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Exeter Times—Advocate
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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10-11 A.M. AT CAVEN
Guest speaker:
Rev. Gwen Brown
Come and enjoy a social hour.
10 Wellington St. at Main St.
EXETER 235-3580
HOURS: MON.-WED. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
THURS.-FRI. 9 A.M.-8 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M.
Corner of James & Andrew St.
Ministers: Rev. Paul Ross and
Nancy Corrigan.
Sunday, Jan. 30
10:30 a.m. Worship service &
Sunday school. Annual meeting
& potluck lunch following.
All welcome! Confirmation
classes Wednesdays 3:45 p.m.;
Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. Fair Trade
Coffee House. CourtesyCar:
Deb Campbell 235-169.
Office: 235-0860 Fax: 235-0861
264 Main St. S.,
Rector: Rev. Fr.
William Ward.
4th Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday, Jan. 30
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist
11 a.m. Sunday School
Annual Vestry Meeting follow-
ing potluck lunch.
187 Huron St. W.
Sunday, Jan. 30
9:30 a.m. Lord's Supper CAVEN
11 a.m. Family Bible Hour
with guest speaker PRESBYTERIAN
Doug Hill of London. CHURCH
Thursday Evening
Bible Study at 7:30 p.m. 68 Main Street South
For info call 229-6572 235-2784
The Rev. Gwen Brown
Courtesy Car - 235-2784
Sunday, Jan. 30
10:30 a.m. Worship Service
Corner of Highway 4
& Kirkton Road
Pastor Scott Stein
Sunday, Jan. 30
Christian Education
9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship
10:30 a.m.
Everyone Welcome
332 Huron St. W.
Pastor Harry Frielink
Sunday, Jan. 30
10 a.m. Morning Worship
Children's Ministry
ages 3-9 during morning
7 p.m. Sunday Evening
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
100 Births
MCLEOD - Travis, Alexis and
their parents Candice and Caleb
are thrilled to announce the
arrival of Kyla Aurora Jade born
at home January 17, 2005 weigh-
ing 6 lbs. 11 oz. Special thanks
to midwife Susan Wilts and birth
attendent Kendra Wilts for arriv-
ing just in time. (4*)
TAI - Diane and Ted Tai of
Calgary are thrilled to announce
the safe arrival of Olivia's baby
sister Sydney Currell Tai. She
arrived January 4, 2005 weighing
6 lbs. 12 oz. Proud grandparents
are Don and Iris Currell of
Exeter and John & Eva Tai of
Toronto. (4*)
Julie are happy to announce the
birth of their daughter Molly
Morgan. Molly was born at 3:27
am. on January 13, 2005 in
Stratford. Proud grandparents
are Linda Towton of Crediton,
Cam & Judy McLeod and Don
Towton of Exeter. Special
thanks to both grandmas for
being so helpful. (4*)
102 Deaths
BERENDSEN - Peter William
Frederick Berendsen died peace-
fully after his battle with cancer,
at Parkwood Hospital, on
January 16, 2005, at the age of
71. He was born in The
Netherlands and immigrated to
Canada in 1953. Dear father of
Patricia Vanderheyden (nee
Berendsen) and Marilyn Ellis,
John and Arlene Berendsen, Paul
Berendsen and Tanya Scheerer.
Loved grandfather of Michelle
(Kyle Cornelius), Sarah, Hannah
and Joel Vanderheyden and Scott
and Benjamin Berendsen. Also
remembered by Toni. Brother of
Tony (Anne) Berendsen, Joanne
(Arnold) Siroen, John (Mien)
Berendsen, Anne (Peter) De
Brouwer, Trudy de Vries, Wilma
(Joe) VanRyswyck and his
brother-in-law Peter Klomp.
Predeceased by his sister Dora
Klomp. The family received vis-
itors at the O'Neil Funeral
Home, 350 William Street,
London (432-7136) on January
18, 2005. The Funeral Mass was
held at St. Patrick's Church,
London on January 19, 2005.
Interment St. Peter's Cemetery.
Donations to the Parkwood
Hospital Foundation, Palliative
Care Unit, or the Canadian
Cancer Society would be grate-
fully appreciated. (4)
FLYNN - Suddenly at South
Huron Hospital on Friday,
January 21, 2005 Alvin J. (Al)
Flynn of Exeter in his 79th year.
Beloved husband of Margaret
(Anderson) Flynn. Dear father
of Val and Chuck Ford of RR 3
Zurich. Loving papa to Kevin,
Steven and Brian. Dear son-in-
law of Irene Anderson of
Stratford. Dear brother and
brother-in-law of Lillian Kuhn of
Exeter, Phyllis and Chuck Collett
of Crediton, Jim and Sue Jesney
of Huron Park, Les Jesney and
his friend Ellen of Lucan, Marin
and Bob Gibb of Stratford and
Dan and Daisy Anderson of St.
