HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2005-01-19, Page 2626 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, January 19, 2005 Classifieds/Community 20 Property for Rent HENSALL - QUEEN MARY APTS. - 2 bedroom $499.45. 2 bedroom ground floor $550.00. Fridge, stove, water and sewage included. Laundry facilities, paved parking. 262- 3267. (41tfn) LAND FOR RENT - 97 acres tiled. Centralia area. Phone 228-6821 or leave message. (2;3*) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APT. - Controlled entry, central air, laundry, parking. $500/month. 227-4766. (494*) LUCAN - 241 BUTLER ST - 1 bedroom main floor. Laundry. $525 inclusive. 227-1285 or 681-4827.(52-8*) SECOND FLOOR APT. - 1200 sq. ft. Two bedrooms, fireplace, fridge & stove, quiet street. Available Feb lst. $600. Contact Gary at 235- 0800 before 6pm. (51tfn) SMALL ONE BEDROOM APT. - Fridge and stove pro- vided. $400 plus hydro. 235- 1854. (51tfn) 20 Property for Rent SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM APT. - in front half of duplex. Fridge, stove, parking and water included. $485 a month. References required. 235- 0126. (3tfn) TWO BEDROOM APART- MENT - A six room apartment newly decorated with fridge and stove and heat included. Located upper downtown. Please call Dinneys 9-5 pm. 235-0173. (2tfn) ZURICH - 1 & 2 BEDROOM APT. - $425 plus hydro. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove. Newly renovated ceramic and carpet. Available Feb. 1. 679- 5810. (2-9*) ZURICH SPACIOUS - modern 2 bedroom apartment. Appliances available. Washer & dryer hookup, controlled entry. Phone Rau Manor. 236- 4607. (19tfn) 1 - SMALL 2ND FLOOR APT. - $365 a month. Utilities included. Available anytime. 235-4948. (2;3*) NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" 1M COMING EVENTS HAMILTON RV & CAMPING SHOW - February 4,5,6 - Copps Coliseum, Hamilton. SEE MORE 2005 Recreation Vehicles & Camping products. Visit www.rvshowhamilton.ca for more details. IME BUSINESS OPPS RUN YOUR OWN BUSINESS - Country Depot, TrueValue Hardware, V&S Options Dealerships available. New & existing locations. 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World champion instructors. For more info call 705-726-2120 L EDUCATIONAL OP4 BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR with our great home -study course. Call today for your FREE brochure. 1-800-267-1829. www.sheffieldschool.ca Sheffield School of Interi- or Design, Ottawa, ON r EMPLOYMENT OPPS. WORKER'S COMP PROBLEMS? WE GET RESULTS! For FREE consultation CALL our Toll - Free number 1-888-747-6474 - Quote #777. Serv- ing all Ontario. CHEAP TELEPHONE RECONNECT - Ring in the New Year! Monthly service $49.95 and connection fee of only $36.13! Call Phone Factory loll free 1- 877-336.2274; www.phonefactory.ca PHONE DISCONNECTED? Lowest reconnection rates. Only $38./month-every month! Switch to Easy Reconnect, no charge. Enjoy your savings! You'll thank us. 1-877-446-5877. OFFSET PRESS OPERATOR, 3-5 years experi- ence required in 2 or 4 colour operation. Wells Marshall, Artisan Press Ltd., Yellowknife, NWT. Phone 867-920-2794. Fax 867-873-8487 FINANCIAL SERVICES A PAY $0 TAX IN 2004. 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PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT 1-800-509-5826 • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $79 • Eastern Ontario $140 • Western Ontario $130 • Central Ontario $136 • All Ontario $395 • National Packages Available • Call this paper for details! 27 Tenders Wanted 27 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER The Premium Pork Facilities LUCAN, ONTARIO Two Parcels: CAN BE BID SEPARATELY OR TOGETHER PARCEL #1 3.68 Acres. Quality Office Building of 3,000 sq. ft. with superior finish. Drive-through truck wash, with a sterilization facility, for the livestock industry. Side -split three bedroom residence, with garage and a one bedroom apartment. PARCEL #2: 1.25 Acres. Specialized Office Building, with offices a separate teaching facility and warehouse. Quality finish and construction. Paved entrances and parking areas. All of the Grounds have been professionally landscaped. For Tender package or showing contact the owner: Cliff Knip 519-228-6236 or cknip@quadro.net SALES REPRESENTATIVES: Don Mackenzie, Stewart Buchanan Canadian Commercial Realty Inc. 519-672-7490 • Fax 519-672-1012 Exeter UCW hold meeting by Helen Roberts EXETER - The afternoon United Church Women of Exeter United Church held their meeting Jan. 13 with leader Marian Dougall in charge. Business was discussed. Pat Down presented some reports. Helen Roberts convened the worship and used the theme, 'Turn a new page for the year 2005' for the topic. Mary Baechler read from Phillipians 3:12- 21. Doris Sillery read a poem on `Thoughts' and Baechler read `Happiness'. Roberts gave 'Ten Commandments for Good Living' and 'At the Gate of the Year'. Ruth Insley played the piano for the hymns. The meeting closed with the Benediction. Leona Hern's group served lunch. Talent show slated for Jan. 30 at Queensway