HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-12-29, Page 25Wednesday, December 29, 2004 Exeter Times -Advocate 25 Classifieds 20 Property for Rent SECOND FLOOR APT. - 1200 sq. ft. Two bedrooms, fireplace, fridge & stove, quiet street. Available Feb 1st. $600. Contact Jerry MacLean 235-1286 after 6pm. (51tfn) SMALL ONE BEDROOM APT. - Fridge and stove pro- vided. $400 plus hydro. 235- 1854. (51tfn) ZURICH - 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS - 4 appli- ances, $410 plus hydro and $475 plus hydro. Phone 679- 5810. (49-4*) ZURICH SPACIOUS - mod- ern 2 bedroom apartment. Appliances available. Washer & dryer hookup, controlled entry. Phone Rau Manor. 236-4607. (19tfn) SKYLINE INCORPORATED Hensall Country living! Large, Bachelor, 1, 2, 3 bedrooms Starting at $400 inclusive Call 519-474-7951 Or visit our website @ www.skylineonline.ca 20 Property for Rent "Your Stuff" Self -Storage 280 THAMES RD. W., EXETER 235-2345 NEED SPACE? WE HAVE IT! Indoor and Outdoor OUR ADVERTISING POLICY Advertising in the Times -Advocate is accept- ed on condition that, in the event of a typo- graphical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, will be re -run in a subsequent issue as a make good at no charge, while the balance of the advertisement will be paid for at an applica- ble rate. In the event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods or services may not be sold. Advertising is an offer to sell and may be withdrawn at any time. Any errors must be acknowledged within seven days of publica- tion. The Times -Advocate reserves the privilege of revising or rejecting advertisements that it considers objectionable and to change the classification of any advertisement from that ordered to conform to the policy of this news- paper. Contents are protected by copyright. Reproduction of any material without the per- mission of the publisher is forbidden. 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CLASSIFIht 26 Legal Notices THE Huron/Perth Community Legal Clinic provides FREE LEGAL ADVICE on Your Rights Around: Ontario Works Ontario Disability Support Program *Employment Insurance *Landlord and Tenant Matters *Criminal Injuries Compensation *Canada Pension Plan *Powers of Attorney Staff from the Legal Clinic will be in Seaforth at the Huron Employment Resource Centre on Tuesday, January 4 from 1:30 - 4:00 (and the 1st Monday of every month) APPOINTMENTS ARE RECOMMENDED. Please call 524-4406 or 1-866-867-1027 Must Meet Financial Criteria to qualify For Services TIMES -ADVOCATE 424 Main St. Exeter 235-1331 Fax 235-0766 19 Property for Sale NETWORK CLASSIFIEDS "Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country" a COMING EVENTS • TORONTO RV SHOW - January 20-23 - Toronto Congress Centre, Dixon and Hwy 27 at the airport. Admission $5.00, Family $10.00 - FREE parking. SEE MORE 2005 Recreation Vehicles. Visit www.rvshowtoronto.ca for more details. BUSINESS OPPS. 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