Marys. Predeceased by a sister
Betty Lou and her husband
Lennis Denomme and a brother-
in-law Ken Kuhn. Friends called
at the Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, Exeter where the funeral
service was held on January 25,
2005. Nancy Corrigan and Bob
Heywood officiated. Cremation
with interment Exeter Cemetery.
Donations to the South Huron
Hospital or the charity of your
choice would be appreciated by
the family. A Legion Service
was held at the funeral home on
January 24th under the auspices
of R. E. Pooley Branch #167.
Condolences may be forwarded
t hr o ug h
www.hopperhockeyth.com (4x)
105 Cards of Thanks
BEAVER - Our sincere thank
you to everyone who showed
concem with cards of sympathy,
phone calls, words of encourage-
ment, hugs and prayers after the
passing of a dearly loved sister
and best friend, Mary Webb.
Your thoughtfulness is much
appreciated. Marg & Ross
Beaver and family. (4*)
would like to take this opportuni-
ty to thank Canadian Diabetes
Association and Cruise Selloffs
for their door prize donation of a
Carribean cruise to the Harvest
Hop. A special thanks to Wayne
and Pam Hall for helping to
ensure we had a smooth and
enjoyable vacation. Sarah
Culbert & James Aoki (4*)
FABER - The family of the late
Bert Faber wish to thank every-
one who offered their condo-
lences. Words can't express our
appreciation for the thoughtful-
ness and kindness of so many
people. For our caring family,
relatives, friends and neighbours,
your kind words, thoughts and
prayers, your gifts of flowers,
visitation and charitable dona-
tions, cards, food, phone calls, e-
mails and hugs helped us get
through this very difficult time.
Thanks to his checker and chess
buddies who came to play and
pass the time with him. A spe-
cial and very sincere thank you
to Dr. Wallace and Margaret
Visscher for their years of caring
support. We would especially
like to thank Rev. Marybeth
Wilson for her comforting mes-
sage. The organist and choir, the
grandchildren for their heart-
warming eulogies, the pallbear-
ers and to Joyce McBeath
Funeral Home for her under-
standing, care and support.
Susan & family (4*)
HORNER - I wish to thank my
family for their support while I
was in the hospital and since I
have returned home. Special
thanks to Elwood & Shirley and
Doug & Phil for supplying trans-
portation for Marg while I was in
the hospital. The visits, cards
and treats from friends, relatives
and neighbours was all very
much appreciated. Earl (4*)
KNOX - The family of the late
Robert Knox wish to express our
sincere thanks to everyone for
the many acts of kindness shown
to us with gifts, cards, floral
arrangements, memorial dona-
tions, food brought to the house,
words of condolence and phone
calls. A special thanks to the
staff of Queensway Nursing
Home for taking good care of
Dad the past three years and
South Huron Hospital for the
great care in his last day. A spe-
cial thank you to Jean Glasgow
who guided us through the last
hour of Dad's life, Susan Moore
for her comforting message, the
staff of Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, the pallbearers and the
ladies of Exeter Legion for the
lunch. Thank you all so much.
The Knox Family (4*)
105 Cards of Thanks
MARY ANN - What can a per-
son say or write on paper to all
my relatives, friends and neigh-
bours on sharing my 50th, but
"Thank You"! and I love you
all. The gifts, cards and Happy
Birthday wishes were wonderful.
You know turning "50" is not as
bad as people let on. Things
come and go - change for better
or worse and we look at life a lit-
tle differently, but for the most
part we are wiser. I have a spe-
cial Thank you to my brother
Peter for helping s000 much with
the party and food, and Jackie &
Fred, Debbie & Doug, Vicki &
Paul, Rita & Kevin, Barb & Pete,
Mom Donelda and little Braden
& Grace. You all helped make
the day special. An extra special
Hug & Kiss for my husband
Dan, daughters Amanda &
Angie and future son-in-law
Jason. Mary Ann (4*)
OTTERBEIN - I wish to thank
all my friends who have visited
me during the past months recu-
perating from my surgery and for
cards, treats and floral arrang-
ments. Special thanks to my son
Wayne and his wife Judi who
helped nurse me back to health.
Thanks to Pastor Ann for her ser-
vice. Helen D. Otterbein (4*)
PRANCE - Thank you to all
friends, neighbours, lodge mem-
bers and relatives who sent cards,
flowers and special thoughts to
us in memory of our sister Mary
Ellen Webb (Prance) of
Waterdown, ON who passed
away December 27/04 after an
ongoing battle with her health.
