HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-03-09, Page 5Wednesday, March 9, 2005 Exeter Times -Advocate 5 Opinion Forum News ROSS HAUGH BACK IN TIME I 0 YEARS AGO March 8, 1995 - Exeter council has approved a request from the Exeter Villa to apply to the Ontario Ministry of Health for the addition of 13 beds to the local facility. Owner Tom Kannamphuza is purchasing 18 nursing home bed licenses from a Huntsville nursing home and 13 of these will come to Exeter. 20YEARS AGO March 7, 1985 - Winners in public speaking for the two Exeter elementary schools were Spring Cushman, Marcie Ellison, Fred Steciuk, Linda Snell, Brad Thompson and B.J. Batten. 25 YEARS AGO March 9, 1980 - Members of the Kirkton- Woodham Farmers Club learned at Monday's annual meeting that the profit for 1979 was $16,349.88 and $70,000 had been paid back to members as dividends. Exeter clerk Liz Bell reported this week that 28 people have made application to succeed building inspector Doug Triebner who plans to retire this year as soon as a replacement has been trained. Terri Brintnell was named Queen of the Kirkton- Woodham Winter Carnival Friday night. Runnerup was Kim Heather and last year's Queen was Laurie Russell. 35 YEARS AGO March 7, 1970 - Grocery specials at IGA in Exeter this week include premium sockeye salmon at 55 cents a tin, Burns hot dog wieners at 49 cents a pound and head lettuce at 23 cents each. Thirty-six drivers were presented with safe dri- ving awards at the annual banquet of Guenther - Tuckey Transport Ltd. in Dashwood. Les Mitchell was again tops with 13 years of success followed by Gordon Appleton and Anton Hansen with 12 years each. At 10 years were Bev Skinner, George DeJong and Ben Edwards. An almost impossible feat was accomplished last week by Roy Ratz of Shipka when he killed two foxes with a single rifle shot at a distance of about 20 yards. Exeter council this week received the resignation of two senior town employees. They are Corporal Harry Van Bergen of the police department and works superintendent Jim Paisley. 45 YEARS AGO March 10, 1960 - George E. Rether of Exeter has been named manager of the snack bar and catering concession at RCAF Station, Clinton. Laird Joynt, a native of Hensall has been elected to the board of directors of Canadian Kodak Co. He has served as treasurer of the firm for a number of years. Mrs. Robert Fletcher was named Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Sweetheart at the annual dance. She is already president of the sorority. Twelve -year-old Shirley Sauder of Exeter won the Times -Advocate spelling bee Tuesday night. Second was her classmate Elsie Gosar. 55 YEARS AGO March 8, 1950 - May Schroeder was named Queen for 1950 at the Exeter High School At Home dance. She was crowned by last year's Queen Janet Kestle. At the Huron County Seed Fair wheat champi- onships, both fall and spring went to Harry Strang of Usborne township while R.D. Etherington, also of Usborne was the early oats champion. Strang also won in soy beans and late oats. Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore received four medals from the Ministry of National Defence for services rendered during the war by their son F.O. Gerald Passmore who gave his life. 60YEARS AGO March 11, 1945 - Corporal Donald Winer has completed his tour of overseas duty and is leaving India for Canada in early April. A number of Stephen and Usborne township roads were opened up for the first time since the beginning of the year. Water has been running a foot deep over the road at the Black Creek on Highway 83. 70 YEARS AGO March 8, 1935 - At Grieve's Sandwich Shoppe, the place of better food in Exeter, this week's spe- cial is a brick of Silverwood's ice cream at 20 cents each. Get cedar chests and new furniture at the Dashwood Planing Mill. Seniors' Perspective By Jim Bearss ADULT ACTIVITIES CO-ORDINATOR DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY POUNDS OF MILK IT TAKE TO MAKE 1 POUND OF CHEESE? 