HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-03-02, Page 5Wednesday, March 2, 2005 Exeter Times -Advocate 5 Opinion Forum News ROSS HAUGH BACK IN TIME I OYEARS AGO March 1, 1995 - Winners in the annual Crediton and District Social Club public speaking con- test were Ryan Gibson of McCurdy, Adrienne Leakey of McGillivray and Scott Skinner of Usborne. At the annual meeting of the Hay Mutual Insurance Company, secretary -manager John Consitt revealed an increase in net earn- ings of $858,530. The president for 1995 is Carl Turnbull succeeding Edward McCann. Ian McAllister is vice-president. 20YEARS AGO February 27, 1985 - Reminiscing was the order of the day at the Exeter curling club Friday. Some of the tales were tall as about 65 curlers many of them char- ter members were on hand to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the present building. It was learned that the most proficient at missing the broom or throwing the wrong turn was Father Kelly and Elmer Bell didn't always have confidence in his skip and carried rocks with him. 25 YEARS AGO March 2, 1980 - Officers of the Hensall Spring Fair were returned for a second term Friday night. They are president Bob Baker, vice-presidents David Turner and John Kinsman, secretary -treasurer Gladys McGregor and directors John Baker, Ross Corbett and John Soldan. Clarence Millson of Clandeboye who says he is the oldest barber in Ontario has decided to call it quits. Mr. Millson who is 86 started barbering when he was 18. At that time a haircut was 15 cents and a shave 10 cents. At the annual meeting of the Hay Township Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Ian McAllister was named president for 1980. Robert Glen is vice- president and past president is Herbert Bierling. 35 YEARS AGO February 27, 1970 - Thieves jimmied the front door of T.C. Joynt and Son Men's Wear in Hensall Friday night and made off with $8,000 worth of men's suits and didn't waken a man sleeping only 10 feet away in an apartment upstairs. 45 YEARS AGO March 3, 1960 - Huron MPP C.S. MacNaughton is co -sponsoring a bill in the Ontario Legislature which would require a uniform starting and ending date for daylight saving time. Beaver Lumber formally took possession of Huron Lumber Co. Ltd., Tuesday. Keys to the building were presented to manager Tom Vickerman by his prede- cessor A.J. Sweitzer. About 14 inches of snow fell on Thursday, Friday and Saturday plugging roads, according to the weath- er service at RCAF Centralia. Wind gusts Friday were as high as 60 miles per hour. Township crews worked night and day over the weekend to clear roads of one of the heaviest snowfalls of the decade. Some snowdrifts in Hay and Usborne townships were as high as 12 feet. 40 YEARS AGO March 4, 1965 - Two area residents have won awards at the Western Ontario Agricultural School. Ed Hern placed first in the dairy showmanship class and Danny Coward walked off with the wheat show- manship honours. Public speaking and verse speaking contests were held this week at Exeter Public School with the judges having difficulty picking the winners. Winners were Mary Wilson, Bruce Fulcher, Michelle Harrison, Claudia Barrett, Kathy Bentley, Dan Jory, Joe Darling, Roberta Barrett, Steve Luxton, Ross Huntley, Bob Dobbs and Stan Rawlings. 70 YEARS AGO March 1, 1935 - Specials this week at Southcott Bros. grocery store are two bottles of tomato catsup for 25 cents, one pound tin of red salmon for 23 cents and men's white broadcloth shirts for $1.55. The subscription rate for the Times Advocate for 1935 is $2 per year paid in advance. 