at Erb's Country Kitchen in Zurich for their monthly luncheon meeting. Following lunch the meet- ing was chaired by President Bridget Groot. The meeting opened with the Institute Ode and Collect. Treasurer's report was given and roll call taken. Pearl Ileimrich gave several readings. The Institute is invited to Grand Bend Women's Institute in April, 2005 at the Grand Bend Legion. In April we will be voting on a new executive or a stay of the present executive. Interesting information on the organization of the Women's Institute of Ontario was given by Barb Sauder. The meeting was adjourned by Lottie Grenier and Pearl Heimrich. HOLIDAY DEADLINE Due to the GOOD FRIDAY HOLIDAY (FRI. MAR. 25) DISPLAY ADVERTISING MUST be submitted by Thurs. Mar. 24 at 2 p.m. T -A OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON FRI. MAR. 25 TIMES ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter (519) 235-1331 Fax 235-0766 email: ads@southhuron.com Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 [Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! INSOLVENCY I RENOVATIONS ■ ■■■■■ ■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■ • • • • • II i• PAUL J. PICKERING LIMITED TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY KAROL MICHROWSKI, CGA CIRP RESIDENT TRUSTEE AT 8 KING STREET, CLINTON BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT BY CALLING PHONE 519-482-8459 TOLL-FREE 1-800-561-7451 Fax 519-482-8460 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE IN EXETER AND OUR LONDON HEAD OFFICE PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CONSUMER PROPOSALS FINANCIAL COUNSELLING WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. 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