4, 8, OR 12? ANSWER AT END OF COLUMN. Exeter Senior Citizens held their monthly meeting Tues., March 1 at the Legion. Forty-one members and friends enjoyed a delicious potluck supper at 6 p.m. John Mason whistled 0 Canada and we all repeated The Lord's Prayer. Stu McLellan led us in singing Grace. President Shirley Kirk opened the meeting. Happy Birthday was sung to Gladys Bierling, Aldene Skinner and John Mason. Vera Armstrong introduced Kelsey Rothbauer of Exeter Public School. She told us of her trip to Pinery Park last summer. This speech won second prize at the Legion Public Speaking Competition in February. Vera thanked her and presented her with a gift of apprecia- tion. Jane Dearing read "A New Alphabet at 60+." A short business was conducted and Jim Bearss reported on Seniors activities. He reminded everyone of the Trade Fair June 1 and said that donors were needed for that day. Shirley Kirk read "Easter Thoughts For Troubled Times." Harry Dougall was chairperson for the program. He introduced John Mason our whistling entertainment for the evening. We enjoyed listening to Danny Boy, Ontario, This Land Is Ours and other tunes he whistled through out the evening. John presented Canadian pins to Marshall and Marion Dearing who were the longest married couple in attendance (59 years). Harry thanked John with a gift of appreciation. Chris Passmore entertained us with selections on the French horn. Maureen Wood thanked Chris on our behalf. Door prize winners were Joyce Lavender, Bill Thomas and Mary Baechler. Share The Wealth winners were Erwin Sillery, Bill Thomas, Vera Armstrong, Gerald Dearing, Shirley Kirk and Barb Miller. The evening closed with The Seniors Prayer. Next meeting is April 5. All seniors are welcome. Lucan Area Heritage & Donnelly Museum Bus Tour. Bus pickups in Exeter & Lucan. Contact Harry Hardy, 227-4887 or 227-0444 Box 249, Lucan, NOM 2J0 E-mail harry@cruiseselloffs.com. Thurs., April 7, 2005 Fiddle Step & Vocal, Wingham. This is a very popular show. Also the Belmore Syrup Festival, with crafts, live music, & bingo, bus, theatre, & Syrup Festival; we have a limited amount of tickets so book early. The theatre tickets for buses, have been sold out for nearly a year. May 11, 2005 Grand River North bus tour; anyone who has been with Warren, can't wait for his next tour. Exeter Oddfellows & Rebekahs: Annual Friendship Dinner & Dance. To be held at the Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre at Kirkton March 19, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. Advance tickets only. Dance tickets at the door. Music by the Pierce Family. MC for the evening is Bob Heywood. For more information, please contact Harold Parsons at 235-2224 or Steve Corbett at 236-4514. Exeter Lioness Annual Chili Lunch: Held on Fri., April 1, 2005, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Lions Youth Centre, 125 John St., W.; takeout available—advance tickets only. Tickets are available at Stedman's V&S or from any Lioness member. VON Palliative CareVolunteer Program: 1 2 -Hour Bereavement Loss Education VON Palliative Care Volunteer Program with sponsor- ship from the Grand Bend Rotary Club is offering Bereavement/Loss Education Sessions to multi -discipli- nary groups (nurses, PSW's, RPN's volunteers and any interested persons). This program will support and edu- cate on bereavement/ loss issues both personally and on the job. For more information or to register please con- tact, Kim Winbow – VON Bereavement Consultant, held at Grand Bend Community Health Centre Wednesdays April 6, 13, 20, 27. In Exeter & area contact VON Palliative Care Volunteer, 24 Huron St., W., B-105 Exeter ON NOM 1S2. Phone (519) 235-2510 or Fax: (519) 235-3298. 10 -Week Facilitated Peer Support: Spend time with others who are grieving the death of a loved one. Starting March 24, 2005 Thursdays 1:30 to 4 p.m. at Grand Bend Health Centre, 69 Main St. E., Grand Bend Ontario. Contact Kim Winbow at 235-2510 or Cindy Maxfield at 238-1556 x 6. Euchreama: The Exeter Seniors are hosting a Euchreama at the Legion Hall on April 29, 2005. Contact Jane Dearing for more information, call 235-0757. Euchreama: The Town & Country Support Services is sponsoring Euchreama's at the Betty Cardno Building, Clinton ON. Mark your calendar for the following card playing date March 28, 2005. Lucan Shamrock Euchreama: The Lucan Seniors are sponsoring this yearly Irish Shamrock Euchreama, on March 17, 2005. Will be held at the Lucan Community Centre commencing at 10 a.m. Lunch provided and you have a chance for prizes. Win from the Leprechaun's Pot. Senior Games Euchreama: Mark your calendar for this important event. April 5, 2005 at Dashwood Community Centre. Starts at 10 a.m., lunch provided and you have