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Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
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Biad Eutph 150th scholarship
Heather Marr, second from right, was recently congratulated by the Biddulph 150
committee for winning the committee's fourth annual scholarship of $240. Marr, a
student atYork University, wrote an essay on athletics as part of her application
for the scholarship. From left, with Marr, are Biddulph 150 committee members
Jackie Martens, Phyllis O'Neil and Marguerite McRoberts. (photo/submitted)
Valentine's meeting for Varna UCW
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - The Shufflers met Jan. 20
and the top shufflers were Ann Drew
220, Charles Reid 160, Wes McBride
140 and Edna Owens 128. Next shuf-
fling day will be Thurs.,
Jan. 27 at 2 p.m. at the
Varna Complex. Everyone is welcome.
The Stan Lee Club meets Tues., Feb. 1
at the Dinner Bell in Clinton at 12:30
Church was in Goshen on Sunday with
pastor Elly Van Bergen leading the ser-
vice. The choir's gift of music was 'A
Mansion on the Hilltop'. Cameron
Laurie lit the Christ Candle. Laurie's
birthday was Jan. 23.
Sun., Jan. 30 church will be held in
Goshen Church and on Sun., Feb. 6 it
will be in Varna with a Simple Fare
Luncheon of homemade chili and buns
at noon.
The free-will offering will be for the
Tsunami Relief Fund.
Sun., Feb. 13 will be the
annual meeting for Varna and Goshen's
is Feb. 20. Reports are now due.
Thurs., Feb. 10 the Varna UCW will
meet at J.D.'s in Bayfield at 6 p.m.
Come and celebrate St. Valentine's Day
and wear your favourite pin. Please
speak to Eleanor McAsh if you can
Tatting course offered
GRAND BEND — Glena Ladell,
Southern Region Board Director for
the Federated Women's Institute of
Ontario was guest speaker for the
January meeting of the Grand Bend
Women's Institute.
Ladell reminded all that the
Women's Institute organization is
over 100 years old. It all began when
a woman by the name of Adelaide
Hunter Hoodless turned a personal
grief into a crusade to save other
women from a trouble like her own.
Her 14 -month-old baby boy died
from the effects of contaminated milk
and she felt she should have known
more about how to care for her
baby. Farmers held meetings
about the care and feeding of
their livestock and Hoodless
said women needed an orga-
nization of their own to teach
them the care and feeding of chil-
Erland Lee and his wife Janet were
impressed and on Feb. 19, 1897 at
Stoney Creek the first meeting of the
Women's Institute in the world was
Its mandate included self improve-
ment, government lobbying and com-
munity betterment. Women from all
over the world came together to
shape tomorrow's world.
Several resolutions such as dim-
ming lights when meeting a car, no
staples on packaged food products,
and the lines painted on center of
provincial highways are the result of
the Women's Institutes. We are now
trying to make the labelling of all
Genetically Modified Foods mandato-
ry and the installation of 3 -point rear
seat belts.
Today the Institute promotes farm
safety, personal growth, offer schol-
arships and improves family and
community life.
The ROSE program—Rural Ontario
Sharing Education—is a very inter-
esting program. There are 539
branches of Women's Institute in
Ladell was introduced and thanked
by President Cass Lovie.
During the business meeting it was
decided to send money to support the
Tsunami Fund. A bus trip is being
arranged to visit the Grand River
Boat Cruise in June and also to view
the Quilt Quills and Bears
Women's Institute Show in
rim September at the
i. International Centre at
u�t�{ Mississauga on Sept. 17, 2005.
Grand Bend Women's Institute
will host the South Huron District pic-
nic in July. The display in the Library
Showcase has produced a good
A needle tatting course will be
offered in the community Feb. 19.
Pre -register by Feb. 5. Call Cass
Lovie at 238-2727 for more informa-
tion. The second quilt to be sold in
the show in September was dis-
played. The women quilted this quilt
in January. The February meeting is
Feb. 17 and a guest from the
Alzheimer Society will speak.
The Institute motto is 'For Home
and Country'. The root of the
Women's Institute movement is the
local branch where members work to
improve family and community life.
WI is the short form of Women's
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Induce your
Your photo and write up will
appear in a Special bridal
imue Wedne6day Feb. 9/05
Deadline for submitting photos and information is Friday, January 28, 2005
Don't miss out - simply drop off your photo and information to the
424 Main &.. Exeter
Monday to friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
or call
Use the following form and submit to the Journal Argus
jGrooms Name
1 Groom's Parents Names
Engagement Date
Attendants Names
Bride's Name
Bride's Parents Names
Wedding Date
jWedding Reception Location Honeymoon Location
1 Couples Residence Location