All our appreciation, Wayne &
Fran (4)
PRANCE - Thank you to all the
thoughtful firends, relatives and
aquaintances who offered their
sympathy for the loss of my
daughter Mary Ellen Webb
(Prance). The many cards, flow-
ers and kind gestures made this
difficult time easier. Gordon (4)
SANGSTER - The family of the
late James "Jim" Sangster wishes
to thank all who came to share in
the time of remembrance Jan.
15/05. All donations, cards,
flowers or phone calls were
much appreciated. Thanks to St.
Elizabeth nurses, staff at South
Huron Hospital, T. Harry
Hoffman Funeral Home and
Hensall United Church ladies for
their help. Thanks to Rev.
Sharon Willis -Whitwell and
Pastor Fred Dark for their kind
and thoughtful words. A special
and sincere thank you to his doc-
tor and friend Dr. Lam. Your
kindness will always be remem-
bered. Brad, Pat, Ralph & fami-
ly (4*)
WORRELL - Words cannot
express our appreciation for the
thoughtfulness of so many peo-
ple on the death of our husband
and father Bill. Thanks to all for
cards, flowers, food sent to the
house and words of comfort.
Special thanks to Debra & April
Wood for the extra time spent
here and also to Marilyn Moffatt,
Bob Heywood and Dinney
Funeral Home. Pauline & Cody
The Bible alone is the trustworthy authority concerning your eternal personal
destiny and indeed the future of this world and all of mankind. For millions of
Christian believers it has proven itself accurate by foretelling prophetically, truths
concerning Jesus - our Saviour, the nation of Israel, the city of Jerusalem and
many of the nations of the earth. Do you know the Bible even predicted the
technology we enjoy, the weaponry being used, the moral decay of society, and an
end times church who would choose to preach human wisdom instead of the truth
of the Scriptures. Even the natural disasters we see around the world through
earthquakes, disease and famine are on the Bible's prophetic timetable.
106 In Memoriam
CORBETT - In memory of a
special man, Ross our Dad and
Grandpa, who left us January 28,
As time goes by without you
And the days turn into years,
They hold a million memories
And a thousand silent tears.
To us you were so special,
What more is there to say
Except to wish with all our hearts
Thay you were here today.
Lovingly remembered by
Steven, Janine, Gerald, Cecelia
& Laura (4*)
GINGERICH - In loving memo-
ry of a dear husband, father and
Grandpa Mel Gingerich who
passed away five years ago
January 30, 2000.
Memories are the windows
that hold the past in view,
Through them we see the past
with memories with you.
Lovingly remembered and
missed by Mary Ellen and all
your family. (4*)
KOEHLER - In loving memory
of Alice, our wonderful Mother
and Grandmother, who passed
away 5 years ago, January 31,
In tears we watched you sinking,
We watched you fade away,
Our hearts were almost broken,
You fought so hard to stay.
But when we saw you sleeping,
So peacefully free from pain,
We could not wish you back,
To suffer that again.
God saw you getting tired,
When a cure was not to be,
So He closed His arms around
And whispered "Come to Me".
You did not deserve what you
went through
And so He gave you rest
God's garden must be beautiful
For He only takes the best.
It broke our hearts to lose you
But you did not go alone
For part of us went with you
To God's garden, your new
Always loved and remembered
by Debbie, Natalie, Cathy,
Connie, Colleen, Nancy and
Families. (4*)
KOEHLER - This is dedicated to
the memory of our Sister and
Aunt, Alice Koehler (aka Tucca),
who left us five years ago on
January 31, 2000.
For the past five years now
We've missed you every day.
If we could turn back time
You'd still be here today.
But if we think about it
You're still here in many ways.
In our heart and mind
And every time we pray.
You're in new babies eyes
And in certain things we say
Behind grins and smiles
And the reason Maggie plays.
You're in the breeze that blows
And the rainbow on rainy days.
You're the new flower in the gar-
And the warmth behind sun rays.
These are reminders you're here
Walking beside us every day.
Thank goodness for our memo-
And that we'll all be back togeth-
er, someday.
Lovingly remembered by; Barb,
Larry, Darrell, Angie and Erika
Moore. (4*)
STANLAKE - In loving memo-
ry of a dear son, brother and
Uncle Jack, who passed away
January 25, 2004.
In times of need
He was always there,
Asking for little
But giving so much.
Forever in our thoughts. Bruce,
Ruby, Sandra, Dan & Ted and
their families. (4*)