80YEARS AGO March 2, 1925 - While Gordon Heater of Hay was delivering some eggs at D. Cantelon's store in Hensall, the team owned by W.C. Pearce ran away, broke loose from the sleigh and landed up in the Methodist Church shed. 85 YEARS AGO March 2, 1920 - Mr. Fred White has opened a new grocery store in connection with his confectionery in Dashwood. Seniors' Perspective By Jim Bearss ADULT ACTIVITIES CO-ORDINATOR Coming events Grab a Friend & Go to Lunch: Warm up your win- ter blues with good food and conversation! VON Senior Support Services offers Lunch Out Program. Meet or take a friend or neighbour to a restaurant chosen in your community. We offer Lunch Out Programs in Ilderton, Lucan, and Ailsa Craig/Parkhill. Transportation is available. Just call our office to join the fun at 227-4546 or 1-800-561- 1555. Here are the area restaurants and upcoming dates: Hope to see you there!!! Ilderton Lucan March 15 April 12 James Place Damen's London St.Mary's Ailsa Craig/Parkhill April 28 Kelli's Parkhill (CALL OUR OFFICE BY) Marchll April8 April25 $ 1300 in 58 numbers Centralia/Huron Park Lions Bingo on Sunday March 6, 2005 at South Huron Rec. Centre Progressive Bingo, $1300 in 58 numbers. Doors open at 12 p.m. Bingo starts at 1 p.m. Exeter Oddfellows & Rebekahs Annual Friendship Dinner & Dance. To be held at the Kirkton, Woodham Community Centre at Kirkton on March 19, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. Advance tickets only. Dance tickets at the door. Music by the Pierce Family. MC for the evening is Bob Heywood. For more informa- tion, please contact Harold Parsons at 235-2224 or Steve Corbett at 236-4514 Exeter Lioness Annual Chili Lunch Held on Friday, April 1, 2005, 11:30 a.m. — 1 p.m. at the Lions Youth Centre, 125 John St., W.; Take Out Available; Advance Tickets Only. Tickets are available at Stedmans V & S or from any Lioness member Legion News: D.V.A. Counselor, Deanna Golsselin and Service Officer Norn Eveland will be at the R.E. Pooley Branch 167 on March27, 2005. Veterans, Spouses of Veterans and Peace Keepers may visit her between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. VON Palliative CareVolunteer Program 12 Hour Bereavement Loss Education VON Palliative Care Volunteer Program with sponsor- ship from the Grand Bend Rotary Club is offering Bereavement/Loss Education Sessions to multidiscipli- nary groups (nurses, PSW's, RPN's volunteers and any interested persons). This program will support and educate on bereavement/ loss issues both personally and on the job. For more information or to register please contact, Kim Winbow — VON Bereavement Consultant, held at Grand Bend Community Health Centre Wednesdays April 6, 13, 20, 27. In Exeter & area contact VON Palliative Care Volunteer 24 Huron Street West, B-105 Exeter ON NOM 1S2. Phone (519) 235-2510 or Fax: (519) 235-3298. Ten -Week Facilitated Peer Support: Spend time with others who are grieving the death of a loved one. Starting: March 24, 2005 Thursdays 1:30 — 4 p.m. at Grand Bend Health Centre, 69 Main St East, Grand Bend Ontario. Contact Kim Winbow at 235-2510 or Cindy Maxfield 238-1556 x 6. World Day of Prayer Friday, March 4, 2005 at 7 p.m. at the Bethel Reformed Church, Huron St., E., Exeter Ontario. Everyone welcome. Euchreama: The Exeter Seniors are hosting a Euchreama at the Legion Hall on April 29, 2005. Contact Jane Dearing for more information 235-0757. Euchreama: The Town & Country Support Services is sponsoring Euchreamas at the Betty Cardno Building, Clinton, Ontario. Mark your calendar for the following card playing date March 28, 2005. Lucan Shamrock Euchreama: The Lucan Seniors are sponsoring this yearly Irish Shamrock Euchreama, on March 17, 2005. WM be held at the Lucan Community Centre commencing at 10 a.m. Lunch provided and you have a chance for prizes. Win from the Leprechaun's Pot. Senior Games Euchreama: Mark your calendar for this important event. April 5, 2005 at Dashwood Community Centre. Starts at 10 a.m., lunch provided and you have a chance at winning a prize. Proceeds for Senior Games. Bus Trip: Hiawatha and Point Edward Casino: Monday March 14, 2005. Pickup is at the Exeter Legion at 10 a.m. Return at 6:30 p.m. Call for more information and a seat reservation to Harvey or Esther Hillman at (519) 235-1167. Active Adults Events Adult Skating: South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter Tuesday 1 to 2 p.m., Wednesday and Thursday 10 to 11 a.m. Dining for Seniors: Every Tuesday at noon. Seniors Exercises: Come to the Lions Youth Centre, 125 John St.,W., at 9 a.m. every Wednesday. Shuffleboard! Held at the Legion Hall. Games are every