a chance at winning a prize. Proceeds for Senior Games. Bus Trip: Hiawatha and Point Edward Casino: Mon., March 14, 2005. Pickup is at the Exeter Legion at 10 a.m. Return at 6:30 p.m. Call for more information and a seat reservation to Harvey or Esther Hillman at (519) 235-1167. Third Annual Trade Fair & Information Expo: Wed., June 1, 2005 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Rec. Centre, Exeter. Dining on a Budget with Deb Campbell at Upstairs at Hansen's on Tues., March 22, hours 7 to 9 p.m. March is nutrition month and also close enough after Christmas to really consider our budget when it comes to meal planning, grocery shopping and trying to be cre- ative in the kitchen. Join Deb for an innovative look at ways to save money at the check out and still serve scrumptious meals. As always there will be recipes to take home and samples of the menu Senior Social: Upstairs at Hansen's on Wed., March 30, hours 9 to 11 a.m. What a perfect time of year to have a warm cup of coffee, a snack and socialize with your friends No charge! Senior citizenship means a bevy of discounts: Waking up one morning to realize you now qualify for the senior discount at the local movie theater can be quite a shock. Not that I, ahem, know this from personal experience or anything. It's just what I've heard. There are com- pensations for getting older. Take senior discounts, for example. Many companies offer them, but they are almost never offered voluntarily: You have to ask. And that's a problem if you are easily embarrassed. The way around such embarrassment is to call the restaurant, beauty salon, theater, golf course, amuse- ment park or store ahead of time. Verify the location and then ask about their senior dis- count. The Hotel and Motel Association reports that seniors spend 4.9 nights away from home when they travel, the longest period in the travel industry. Almost 20 per cent of their trips last seven nights or more. As a traveler aged 50 or better, you're the darling of the hospitality industry. You have buying power, available time and strength in numbers. And the travel industry is anxious to cater to you. An added bonus is that a spouse of any age can go along for the ride. Read your local newspaper, where you will find news of free programs such as celebrity book signings, free recitals at local universities and colleges by budding opera stars, and symphonies that open the doors to seniors for their dress rehearsals. Pick up free booklets and "shoppers" everywhere you see them. Scour them for the senior discounts. Watch for packets of coupons in your mail. They're filled with two-for-one restaurant deals, dollars -off haircuts, freebies and discounts. Don't want to buy a computer? Use one at the public library, where free courses in computer use are also available. One hour a week online should be enough to keep current on the Internet senior discount scene. Whether it's your hometown or a town on your travel itinerary, it's swarming with discounts. Some will be advertised but many are never offered until you ask for them. So be bold, be proud, phone and ask! In the meantime, whether you agree that this is the best season of your life or not, one thing cannot be denied: It certainly beats the alternative. What's happening in Grand Bend & area March 2005 March 12: Return of the Swans Festival includes Paint Ontario Art Competition and Sale. See swans, ducks geese, get involved in children's activities, videos, speak- ers and more at the Lambton Heritage Museum 243- 2600 or 1-800-265-0316. March 15: Learning about Cholesterol, 1:30 p.m. Grand Bend Area CHC. Call Patricia at 238-1556 ext. 3 to register. Everyone welcome! March 15: Port Franks Garden Club, Port Franks Community Centre, 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker Cynthia Cook of Forest Glen Herb Farm. All welcome. Call Marg 243-1121 for details. March 17: St. Patrick's Day Lunch, 12 noon. Grand Bend Area CHC 69 Main St., E. Enjoy a great lunch for only $5. Sponsored by the Fundraising Angel Network. March 18: March Break Program for Kids! Grand Bend Legion 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Come see magi- cian Ricky Magic. Meet a fireman and a policeman and learn safety tips! Contact: Beth Sweeney, Co. President of the Grand Bend Nursery School for more details and .056 Jim Bearss See PERSPECTIVE page 6