HENSALL - Queensway residents held their first choir practice Monday afternoon with Belva Fuss as volunteer pianist. Their first performance will be at Queensway's talent show Sun., Jan 30 with an appearance in March at the Exeter Dining for Seniors and in April at Clinton Dining for Seniors. Choir members are looking forward to these upcoming bookings. Lori Burt R.M.T. provided therapeutic massage to several residents throughout the day. Tuesday morning volunteer Kay Mock assisted at the always popular Breakfast Group program. Residents feasted on stacks of pancakes, sausages, melon, orange juice and lots of tea and coffee. Everyone lingered over second helpings amid stimulating conversation on numerous top- ics. Pastor Elly Van Bergen led worship Tuesday afternoon with a message on `Gentle Justice Through Jesus'. Fuss was volunteer pianist. Fun and Fitness started the day for residents Wednesday morning it does three mornings a week. Following the exercise routine, word games and quiz were played to stimulate cognitive func- tion. Thursday morning a number of residents gath- ered for Coffee and Current Events, perusing the daily and various weekly papers. In the afternoon Cathy McClure R.N. shared her video, Seabisquit with residents gathered in the sunroom. Music Therapist Lisa Stewart visited her many clients Friday morning and even provided dinner music as residents enjoyed lunch. The week ended on a relaxing note Friday with several women benefiting from hand soaks, manicures and mas- sage. Coming events • Sat., Jan. 22 from 10 a.m. to noon, `Alzheimer Walk for Memories' at South Huron District High School. There's still time to call in pledges. • Thurs., Jan. 27 at 6 p.m. Senior Diners; at 7 p.m. a birthday party with Harvey Smith and Friends. • Sun., Jan. 30 at 2 p.m., talent show. Panther Profile EXETER - Plans are being made already to start South Huron's second Relay for Life! This is an event where teams with 10 members each raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society and then spend 12 hours walking around a track, which will be the track at South Huron. This event is open to the community, but slow down - it doesn't happen till later on in the year. But if you're wonder- ing how you can get involved, just contact the school! A reminder to all students that exams are from Fri., Jan. 28 to Wed., Feb. 2. Morning exams are at 9 a.m. and afternoon exams are at 1 p.m. If anyone has a conflict, they need to see Mr. McEwan as soon as possible! The new semester starts Mon., Feb. 7. Coming events Wed., Jan. 19 • Boys hockey in Clinton • Boys basketball at St. Marys Thurs., Jan. 20 • Girls volleyball at St. Mike's Thurs., Jan. 27 • Community Forum on Bullying in the library at 7 p.m. AMANDA ZEHR PANTHER PROFILE Credit Union collects $33,000 for relief fund CLINTON - Credit union staff, members and others within communi- ties served by the credit union have opened their hearts and wallets for vic- tims of the tsunami disas- ter in Southeast Asia. Donations received through Heartland Branches to Jan. 11, 2005 totaled nearly $33,000. All donations - individu- ally and corporately - are being forwarded to the Canadian Red Cross Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Campaign. Provincially, credit unions have gathered over $425,000 in dona- tions to date with efforts coordinated by CanHelp, the credit union's provin- cial disaster relief pro- gram. Donations received by Jan. 11, 2005 are eligi- ble for matching dona- tions from the Federal Government. According to Jim Lynn, Chief Executive Officer of Heartland Community Credit Union, "The extent of compassion and gen- erosity demonstrated by Heartland staff, members and the public at large is simply tremendous - a glowing tribute to the car- ing nature of people with- in our local communi- ties." Heartland Community Credit Union will continue to accept donations until Jan. 28, 2005. The Canadian Red Cross is issuing official tax receipts for donations of $10 or more. (Note that donations made after Jan. 11 will receive a donation receipt from the Red Cross for 2005.) Clinton sisters and brothers joining lodge EXETER - On Jan. 19, Clinton sisters and brothers will join the Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge. A potluck supper will begin at 6:30 p.m. Officers are to wear white. The Grand Master's banquet is scheduled for Jan. 25 in Stratford. NG Jean Hodgert has tickets for $15 each. A poor boy lunch will be held on Jan. 28 in the Lodge Hall above The Purple Turtle. Corrections In the year end sports wrap up of the Times - Advocate, Exeter Hawk head coach Dave Revington was cut off a picture of the Junior D champions during publi- cation. The Times - Advocate regrets the error. In the Jan. 12 edition of the Times -Advocate, a story on the tsunami relief fund stated the Heartland Community Credit Union approached South Huron Council about setting up a dona- tion box. The story should have stated council approached the Credit Union. The Times -Advocate regrets the error.