Tuesday and Wednesday at 2 p.m. Euchre: Every Monday afternoon at the Malibu Restaurant, Centralia, Ontario. Cards start at 1:30 p.m. After a game of cards, you can enjoy a reasonably priced meal. Third Annual Trade Fair & Information Expo: Wednesday, June 1, 2005 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Rec. Centre, Exeter. Dining on a Budget with Deb Campbell at Upstairs at Hansen's on Tuesday March 22, hours 7 to 9 p.m. March is nutrition month and also close enough after Christmas to really consider our budget when it comes to meal planning, grocery shopping and trying to be creative in the kitchen. Join Deb for an innovative look at ways to save money at the checkout and still serve scrumptious meals. As always there will be recipes to take home and samples of the menu. Senior Social at Upstairs at Hansen's on Wednesday March 30, hours 9 to 11 a.m. What a perfect time of year to have a warm cup of coffee, a snack and social- ize with your friends. No charge! Town and Country Support Services is a not-for-profit health and social service agency serving the people in Huron and Perth County. This agency provides a wide variety of services designed to support those in need of assistance to maintain a good quality of life, while sustaining a sense of dig- nity and independence living in their own home. Some of the many pro- grams provided by Town and Country Support Services include Congregate Dining, Volunteer Transportation, Friendly Visiting, Telephone Reassurance, Lifeline, Supportive Housing, Hot and Frozen Meals on Wheels, Foot Care and Exercise. Many individuals struggle to maintain their homes as they meet with physical changes brought on by illness or aging. Town and Country Support Services can provide Home Help, Homemaking or Home Maintenance to individuals to enable them to remain living in their own homes. Home Help could include assistance with things like dusting, vacuuming, laundry, light housecleaning, defrosting the fridge, cleaning the oven or stove, iron- ing and shopping errands. Homemaking might include assistance with meals and meal planning. Home Maintenance can include heavier housecleaning such as spring cleaning, yard maintenance and washing windows. With the spring season just around the cor- ner you may fmd you need one of these services. For more information please speak to Marg Hayter or Faye Skinner at 235-0258 or 1-800-263-8246. Health Section Combined Food Choices 1g fat = 4 calories 1g protein = 4 calories 1g fat = 9 calories Carbohydrates Calories 1 Submarine 8" (ham/cheese) 51 420 1/16 Quiche Lorraine 15 300 1/8 Pizza, all dressed 21 230 1 cup Macaroni & Cheese 40 320 1 cup Spaghetti & 2/3 cup of Meat Sauce 40 350 1 Doughnut (chocolate glazed 27 270 1/12 Chocolate cake (no icing) 30 200 Lest We Forget Allan Frayne Penhale was born in 1921 on Lot 20, Concession 1 in Stephen Township, Huron County Ontario. He received his public school education at S.S. #3 Stephen which was located 1-1/4 miles west of Exeter. After his graduation at public school, he continued on and attended Exeter High School to the end of Grade 13 and graduated. Allan was a member of the James Street United Church in Exeter and was very popular in music circles. Many people remembered him, a cor- net player and a soloist when he played with the Exeter Brass Band. At the time when he decided to enlist in the R.C.A.F. he was employed with the Canadian Canners, Forest Ontario. He enlisted in the R.C.A.F. in December 1942 and received his service number, #J/22610. He completed his basic training at Manning Depot in Toronto, which was located at the Toronto Exhibition Grounds. He was posted to #4 Wireless Training School in Guelph, Ontario. He graduated at this school, winning the Squadron Commander's silver cup trophy for the highest academic standing in the class at the gradua- tion ceremony for Wireless Air Gunners. From Guelph, Allan was posted to the bombing and gunnery school located at the Mosbank Air Station in Saskatchewan to complete his advanced wireless gun- nery training. He again headed his class and upon See PERSPECTIVE page 6 Jim Bearss